57 resultados para 986.10632


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本文对施不同剂量磷稻田土壤有效磷变化进程、淹水培养表面水全磷浓度的动态变化、强淋洗(每天100mm)对土壤中磷垂直迁移、损失的影响及不同土水比和施磷量下土壤中磷向水体释放规律的模拟研究结果表明,土壤Olsen-P浓度在施磷后下降迅速,60天后趋于稳定。随施磷量增加,淹水稻田土壤速效磷递增,土壤速效磷与施磷量呈显著的线性相关关系(y=21.49+0.086x,r=0.999 )。施磷后表面水中全磷迅速上升后又缓慢下降, 120天后,表面水中全磷浓度与施磷量呈的指数曲线关系(y=0.372e0.0022x,r=0.986),利用分段回归(split line)模型预测出导致表面水中磷激增的土壤Olsen-P浓度“突变点”是82.7mg kg-1,达到或超过该值,磷则容易进入表面水并导致流失。对水稻土施磷后立即进行高强度淋洗,结果各种形态的磷淋溶到60cm以下的浓度不超过0.1mg kg-1,折合每公倾损失全磷仅为2.5~2.8 kg,对地下水影响很小。当施磷量高于800kg hm-2时,磷从上层向下移动现象明显。与split-line模型预测出上层土壤可能发生磷的移动和淋溶的土壤Olsen-P阈值为74.1mg kg-1的施磷量接近。土壤浸提液磷浓度受土壤施磷量和土水比共同影响;施磷量对土壤释放磷量影响起主要作用,随施磷量增加,溶液中磷浓度增加。总之,增大施磷量使土壤速效磷超过阈值,会使土壤可溶性磷、田面水全磷迅速增加,加速磷的垂直迁移。


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青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派杨树的主要树种之一,为我国特有乡土树种,其主要分布区之一是我国的青藏高原,集中分布地带在甘肃省中部及青海省东部,四川省西北部岷江上游和松潘等地区。本研究以青藏高原东缘青杨天然分布区的6个群体143个个体为材料,用AFLP、SSR和叶绿体SSR分子标记分析青杨天然群体的遗传多样性,分析其遗传结构和分化,比较6个群体间遗传多样性的高低和群体间的遗传关系。旨在为青杨基因资源评价、保护与保存、遗传改良策略制定等提供科学理论依据。通过以上研究,得出如下主要研究结果: 1 AFLP分子标记研究结果 采用4对选择性引物对6个青杨天然群体143个个体进行分析,扩增谱带分析共检测到175个位点,其中173个位点表现为多态,多态位点百分率高达98.9%。从整体上表现出较高的遗传多样性,Nei’s基因多样度(h)水平为0.306。从青杨天然群体位点分布来看,有高达20%的位点(32位点)为群体所特有,仅有9.14%的位点(16位点)在所有群体中存在。群体间的遗传分化极大,所有遗传变异中,有48.9%的遗传变异存在于群体间。在个体群丛(Individuals cluster)和主坐标(PCO analysis)分析中,青杨各群体未呈现任何地理模式,Mantel检测也显示各群体间遗传距离与地理距离无明显相关。研究认为,由于地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和地形地貌复杂使得群体间无法进行基因交流,导致群体间遗传分化极大,另外各群体在不同的选择压力下,经历各自独立的进化历程,这些都可能导致群体间遗传距离与地理距离的不相关。 2 SSR分子标记研究结果 在SSR分析中,7个位点在6个青杨天然群体143个个体中共检测到79个等位基因,每位点检测到的等位基因数在5-16之间,平均11.3个,总体上多态位点百分率达100%。平均观察杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.792和0.802。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验表明青杨大部分群体都处于非平衡状态,群体大部分位点都是偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡(76.3%),只有23.7%的测验满足哈迪-温伯格平衡。分析青杨天然群体内和群体间的遗传变异,基因分化系数(GST)为0.373,即有62.7%的遗传变异存在群体内,37.3%的遗传变异存在群体间。群体内的遗传变异高于群体间水平。根据各群体遗传距离UPGMA聚类分析,有来自相临分布区、近似气候类型的群体聚在一起的趋势,但Mantel检测反映遗传距离与地理距离间并无明显相关性。 3 cpSSR分子标记研究结果 分析来自青藏高原东缘6个青杨天然群体,所用cpSSR引物中有5对cpSSR引物(CCMP2、CCMP5、SCUO01、SCU03、SCU07)都表现较高的多态性,单个引物检测的片段数都在4以上。5对cpSSR引物共检测片段数26个,组成了12种叶绿体DNA单倍型。各群体的单倍型分布和频率有较大差异,群体单倍型多样性范围为0-0.4926,TS、JZ、PW和SHY群体单倍型多样性高于QHY和LED群体水平。本研究发现,分布在青藏高原东缘的青杨天然群体,群体间不存在共享的单倍型,各群体间存在极大的遗传分化(GST=0.9223)。从青藏高原东缘地区经历的地质历史事件来看,第四纪的冰期气候变迁可能是造成青杨现今遗传结构模式的主要因素之一。根据单倍型在各群体的分布情况,进行青杨群体聚类分析结果,各群体无明显的分组现象,青杨各群体也未呈现任何清晰地理模式。 由于不同分子标记在对群体遗传多样性检测能力与效率上存在差异,所以三种标记检测的青藏高原东缘青杨天然群体遗传多性水平也不尽一致,但在与用同种方法检测其它物种或同一物种不同种源群体比较,三种分子标记方法都揭示了青藏高原东缘青杨天然群体具有中等偏上的遗传多样性水平。结果分析表明,群体间遗传分化极大,这是由于青杨天然群体分布于青藏高原东缘,既有高原又有高山峡谷,由于地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和地形地貌复杂导致了基因流物理上的阻隔。三种分子标记研究结果经Mantel分析检测,遗传距离与地理距离之间都无明显相关性。较为一致的解释是,青杨分布区域地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和和地形地貌复杂导致群体之间不存在均匀扩散现象,另外各群体在不同的选择压力下,经历各自独立的进化历程,这些都可能导致群体间遗传距离与地理距离的不相关。 The wide geographical and climatic distribution of P. cathayana Rehd. indicates that there is a large amount of genetic diversity available, which can be exploited for conservation, breeding programs and afforestation schemes. The results are as follows: 1 Research results of AFLP genetic diversity In present study, genetic diversity was evaluated in the natural populations of P. cathayana originating from southern and eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China by means of AFLP markers. For four primer combinations, a total of 175 bands were obtained, of which 173 (98.9%) were polymorphic. Six natural populations of P. cathayana possessed different levels of genetic diversity, high level of genetic differentiation existed among populations (GST=0.489) of P. cathayana. Individuals cluster and PCO analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient also showed evident population genetic structure with high level population genetic differentiation. The long evolutionary process coupled with genetic drift within populations, rather than contemporary gene flow, are the major forces shaping genetic structure of P. cathayana populations. Moreover, there is no correspondence between geographical and genetic distances in the populations of P. cathayana, seldom gene exchange among populations and different selection pressures may be the causes. Our finding of different levels of genetic diversity within population and high level of genetic differentiation among populations provided promising condition for further breeding or conservation programs. 2 Research results of SSR genetic diversity In this study, the genetic diversity of P. cathayana was investigated using microsatellite markers. In a total of 150 individuals collected from six natural populations in the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China, a high level of microsatellite polymorphism was detected. At the seven investigated microsatellite loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 16, with a mean of 11.3, the observed heterozygosities across populations ranged from 0.408 to 0.986, with a mean of 0.792, and the expected heterozygosities across populations ranged from 0.511 to 0.891, with a mean of 0.802. The proportion of genetic differentiation among populations accounted for 37.3% of the whole genetic diversity. The presence of such a high level of genetic diversity could be attributed to the features of the species and the habitats where the sampled populations occur: The southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is regarded as the natural distribution and variation center of the genus Populus in China. Variation in environmental conditions and selection pressures in different populations, and topographic dispersal barriers could be factors associated with the high level of genetic differentiation found among populations. The populations possessed significant heterozygosity excesses, which may be due to extensive population mixing at the local scale. The cluster analysis showed that the populations are not strictly grouped according to their geographic distances but the habitat characteristics also influence the divergence pattern. In addition, we suggest that population SHY should be regarded as an ecologically divergent species of P. cathayana. 3 Research results of cpSSR genetic diversity Genetic diversity of six natural populations of P. cathayana originating from the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China was studied by use of cpSSR markers. Based on 5 pairs of polymorphic primers screened from 12 pairs of primers, twenty-six different length fragments and twelve different kinds of haplotypes were reduced in 143 samples. There were significant variant haplotypes among the populations.There were no shared haplotypes found among populations, analysis of molecular variance indicated that a high proportion of the total genetic variance was attributable to variations among populations (92.23%). The pattern of genetic structure which is associated with spatial separation, variation in environmental conditions and selection pressures in different populations, is also the result of geological historical factor. A molecular phylogenetic tree based on the 12 haplotypes showed that the populations are not strictly grouped according to their geographic distances.


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The surface properties, porosities, and adsorption capacities of activated carbons (AC) are modified by the oxidation treatment using concentrated H2SO4 at temperatures 150-270 degreesC. The modified AC was characterized by N-2 adsorption, base titration, FTIR, and the adsorption of iodine, chlorophenol, methylene blue, and dibenzothiophene. The treatment of AC with concentrated H2SO4 at 250 degreesC greatly increases the mesoporous volume from 0.243 mL/g to 0.452 mL/g, specific surface areas from 393 m(2)/g to 745 m(2)/g, and acidic surface oxygen complexes from 0.071 meq/g to 1.986 meq/g as compared with the unmodified AC. The base titration results indicate that the amount of acidic surface oxygen groups on the modified AC increases with increasing the treatment temperatures and carboxyls and phenols are the most abundant carbon-oxygen functional groups. The carboxyl groups, COO- species, and hydroxyl groups are detected mainly for the sample treated at 250 degreesC. The mesoporous properties of the AC modified by concentrated H2SO4 were further tested by the adsorption of methylene blue and dibenzothiophene. The AC modified by concentrated H2SO4 at 250 degreesC has much higher adsorption capacities for large molecules (e.g., methylene blue and dibenzothiophene) than the unmodified AC but less adsorption capacities for small molecules (e.g., iodine). The adsorption results from aqueous solutions have been interpreted using Freundlich adsorption models.


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以黄河三角洲生境分布图为基础 ,运用遥感和地理信息系统得出三个时期丹顶鹤 (Grusjaponensis)生境分布图。选取一系列的景观指数 ,通过APACK软件进行计算 ,结合土地利用动态度的概念对黄河三角洲地区 1 986~ 2 0 0 1年丹顶鹤生境的动态变化进行分析。结果表明 :适宜丹顶鹤栖息的生境面积不断减小 ,该地区的生境破碎化程度也不断升高 ;相应的适应丹顶鹤栖息的各生境类型的面积除了轻干扰深积水鱼类苇田 (人类活动造成 )的面积增加外 ,其余大多呈减少趋势 ,总的来说丹顶鹤栖息生境质量呈下降趋势。黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境的变化是以人类活动为主要驱动力的


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概述了黄土高原森林各层次的水文生态功能和水土保持效益。在此基础上 ,根据自然条件、地形地貌和国民经济发展要求 ,提出了为保护生态环境和协调经济发展的适宜林草覆盖指标


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根据长武试区 1 986年~ 1 995年连续 1 0年的统计资料并结合田间试验 ,对黄土旱塬典型农田生态系统——冬小麦农田系统能量的投入产出、流向、流量与转化效率进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明 ,能量平衡中人工辅助能的投入逐渐增加 ,化肥能投入比例逐渐超过有机肥能 ;该区农业已发展到无机—有机复合阶段 ,农业生产中机械化程度有所提高。通过统计分析 ,得出提高无机能的投入比例可提高能量的产投比 ,增加化肥能投入水平则可提高能量的总产出 ,指出应在机械化条件下实行秸秆还田和多途径增加有机肥投入 ,调整能量投入结构 ,提高能量转化效率 ,提高光能利用率


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The Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-xHo (x = 1, 3 and 5, mass%) alloys were prepared by casting technology, and structures, aging strengthening mechanism and mechanical properties of the alloys were investigated. The age behaviors and the mechanical properties are improved by adding Ho addition. The structures of the alloys are characterized by the present of rosette-shaped equiaxed grains. The peak hardness value of the Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr-3Ho alloy is 100 Hv, which is about 30% higher than that of Mg-8Gd-0.6Zr alloy.