134 resultados para Alkali activated


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杨树具有分布广、适应性强,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是我国的特有种。本研究通过对不同水分梯度的干旱胁迫下青杨形态和生理生化的反应,不同pH值盐碱胁迫下不同海拔和不同气候地区的四个青杨种群在生理生态上的反应差异,以及在干旱和低温胁迫下青杨lea2, lea3组基因表达差异的研究,从形态、生理、生化和分子生物学水平系统地研究了青杨在不同逆境胁迫下的反应和青杨不同种群在盐碱胁迫下的反应差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨在干旱胁迫下的反应机制:中度和重度干旱胁迫下植株的生长受到明显抑制。表现在光合系统上青杨的净光合同化速率(A)下降,主要原因是气孔导度(gs),胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)下降。另外最大量子产量(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭效率(qP)降低反应了干旱胁迫下光合系统II(PSII)受到严重损伤, 而且非光化学猝灭效率(qN)上升,导致可利用化学能产量下降,叶绿体产生淀粉的量减少。qP降低qN上升导致产生的过量电子对光合系统的伤害造成活性氧以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量增加。超微解剖结构显示,干旱胁迫增强时,叶绿体内淀粉粒的数目减少,而且叶绿体、线粒体等细胞器中嗜锇颗粒的数目增加。为清除细胞内的活性氧,植物一般的反应是抗氧化系统酶活性增加,对青杨来讲超氧化物歧化酶(SOD), 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APx)活性的增加远大于过氧化物酶(POD),这显示了在青杨中SOD、APx酶在清除活性氧的作用上大于POD。另外同工酶研究结果显示这些酶活性的升高主要是由于各条同工酶带表达量的增加,而不是诱导新酶带的产生。另外,75% FC水分处理下有些指标非但没有下降,像A和有效光量子产量(Y)的值都略有增加,而且gs同时增加。另外,100% FC比75% FC细胞内淀粉粒的数目少一些,但有少量的嗜锇颗粒。这证明100% FC土壤水分也许并非最适合青杨生长。 2. 盐碱胁迫对不同海拔地区青杨种群的反应差异:青杨高海拔和低海拔种群的各种生理特性随着pH值上升都受到了很大的影响。两种群叶和根中Na+、K+ 含量, Na+/K+比率随着pH值的上升影响显著。在pH值高于10.4时高海拔种群叶和根中Na+/K+比率急剧下降但是低海拔种群中却一直维持在较高水平。两种群中MDA、脯氨酸(Proline)的含量,抗氧化系统酶的活性都受到了严重的影响,证明两个种群都属于盐碱胁迫敏感类型但是高海拔的种群对盐碱胁迫的耐性要高于低海拔。这主要是由于高海拔种群一般具有耐干旱、低温胁迫的能力,而植物的抗逆机制一般都有共通之处。 3. 盐碱胁迫对不同气候地区青杨种群的反应差异:盐碱胁迫下两种群的光合作用受到明显的抑制,具体表现在叶绿素的含量和A 显著下降。净光合速率的下降主要是由于叶片gs,Ci 值降低引起的。与湿润地区的种群相比盐碱胁迫增强时,干旱地区的种群叶绿素含量和光合能力的升高与K+离子含量增加有关。植物维持细胞质高K+/Na+值对植物的抗盐性有很重要的作用。为清除盐碱胁迫产生的活性氧,抗氧化系统酶活性增加。盐碱胁迫下干旱地区的种群在SOD、CAT 和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等酶的活性均显著上升,而湿润地区种群只有谷胱甘肽氧化酶(GST)的活性明显增加,说明干旱种群的抗氧化酶系统在较高盐碱胁迫下的保护作用要强于湿润种群。这主要是由于植物抗盐碱胁迫与抗干旱胁迫在一些方面的机制是一致的,抗旱种群一般也能抵抗一定程度的盐碱胁迫。 4. 青杨lea2、lea3 基因在干旱和低温胁迫下的表达差异:通过荧光定量PCR 分析,lea2、lea3 组基因在干旱和低温胁迫下在mRNA 水平的瞬时表达量明显升高,说明了两基因在青杨耐干旱和低温胁迫上都起显著的作用。而且两基因在干旱胁迫下,表达量的升高和降低的时间近乎同步,表明两基因在干旱胁迫下对植物应急保护机制的启动都发挥着重要的作用。低温胁迫下lea3 基因在mRNA 水平上表达量显著上升的时间要早于lea2,而且lea3 基因的持续作用时间明显长于lea2 组基因,说明了低温胁迫开始时lea3基因在植物应对逆境的作用上要大于lea2 基因。 Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important components of ecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd., which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources of poplars and is specialist to china. In this study, different altitudes and climates populations of P. cathayana were used as experiment materials to investigate the adaptability to drought and salt-alkali stresses. And the cultures of P. cathayana were used to analyze the lea2 and 3 group genes expression when exposed to drought and low temperature stresses. The results are as follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronounced growth inhibition. A decreased significantly and was mainly the result of gs and Ci down. Besides, Fv/Fm, qP decreased and that reflected the harmful effects to PSII of drought stress. In accordance with qN increasing, decreased useful energy production caused the starch numbers reduction in chloroplast. The qP up and qN down improved the levels of ROS and MDA. Starch numbers in chloroplast reduced and plastoglobuli numbers increased when soil water content decreased. To reduce ROS, the activities of SOD, APX, CAT and PPO were activated. The isozymes results show that the rising activities of the antioxidant enzymes resulted from certain isoform content increased, and not from the new band produced. Interestingly, morphological results show 100%FC maybe wasn’t the favorite water content for P. cathayana growth. 2. Effect of salt-alkali stress on morphological and physiological changes in two different altitudes populations of P. cathayana: We compared the physiological responses of two populations of Populus cathayana Rehder, originating from altitudes 2,840 m and 1,450 m. Our results demonstated that Na+ and K+ contents, and Na+/K+ ratios in leaves and roots are greatly affected by pH values. At pH 10.4, the Na+/K+ ratios in both leaves and roots sharply dropped in the higher altitude population but were always maintained at higher levels in the lower altitude population. The pH values causing maximum malondialdehyde (MDA) level, free proline content and antioxidant enzyme activities were significantly different in two populations. These results indicated that the higher altitude population exhibits greater tolerance to alkalinity stress than does the lower altitude population. 3. Morphological and physiological changes in two different climates populations of P. cathayana when exposed to salt-alkali stress. Salt-alkali stress caused pronounced inhibition of the growth and especially in photosystem. Pigments content and A decreased significantly and at the same time gs and Ci decreased too. Compared with wet climate population, the Chlorophyll content and A increased in drought climate population as pH value rising was related to the K+ content increasing. It is important to resist salt-alkali stress that the K+/Na+ ratio matained at high level in cytoplasm. To reduce ROS content, the SOD, CAT and GR activities rised significantly in drought population but only GST increased in wet population. The drought population showed higher salt-alkali tolerance than the wet population mainly resulted from the fact that drought tolerance was in accordance with salt-alkali tolerance to some extent. 4. The different expressional model of lea2 and lea3 gene when P. cathayana was exposed to drought and cold stress. RT-PCR results show both lea2 and lea3 suddenly expressed significantly in mRNA level under drought and cold stress. The expression level of two genes reached optimal level at the same time. But under cold stress, the earlier significantly rising expressional time and the longer maintained higher level time in lea3 than lea2 elucidated that lea3 may be more important than lea2 in resisting cold stress in short time in P. cathayana.


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本文从成都龙泉垃圾填埋场和宜宾造纸厂分离到耐酸性能优良的高温产甲烷菌RY3和中温产甲烷菌SH4,并将其与实验室现有的利用不同底物的产甲烷菌配伍组合成了复合菌剂。采用活性污泥作为固体附着物,研制出了固体产甲烷菌复合菌剂。 菌株RY3的pH耐受范围为5.5~10.5,最适生长pH 6.0~8.0。菌株RY3为革兰氏阳性,长杆状,多数单生,不运动;菌落浅黄色,形状近圆形;利用H2+CO2或甲酸盐作为唯一碳源生长,不利用乙酸盐,对氯霉素非常敏感。该菌最适生长温度为55℃~65℃,最适NaCl浓度为0~2%。根据形态和生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列分析将其初步定为热自养甲烷热杆菌(Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus)。添加RY3菌液与仅添加厌氧污泥作为接种物相比一周内可使达到最大产甲烷速率所需时间缩短三分之二,甲烷总产量提高约1.8倍。菌株SH4的生长pH范围5.5~9.5,其对酸碱具有良好的适应性,培养3天后,在初始pH值为6.0~8.0的培养基中甲烷产量相差不大,且基本达到最大产量。SH4革兰氏染色阳性,短杆状,多数单生,不运动;菌落近圆形,微黄;利用H2+CO2或甲酸盐作为唯一碳源生长,不利用乙酸盐,对氯霉素非常敏感。SH4最适生长pH 为7.0,最适生长温度为35℃,最适NaCl浓度为0~1.5%。实验表明,添加SH4菌液与仅添加厌氧污泥作为接种物相比可使产甲烷启动时间缩短三分之一,甲烷总产量亦有大幅提高。从形态和生理生化特征以及16S rDNA序列分析表明SH4为嗜树木甲烷短杆菌(Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus)。 以活性污泥为附着物,与培养基和菌种经搅拌后厌氧发酵可得产甲烷菌固体复合菌剂。固体复合菌剂的pH耐受范围为5.5~9.5,温度耐受范围为15℃~65℃,表明其对环境的适应性较强。以猪粪为底物进行厌氧发酵,接种复合菌剂进行试验,以接种实验室长期富集的产甲烷厌氧污泥作为对照,在20℃时,发酵甲烷浓度与对照基本一致,但每日产气量优于对照,第15天时接种复合菌剂的发酵瓶每日产气量是对照的1.59倍;50℃时达到最大甲烷含量所需时间比对照缩短三分之二,三周内总产气量约为对照的2.7倍,甲烷总产量约为2.8倍。以不加接种物为对照,接种复合菌剂20℃时发酵甲烷含量达到50%约需2周,对照2周内甲烷含量最高仅为4.3%;50℃时接种复合菌剂发酵仅需约1周甲烷含量便可达50%,对照则至少需要2周。 In this paper, high-temperature Methanogen RY3 and middle-temperature SH4 were isolated from Chengdu Longquan refuse landfill and Yibin paper mill. They could be used to make compound inoculum that producing methane with the existing Methanogens utilized different substrate. With using anaerobic activated sludge be solid fixture, the process had been designed to produce solid compound inoculum. Strain RY3 possessed excellent capacity of acid and alkali-tolerant. The pH-tolerant scale of RY3 was 5.5~10.5 and its optimum pH value for growth was 6.0~8.0. RY3 was G+, long-rod shape, monothetic and nonmotile, the colony was pale yellow with suborbicular-shape. Formate or H2+CO2 but not acetate was utilized by RY3 as sole C-source, and it was very sensitive to chloramphenicol. Besides, strain RY3 grew fastest at 55℃~65 and 0℃~2% NaCl. Characteristics of modality and physiology with sequence analysis of the 16s rDNA gene of strain RY3 preliminarily showed that it was Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus. The experiments indicated that the time which began to produce methane with the highest velocity could be shortened two third by adding RY3 in one week, and the total methane production also was 1.8 times than before. Strain SH4 possessed wide scale of growing pH(5.5~9.5)and excellent ability of acclimatizing itself to acid-alkali. The methane production had no apparent difference among those cultivated in different initial pH(6.0~8.0)after three days and equaled to the maximum production basically. Cells of SH4 were G+, short-rod sharp, monothetic and nonmotile. The colony was pale yellow with suborbicular-shape. Formate or H2+CO2 but not acetate was utilized by SH4 as sole C-source, and it was very sensitive to chloramphenicol. Besides, it grew fastest at pH 7.0,55 ℃~65 and 0℃~2% NaCl concentration. The experiment indicated the time that began to produce methane could be shortening one third by adding SH4. And the total methane production also rose apparently. Characteristic of modality and physiology with sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA gene of strain SH4 demonstrated it was Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus. The activated sludge was utilized as fixture, mixed with culture medium and inocolum, that the solid compound inoculum could be produced by anaerobic fermentation. The compound inoculum could grow between pH 5.5~9.5, 15℃~65. It demonstrated the compound inoculum ha℃ve great ability of adapting to circumstance. In the experiment that making pig manure be substrate and taking the anaerobic sludge producing methane that cultured in long term in laboratory to be comparison, the concentration of methane in fermentation added compound inoculum almost equal to the comparison at 20℃, but the volume of gas production could be a little higher. The gas production everyday inoculated compound inoculum was 1.59 times to comparison. The time that the concentration of methane to maximum could be shortening by two third by adding compound inoculum, and the total gas production was 2.7 times to comprison while the total methane production was 2.8 times. If take the no inoculum be the comprasion, anaerobic fermentation added compound inoculum made the concentration of methane to 50% in 2 weeks but the comparison only to 4.3% at 20℃. The time that the concentration of methane to 50% by adding compound inoculum only need 1 week, but the comparison need 2 weeks at 50℃.


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Ammonia-treated activated carbon has been studied as a support of Ru-Ba catalyst for ammonia synthesis. It is shown that the introduction of nitrogen leads to a decrease of ammonia synthesis activity for the catalysts with a low Ba/Ru molar ratio, while no significant changes are obtained for the catalysts with a high Ba/Ru molar ratio, confirming that electronegative impurities suppress the activity in ammonia synthesis and consume part of the promoters.


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An attractive Fischer-Tropsch catalyst was prepared using an activated carbon as carrier to support cobalt based catalysts. Zr promoted Co/AC catalysts remarkably enhanced the activity and the selectivity toward diesel distillates and lower the methane selectivity. This modification may be attributed to specific behavior of activated carbon with high surface area and the weak interaction between metallic cobalt active sites and activated carbon. It was emphasized that the pore size of activated carbon played a very important role in restricting the growth of carbon chain to wax.


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The environmentally friendly removal of NO has been investigated using continuous microwave discharge (CMD) at atmospheric pressure. In these experiments, conversions of NO to N-2 as well as NO2 were mainly observed for both dry and wet feed gas, which showed a great difference from those observed with other discharge methods. The effects of a series of reaction parameters, including microwave input power, O-2 concentration, NO concentration, and gas flow rate, on the product distribution and energy efficiency were also studied. Under all reaction conditions, the conversions of NO to N-2 were higher than those to NO2. The highest conversion of NO to N-2 was 88%. The reaction rate of NO removal and the effects of the different discharge modes on NO conversion and product distribution are also discussed. Through comparison of the results of different discharge modes, it was found that the addition of CH4 apparently increased the conversion of NO to N-2 as well as the energy efficiency. A possible reaction process is suggested.