46 resultados para Accumulation area ratio


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由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20世纪升高了0.6 ℃,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ℃。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统影响深远,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。高海拔、高纬度地带的生态系统对气候变化最敏感。而在高原和高山极端环境影响下所形成的高寒草甸生态系统极其脆弱,对由于温室效应引起的全球气候变化极其敏感,对这些变化的响应更具有超前性。 本研究以川西北高寒草甸植物群落及几种主要物种为研究对象,采用国际山地综合研究中心(ITEX)普遍所采用的增温方法-----开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对高寒草甸植物群落结构、物质分配及其主要物种生长和生理的影响,以探讨高寒草甸植物响应与适应气候变暖的生物学和生态学机制。主要研究结论如下: 1、OTC的增温效果 由于地温、地表温度和气温的平均值在OTC内分别高出对照样地0.28℃、0.46℃和1.4℃,这说明本研究所采用的开顶式生长室(OTC)起到了增温的作用;同时,由于温室内与温室外接受的降水量相同,温室内由于热量条件的改善,土壤蒸发和植被的蒸腾作用增强,直接导致了OTC内土壤表层相对湿度的减少。 2、群落结构对增温的响应 由于增温时间较短,增温内外样地的物种组成并未发生改变;但增温后一定程度上改变了植物群落的小气候环境,从而导致物种间的竞争关系被破坏,种间竞争关系的破坏引起群落优势种组成发生相应的改变,在对照样地,鹅绒委陵菜、甘青老鹳草、遏蓝菜和蚤缀是占绝对优势的物种,而在OTC内,小米草、尼泊尔酸模、垂穗披碱草、发草和羊茅的重要性显著增加。 禾草和杂草由于对增温的生物学特性及其资源利用响应的不同,加之增温造成土壤含水量下降等环境因子的改变。与对照样地相比较,OTC内禾草的盖度及生物量都显著增加,而杂草的盖度和生物量则显著下降。 3、植物生长期对增温的响应 OTC内立枯和调落物的生物量在生长季末(10月份)都要小于对照样地的立枯和调落物生物量,而OTC内的地上鲜体生物量在10月份却略高于对照样地。这说明OTC内植物的衰老或死亡得以延缓,而植物的生长期得以延长。 4、群落生物量及分配对增温的响应 OTC内的地上鲜体生物量(10月份除外)和地下0-30cm的根系生物量与对照样地相比较,都出现了不同程度的减少;土壤根系的分配格局也发生了明显的改变,其中,OTC内0-10cm土层的生物量分配比例增加,而20-30cm土层生物量分配比例的减少。 5、群落碳、氮对增温的响应 增温后,OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的碳浓度不同程度的高于对照样地,植物群落的碳库在OTC内也略高于对照样地;而OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的氮浓度不同程度的低于对照样地,其植物群落的氮库与对照样地相比也略有下降。 6、几种主要植物的生长及物质分配对增温的响应 垂穗披碱草在增温后株高、比叶面积和地上生物量均显著地增加;尼泊尔酸模在增温后比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地增加,而各组分中,增温处理使叶的生物量显著增加,而根的生物量却显著下降;鹅绒委陵菜在增温后株高、比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地减少,而各组分中,增温处理使叶和茎的生物量显著减少,根的生物量却显著地增加。 尼泊尔酸模的LMR、RMR、R/S、根部碳含量、碳和氮在叶片与根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、根部氮含量、碳和氮在茎部的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低;鹅绒委陵菜的RMR、R/S、碳和氮在根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、LMR、碳在叶片的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低 7、几种主要植物的光合生理过程对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片中的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量在增温后显著减少,类胡萝卜素含量在增温后却显著增加。 增温对3种植物的气体交换产生了显著影响。其中,垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的光响应曲线在增温后明显高于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著增加,而LCP则显著降低;鹅绒委陵菜的光响应曲线在增温后则明显的低于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著减少,而LCP则显著增加。 增温后垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP则显著减少,qN却显著地增加。 8、几种主要植物的抗氧化酶系统对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,植物膜脂过氧化作用降低;鹅绒委陵菜叶片中酶促反应和非酶促反应在增温后也显著提高,但可能由于增温后的土壤干旱超过了鹅绒委陵菜叶的抗氧化保护能力,抗氧化酶活性及非酶促反应(脯氨酸、类胡萝卜素)的提高不足以完全清除干旱诱导形成的过量活性氧,因此叶片的膜脂过氧化程度仍然显著提高。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6 ℃ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase in this century by 1.4-5.8 ℃. The global warming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems. The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become the very important issuses of global change research. The terrestrial habitats of high-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are regarded as the most sensitive to changing climate. The alpine meadow ecosystme, which resulted from the composite effects of mountain extreme climatic factors in Tibetan Plateau, is thus thought to be especially vulnerable and sensitive to global warming. In this paper, the response of plant community and several main species in the alpine meadow of Northewst Sichuan to experimemtal warming was studied by using open-top chambers (OTC). The aim of the this study was to research the warming effects on plant community structure, substance allocation, growth and physiological processes of several mian species, and to explore the biological and ecological mechanism of how the alpine meadow plants acclimate and adapt to future global warming. The results were as follows: 1. Warming effects of OTC The mean soil temperature, soil surface temperature and air temperature in OTC manipulation increased by 0.28℃、0.46℃ and 1.4℃ compared to the control during the growing season. This suggested that the OTC used in our study had increased temperature there. Meanwhile, the OTC manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions, but the same amount of precipitation was supplied to both the OTC manipulation and the control, so higher soil evaporation and plant transpiration in OTC manipulation directly lead to the decrease of soil surface water content. 2. The reponse of community structure to experimental warming The species richness was not changed by the short-term effect of OTC manipulation. However, experimental warming changed the microenvironment of plant community, therefore competitive balances among species were shift, leading to changes in species dominance. In the present study, the dominant plant species in the control plots were some forbs including Potentilla anserine, Geranium pylzowianum, Thlaspi arvense and Arenaria serpyllifolia, however, the importance value of some gramineous grasses including Elymus nutans, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca ovina, and some forbs including Euphrasia tatarica and Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC. The different biology characteristics and resource utilizations between gramineous grasses and forbs, and enhanced temperature caused change in some environment factors such as soil water content. As a result, the coverage and biomass of gramineous grasses significantly increased in OTC compared to the control, however, the coverage and biomass of forbs singnifciantly decreased in OTC compared to the control. 3. The reponse of plant growing season to experimental warming Both the standing dead and fallen litter biomass in OTC were lower than those in the control in October, and the biomass of aboveground live-vegetation in OTC was higher than that of the control. The results indicated that the senescence of plants was postponed, and the growing season was prolonged in our research. 4. The reponse of community biomass accumulation and its allocation to experimental warming Experimental warming caused the decrease of aboveground live biomass and belowground root biomass except for the aboveground live biomass in October. Experimental warming also had pronounced effects on the pattern of root biomass allocation. In the present study, the root biomass in 0-10cm soil layer increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, however, the root biomass in the 20-30cm soil layer decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 5. The reponse of community C and N content to experimental warming The C concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the N concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 6. The reponse of gowth and biomass, C and N alloction of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased the height, SLA (specific leaf area) and aboveground biomass of Elymus nutans in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The SLA and total biomass of Rumex acetosa also significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to control, among the different components of Rumex acetosa, leaf biomass significantly increased, but root biomass significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the height, SLA and total biomass of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, among the different component of Potentilla anserina, leaf and stem biomass significantly decreased, but root biomass significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The LMR (leaf mass ratio), RMR (root mass ratio), R/S (shoot/root biomass ration) and root C concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively more C and N content to leaf and root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR (stem mass ration) and root N concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively less C and N content to stem in response to experimental warming. The RMR and R/S of Potentilla anserina significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively more C and N content to root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR and LMR of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively less C and N content to leaf in response to experimental warming. 7. The reponse of physiological processes of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control. However, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation significantly decreased compared to outside control. Experimental warming had pronounced effects on gas exchange of Elymus nutans, Rumex acetosa and Potentilla anserine. In the present study, warming markedly increased the light response curves of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly increased A (net photosynthesis rate), E (transpiration rate), gs (stomatal conductance), Pmax (maximum net photosynthetic rate), Rday (dark respiration rate), AQY (apparent quantum yield) and LSP (light saturation point), but LCP (photosynthetic light compensation) of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased compared to outside control. However, warming markedly decreased the light response curves of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly decreased A, E, gs, Pmax, Rday, AQY and LSP, but LCP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly increased compared to outside control. Experimental warming singnificantly increased the chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters such as Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa and qN of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation, but Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased. 8. The reponse of antioxidative systems of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming tended to increase the activities of antioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymes of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa. As a result, MDA content of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa decreased. The activities of antioxidative enzymes and non-enzymes of Potentilla anserina also significantly increased in OTC manipulation, but more O2- was produced because of lower soil water content, and the O2- accumulation exceeded the defense ability of antioxidative systems and non-enzymes fuctions. As a result, MDA content of Potentilla anserine still increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control.


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大气CO2浓度的增加已经成为不可争议的事实。预计本世纪末大气CO2浓度将增加到约700µmol mol-1。森林年光合产量约占陆地生态系统年光合产量的70%。森林树木是一个巨大的生物碳库,约占全球陆地生物碳库的85%。森林树木对CO2的固定潜力是缓解由大气CO2浓度升高引起的未来全球气候变化问题的决定性因子之一。红桦(Betula albosinensis Burk.)是川西亚高山采伐迹地自然或人工恢复的重要树种。本研究以1a红桦幼苗为模式植物,采用人工模拟的方法,研究CO2浓度升高对不同种内竞争强度(种群水平)下红桦幼苗的生理特征、生长、干物质积累及其分配的影响,探讨在种内竞争生长条件下红桦幼苗的“光合适应机理”与生长特征,为西南亚高山森林生产力对未来全球变化的预测提供重要参考。 本研究的主要结果如下: 1)在种内竞争生长条件下红桦幼苗经过CO2浓度升高熏蒸4个月后,叶片出现“光合适应”现象。与对照相比,低种植密度(28株m-2)和高种植密度(84株m-2)条件下的红桦幼苗净光合速率(A)、气孔导度(gs)、蒸腾速率(E)、表观量子产量(AQY)和羧化速率(CE)显著降低,而水分利用效率(WUE)则显著提高。CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗叶片Rubisco活性、单位叶面积N浓度、叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素浓度都显著降低。但CO2浓度对红桦幼苗的叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值没有显著影响。CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗单位叶面积的非结构性碳水化合物(TNC)浓度,结果是红桦幼苗的比叶面积(SLA,cm2 g-1)显著降低。 2)与对照相比,CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗高、基径、单叶面积和侧枝的相对生长速率(R GR)显著提高,尤其在试验处理的早期。CO2浓度升高既增加单株红桦幼苗总叶片数量又增加单叶面积,结果是单株红桦幼苗的总叶面积比对照显著增加。 3)CO2浓度升高处理显著增加红桦幼苗干物质积累(尤其是细根生物量),改变了红桦幼苗生物量的分配格局。与对照相比,CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗叶重比(LWR)、叶面积比(LAR)、叶根重比(Wl/Wr)和源汇重比(leaf weight to non-leaf weight ratio, Wsource/Wsink)显著下降(高种植密度的LWR除外),而根冠比(R/S)则显著增加。在两种种植密度条件下,CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗根生物量的分配比率,显著降低叶片的生物量分配比率,对主茎、侧枝以及地上生物量的分配比率不变或约有下降。 总之,长期生长在CO2浓度升高条件下的红桦幼苗光合能力下降,并伴随Rubisco活性、叶N浓度、光合色素浓度的显著降低以及TNC浓度的显著增加。支持树木光合速率下降与Rubisco活性、叶N浓度下降以及TNC浓度增加紧密相关的假设。CO2浓度升高处理红桦幼苗的早期相对生长速率大大高于对照,而后期迅速下降,说明红桦幼苗生物量的显著增加主要归功于CO2浓度升高的早期促进作用和叶面积的显著增加。CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗根系生物量和根冠比,表明红桦幼苗“额外”固定的C向根系转移。 The steady increae of atmospheric CO2 concentration([CO2])has been inevitable fact. Models predict that the atmospheric [CO2] will increase to about 700µmol mol-1 at the end of the twenty-first century. As trees constitute a majoor carbon reservoir–85% of total plant carbon is found in forest, and their ability to sequester carbon is a key determinant of future global change problems caused by increases in atmospheric CO2. In addition to the role of forests in the global carbon cycle, inceased growth could be of economic benefit, for example, offsetting deleterious effects of climatic changes. Betula albosinensis (Burk.) usually emerges as the pioneer species in initial stage and as constructive species in later stages of forest community succession of mountain forest area, and also is one of important tree species for afforestation in logged area, in southwesten China. In this experinment, Betula albosinensis seedling (one-year-old) was used as the model plant. B. albosinensis seedlings were grown under two all-day [CO2], ambient (about 350 µmol·mol-1) and elevated [CO2] (about 700 µmol·mol-1), and two planting densities of 28 plants per m2 and 84 plants per m2. The objectives were to characterize birch mature leaf photosynthesis, growth, mass accumulation and allocation responses to long-tern elevated growth [CO2] under the influences of neighbouring plants, and to assess whether elevated [CO2] regulated birch mature leaf photosynthetic capacity, in terms of leaf nitrogen concentration (leaf [N]), activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxygenase (Rubisco), Rubisco photosynthetic efficiency, and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) concentration, and also to provide a strong reference to predict the productivity of subalpine forests under the future global changes. The results are as follows: 1) B.albosinensis seedlings exposed to elevated [CO2] for 120 days, photosynthetic acclimation phenomena occurred. At two planting densities, leaves of birch seedlings grown under elevated [CO2] had lower net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), apparent quantum yield (AQY) and carboxylated efficiency (CE) and higher water use efficiency (WUE), compared to those of B.albosinensis seedlings grown under ambient [CO2]. Based on the leaf area, leaf [N], Rubisco activity and photosynthetic pigments concentrations of B. albosinensis seedlings grown under elevated [CO2] were significantly lower than those grown under ambient [CO2]. The ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b concentration was not affected by elevated [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], the TNC concentration per unit leaf area significantly increased, resulting in significant decrease in specific leaf area. Thus leaf photosynthetic capacity of B. albosinensis seedlings would perform worse under rising atmospheric [CO2] and the influences of neighbouring plants. 2) Under elevated [CO2], the relative growth rate (RGR) of B. albosinensis seedlings height, basal diameter, a leaf area and branch length significantly increased, especially at the initial stage of exposure to elevated [CO2], and a leaf area and leaf numbers per B. albosinensis seedling also significantly increased. Thus the total leaf area per B. albosinensis seedling was significantly increased under elevated [CO2]. 3) As the increase of RGR and total leaf area, biomass of B. albosinensis seedling grown elevated [CO2] was higher, compared to that of B.albosinensis seedlings grown at ambient [CO2]. Elevated [CO2] changed the biomass allocation pattern of B. albosinensis seedling. At two planting densities, B. albosinensis seedlings grown elevated [CO2] had lower leaf weight to total weight ratio (LWR), leaf area to total weight ratio (LAR) and leaf weight to non-leaf weight ratio (Wsource/Wsink), but higher root weight to shoot weight ratio (R/S), compared to those of B.albosinensis seedlings grown at ambient [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], roots biomass to total biomass ratio was signigicantly increased, leaves biomass to total biomass ratio was significantly decreased. The main stem and branch biomass to total biomass ratio were not affected by elevated [CO2]. In conclusion, our results supported the hypothesis that the decline in photosynthetic capacity of C3 plants will appear after long-term exposure to elevated [CO2], accompanying with the significant decrease in Rubisco activity, leaf N concentration, photosynthetic pigments concentration, and significant increase in total non-structural carbohydrates concentration. Our results also have shown that the increase of biomass of B. albosinensis seedlings should be attributed to initial stimulation on RGR and total leaf area resulted from elevated [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], the extra carbon sequestered by B.albosinensis seedlings transferred into under-ground part because of increase in root biomass and R/S.


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当前大气CO2浓度升高是全球变化的主要趋势之一,CO2浓度升高还会引起全球变暖等其它环境问题,因而CO2浓度浓度升高对植物影响的研究已经成为全球变化领域的焦点。红桦是川西亚高山地区暗针叶林演替初期的先锋树种和演替后期的建群种,在群落演替过程中它对环境因子的响应决定红桦群落的演替进程。本文通过控制CO2浓度的气候室试验,研究了CO2浓度倍增环境下,不同密度水平红桦碳氮固定、分配可能发生的改变,并探讨了升高大气CO2浓度对群体内部竞争的影响。以期通过本研究明确川西亚高山地区代表性物种红桦对未来气候变化的响应,为今后采取措施应对气候变化、妥善进行森林管理提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1.升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗生长的影响以及树皮、树干响应的不同 (1) CO2浓度升高显著促进红桦幼苗的生物量、株高、基茎的生长,同时也改变生物量在体内的分配格局,主要是增加根和主茎、减少叶在总生物量中的比重。(2)树皮和树干对升高CO2浓度的影响有差异,它们对CO2浓度升高的反应程度不同,但反应方向一致。 2.密度的副效应 (1) 增加种植密度对单株生物量、株高和基径的生长具有副效应,也降低升高CO2浓度对红桦生长的正效应。(2) 增加种植密度,显著增加红桦幼苗的群体生物量,从而使红桦群体固定更多的大气CO2气体。可见密度在决定红桦生物量及固碳能力方面具有重要意义。探索适合未来大气CO2浓度升高条件下植物生长的密度,对未来的森林经济生产、生态恢复具有重要意义。 3. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗苗冠结构及冠层内部竞争的影响 (1) 冠幅、冠高、苗冠表面积和苗冠体积等树冠特征均受CO2浓度升高的影响而增加,但是受密度增加的影响而降低。(2) 单位苗冠投影面积叶片数(LDcpa)和单位苗冠体积叶片数(LDcv)均低于相应的现行CO2浓度处理,这主要是由于冠幅和冠高的快速生长所造成的。(3) LDcpa和LDcv的降低表明,红桦在升高CO2浓度的条件下,会作出积极的响应,从而缓解由于群体和个体生长的增加所引起的竞争压力的增加。 4. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗养分元素吸收与分配的影响 (1) CO2浓度升高,植株各器官N、P含量降低,但单株N、P总吸收量均增加。红桦幼苗体内N、P浓度的下降是由于生物量迅速增加引起的稀释效应造成的。(2) CO2浓度升高,N、P向主茎和根的分配增加,向叶片的分配减少,主要是由于前者在总生物量中的比重增加,而后者减少了。(3) CO2浓度升高,氮磷利用效率(NUE和PUE)提高,氮磷累积速率(NAcR和PAcR)显著增加。而NUE和PUE的提高可以有效缓解CO2浓度升高后,亚高山和高山地区森林土壤中养分元素不足对森林生产力的限制。 5. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗群体碳平衡的影响 (1) 升高CO2浓度对植物的光合作用、呼吸速率和生长均具有促进作用。(2) 土壤有机碳含量在实验前期迅速增加,后期积累速率下降。(3) 升高CO2浓度以后,土壤呼吸显著增强;土壤呼吸还具有明显的季节变化。(4) 红桦群体日固碳量受到升高CO2浓度的促进作用。结果(1)-(4)说明所研究群落的碳动态对现行的气候波动是敏感的;所研究群落在作为大气CO2气体的源-汇关系方面至少存在季节间的源汇飘移。(5)种植密度的升高显著增加了群体固碳量。 6. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗生长后期叶片衰老的影响 升高CO2浓度有利于减缓红桦幼苗叶片生长季节末期的衰老。生长季节末期,随着CO2浓度的升高光合速率和可溶性蛋白含量均呈上升趋势,同时MDA(丙二醛)含量下降,保护酶SOD(超氧化物岐化酶)、CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性升高。由此说明,升高CO2浓度有利于减缓生长季节后期叶片的衰老,使叶片维持较高的光合速率,也从生理学的角度支持了本文及前人有关CO2浓度升高促进植物光合和生长的假说及结果。 The increased CO2 concentration is one of the most important problems among global changes. The increase of CO2 will also cause other environmental problems, such as global warming, etc. So the effects of elevated CO2 on plant have drawn sights of many scientists in the research field of global change. Red birch (Betula albosinensis) usually emerges as the pioneer species in initial stage and as constructive species in later stages of forest community succession of the dark coniferous forests in Western Sichuan, China. It’s response to elevated CO2 may determine the succession process of the community where it lives in. By controlling CO2 at the ambient and twice as the ambient level (ambient + 350 umol mol-1) using enclosed-top chambers (ETC), possible effects of elevated CO2 on carbon fixation and allocation under two plantation densities are investigated. The effects of elevated CO2 on competition within canopy of red birch seedlings are also observed in the present paper. We hope to make sure of the effects of elevated CO2 on the representative species, red birch. And so that, our results could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for forest management and afforestation under a future, CO2 elevated world. The results are as fowllows: 1. The effects of elevated CO2 on growth and the different responses of wood and bark of red birch seedlings (1) Elevated CO2 increases the growth of seedling biomass, seedling height and basal diameter of red birch. It also changed the biomass allocation in red birch seedlings. The ratio of root and main stem to all biomass is increased and the ratio of leaf is decreased. (2) Tree bark and wood show different response degree but similar response direction to elevated CO2. 2. Negative effects of planting density (1) The increase of planting density showes negative effects on the individual growth of seedling biomass, seedling height and basal diameter of red birch. It also eliminates the positive effects of elevated CO2 on growth of red birch seedlings. (2) Community biomass is increased by the elevated planting density, which means that the high density red birch community could fix more CO2 than the low density one. These results show that planting density plays an important role in determining biomass and carbon fixation ability of red birch community. Thus, exploring proper planting density becomes economically important for the future, CO2 elevated word. 3. The effects of elevated CO2 on crown architecture and competition within canopy of red birch seedlings (1) Crown width, crown depth, crown surface area and crown volume are all increased under the influence of elevated CO2. (2) Leaf number per unit area of projected crown area (LDcpa) and per unit volume of crown volume (LDcv) are lower under elevated CO2. This is resulted from the stimulated growth of tree crown features. (3) The decrease of LDcpa and LDcv indicate that plants will respond forwardly to reduce the possible increase of competition resulted from stimulated growth of individual plant and collectives in conditions of elevated CO2. 4. The effects of elevated CO2 on nutrition accumulation and allocation of red birch seedlings (1) Contents of N and P decrease due to the prompt increase of biomass of plant organs caused by elevated CO2. However, their accumulations increase under elevated CO2. (2) Elevated CO2 increases the allocation of N, P to main stem but reduced its allocation to leaf for that dry weight of the former increased but the dry weight of the later decreased. (3) Using efficiencies of N, P (NUE and PUE) and their accumulation rates (NAcR and PAcR) are found to increase under elevated CO2. Soil nutrition contents are always the limiting factors for plant growth at subalpine and alpine region. The increased NUE and PUE are helpful to eliminate the nutrition limitation in this area in the future world, when CO2 concentration doubles the ambient. 5. The effects of elevated CO2 on carbon balance of red birch communities (1) Net photosynthetic rates (Pn), dark respiration rates (Rd) and growth are all stimulated by elevated CO2. (2) Content soil organic carbon increases sharply at the primary stage of experiments and then the increasing rates decrease to a low level at later stages. (3) Soil respiration rates increase significantly with the elevation of CO2 concentration. (4) The daily carbon fixations of whole community are heightened by elevated CO2. The results (1)-(4) suggest that, the community being studied are sensitive to current climate change; the studied community, as a sink of atmospheric CO2, is pool-sink alternative between seasons. (5) The carbon fixations are increased along the increase of planting densities. 6. The effects of elevated CO2 on physiological features of leaf senescences of red birch seedlings at the later stage of growing season Elevated CO2 helps to postpone the leaf senescences of red birch at the end of the growth season. CO2 enrichment increases the photosynthetic rates, contents of soluble proteins and photosynthetic pigments. And meanwhile contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) decreases and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) are both increased. These results suggest that the senescences of red birch leaves are delayed by elevated CO2, which keep the photosynthetic rates at relatively high levels. Our results lend supports to hypothesis and results on stimulated photosynthetic rates and growth from both other researchers and the present paper.


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人类向大气中排放的大量氮氧化合物和氟氯烃类化合物(CFC’s)引起臭氧分子的分解,导致到达地球表面的紫外辐射增加,特别是UV-B辐射增强。本项目以青杨组杨树为模式植物,从形态和生理方面研究了来自不同UV-B背景下的康定杨与青杨在增强UV-B下的反应及其反应差异,并探讨了干旱、施肥对它们抗UV-B能力的影响。杨树具有分布广、适应性强、在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置,研究成果可为生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果有以下: 1. 在温室中经过增强UV-B处理,杨树的外部形态及生理活动受到了一定程度的影响。增强UV-B导致康定杨、青杨的生物量、叶面积及节间长度降低,叶片增厚,SOD活性升高,膜伤害增加,而对叶片数目、R/S、叶绿素A、叶绿素B及整个叶绿素含量没有影响。两种杨树对UV-B胁迫的响应存在差异:在增强UV-B条件下,青杨的植株高度、生物量、叶面积、脯氨酸含量、长期用水效率受到的影响大于康定杨,相比而言,康定杨在比叶面积、叶片厚度、可溶性糖含量、UV-B吸收物质的含量及SOD和GPX活性方面增加的程度大于青杨。这些区别说明,来自于高海拔的康定杨比来自于低海拔的青杨对增强UV-B 具有更强的耐性。我们认为二者在叶片厚度、比叶面积、UV-B吸收物质含量及SOD、GPX活性差异是导致对增强UV-B耐性不同的原因。 2. 干旱与增强UV-B对杨树的生长和生理特性均产生了影响,而且两种胁迫共同作用时干旱表现减弱或加剧了UV-B对杨树某些形态和生理特性的影响。 据试验结果,干旱显著地降低了杨树的株高、叶片数目、叶面积,增加了叶片厚度,促进ABA的积累,提高了CAT活性。对于干旱,两种杨树之间也表现出了一定的差异性。可溶性蛋白质和脯氨酸在青杨叶片中得到显著积累,而在康定杨中没有变化。此外,CAT、长期用水效率在康定杨中受到的影响更加明显。长期用水效率的不同变化趋势说明两种杨树对水分胁迫采用了不同的用水策略,康定杨采用的是节水用水策略,提高用水效率,而青杨采用的是耗水的用水策略。根据干旱对叶面积、脯氨酸、ABA含量、CAT活性及长期用水效率等方面的影响,我们认为来自高海拔地区的康定杨比来自低海拔的青杨有更大的耐旱性,这是对生长环境长期适应的结果。在高海拔地区,因霜冻常带来土壤水分不可利用,降低了根系对水分的吸收,树木容易受到的生理性干旱。另外,高海拔的地区低的气温使植株对严寒有较强的耐性,减少了水分的需要。 生长于增强UV-B下的康定杨和青杨植株表现为高度降低,叶面积缩小,比叶面积增加;叶片栅栏组织、海绵组织均受到增强UV-B的影响,其厚度的增加导致整个叶片变厚。增强UV-B还显著提高了杨树的APX活性、UV-B吸收物质含量,而对叶片数目、ABA、可溶性蛋白质含量及CAT活性没有产生影响。试验中也观察到了两种杨树对增强UV-B响应的差异:与康定杨相比,在增强UV-B下青杨株高、叶面积降低的程度更大一些,SOD活性显著提高。另外UV-B吸收物质受到的影响不同。根据这些差别,高海拔的康定杨(3500 m)比来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)增强UV-B有较强的耐性。 与水分充足情况下UV-B对植株的影响相比,干旱对杨树抗增强UV-B产生了一定的影响,表现为加剧或减弱UV-B对植物的影响,但这种影响与形态、生理指标有关。当干旱与增强UV-B共同作用时,杨树植株的株高、叶面积进一步降低、叶片进一步增厚。就脯氨酸的积累的而言,在没有水分胁迫时,增强UV-B促使它显著增加,而在干旱处理下这种效果变得不明显。干旱对增强UV-B的影响还与杨树的种类有一定的关系。在康定杨中,干旱减弱了增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,且在植株高度、叶面积上表现出累加效应,而在CAT上交互作用显著;但在青杨中干旱则加剧增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,在植株高度、叶面积及比叶面积上表现出显著的交互作用。据碳同素分析,在水分充足的条件下,无论是康定杨,还是青杨,增强UV-B均导致其长期用水效率的提高,然而当两种胁迫共同作用时,长期用水效率则表现出差异,在青杨中,长期用水效率得到进一步增高,而康定杨中干旱的效应被增强UV-B所减轻。 3. 田间试验表明,杨树的生长、生理特征都受到养分和增强UV-B的影响。施肥对杨树的影响表现为:提高了叶面积、生物量及SOD的活性,降低了抗坏血酸含量。对于施肥作用,两种杨树的反应也有区别:在康定杨中施肥显著增加了的叶片长度、宽度及光合色素的含量,降低了净光合速率、气孔导度及胞间CO2浓度;在青杨中,则SOD、GPX、APX活性表现增加。从试验看出,施肥对来自于高海拔地区的康定杨(3500 m)的影响较大,对来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)影响较小,这与它们对原产地的生境适应有一定关系。在康定杨生长的高海拔地区,低温度和湿度不能为地上凋落物或土壤中的根分解提供理想的条件,造成当地土壤的低养分状况,所以当肥料施用以后,效果显著。 经过增强UV-B处理,杨树叶片中UV-B吸收物质含量、GPX的活性得到提高,而脯氨酸、丙二醛、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量没有受到影响。对于增强UV-B两种杨树受到的影响也有所不同:在青杨中增强UV-B导致叶面积缩小,生物量、净光合速率降低,APX的活性及长期用水效率的提高,而对康定杨的这些指标没有产生显著影响,相反抗氧化酶的活性明显高于青杨。这些差异性是由于两种杨树对原产地不同UV-B背景的长期适应结果。康定杨长期生长在较高UV-B环境中,对UV-B有较强的耐性。而青杨适应于较低的UV-B环境,对增强UV-B较为敏感。 试验中施肥也影响了植株对增强UV-B的反应,不过这种影响与杨树的种类及测定指标有一定的相关性。例如,在缺肥的情况下,青杨的长期用水效率和康定杨的叶绿素含量都受到增强UV-B的显著影响,而施肥以后这种影响变得不显著。在缺肥的条件下,GPX、APX在青杨中的活性、GPX在康定杨中的活性对增加UV-B反应不敏感;而施肥以后则变化显著,同样胞间CO2浓度在康定杨也有类似的变化。 For past decades, Ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B reaching the Earth’s surface increased because of depletion of ozone layer resulted from emission of NxO and CFC’s from human activities. In this experiment, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca Spach from different UV-B background were selected as a model plant to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation. Morphological and physiological traits induced by enhanced UV-B were observed and the different responses between P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were discussed, furthermore the influences of drought and fertilizer on responses induced by enhanced UV-B were studied. Since poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component of ecosystems due to their fast growth and wide adaptation, the study could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation of ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The experiment conducted in a greenhouse indicated that morphological and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by enhanced UV-B radiation. Enhanced UV-B radiation not only reduced biomass, leave area and internode length, but also increased leaf thickness and SOD activity as well as MDA concentration and electrolyte rate. However, no significant changes in leaf numbers, root shoot ratio, and total chlorophyll and chlorophyll component were observed. There were different responses to enhanced UV-B radiation between two species. Compared with P. kangdingensis, cuttings of P. cathayana, exhibited lower height increment and smaller leaf area. In addition, there were significant differences in free proline, soluble protein, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and the activity of SOD and GPX, long-term WUE between them. Differences in plant height, biomass, leaf area, free proline concentration, and long-termed WUE showed that P. cathayana were more affected by enhanced UV-B radiation than P. kangdingensis. In contrast, more increase of specific leaf mass, leaf thickness, and soluble sugar, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and activity of SOD and GPX were observed in P. kangdingensis. According to these results, we suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation, which adapted to higher UV-B environments, had more tolerance to enhanced UV-B than P. cathayana from low elevation, which adapted to lower UV-B environment. We believe it was the difference of leaf thickness, specific leaf mass, and UV-B absorbing compounds as well as the activity of SOD and GPX resulted in lower adaptation of P. cathayana to enhanced UV-B radiation. 2. Growth and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by both drought and enhanced UV-B radiation. Moreover, it was observed that when two stresses applied together drought could exacerbate UV-B effects or decrease sensitivity to UV-B. In the experiment, drought significantly decreased plant height, leaf numbers, leaf area, and increased leaf thickness, and ABA, and CAT activity of two poplars. There were significant interspecific differences to drought stress. Exposed to drought, soluble protein and proline concentration were increased in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. However, more changes in CAT and long-term WUE were observed in kangdingensis. Different change in long-term WUE suggests that two poplars adapted different water-use strategies. P. kangdingensis employ a conservative water-use strategy, whereas P. cathayana employ a prodigal water-use strategy. Based on the differences in leaf area, accumulation of free proline and ABA, CAT activity as well as long-term WUE, we believed that P. kangdingensis from high elevation had a greater tolerance to drought than P. cathayana from low elevation,which is the result of adaptation to local environment. In high elevation area, trees are prone to suffer from physiological drought because of un-movable water caused by frost. Besides lower temperature enable the plants had greater adaptability to frost as a results the requirement of water is reduced Enhanced UV-B radiation decreased shoots height, leaf area, and increased specific leaf mass and thickness of palisade and sponge layer as well as APX activity and UV-B absorbing compounds in both species. Whereas, leaf numbers, ABA content, soluble protein and CAT activity showed no differences to enhanced UV-B radiation. Interspecific differences were also observed. Compared with P. kangdingensis, P. cathayana showed lower shoot height and smaller leaf area, higher SOD activity. Besides, variation in UV-B absorbing compounds was found. These differences suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation (3500 m) was more tolerant to enhanced UV-B radiation than P. cathayana from low elevation (1500 m). Compared with morphological and physiological changes induced by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions, drought exacerbated or decreased these changes. However, these effects vary with parameters measured. When two stresses applied together, shoot height and leaf area further decreased while leaf thickness further increased. Under well-watered conditions, enhanced UV-B radiation significantly increased proline content, but such effect was not observed under drought conditions. The effect of drought on enhanced UV-B radiation was related to species. For example, drought reduced the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll in P. kangdingensis, and additive effects in shoot height and leaf area and interactive effect CAT activity were observed. In contrast, for P. cathayana drought significantly exacerbated the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll; there were noticeable interaction in shoot height, leaf area and specific leaf mass. As far as long-term WUE is concerned, it was increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions in both species. While different effect was observed between two species in combination of two stresses. Long-term water use efficiency was further increased in P. cathayana whereas the effect was less significant in P. kangdingensis. 3. The field experiment showed that growth and physiological traits of poplars were affected by nutrition and enhanced UV-B radiation. Fertilization significantly increased leaf area, biomass and SOD activity, reduced Ascorbic acid concentration. There was interspecific difference in response to fertilization. For P. kangdingensis, fertilization significantly increased leaf width, leaf length and photosynthetic pigments content while net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration were significantly decreased. However, for P. cathayana, these parameters were unaffected except the increase of SOD, GPX and APX activity. From above, it could concluded that P. kangdingensis from high elevation was more affected by fertilization than P. cathayana, This difference was due to adaptation to local environment., The low temperature and moisture where P. kangdingensis was collected can not provided optimum to decompose roots and litter fall as a result the nutrition in soil was poor. Exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, for both species UV-B absorbing compounds and GPX activity were significantly increased while proline, MDA, soluble protein, chlorophyll, carotenoids were not affected. Different responses were also observed between the two species. Enhanced UV-B radiation caused significant decreases in leaf area, biomass, net photosynthetic rate and increase in APX activity and long-term WUE in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. In addition, activity in antioxidant enzymes was much higher in P. kangdingensis than in P. cathayana. In the experiment fertilization affected responses of cuttings to enhanced UV-B radiation, but it concern species and parameters measured. Long-term WUE in P. cathayana and chlorophyll in P. kangdingensis were significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under non-fertilization treatments while the increase was not found under fertilization treatment. In contrast, under no fertilization treatment enhanced UV-B radiation did not affected GPX and APX activity in P. cathayana and GPX in P. kangdingensis while significant increase appeared after application of fertilization. Similar effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on intercellular CO2 concentration in P. kangdingensis was observed.


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本研究通过粗枝云杉不同种群进行的温室半控制试验,采用植物生态学、生理学和生物化学的研究方法,系统地研究了粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性的生长、形态、生理和生化机理,并结合有关研究进行综合分析,得出主要研究结论如下: 1.粗枝云杉对干旱胁迫的综合反应 粗枝云杉在干旱胁迫下的适应机制为:(1)相对生长速率及植株结构的调整:干旱胁迫下虽然植株相对生长速率显著降低,且有相对较多的生物量向根部分配,但并未发现细根/总根比增加。(2)粗枝云杉对干旱胁迫的光合作用表现为:干旱胁迫显著地降低了控制的理想条件下的气体交换,但干旱胁迫对PSII最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)没有影响,表明干旱并未影响到光合机构。(3)干旱还影响了很多生理生化过程,包括渗透调解物质(游离脯氨酸)、膜脂过氧化产物、脱落酸(ABA)含量的增加,以及保护酶活性的升高。这些结果证明植物遭受干旱胁迫后发生了一系列的形态、生理和生化响应,这些变化能提高干旱时期植物的存活和生长能力。 2.粗枝云杉不同种群对干旱胁迫反应的种群差异 粗枝云杉三个种群-干旱种群(四川丹巴和甘肃迭部)和湿润种群(四川黑水)对干旱适应不同,这种不同应归因于它们采用的用水策略不同:在水分良好和干旱胁迫条件下,受试种群在相对生长速率和水分利用效率(WUE)方面都表现出显著的种群间差异。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群在两种水分条件下有更高的WUE。粗枝云杉不同种群的碳同位素组分(δ13C)只在干旱胁迫下有显著差异,并且这种差异在水分良好时比干旱胁迫条件下小,说明生理响应和干旱适应性之间的关系受植物内部抗旱机制和外部环境条件(如水分可利用性)或两者互作效应的影响。这些结果说明干旱种群和湿润种群所采用的用水策略不同。干旱种群有更强的抗旱能力,采用的是节水型的用水策略,而湿润种群抗旱能力较弱,采用的是耗水型的用水策略。 3. 遮荫对粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性影响 干旱胁迫显著降低了全光条件下叶相对含水量(RWC)、相对生长速率、气体交换参数、PSII的有效量子产量(Y),提高了非光化学猝灭效率(qN)、水分利用效率、脯氨酸(PRO)积累、脱落酸(ABA)含量及保护酶活性。然而这种变化在遮荫条件下不明显。我们得出结论适度遮荫降低了干旱对植物的胁迫作用。另一方面,在干旱条件下,与湿润种群相比,干旱种群抗旱性更强,表现在干旱种群净光合速率与单位重量上叶氮含量(Nmass)降低较少。另外,干旱种群表现出更为敏感的气孔导度,更高的热耗散能力(qN)能力、用水效率、ABA积累、保护酶活性,以及更低的总用水量、相对生长速率。这一结果表明这两种群采用不同的生理策略对干旱和遮荫做出反应。许多生长和生理反应差异与这两个种群原产地气候条件相适应。 4. 外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施对粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性影响 外源ABA喷施在干旱和水分良好条件下均不同程度地提高了根/茎比,表明根和茎对ABA敏感程度不同。实验结果还表明,外源ABA喷施对这两个种群在干旱胁迫期间影响不同。干旱胁迫期间,伴随着ABA喷施,湿润种群净光合速率(A)显著降低,而干旱种群净光合速率变化不明显。另一方面,外源ABA喷施显著提高了干旱条件下干旱种群的单位叶面积重(LMA)、根/茎比、细根/总根(Ft)比、水分利用效率(WUE)、ABA含量, 以及保护酶活性。然而,外源ABA喷施对湿润种群的上述测定指标没有显著影响。这一结果表明干旱种群对外源ABA喷施更为敏感, 反应在更大的气孔导度降低,更高的生物量可塑性,及更高的水分利用效率、ABA含量和保护酶活性。综上所述,我们得出结论,粗枝云杉对外源ABA敏感性因种群的不同而不同。该研究结果可为两个明显不同种群在适应分化方面提供强有力的证据。 Arid or semi-arid land covers more than half of China's land territory. In arid systems, severe shortages of soil water often coincide with periods of high temperatures and high solar radiation, producing multiple stresses on plant performance. Protection from high radiation loads in shaded microenvironments during drought may compensate for a loss of productivity due to reduced irradiance when water is available. Additionally, ABA, a well-known stress-inducible plant hormone, has long been studied as a potential mediator for induction of drought tolerance in plants. Picea asperata Mast., which is one of the most important tree species used for the production of pulp wood and timber, is a prime reforestation species in western China. In this experiment, different population of P. asperata were used as experiment material to study the adaptability to drought stress and population differences in adaptabiliy, and the effects of shade and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance. Our results cold provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation of ecosystem in the arid and semi-arid area, and provide a strong evidence for adaptive differentiation of different populations, and so may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement. The results are as follows: 1. A large set of parallel response to drought stress Drought stress caused pronounced inhibition of the growth and increased relatively dry matter allocation into the root; drought stress also caused pronounced inhibition of photosynthesis, while drought showed no effects on the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) in dark-adapted leaves, indicating that drought had no effects on the primary photochemistry of PSII. However, in light-adapted leaves, drought reduced the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (Y) and increased the non-photochemical quenching (qN). Drought also affected many physiological and biochemical processes, including increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, malondialdehyde and ABA content. These results demonstrate that there are a large set of parallel changes in the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses when plants are exposed to drought stress; these changes may enhance the capability of plants to survive and grow during drought periods. 2. Difference in adaptation to drought stress between contrasting populations of Picea asperata There were significant population differences in growth, dry matter allocation and water use efficiency. Compared with the wet climate population (Heishui), the dry climate population (Dan ba and Jiebu) showed higher LMA, fine root/total root ratio and water use efficiency under drought-stressed treatments. The results suggested that there were different water-use strategies between the dry population and the wet population. The dry climate population with higher drought tolerance may employ a conservative water-use strategy, whereas the wet climate population with lower drought tolerance may employ a prodigal water-use strategy. These variations in drought responses may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement. 3. The effects of shade on the drought tolerance For both populations tested, drought resulted in lower needle relative water content (RWC), relative growth rate (RGR), gas exchange parameters and effective PSII quantum yield (Y), and higher non-photochemical quenching (qN), water use efficiency (WUE), proline (PRO) and abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation, superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and electrolyte leakage in sun plants, whereas these changes were not significant in shade plants. Our study results implied that shade, applied together with drought, ameliorated the detrimental effects of drought. On the other hand, compared with the wet climate population, the dry climate population was more tolerant to drought in the sun treatment, as indicated by less decreases in A and mass-based leaf nitrogen content (Nmass), more responsive stomata, greater capacity for non-radiative dissipation of excitation energy as heat (analysed by qN), and higher WUE,higher level of antioxidant enzyme activities,higher ABA accumulation as well as lower MDA content and electrolyte leakage. Many of the differences in growth and physiological responses reported here are consistent with the climatic differences between the locations of the populations of P. asperata. 4. The effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance For both populations tested, exogenous ABA application increased root/shoot ratio (Rs) under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions, indicating that there was differential sensitivity to ABA in the roots and shoots. However, it appeared that ABA application affected the two P. asperata populations very differently during drought. CO2 assimilation rate (A) was significantly decreased in the wet climate population, but only to a minor extent in the dry climate population following ABA application during soil drying. On the other hand, ABA application significantly decreased stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and significantly increased leaf mass per area (LMA), Rs, fine root/total root ratio (Ft), water use efficiency (WUE), ABA contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activities under drought condition in the dry climate population, whereas ABA application did not significantly affect these parameters in the wet population plants. The results clearly demonstrated that the dry climate population was more responsive to ABA application than the wet climate population, as indicated by the strong stomata closure and by greater plasticity of LMA and biomass allocation, as well as by higher WUE, ABA content and anti-oxidative capacity to defense against oxidative stress, possibly predominantly by APX. We concluded that sensitivity to exogenous ABA application is population dependent in P. asperata. Our results provide strong evidence for adaptive differentiation between populations of P. asperata.


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杨树具有分布广、适应性强的特征,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是生长较迅速、易繁殖的重要杨树资源。本研究选取了来自不同气候地区的青杨两种群为材料,采用植物生态学、生理学和生物化学的研究方法,系统地研究了青杨对干旱与遮荫、干旱与外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施的生长、形态、生理和生化响应及种群间差异,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区的造林以及生态恢复提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结论如下:1.青杨在干旱胁迫下的适应机制为:生长性状及生物量的分配变化:干旱胁迫下虽然植株生长受抑,株高、基茎及各部分生物量都显著减小,但有相对较多的生物量向根部分配,根/冠比以及细/粗根比增加。青杨对干旱胁迫的光合作用表现为:干旱胁迫降低了青杨的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度以及光合氮利用效率,提高了瞬时用水效率。干旱还引起了活性氧的产生,使得膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)增加,同时也增强了植物抗氧化酶系统(如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性的增加)及非酶系统的能力(如抗坏血酸(AsA)含量的增加)。干旱降低了植物叶片的相对含水量,而促进了渗透调节物质(游离脯氨酸及可溶性糖)的积累,增加了植物的渗调能力。干旱下青杨两种群的内源ABA含量显著增加,碳同位素组分(δ13C)也显著提高。这些结果证明植物遭受干旱胁迫后发生一系列的形态、生理和生化响应,这些变化能提高植物在干旱下的存活和生长能力。2.青杨两种群对干旱胁迫反应的种群差异:与来自湿润地区的汉源种群相比,来自干旱地区的乐都种群在干旱条件下生物量向根系分配的可塑性更强,同时具有更强的抗氧化系统能力,所受到活性氧的伤害也更少,并且累积更多的脯胺酸和ABA,具有更高的δ13C。这些都说明了乐都种群对干旱的适应性比汉源种群更强。两种群对干旱的响应差异应归于它们的用水策略的不同:汉源种群来自湿润地区,采用了耗水型的用水策略,抗旱能力较弱;而乐都种群,来自干旱地区,通常采用节水型的用水策略,有更强的抗旱能力。3.遮荫对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:遮荫对青杨抗旱性的影响决定于遮荫程度的不同,我们的结果表明中度的遮荫可以有效的提高干旱下植物的生长,对干旱胁迫有明显的缓解作用,具体体现在中度遮荫下受旱植物的叶片相对含水量得到提高,使得植物体内水分状况得到了改善;光合速率并未降低,植物光合氮利用效率增加,说明中度的遮荫并未明显限制植物的碳获得;抗氧化酶活性与膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量的同时降低,说明中度遮荫下所受到的活性氧伤害减少;中度遮荫下的ABA及δ13C的变化也不如在全光下变化明显,这也说明中度遮荫缓解了干旱胁迫。但是重度的遮荫却对干旱胁迫有明显的加剧作用,主要表现在重度遮荫降低了植物的光合速率,严重抑制了植物的生长;同时重度遮荫下脯胺酸含量和抗氧化酶活性的急剧下降,导致了植物渗调能力的下降及膜脂过氧化产物MDA的显著升高;重度遮荫还显著降低了内源ABA的累积和δ13C,降低了植物的抗旱能力。此外,青杨两种群在对干旱和遮荫的响应中,也表现出种群差异。汉源种群,来自湿润且年日照辐射较少的地区,表现出相对更强的耐荫性和需水性。而乐都种群,来自干旱且年日照辐射丰富的地区,表现出相对更强的耐旱性和需光性。这说明了植物对环境胁迫的耐受性是其长期适应原生境的结果,并且来自不同气候地区的两种群在面临环境胁迫时会采取不同的生存策略。4. 外源ABA喷施对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:外源ABA的喷施可以提高两种群的抗旱性,具体表现为外源ABA喷施促进了青杨根系的生长,显著提高了干旱下植物的根/冠比和细/粗根比,减少了比叶面积;在生理生化方面,外源ABA降低了干旱下植物叶片的气孔导度,降低了蒸腾速率和净光合速率,但提高了瞬时用水效率,提高了叶片的相对含水量,增加了干旱下植物的保水能力。外源ABA进一步增加了干旱下植物内源ABA的积累,促进了植物渗调物质如脯胺酸和可溶性糖的积累,增加了抗氧化酶系统(如SOD、APX、CAT)的活性和非酶系统AsA的含量,降低了活性氧(如超氧阴离子(O2和过氧化氢(H2O2))对植株的伤害。此外,外源ABA还进一步提高了干旱下植物的δ13C,提高了植物的长期用水效率,由此提高了植物的抗旱能力。另一方面,两种群对外源ABA和干旱的响应也有所差别。来自湿润地区的汉源种群,对干旱较为敏感,所受干旱的影响也较大,而外源ABA的喷施对汉源种群抗旱性的提高作用也更为突出。乐都种群,由于其长期适应干旱地区的生长,本身已具有较强的抗旱能力,因此外源ABA喷施对其抗旱性的提高不如对汉源种群的效果明显。由此我们可以得出对于一些抗性弱或干旱敏感的物种或者种群,可以采用外施ABA的方法来提高其抗性。Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component ofecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd.,which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources ofpoplars for its fast growth and reproductive. In this study, different populations of P.cathayana were used as experiment material to investigate the adaptability to drought stressand population differences in adaptability, and the effects of shade and exogenous abscisicacid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance. Our results could provide a strongtheoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation ofecosystem in the arid and semi-arid area, and provide a strong evidence for adaptivedifferentiation of different populations, and so may be used as criteria for species selectionand tree improvement. The results are as follows:1. A large set of parallel response to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronouncedinhibition of the growth and increased relatively dry matter allocation into the root. For thetwo populations, the shoot height, basal diameter and total biomass were decreased but theroot/shoot ratio and fine root/coarse root ratio were increased under drought conditions;Drought stress caused pronounced inhibition of photosynthesis, decreased the stomatalconductance, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) butincreased the instantaneous water use efficiency. Drought significantly improved the levels ofreactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde (MDA) and to induce the entire set ofantioxidative systems including the increase of activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate (AsA) content. Drought decreased the leaf relative water content (RWC) but improved the capability of osmotic adjustmentindicated by the higher proline accumulation. Drought also increased the ABA content andcarbon isotope composition (δ13C), which indicating the long period water use efficiency wasimproved under drought. These results demonstrate that there are a large set of parallelchanges in the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses when plants areexposed to drought stress; these changes may enhance the capability of plants to survive andgrow during drought periods.2. Difference in adaptation to drought stress between contrasting populations of P.cathayana: Compared with the Hanyuan population (wet climate), the Ledu population (dryclimate) showed higher root/shoot ratio and water use efficiency, exhibited higherantioxidative systems capability thus resulting in less oxidative damage, accumulated moreABA and free proline content under drought conditions. The results suggested that there weredifferent water-use strategies between the two populations. The Ledu population, whichcomes from dry climate region, with higher drought tolerance, may employ a conservativewater-use strategy, whereas the Hanyuan population, which comes from wet climate, withlower drought tolerance, may employ a prodigal water-use strategy. These variations indrought responses may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement.3. The effects of shade on the drought tolerance: The reduction in the availability of lightand water affected the morphological and physiological responses of the two P. cathayanapopulations. In addition, the light environment modified the growth responses of P.cathayana seedlings to varying water environments in different ways depending upon theintensity of the light levels considered. There is an apparent alleviation to drought effects bymoderate shade in P. cathayana seedlings, as indicated by the higher leaf RWC, and unchanged net photosynthesis and PNUE, as well as by the lower antioxditative enzymeactivity, MDA, ABA and δ13C levels, which implied moderate shade did not significantlylimited the carbon acquisition or inhibited the plant growth, but ameliorated the detrimentaleffects of drought. On the other hand, an apparent aggravation to drought effects by severeshade was also observed, as indicated by the pronounced decrease of plant growth and net photosynthesis, the lower total biomass, ABA level, δ13C, free proline content andantioxditative enzyme activity and higher MDA accumulation. By contrast, the twopopulations showed different responses to shade and drought. The Hanyuan population,which comes from a riparian basin having a relatively wet climate and less annual solarradiation, is more sensitive to drought but more tolerant to shade. The Ledu population, whichcomes from a mountainous plateau with less rainfall and with more annual solar radiation, ismore tolerant to drought but more sensitive to shade. The results demonstrated that theendurance of plants to stress is a result of long-term evolution and adaptation to theenvironment, as suggested by the different strategies employed by the P. cathayanapopulations originating from contrasting habitats when they were exposed to drought andshade.4. The effects of exogenous ABA application on the drought tolerance: For bothpopulations under drought conditions tested, exogenous ABA application significantlyimproved the root/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio, and decreased the specifical leaf area.On the physiological and biochemical traits, exogenous ABA application significantlydecreased stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net photosythesis but increased theinstance water use efficiency and leaf RWC. On the other hand, exogenous ABA applicationsignificantly increased endogenous ABA, proline, solube sugar and AsA content, as well asSOD, APX and CAT activities, thus reduced the damage of reactive oxygen species. Moreover,the long period water use efficiency as indicated by δ13C was also improved by exogenousABA application. In additionally, there was different responsive between the two populationsto drought and exogenous ABA application. The Hanyuan population, which comes from wetclimate region, is more sensitive to drought, and the effect of exogenous ABA is moreobviously than that in the Ledu population, which comes from dry climate region and is moredrought-responsive. Therefore, we can use exogenous ABA application to improve theresistance of plants, especially for the drought- sensitive species or populations.


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近年来,随着对作物重茬(连年种植)障碍原因的深入研究,植物的化感作用越来越受到国内外众多学者的重视。而作为重要调料和药用植物的生姜,其连作障碍也备受关注,系统地研究生姜化感作用将有助于理解和最终解决生姜连作障碍问题。本文通过研究生姜不同部位、不同浓度的水浸液对与其间作的两个物种(大豆和四季葱)种子的萌发及幼苗生长的影响,从而证明生姜化感作用的存在;并通过温室盆栽实验研究了生姜的自毒作用(即研究生姜不同部位、不同浓度的水浸液对其幼苗的形态、生理生化、光合作用、土壤酶、土壤微生物多样性及土壤养分的影响),从而揭示生姜退化和衰老的机制,并为生姜筛选出合适的间作物种提供科学依据,对生姜连作障碍提出科学的解决方法。主要研究结果如下: 1. 与对照相比,生姜所有部位(根茎、茎、叶)、所有浓度(10、20、40、 80 g l-1)的水浸液均抑制了大豆种子和葱籽的萌发率、幼苗生长、水分吸收和脂肪酶活性,并且其抑制程度随着水浸液浓度的增加而增强,其生姜各部位水浸液抑制效应的强弱顺序为茎>叶>根茎。这一结果表明生姜根茎、茎、叶含有能够抑制大豆种子和葱籽种子萌发和幼苗生长的水溶性化感物质。根茎是生姜的主要收获部位,而生姜的残株(主要是茎和叶)应该从大田中处理掉以减轻其抑制效应。生姜水浸液中主要化感成分包括:根茎水浸液中主要是丁香酸和伞花内脂;茎水浸液中主要是阿魏酸,且其含量最高为73.4 ug/g;叶水浸液中除了阿魏酸,其他六种物质均检测出来,但含量较高的主要有丁香酸、伞花内脂和香豆酸。 2. 生姜茎和叶不同浓度的水浸液均显著抑制了生姜幼苗的株高、每株叶片数和叶面积,其抑制程度随着水浸液浓度的增加而有所增强,而生姜幼苗每株分枝数差异不显著;同时生姜水浸液也极大程度地影响了生姜幼苗的生物量(包括地下生物量、地上生物量和总生物量,均为鲜重)。在同一浓度下,茎水浸液对生姜幼苗形态指标及生物量指标均显示出最强的抑制作用,叶水浸液次之,根茎水浸液最弱。与对照相比,低浓度的生姜根茎水浸液提高了生姜幼苗叶片内四种抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT、APX)活性,高浓度的根茎水浸液抑制了四种抗氧化酶活性,而茎和叶水浸液均随着浓度的增加而抑制了四种抗氧化酶活性,三种水浸液均随着浓度的增加降低了生姜幼苗叶片内叶绿素的含量,而增加了生姜幼苗叶片的相对电导率和丙二醛含量。同时,三种水浸液均随着浓度的增加降低了生姜幼苗的光合参数(包括胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度、蒸腾速率及净光合速率)。 3. 三种生姜水浸液对所测六种土壤酶活性均产生了不同程度的影响,其中影响最大的是酸性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶,在10 g l-1 时就达到了显著水平,并且所有酶均有随着水浸液浓度增加而增大的趋势;相同部位的水浸液随着浓度的增加,细菌和真菌的数量呈增加趋势,而放线菌的数量呈减少趋势;三种生姜水浸液均随着浓度的增加降低了土壤中有机质的含量,加剧了土壤中硝态氮含量的积累,根茎水浸液对土壤有效磷、速效钾和铵态氮均显示出低浓度提高其含量而高浓度降低其含量的趋势,而茎和叶水浸液则随着浓度的增加均降低了其含量。 4. 与生姜单作相比,所有间作系统均在旺盛生长期和收获期不同程度地提高了土壤酶活性,同时也增加了土壤细菌数量及土壤微生物总数但不显著;所有间作系统在旺盛生长期和收获期均不同程度地影响了土壤真菌及放线菌数量(增加或减少),所有间作系统间的多样性指数差异不显著,除了旺盛生长期四种作物(生姜-大豆-四季葱-大蒜)的间作模式显著降低了多样性指数,其值仅为生姜单作的33.18%;生姜与大豆间作不仅提高了19.6%的生姜产量而且获得了较好的经济效益,并且,所有间作系统均显著抑制了生姜姜瘟病的发生。 5. 不同栽培模式不同程度地影响了收获期生姜的株高、分枝数、根茎产量及内在品质。其中处理2显著地促进了生姜的分枝(10.5%),同时处理2、3和4也促进了生姜的生长(株高分别增加了15.0%、11.4%和14.0%),并且这三个处理提高了生姜的产量;处理2和3能有效提高生姜块茎中维生素C(分别较单作生姜显著提高了3.29%和4.05%)、处理3显著提高了可溶性糖(8.2%)、姜辣素(4.6%)和蛋白质等有益物质的含量,降低硝酸盐有害物质的含量(处理2显著降低了14.0%),改善了姜块的外观和内在品质。并且,生姜与大豆间作具有最高的纯收入和产投比,分别较生姜单作提高了24.80%和8.8%。Recently, allelopathy has been more and more paid attentions by national and foreign scholars with profound research on reasons of crop replanted (continuous planted) obstacle. Ginger rhizome is valuable all over the world either as a spice or herbal medicine and ginger replanted obstacle is also paid attentions. Systematic research on ginger allelopathy will contribute to understanding and ultimate solving problem of ginger replanted obstacle. The effects of ginger aqueous extracts with different parts and concentrations on seed germination and early seedling growth of soybean and chive were studied in this article to testify that ginger existed allelopathy. Furthermore, ginger autotoxicity was also studied by pot experiment in greenhouse (namely research on effects of ginger aqueous extracts with different parts and concentrations on morphological indexes, physiological and biochemical indexes, photosynthesis, soil enzymes, soil microbial diversity and soil nutrients) to reveal mechanism of ginger degeneration and senescence, provide scientific basis for selecting appropriate intercropping species and put forward scientific resolvent for ginger replanted obstacle. The main results were as follows: 1. All aqueous extracts at all concentrations inhibited seed germination, seedling growth, water uptake and lipase activity of soybean and chive compared with the control, and the degree of inhibition increased with the incremental extracts concentration. The degree of toxicity of different ginger plant parts can be classified in order of decreasing inhibition as stem>leaf>rhizome. The results of this study suggested that rhizome, stem and leaf of ginger contained water soluble allelochemicals which could inhibit seed germination and seedling growth of soybean and chive. The rhizome is the main harvested part of ginger. The residue (mainly stems and leaves) of the ginger plant should be removed from the field so as to diminish its inhibitory effect. The main allelopathic components of three kind of aqueous extracts were as follows: Rhizome extract chiefly contained syringic acid and vmbelliferone and stem extract mainly contained frulic acid whose content was the highest (73.4 ug/g). The other six substances were detected except of frulic acid, but only contents of syringic acid, vmbelliferone and p-coumaric acid were higher. 2. Stem and leaf aqueous extracts of ginger with different concentrations significantly inhibited plant height, leaf numbers per plant and leaf area, and the degree of inhibition increased with the incremental extracts concentration. However, tiller number per plant of ginger seedling showed no significant difference. At the same time, ginger aqueous extracts also influenced biomass including under-ground biomass, above-ground biomass and total biomass (fresh weight) to a large extent. Under the same concentration, stem aqueous extract showed the mostly inhibitory effect on morphological indexes and biomass indexes of ginger seedling. Rhizome aqueous extract showed the leastly inhibitory effect and leaf aqueous extract was intervenient. Enhanced concentration of ginger aqueous extracts significantly reduced total chlorophyll content, accompanying with increases in memberane permeability (REL) and lipid peroxidation (MDA). Compared with the control, rhizome ginger aqueous extract of lower concentration (10 g l-1) increased the activities of major antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, SOD; peroxidase, POD; catalase, CAT; ascorbate peroxidase, APX) of ginger leaf tissue and higher concentration inhibited the activities of four antioxidant enzymes. However, stem and leaf aqueous extract inhibited the activities of four antioxidant enzymes with increase in concentration. Meanwhile, enhanced concentration of ginger aqueous extracts significantly reduced photo-parameters of ginger seedling (including CO2 concentration, stoma conductivity, net photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate). 3. Rhizome, stem and leaf ginger aqueous extract showed different effect on six soil enzyme activities, and acid phosphatase and invertase showed significant effect when aqueous extract concentration got 10 g l-1. Furthermore, six soil enzyme activities increased with increase in aqueous extract concentration. Bcterial and fungi number tended to increase while antinomyces tented to decrease with the increase in aqueous extract concentration of identical part. Ginger aqueous extracts reduced soil organic matter content with increased concentration, accompanying with NO3-—N accumulation in soil. Rhizome aqueous extract showed the same tendency for available P, available K and NH4+—N, namely lower concentration increased their contents in soil and higher concentration reduced their contents. While stem and leaf aqueous extracts reduced their contents with the increamental concentration. 4. All intercropping systems increased soil enzyme activities to different extent both at VGS and at HS compared to solo ginger. All intercropping systems increased the colony numbers of soil bacteria and total of soil microbe but not significantly either at VGS or at HS. All intercropping systems increased the colony numbers of soil fungi and actinomytes to a different extent (increase or decrease) both at VGS and at HS. For DI, difference between all cultivation patterns and S-G was not significant either at VGS or at HS except that G-S-C-G whose value was only 33.18% of S-G at VGS significantly decreased. G-S not only increased ginger yield by 19.6% but also obtained better economic benefit. Furthermore, all intercropping systems significantly inhibited occurrence of bacterial wilt of ginger. 5. Different cultivated pattern influenced plant height, tiller numbers, rhizome yields and intrinsic quality of ginger. Treatment 2 significantly facilitated tiller occurring (10.5%). Treatment 2, 3 and 4 promoted ginger growth (plant height respectively increased 15.0%、11.4% and 14.0%) and enhanced rhizome yields. Treatment 2 and 3 effectively increased vitamin C content (significantly increased 3.29% and 4.05% compared to solo ginger). Treatment 3 significantly increased contents of beneficial substances such as soluble sugar (8.2%), gingerols (4.6%) and protein. Treatment 2 significantly decreased contents of deleterious substance namely nitrate (14.0%) and improved appearance and intrinsic quality of ginger rhizome. Furthermore, treatment 2 (ginger/soybean intercropping) could obtain better economic benefit and showed the highest net income and ratio of benefit and cost whose values respectively increased by 24.80% and 8.8% compared to solo ginger.


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光是植物赖以生存的重要环境因子,但是植物在获得光的同时不可避免的会受到紫外辐射的伤害。尤其是近年来,人类向大气中排放的大量氮氧化合物和氟氯烃类化合物(CFC’s)引起臭氧分子的分解,导致到达地球表面的紫外辐射增加,特别是UV-B辐射增强。而另一方面,植物对UV-B辐射反应的敏感性在种间和品种间存在差异,主要受植物基因型,生态型和生活型的控制。本项目分别以粗枝云杉和青杨组杨树为模式植物,从形态和生理生化方面分别研究了来自不同水分背景下的粗枝云杉种群和来自不同UV-B背景下的青杨种群在增强UV-B下的反应及其反应差异,并探讨了干旱、喷施外源脱落酸(ABA)对它们抗UV-B能力的影响。研究成果可为生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. 粗枝云杉的两个种群,湿润种群(来自四川黑水)和干旱种群(来自甘肃迭部)在水分良好和干旱状况下表现出对增强UV-B的不同响应。同时,干旱对粗枝云杉抗UV-B能力的影响也得到研究:两种胁迫共同作用时,干旱表现出在一定程度上减弱了增强UV-B对粗枝云杉的生理特性的影响。 干旱胁迫显著降低了两个粗枝云杉种群的光合同化速率(A), 气孔导度(gs)和PSII的有效光量子产量(Y), 同时,提高了非光化学猝灭效率(qN)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群抗旱性更强,表现为干旱种群拥有更高的SOD和干旱进一步加剧了UV-B的胁迫效应。 本研究中,干旱胁迫单独作用时,显著降低了青杨两个种群的生物量积累和气体交换,具体包括A、gs、蒸腾速率(E)和光合氮利用效率(PNUE),提高了两个种群的瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi)、长期水分利用效率(WUET)、碳同位素组分(δ13C)和氮含量(N)。同时,UV吸收物质和ABA含量也得到积累。另一方面,增强UV-B对青杨两个种群各个指标的影响,同干旱所引起的效应有着相似的趋势。同低海拔种群相比,高海拔种群有着更强的抗旱和抗UV-B能力,具体表现在高海拔种群有着更多的生物量积累,更强的气体交换和水分利用效率及更高水平的ABA和UV吸收物质含量。相比干旱诱导的生物量积累和气体交换的降低,在干旱和增强UV-B两个胁迫同时作用于青杨时,这种降低表现的更为明显。显著的干旱和UV-B的交互作用还表现在WUEi, WUET, δ13C, 可溶性蛋白含量, UV吸收物质含量, ABA, 叶片和茎中的N含量以及C/N比中。 3. 经过一个生长季的试验观察,增强UV-B、外源ABA及两因子共同作用对青杨的生物量积累、气体交换、内源ABA和UV吸收物质含量、抗氧化系统以及碳、氮含量和碳/氮比均产生显著影响。本试验中,青杨的两个种群分别来自中国西南部的不同海拔地区,高海拔种群来自青海大通而低海拔种群来自四川九寨。外源ABA的胁迫为直接喷施ABA到青杨叶片,而增强UV-B胁迫是利用平方波系统分别保证青杨苗暴露于外界UV-B强度和两倍于外界UV-B强度下。 研究结果显示,增强UV-B显著的降低了两个青杨种群的株高、基茎、总叶面积和总生物量等生长指标,同时也导致其A、gs、E和叶片中碳含量的减少。而显著增加了SOD和过氧化物酶(GPx)活性水平,诱导了过氧化氢(H2O2)和MDA的显著增加,促进了UV吸收物质和不同器官中内源ABA含量的显著积累。另一方面,外源ABA引起了青杨光合同化速率的下降,SOD和GPx酶活性的增强,H2O2 和 MDA含量也表现出显著增加,同时,内源ABA含量得到显著累积。同低海拔种群相比,高海拔种群具有更加抗UV-B和外源ABA的特性。显著的UV-B和ABA的交互作用表现在A, E, SOD和GPx活性,以及叶片和根部的内源ABA等一系列指标中。在所有胁迫下,叶片中的碳和氮含量同其在茎和根中的含量显著相关,另外,叶片和茎中的氮含量同茎中的碳含量显著相关。 Sunlight is an indispensable environment factor for plants survival and development. Meanwhile, photosynthetic organisms need sunlight and are thus, inevitably, exposed to UV radiation. Especially for recent years, ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B reaching the Earth’s surface increased because of depletion of ozone layer resulted from emission of NxO and CFC’s from human activities. On the other hand, the sensitivity of plants to UV-B radiation depends on the species, developmental stage and experimental conditions. In this experiment, two populations of Picea asperata Mast from different water background and two populations of Populus cathayana Rehder from different altitude background were selected as model plants to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation. Morphological and physiological traits induced by enhanced UV-B in each plant species were observed and the different responses were discussed, furthermore the influences of drought and exogenous ABA on responses induced by enhanced UV-B were studied. The study could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation and rehabilitation of ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. Different responses of two contrasting Picea asperata Mast. populations to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation under well-watered and drought conditions were investigated. And the effects of enhanced UV-B on tolerance of drought were also observed in our study that the UV-B exposure may have alleviated some of the damage induced by drought. Two contrasting populations, originating from a wet and dry climate region in China, respectively, were employed in our study. Drought significantly decreased CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and effective PSII quantum yield (Y), while it significantly increased non-photochemical quenching (qN) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in both populations. Compared with the wet climate population, the dry climate population was more acclimated to drought stress and showed much higher activities of SOD and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and much lower levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and electrolyte leakage. On the other hand, enhanced UV-B radiation also induced a significant decrease in the chlorophyll (Chl) content in both populations under well-watered conditions, and a significant increase in UV-absorbing compounds in the wet climate population. After one growing season of exposure to different UV-B levels and watering regimes, the increases in MDA and electrolyte leakage, as induced by drought, were less pronounced under the combination of UV-B and drought. In addition, an additive effect of drought and UV-B on A and gs was observed in the wet climate population, and on the activity of APX and qN in the dry climate population. 2. The significant effects of drought, enhanced UV-B radiation and their combination on Populus cathayana Rehd. growth and physiological traits were investigated in two populations, originating from high and low altitudes in south-west China. Our results showed that UV-B acts as an important signal allowing P. cathayana seedlings to respond to drought and that the combination of drought and UV-B may cause synergistically detrimental effects on plant growth in both populations. In both populations, drought significantly decreased biomass accumulation and gas exchange parameters, including A, gs, E and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE). However, instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi), transpiration efficiency (WUET), carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and nitrogen (N) content, as well as the accumulation of soluble protein, UV-absorbing compounds and abscisic acid (ABA) were significantly increased by drought. On the other hand, cuttings from both populations, when kept under enhanced UV-B radiation conditions, showed very similar changes in all above-mentioned parameters, as induced by drought. Compared with the low altitude population, the high altitude population was more tolerant to drought and enhanced UV-B, as indicated by the higher level of biomass accumulation, gas exchange, water-use efficiency, ABA concentration and UV-absorbing compounds. After one growing season of exposure to different UV-B levels and watering regimes, the decrease in biomass accumulation and gas exchange, induced by drought, was more pronounced under the combination of UV-B and drought. Significant interactions between drought and UV-B were observed in WUEi, WUET, δ13C, soluble protein, UV-absorbing compounds, ABA and in the leaf and stem N, as well as in the leaf and stem C/N ratio. 3. During one growing season, significant effects induced by enhanced UV-B radiation, exogenous ABA and their combination on biomass accumulation, gas exchange, endogenous ABA and UV-absorbing compounds concentrations, antioxidant system as well as carbon (C) content, nitrogen (N) content and C/N ratio were investigated in two contrasting Populus cathayana populations, originating from high and low altitudes in south-west China. Exogenous ABA was sprayed to the leaves and enhanced UV-B treatment was using a square-wave system to make the seedlings under ambient (1×) or twice ambient (2×) doses of biologically effective UV-B radiation (UV-BBE). Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly decreased height, basal diameter, total leaf area, total biomass, A, gs, E and carbon (C) content in leaves, and significantly increased activities of SOD and guaiacol peroxidase (GPx), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malonaldehyde (MDA) content as well as the accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds and endogenous ABA concentrations among different organs in both populations. In contrast, exogenous ABA showed significant decrease in A and significant increases in activities of SOD and GPx, H2O2, MDA content and the endogenous ABA concentrations. Compared with the low altitude population, the high altitude population was more tolerant to enhanced UV-B and exogenous ABA. Significant interactions between UV-B and ABA were observed in A, E, activities of SOD and GPx, as well as in endogenous ABA in leaves and roots of both populations. Across all treatments, C and N content in leaves was strongly correlated with those were in stems and roots, respectively. Additionally, leaf and stem N content were significant correlated with stem C content.


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Sequential extraction procedures were widely applied for speciation of radioactive elements. In this study, the sequential extraction procedure developed by Martinez-Aguirre was employed for quantification of different chemical forms of thorium in the soil. The total amount of thorium in contaminated soil was much higher by four-fold than the local background value. The soil properties affect the amount of thoriurn and distribution of fractions in contaminated soil. Results showed that the proportion of thorium in soils from Baotou was found as the residual fraction (F5 + F6) > absorbed fraction (F3), coprecipitated fraction (F4) > carbonates fraction (172) and exchangeable fraction (F1) that could be available to plants. The recovery, calculated by ratio of the sum of the six fractions to the pseudo-total content of thorium, was in the range from 96% to 110%. A comparison was carried out between the sequential extraction and the single extraction to evaluate the selectivity of the extractants. It was found that the amount of thorium of absorbed fraction (H) was higher in the single extraction than that estimated in the sequential extraction, possibly duo to transform of the labile form. While for non-residual fraction analysis, the single extraction scheme was a desirable alternative to the sequential extraction procedure.


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AMS(14)C dating and analysis of grain size, major elements and clay minerals were applied to Core MZ01 from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Based on the environmentally sensitive grain size, clay mineral and major element assemblages, the history of the East Asia winter monsoon since the mid-Holocene could be reconstructed. These three proxies, mean grain size (>9.71 mu m), chemical index of alteration (CIA) and ratio of smectite to kaolinite in particular, show similar fluctuation patterns. Furthermore, 10 extreme values corresponding to the contemporary cooling events could be recognized since the mid-Holocene; these extreme values are likely to have been caused by the strengthening of the East Asia winter monsoon. The cooling events correlated well with the results of the delta O-18 curves of the Dunde ice core and GISP2, which therefore revealed a regional response to global climate change. Four stages of the East Asia winter monsoon were identified, i.e. 8300-6300 a BP, strong and unstable; 6300-3800 a BP, strong but stable; 3800-1400 a BP, weak and unstable; after 1400 a BP, weak but stable.


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南海北部陆缘深水区(水深>300m)蕴藏着丰富的资源,我国对深水区的地质研究刚刚起步,但相关领域已成为科研热点。深水油气盆地的构造演化是油气勘探中最重要的基础性研究之一,因此针对我国南海北部陆缘深水区开展构造演化及其资源效应的研究具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。 本文利用钻井和地震资料并结合区域地质资料,重点研究了珠江口盆地深水区的结构和构造演化,取得如下创新性成果:1)首次利用半地堑分析方法系统解剖了研究区的结构、各构造单元发育特征,在此基础上指出五个有利油气运聚带;2)采用回剥法并利用最新资料进行校正,得到了研究区更为可靠的构造沉降曲线,重新划分了裂陷期和裂后期的分界,认为32Ma南海海底扩张之后裂陷作用仍在持续,直到23Ma左右才开始大规模裂后热沉降,并进一步解释了裂陷期延迟的形成机制;3)应用非连续拉张模型计算拉张系数的方程计算了研究区的壳幔拉张系数,指出了深水区地幔相对于地壳的优势伸展作用;首次运用平衡剖面技术重建了研究区的构造发育史,计算了各构造期的拉张率和沉积速率,指出研究区新生代整体呈现持续拉张,拉张系数在1.1-1.24之间;4)精细刻画了水合物钻采区的地质构造特征,建立了该区天然气水合物成藏的概念模式;建立了一套根据地震叠加速度计算流体势的方法,为水合物成藏规律的研究提供了新的思路。


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A survey was carried out in the central and north part of the Huanghai Sea (34.5degrees similar to 37.0degreesN, 120.5degrees similar to124.0degreesE) during June 12 similar to 27, 2000. It was found that the abundance of marine flagellate ranged from 45 to 1278 cell/ml, 479 cell/ml in average. Flagellate was more abundant in the central part than in the north part of Huanghai Sea, and the abundance decreased with the increasing distance from the coast, showing a similar distribution pattern with isotherm. Vertically, high density of flagellate was always presented in the bottom of thermocline, and formed a dense accumulation in the central area of the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass. The effects of physical and biological factors on the distribution of marine flagellate in early summer were discussed. Water temperature (especially the existence of thermocline) rather than salinity showed significant effect on the distribution pattern of marine flagellate in the Huanghai Sea in early summer. When comparing the abundance of marine flagellate with that of other microorganisms, it revealed a comparatively stable relationship among these organhisms, with a ratio of heterotrophic bacteria: cyanobacteria: flagellate: dinoflagellate: ciliate being 10(5) 10(3):10(2):10(1):10(0).


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The Ordos Basin is a large-scale craton superimposed basin locating on the west of the North China platform, which was the hotspot of interior basin exploration and development. Qiaozhen oil field located in the Ganquan region of south-central of Ordos Basin. The paper is based on the existing research data, combined with the new theory and progress of the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, petroleum geology, etc, and analyzes systematically the sedimentary and reservoir characteristics in the chang2 and chang1 oil-bearing strata group of Yanchang formation On the basis of stratigraphic classification and comparison study, the strata chang2 and chang1 were divided into five intervals. Appling the method of cartography with single factor and dominance aspect, we have drawn contour line map of sand thickness, contour line map of ratio between sand thickness and stratum thickness. We discussed distribution characteristics of reservoir sand body and evolution of sedimentary facies and microfacies. And combining the field type section , lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, the sedimentary facies of single oil well and particle size analysis and according to the features of different sequence, the study area was divided into one sedimentary facies、three parfacies and ten microfacies. The author chew over the characteristics of every facies, parfacies and microfacies and spatial and temporal distribution. Comprehensive research on petrologic characteristics of reservoir , diagenesis types, pore types, distribution of sand bodies, physical properties, oiliness, reservoir heterogeneities, characteristics of interlayer, eventually research on synthetic classifying evaluation of reservoir.The reservoir is classified four types: Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and pore type, fracture-porosity type. Take reservoir's average thickness, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and shale content as parameters, by using clustering analysis and discriminant analysis, the reservoir is classified three groups. Based on the evaluation, synthetizing the reservoir quality, the sealing ability of cap rock, trap types, reservoir-forming model ,in order to analyze the disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas. Ultimately, many favorable zones were examined for chang23,chang223,chang222,chang221,chang212,chang12,chang11 intervals. There are twenty two favorable zones in the research area. Meanwhile deploy the next disposition scheme.


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Geofluid in sedimentary basins is related to petroleum generation, migration, accumulation and preservation, and is a topic of geological frontier. By integrating the multi-discipline methods of petroleum geochemistry, sedimentology, hydrogeology, petroleum geology and experimental geochemistry, the thesis has carried out experiments of microcline dissolution in solutions with organic acids, crude oil, brines with high total dissolved solids (TDS), and has dealt with Al distribution between the crude oil and the brines after the experiments. Cases for study includes Central Tarim, Hetianhe Gas Field and Kucha forland basin with data containing fluid chemistry and isotopic compositions, thin sections of sandstones and carbonates, homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions, isotopic compositions of bulk rock and autigenic minerals. The aims are to elucidate fluid origin and flow in the three areas, effect of hydrocarbon emplacement on diagenesis, and to show occurrence of microbe-mediated, and thermochemical sulfate reduction in the Tarim Basin. Microcline dissolution experiments show that after 100 hour, part of the dissolved Al distributes in the crude oil, and the Al concentrations in the crude oil rise when organic acids are added. The result can be used to explain that most oilfield waters in the Tarim Basin are characterized by less than 3mg/L Al. Crude oil added to the solutions can enhance microcline dissolution, which is also observed in the case - Silurian sandstones with early crude oil emplacement in the Central Tarim. Al and Si have higher concentrations in the experiments of oxalic acid than of acetic acid under the same pH conditions, suggesting that there exist Al-oxalate and Si-oxalate complexes. Presence of acetate can enhance the activity of Ca and Al, but Al concentrations have not been increased significantly due to formation of small Al-acetate complex during the experiments. Relationships between δD and δ~(18)O in conjunction with chemistry of oilfield waters show that the waters are evaporated connate waters, which subsequently mixed with meteoric water, and were influenced by water-rock interactions such as salt dissolution, dolomitization of calcite, albitization of feldspar. In the Hetianhe Gas Field where salt dissolution took place, δD and δ~(18)O values can be used to trace nicely meteoric water recharge area and flow direction, but TDS can not. Part of the waters have high TDS but very light δD and δ~(18)O. When combined with paleo-topography, or fluid potentials, meteoric water is suggested to flow eastward in the Hetianhe Gas Field, which is the same with the Central Tarim. Whist in the Kuche forland basin, meteoric water may have permeated Cambrian-Ordovician strata. Relationship between ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and 1/Sr can be used to indicate migration and mixing of brines from carbonate strata (low ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio but high Sr content), clastic strata (high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio but low Sr content) and crystalline basement (high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratio and heavy δ~(18)O value). Using this approach, it can be found that ~(87)Sr-depleted brine from Ordovician carbonates have migrated up to and mixed with ~(87)Sr-enriched waters from Silurian and Carboniferous sandstones, and that Silurian brines have mixed with meteoric water. In the Kuche forland basin, brines from the Cambrian and Ordovician carbonates have higher ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios than those from the overlying sandstones, when combined with chemistry, δ~(15)N and ~3He/~4He ratios of the coexisting natural gases, suggesting that the brines were derived from the basement. There exists some debate on the effect of hydrocarbon emplacement on mineral diagenesis. Case-study from Silurian sandstones in the Central Tarim show that quartz has kept overgrowing secondarily when oil saturation was decreased by meteoric water flushing subsequently to hydrocarbon emplacement. Silicon precipitates on the water-wet quartz surface, leading to decreased Si concentration close to the surface. A Si grads can result in Si diffusion, which supplies Si for quartz overgrowth. Hydrocarbon oxidation-sulfate reduction is an important type of organic-inorganic interaction. Not only can it make secondary alteration of hydrocarbons, but generate H_2S and CO_2 gases which can improve reservoir property. Thermochemical sulfate reduction took place at the temperatures more than 125 ℃ to 140 ℃ in the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonates, the products - H_2S and CO_2 gases migrated up to the Silurian, and precipitated as pyrite and calcite, respectively. The pyrite has an average δ~(34)S value close to those of Ordovician seawater and anhydrite, and calcite has δ~(13)C value as low as -21.5‰. In the Hetianhe Gas Field, sulfate reduction bacteria carried by meteoric water flowing eastward may have preferentially depleted ~(12)C of light hydrocarbon gases, and results in heavier δ~(13)C values of the residual hydrocarbon gases and higher molar CO_2 in the natural gases in the west than in the east. Coexisting pyrite has δ~(34)S values as low as -24.9‰.


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Natural gas pays more important role in the society as clean fuel. Natural gas exploration has been enhanced in recent years in many countries. It also has prospective future in our country through "85" and "95" national research. Many big size gas fields have been discovered in different formations in different basins such as lower and upper Paleozoic in Erdos basin, Tertiary system in Kuche depression in Tarim basin, Triassic system in east of Sichuan basin. Because gas bearing basins had been experienced multiple tectogenesis. The characteristics of natural gases usually in one gas field are that they have multiple source rocks and are multiple maturities and formed in different ages. There has most difficult to research on the gas-rock correlation and mechanism of gas formation. Develop advanced techniques and methods and apply them to solve above problems is necessary. The research is focused on the critical techniques of geochemistry and physical simulation of gas-rock correlation and gas formation. The lists in the following are conclusions through research and lots of experiments. I 8 advanced techniques have been developed or improved about gas-rock correlation and gas migration, accumulation and formation. A series of geochemistry techniques has been developed about analyzing inclusion enclave. They are analyzing gas and liquid composition and biomarker and on-line individual carbon isotope composition in inclusion enclave. These techniques combing the inclusion homogeneous temperature can be applied to study on gas-rock correlation directly and gas migration, filling and formation ages. Technique of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in kerogen and bitumen thermal pyrolysis is developed. It is applied to determine the source of natural is kerogen thermal degradation or oil pyrolysis. Method of on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in rock thermal simulation has being improved. Based on the "95"former research, on-line determination individual gas carbon isotope composition in different type of maceral and rocks thermal pyrolys is has been determined. The conclusion is that carbon isotope composition of benzene and toluene in homogenous texture kerogen thermal degradation is almost same at different maturity. By comparison, that in mixture type kerogen thermal pyrolysis jumps from step to step with the changes of maturity. This conclusion is a good proof of gas-rock dynamic correlation. 3. Biomarker of rock can be determined directly through research. It solves the problems such as long period preparing sample, light composition losing and sample contamination etc. It can be applied to research the character of source rock and mechanism of source rock expulsion and the path of hydrocarbon migration etc. 4. The process of hydrocarbon dynamic generation in source rock can be seen at every stage applying locating observation and thermal simulation of ESEM. The mechanism of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in source rock is discussed according to the experiments. This technique is advanced in the world. 5. A sample injection system whose character is higher vacuum, lower leaks and lower blank has been built up to analyze inert gas. He,Ar,Kr and Xe can be determined continuously on one instrument and one injection. This is advanced in domestic. 7. Quality and quantity analysis of benzene ring compounds and phenolic compounds and determination of organic acid and aqueous gas analysis are applied to research the relationship between compounds in formation water and gas formation. This is another new idea to study the gas-rock correlation and gas formation. 8. Inclusion analysis data can be used to calculate the Paleo-fluid density, Paleo-geothermal gradient and Paleo-geopressure gradient and then to calculate the Paleo-fluid potential. It's also a new method to research the direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. 9. Equipment of natural gas formation simulation is produced during the research to probe how the physical properties of rock affect the gas migration and accumulation and what efficiency of gas migrate and factors of gas formation and the models of different type of migration are. II study is focused on that if the source rocks of lower Paleozoic generated hydrocarbon and what the source rocks of weathered formation gas pool and the mechanism of gas formation are though many advanced techniques application. There are four conclusions. 1.The maturity of Majiagou formation source rocks is higher in south than that in north. There also have parts of the higher maturity in middle and east. Anomalous thermal pays important role in big size field formation in middle of basin. 2. The amount of gas generation in high-over maturity source rocks in lower Paleozoic is lager than that of most absorption of source rocks. Lower Paleozoic source rocks are effective source rocks. Universal bitumen exists in Ordovician source rocks to prove that Ordovician source rocks had generated hydrocarbon. Bitumen has some attribution to the middle gas pool formation. 3. Comprehensive gas-rock correlation says that natural gases of north, west, south of middle gas field of basin mainly come from lower Paleozoic source rocks. The attribution ratio of lower Paleozoic source rocks is 60%-70%. Natural gases of other areas mainly come from upper Paleozoic. The attribution ratio of upper Paleozoic source rocks is 70%. 4. Paleozoic gases migration phase of Erdos basin are also interesting. The relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is quite low especially toluene that of which is divided by that of methyl-cyclohexane is less than 0.2 in upper Paleozoic gas pool. The migration phase of upper Paleozoic gas may be aqueous phase. By comparison, the relative abundance of gasoline aromatic is higher in lower Paleozoic gas. The distribution character of gasoline gas is similar with that in source rock thermal simulation. The migration phase of it may be free phase. IH Comprehensive gas-rock correlation is also processed in Kuche depression Tarim basin. The mechanism of gas formation is probed and the gas formation model has been built up. Four conclusions list below. 1. Gases in Kuche depression come from Triassic-Jurassic coal-measure source rocks. They are high-over maturity. Comparatively, the highest maturity area is Kelasu, next is Dabei area, Yinan area. 2. Kerogen thermal degradation is main reason of the dry gas in Kuche depression. Small part of dry gas comes from oil pyrolysis. VI 3.The K12 natural gas lays out some of hydro-gas character. Oil dissolved in the gas. Hydro-gas is also a factor making the gas drier and carbon isotope composition heavier. 4. The mechanism and genesis of KL2 gas pool list as below. Overpressure has being existed in Triassic-Jurassic source rocks since Keche period. Natural gases were expulsed by episode style from overpressure source rocks. Hetero-face was main migration style of gas, oil and water at that time. The fluids transferred the pressure of source rocks when they migrated and then separated when they got in reservoir. After that, natural gas migrated up and accumulated and formed with the techno-genesis. Tectonic extrusion made the natural gas overpressure continuously. When the pressure was up to the critical pressure, the C6-C7 composition in natural gas changed. The results were that relative abundance of alkane and aromatic decreased while cycloalkane and isoparaffin increased. There was lots of natural gas filling during every tectonic. The main factors of overpressure of natural gas were tectonic extrusion and fluid transferring pressure of source rocks. Well preservation was also important in the KL2 gas pool formation. The reserves of gas can satisfy the need of pipeline where is from west to east. IV A good idea of natural gas migration and accumulation modeling whose apparent character is real core and formation condition is suggested to model the physical process of gas formation. Following is the modeling results. 1. Modeling results prove that the gas accumulation rule under cap layer and gas fraction on migration path. 2. Natural gas migration as free phase is difficult in dense rock. 3. Natural gases accumulated easily in good physical properties reservoirs where are under the plugging layer. Under the condition of that permeability of rock is more than 1 * 10~(-3)μm~(-1), the more better the physical properties and the more bigger pore of rock, the more easier the gas accumulation in there. On the contrary, natural gas canonly migrate further to accumulate in good physical properties of rock. 4. Natural gas migrate up is different from that down. Under the same situation, the amount of gas migration up is lager than that of gas migration down and the distance of migration up is 3 times as that of migration down. 5. After gas leaks from dense confining layer, the ability of its dynamic plug-back decreased apparently. Gas lost from these arils easily. These confining layer can confine again only after geology condition changes. 6. Water-wetted and capillary-blocking rocks can't block water but gases generally. The result is that water can migrate continuously through blocking rocks but the gases stay under the blocking rocks then form in there. The experiments have proved the formation model of deep basin gas.