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2007年4月19-24日,应用EY60回声探测仪三峡水库库首区域的鱼类分布格局进行了水声学探测。研究发现:三峡大坝坝前至巫山干流江段鱼类分布不均匀,密度范围为0.718~37.46ind./1000m3,均值为3.117 ind./1000m3;鱼类主要分布的区域为支流河口及码头等位置,其中船闸通道位置密度最高;垂直分布上鱼类主要分布在30~60m的水层。分析认为,三峡库首区域鱼类的分布可能与浮游生物的丰富度有关。另外本文分析了三峡库区探测中鱼类个体目标强度的分布及信号过滤,以便下一步水声学探测研究的深
应用反转录-PCR及RACE技术,从二龄鲤鱼肝组织中克隆了生长激素受体(GHR)的全长基因,其开放阅读框编码602个氨基酸,其中包括244个氨基酸的胞外激素结合结构域,24个氨基酸的跨膜区域和334个氨基酸的胞内信号传导区域.序列分析表明:无论在基因水平还是蛋白质水平,鲤鱼GHR与鲫鱼GHR均具有较高的同源性.用一对基因特异性引物在研究二龄鲤鱼GHR的组织分布时发现:肝与其他组织的扩增产物大小不一致(肝组织中的约小100 bp),测序结果以及基因组PCR表明这是由于一个97 bp的内含子选择性剪切造成的.
传统的观念认为 ,单性动物由于失去了重组机会 ,必然难以适应变化的环境 ,终将绝灭。但是已被发现的近 5 0种单性脊椎动物不仅没有因失去基因的重组和交换而绝灭 ,反而表现出强大的生命力。其有害突变积累和较长的生物演化历程之间的矛盾和在缺乏遗传重组情况下的进化机制是特别引人关注的重大生物学问题。简要论述了单性动物独特的基因组结构、存在历史及其进化途径 (突变、三倍化、异精雌核发育生殖方式和异精效应及生殖方式多样化 )。
应用单个体培养方法研究了藻类食物的种类和浓度以及培养温度对萼花臂尾轮虫种群动态的影响 .结果显示 ,藻类食物的种类和斜生栅藻浓度均仅对轮虫的幼体阶段历时和产卵量具有显著的影响 ;三类食物中蛋白核小球藻是轮虫种群增长的最适藻类食物 ;若以斜生栅藻为食物 ,轮虫种群增长的最适浓度为 6.0× 10 6cells/ml.轮虫各主要发育阶段的历时皆随着温度的升高而极显著地缩短 ,但温度对其产卵量无显著的影响 :30℃下该种轮虫种群的内禀增长率最大 .
<正> 一材料和方法本实验于1977年5月至1978年4月进行。实验用鱼取自武昌东湖水果湖区。用不同网目的刺网每月采样1~2次。全年共收集334尾标本(鲢、鳙各167尾)。用于食性分析的标本鲢68尾,体长18.0~42.0厘米,重118~1550克;鳙42尾,体长18.0~40.0厘米,重155~1,400克。经鉴定标本均属1~1~+龄鲢、鳙鱼,即1977年4月放湖。然后取出整条肠管。按鲤科鱼类肠管分段法,目测前、中、后肠的饱满度,并选取
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is widely distributed and persistent in the environment and in wildlife, and it has the potential for developmental toxicity. However, the molecular mechanisms that lead to these toxic effects are not well known. In the present study, proteomic analysis has been performed to investigate the proteins that are differentially expressed in zebrafish embryos exposed to 0.5 mg/l PFOS until 192 h postfertilization. Two-dimensional electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry was employed to detect and identify the protein profiles. The analysis revealed that 69 proteins showed altered expression in the treatment group compared to the control group with either increase or decrease in expression levels (more than twofold difference). Of the 69 spots corresponding to the proteins with altered expression, 38 were selected and subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF/TOF) analysis; 18 proteins were identified in this analysis. These proteins can be categorized into diverse functional classes such as detoxification, energy metabolism, lipid transport/steroid metabolic process, cell structure, signal transduction, and apoptosis. Overall, proteomic analysis using zebrafish embryos serves as an in vivo model in environmental risk assessment and provides insight into the molecular events in PFOS-induced developmental toxicity.
Microcystin (MC) problem made more and more care about in China, intercellular MC (Int-MC) and cellular MC (Cel-MC) were important contents to reflect the producing-MC ability by cyanobacteria and by lakes. To study the correlations between Int-MC, Cel-MC concentration and biological and environmental factors, eight cyanobacterial blooming lakes were studied in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Microcystin-RR (MC-RR) and Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) were the primary toxin variants in our data. From the linear correlations between MC and environmental factors, cellular-YR had significant correlation with most of chemical factors except total nitrogen (TN) and the ratio of total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TN/TP), most intracellular MC analogues had significant correlations with total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), TP, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Microcystis. From the canonal correspondence analysis, Int-MC concentrations were closely related with the chemical and biological factors, such as TP, total organic carbon (TOC), chlorophyll a (Chl a), Microcystis biomass, et al. While Cel-MC contents, especially Cel-RR and Cel-LR, were closely related with light environmental in the lakes such as water depth and transparence.
The cDNA of growth hormone receptor (GHR) was cloned from the liver of 2-year common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE). Its open reading frame (ORF) of 1806 nucleotides is translated into a putative peptide of 602 amino acids, including an extracellular ligand-binding domain of 244 amino acids (aa), a single transmembrane domain of 24 aa and an intracellular signal-transduction domain of 334 aa. Sequence analysis indicated that common carp GHR is highly homologous to goldfish (Carassius auratus) GHR at both gene and protein levels. Using a pair of gene-specific primers, a GHR fragment was amplified from the cDNA of 2-year common carp, a 224 bp product was identified in liver and a 321 bp product in other tissues. The sequencing of the products and the partial genomic DNA indicated that the difference in product size was the result of a 97 bp intron that alternatively spliced. In addition, the 321 bp fragment could be amplified from all the tissues of 4-month common carp including liver, demonstrating the occurrence of the alternative splicing of this intron during the development of common carp. Moreover, a semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed to analyze the expression level of GHR in tissues of 2-year common carp and 4-month common carp. The result revealed that in the tissues of gill, thymus and brain, the expression level of GHR in 2-year common carp was significantly tower than that of 4-month common carp.
The spatial distribution and morphological diversity of virioplankton were determined in Lake Donghu which contains three trophic regions: hypertrophic, eutrophic and mesotrophic region. Virioplankton abundance measured by transmission electron microscope (TEM) ranged from 7.7 x 10(8) to 3.0 x 109 ml(-1), being among the highest observed in any natural aquatic system examined so far. The spatial distribution of virioplankton was correlated significantly with chlorophyll a concentration (r = 0.847; P < 0.01) at the sampling sites in Lake Donghu. 76 morphotypes were observed. Most morphotypes have tails, belonging to Siphoviridae, Myoviridae and Podoviridae. The majority of tailed phages in the lake were Myoviridae. Morphotypes which were rarely reported, such as prolate-headed virus-like particles, lemon-shaped virus-like particle, and viruses resembling Tectiviridae and Corticoviridae were all observed in the lake. It is concluded that the high viral abundance might be associated with high density of phytoplankton including algae and cyanobacteria. There was high viral diversity in this eutrophic shallow lake. In addition, cyanophage represented an important fraction of the virioplankton community in Lake Donghu. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.