126 resultados para 403
基于我国北方林一兴安落叶松林的实际观测资料对国际著名的CENTURY模型进行了验证,进而模拟了我国北方林一兴安落叶松林的碳循环动态;结合全球变化的预测结果,模拟了全球气候变化下中国北方林生物量、生产力以及碳吸收能力的变化;并且预测了大兴安岭地区的自然干扰因子(林火)和人类活动(采伐、搂除枯枝落叶)对兴安落叶松林碳循环的影响。建立了综合反映兴安落叶松林生物学特性(年龄、蓄积量)及气候因素(年均温、年降水)共同作用下的兴安落叶松林净第一性生产力模型一材积驱动模型。评估了我国森林的生态系统公益价值,并建立了森林生态系统公益价值与其总生产力的回归关系。具体结果如下: (1) 我国北方林的植物总生物量为112. llt.hm-2,净第一性生产力为403. 07gC.m-2.a-l。 (2) 建立了兴安落叶松林的生物气候生产力模型: NPP= (0.3318ln (V/A) +0.4747)×30 (l_e-0'0009695E) 为基于森林资源清查资料与气候资料估算森林生产力提供了方法。 (3) 兴安落叶松林生态系统每年可净吸收碳2.65 t.hm-2,是一个重要的碳汇。 (4) 大气C02浓度倍增将使兴安落叶松林的净笫一性生产力增加9. 8%,并且提高了兴安落叶松林的碳汇功能。 (5) 温度上升将增加兴安落叶松林的生物量和净初级生产力,并且其碳汇功能也有所提高。对兴安落叶松林生长的主要限制因子是温度而不是水分。 (6) 林火使兴安落叶松林的生物量降低,但同时也促进了兴安落叶松的更新及幼树的生长,火烧后兴安落叶松林的生产力均有所增加。火烧的强度越大,烧死的森林生物量越多,火后的恢复期也越长。 (7) 一定强度的采伐有利于兴安落叶松林的更新和幼苗、幼树的生长,从而既得到了直接的经济效益,同时又可以保持一定的生态效益。 (8) 搂除枯枝落叶层在短时间内促进了兴安落叶松林的生长,但长期下去,则将导致土壤越来越贫瘠,不利于森林的生长。 (9) 兴安落叶松林所创造的生态系统公益的总价值约为2409.96×106US$.a-,其生态效益的价值是其所创造的经济价值的2.52倍,反映了生态效益的显著性。 (10) 在对我国各类型森林的生态系统公益价值评估的基础上建 立了森林生态系统公益价值与其生产力的回归关系:Va=108.25×1 06×(Tp)0'93,简化了生态系统公益价值的评估计算工作。
从广西产眼镜王蛇( Ophiophagus hannah) 毒腺中抽提总RNA , 经mRNA 纯化后构建眼镜王蛇毒腺 cDNA 文库。从所构建的cDNA 文库中, 随机筛选200 个克隆测序, 得到两个在进化上高度保守的基因: 泛素融 合蛋白基因(GenBank 登录号为AF297036) 和核糖体蛋白L30 基因(GenBank 登录号是AF297033) 。前者cDNA 的开放阅读框为387 bp , 后者为348 bp 。前者编码128 个氨基酸残基组成的泛素融合蛋白前体; 后者编码115 个氨基酸残基组成的核糖体蛋白L30 前体。由cDNA 序列推导出的氨基酸序列分析表明, 泛素融合蛋白前体包 括N - 末端的泛素结构域(76 个氨基酸残基) 和C - 末端的核糖体蛋白L40 结构域(52 个氨基酸残基) 。该蛋 白为一高碱性蛋白, C 末端含有一个“锌指”模式结构。与16 个物种比较的结果表明, 眼镜王蛇与脊椎动物的 泛素融合蛋白氨基酸序列相似度较高, 具有高度的保守性。
Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173(+)/CD44(+) cells ranged from 17% to > 60% and of CD174(+)/CD44(+) from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment I sequences (HVSI, 471 bp) of the control region and partial cytochrome b sequences (Cytb, 403 bp) were analyzed in three tentative species of the genus Mystacoleucus in China (M. chilopterus, M. marginatus, and M. lepturus). Not more than two mutations were found in both the HVSI and Cytb fragments among the samples from M. chilopterus and M. marginatus. However, M. lepturus differed from each of them by at least 25 mutations in Cytb and 51 mutations in HVSI. Moreover, the HVSI sequence variation within M. lepturus was larger than that between M. chilopterus and M. marginatus. Given that M. chilopterus and M. marginatus are very similar in morphology, it is reasonable to consider M. chilopterus and M. marginatus as conspecific. Our results also suggest a recent radiation of M. marginatus from downstream to upstream of the Lancangjiang (Mekong) River.
This paper reports the availability of a database of protein structural domains (DDBASE), an alignment database of homologous proteins (HOMSTRAD) and a database of structurally aligned superfamilies (CAMPASS) on the World Wide Web (WWW). DDBASE contains information on the organization of structural domains and their boundaries; it includes only one representative domain from each of the homologous families. This database has been derived by identifying the presence of structural domains in proteins on the basis of inter-secondary structural distances using the program DIAL [Sowdhamini & Blundell (1995), Protein Sci. 4, 506-520]. The alignment of proteins in superfamilies has been performed on the basis of the structural features and relationships of individual residues using the program COMPARER [Sali & Blundell (1990), J. Mol. Biol. 212, 403-428]. The alignment databases contain information on the conserved structural features in homologous proteins and those belonging to superfamilies. Available data include the sequence alignments in structure-annotated formats and the provision for viewing superposed structures of proteins using a graphical interface. Such information, which is freely accessible on the WWW, should be of value to crystallographers in the comparison of newly determined protein structures with previously identified protein domains or existing families.
对墨江蜈蚣的分布、生活环境、生活习性做了初步研究。指出墨江蜈蚣的生 活期是3月中旬 至10月中下旬, 此期间的温度在18—23℃, 湿度75—85%, 降雨 量为50—280mm, 日照射数225—115h。蒸发量200—100mm。图1
记述了寄生在zhao属鱼类上的寄生桡足类鳋科1新种——匙刺鳋Ergasilus cochlearius sp.l nov., 其第一至第四对足内肢末节的刺均为匙形, 第一胸节与头部等宽, 以游泳足的刚毛式和口器等, 而与E. spatulus Cressey相区别。模式标本存第一作者单位。图16参2
列出中国人的SC核型和模式图。根据减数分裂前期XY的复杂形态变化, XY的配对可分为5种 类型。对XY短臂之间形成的SC和XY长臂顶端的次级联合以及XY 配对的性质和机理作了描述 和讨论。报道了一个罕见的三倍体精母细胞, 对三倍体精母细胞中SC的配对行为以及和人类染色体疾病病因的可能关系作了分析和讨论。图版2图1表1参19
通过对培养时间、培养温度、刀豆蛋白A(ConA)质量浓度和鳗鲡血清质量分数4个参数的测定,确定欧洲鳗鲡(Anguilla anguilla)外周血淋巴细胞转化试验四甲基偶氮唑(MTT)法的实验条件。结果表明,在培养时间为42-90 h,培养温度分别为15.0℃、20.0℃、25.0℃和30.0℃时,细胞培养液中ConA质量浓度分别为0、10μg/mL、20μg/mL和30μg/mL,鳗鲡血清质量分数分别为0、5%、10%和15%时,淋巴细胞于20.0℃、含10μg/mL ConA,10%鳗鲡血清的RPMI