275 resultados para 29Si MAS NMR


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现代多脉冲及2D NMR技术是过去十年中发展起来的崭新的NMR实验方法。计算机模拟做为NMR实验的强有力分析手段已日益受到重视。国内这方面工作开展得尚很少;国外发表的工作主要采用的是数字模拟,存在分析结果不够直观、物理意义不够清晰等缺陷。本论文工作采用乘积算符方法研制出对分析多脉冲及2D NMR实验普适的模拟程序PROPER;在乘积算符基础上,针对磁等性自旋体系,提出了实用的对称化乘积算符及多量子积算符方法。一、多脉冲及2D NMR实验的计算机模拟 1. 采用乘积算符方法在本所PDP-11/23微机上研制了多脉冲及2D NMR实验的模拟程序PROPER。该程序对不超过4核(I = 1/2)的同核及异核弱耦合自旋体系非选择性脉冲序列的分析是普遍适用的。受计算机内存的限制,PROPER程序所能处理的脉冲序列脉冲间隔数目一般不超过10。2. 应用PROPER模拟程序对INEP和DEPT脉冲序列进行了分析比较;特别对BIRD脉冲序列的各种相位变型进行了模拟分析,给出了分析结果,分析过程中考虑了影响BIRD作用效果的同核耦合因素。应用结果表明,PROPER程序计算正确、迅速、给出的模拟结果较通常的数字模拟方法简单、直观、物理意义清楚,便于分析。由于采用算符模拟,结果的输出打印比较费时。目前,PROPER程序正在改进和完善之中。二、多脉冲及2D NMR实验的密度算符描述 1. 针对磁等性自旋(I = 1/2)体系,首次提出了对称化乘积算符描述方法。在通常的乘积算符基础上,引入了对称化乘积算符,并对其数理基础进行了详细论证。推导了算符循环对易关系决定的Liourill-Von Neumann方程的解,给出了算符间普遍存在的循环对易关系及其相应的演化公式。据此,以InS(I = 1/2, S = 1/2; n = 2,3)自旋体系为例,对DEPT脉冲序列进行了分析;结果表明,该方法较通常的乘积算符方法对磁等性自旋体系的分析要简单、实用,且物理意义更加明确。由于该方法涉及较多的算符对易关系,因此不易计算机编程。2. 在对称化乘积算符基础上引入了多量子积算符的概念。以In(I = 1/2; n = 2,3)体系为例,给出了两者的互换关系。推导出了具有标量耦合作用的两组合粒子体系普适的多量子积算符环对易关系及相应的演化解析式。多量子积算符方法可望将1/2-自旋磁等性组合粒子表象与自旋大于1/2的单粒子表象统一起来,并为计算机模拟提供新的数学方法。该方法尚有待于进一步研究。


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本文从几个方面研究了稀土离子及稀土配合物的性质和在生物体系中的应用,并取得了如下结果。1)稀土离子具有良好的核磁特性。向外消旋丙-丝二肽溶液中加入顺磁性稀土离子,可使不同旋光异构体相同磁核的共振信号明显分开,便于指认和归属。指出外消旋丙-丝二肽顺磁稀土配合物不同异构体的诱导位移主要由接触位移决定;2)合成了几类Dy~(3+)配合物,并对其~(23)Na位移性质加以研究;3)稀土配合物Gd(DCBDA)、Gd(DBDA)、Gd(EDTMP)、Gd(DETPMP)、Gd_2(EDTMP)、Gd_2(DETPMP)具有很强的~(13)C弛豫增强作用,并不对~(13)C共振信号产生明显位移和增宽。Gd(DCBDA)、Gd(DBDA)弛豫能力最强,是很有应用前景的新型水溶性弛豫试剂;4)首次利用~(133)Cs NMR技术研究了稀土离子La~(3+)对人血红细胞金属离子迁移性质的影响。


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本工作以EV共聚物为研究对象,明确地提出了共聚物的序列结构与其~(13)C NMR谱,包括符号表示在内的一致性问题。通过对EVAc共聚物~(13)C NMR谱的分析认为,共聚物的序列结构与其~(13)C NMR谱之间存在着某种内在的联系。我们从EV共聚物序列结构的符号表示和Bovey关系出发,阐述了它们之间的一致性,即一一对应关系,并发现了EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱的两种类型,提出了利用取代基参数进行EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱分类的判别标准及其衍生出的两种判别方法,阐述了关于EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱峰分布的预见性。


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A comprehensive study on physical and chemical properties of Mo/MCM-22 bifunctional catalysts has been made by using combined analytic and spectroscopic techniques, such as adsorption, elemental analysis, and Xe-129 and P-31 NMR of adsorbed trialkylphosphine oxide probe molecules. Samples prepared by the impregnation method with Mo loadings ranging from 2-10 wt.% have been examined and the results are compared with that obtained from samples prepared by mechanical mixing using MoO3 or Mo2C as agents. Sample calcination treatment is essential in achieving a well-dispersed metal species in Mo/MCM-22. It was found that, upon initial incorporation, the Mo species tend to inactivate both Bronsted and Lewis sites locate predominantly in the supercages rather than the 10-membered ring channels of MCM-22. However, as the Mo loading exceeds 6 wt.%, the excessive Mo species tend to migrate toward extracrystalline surfaces of the catalyst. A consistent decrease in concentrations of acid sites with increasing Mo loading < 6 wt.% was found, especially for those with higher acid strengths. Upon loading of Mo > 6 wt.%, further decreases in both Bronsted and Lewis acidities were observed. These results provide crucial supports for interpreting the peculiar behaviors previously observed during the conversion of methane to benzene over Mo/MCM-22 catalyst under non-oxidative conditions, in which an optimal performance was achieved with a Mo loading of 6 wt.%. The effects of Mo incorporation on porosity and acidity features of the catalyst are discussed. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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By using the solid-state MAS NMR technique, the hydrothermal stabilities (under 100% steam at 1073 K) of HZSM-5 zeolites modified by lanthanum and phosphorus have been studied. They are excellent zeolite catalysts for residual oil selective catalytic cracking (RSCC) processes. It was indicated that the introduction of phosphorus to the zeolite via impregnation with orthophosphoric acid led to dealumination as well as formation of different Al species, which were well distinguished by Al-27 3Q MAS NMR. Meanwhile, the hydrothermal stabilities of the zeolites (P/HZSM-5, La-P/HZSM-5) were enhanced even after the samples were treated under severe conditions for a prolonged time. It was found that the Si-O-Al bonds were broken under hydrothermal conditions, while at the same time the phosphorous compounds would occupy the silicon sites to form (SiO)(x)Al(OP)(4 - x) species. With increasing time, more silicon sites around the tetrahedral coordinated Al in the lattice can be replaced till the aluminum is completely expelled from the framework. The existence of lanthanum can partially restrict the breaking of the Si-O-Al bonds and the replacement of the silicon sites by phosphorus, thus preventing dealumination under hydrothermal conditions. This was also proved by P-31 MAS NMR spectra. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.