144 resultados para 14-140


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采用PCR技术获得了14种主要分布于东亚的低等鲤科鱼类细胞色素b基因的全序列. 所得1 140 bp细胞色素b基因序列与10种取自GenBank, 分布在北美和欧洲的相关鲤科鱼类的同一基因序列一起排序后, 得到了24种鲤科鱼类的DNA序列矩阵. 此矩阵经过最大似然(maximum likelihood)法计算后获得了低等鲤科及相关种类的系统发育分支图解. 分支系统图显示鲤科的雅罗鱼亚科和亚科鱼类并不形成单系类群. 亚科鱼类中的马口鱼、等是原始的鲤科鱼类, 处于分支图的基部. 而其余的亚科鱼类则分散


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Apo-14 is a fish-specific apolipoprotein and its biological function remains unknown. In this study, CagApo-14 was cloned from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) and its expression pattern was investigated during embryogenesis and early larval development. The CagApo-14 transcript and its protein product were firstly localized in the yolk syncytial layer at a high level during embryogenesis, and then found to be restricted to the digestive system including liver and intestine in later embryos and early larvae. Immunofluorescence staining in larvae and adults indicated that CagApo-14 protein was predominantly synthesized in and excreted from sinusoidal endothelial cells of liver tissue. Morpholino knockdown of CagApo-14 resulted in severe disruption of digestive organs including liver, intestine, pancreas and swim bladder. Moreover, yolk lipid transportation and utilization were severely affected in the CagApo-14 morphants. Overall, this data indicates that CagApo-14 is required for digestive system organogenesis during fish embryogenesis and larval development.


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A novel fish-specific apolipoprotein (apo-14 kDa) has been recently cloned from eel and pufferfish. However, its expression pattern has not been elucidated. in this study, EcApo-14 has been screened from hypothalamic cDNA library of male orange-spotted grouper, which shows 62.9%, 51%, 46.9%, 43.2%, and 31.9% identities to Apo-14 of European flounder, pufferfish, Japanese eel, gibel carp, and grass carp, respectively. RT-PCR analysis reveals that this gene is first transcribed in neurula embryos and maintains a relatively stable expression level during the following embryogenesis. EcApo-14 transcripts are at a very high level during embryonic and early larval development in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL), and decrease in YSL and form intense staining in liver at 3 days after hatching. In adult tissues, EcApo-14 is predominantly expressed in liver and brain. The data suggested that EcApo-14 might play an important role in liver and brain morphogenesis and growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Test strip detectors of 125 mu m, 500 mu m, and 1 mm pitches with about 1 cm(2) areas have been made on medium-resistivity silicon wafers (1.3 and 2.7 k Ohm cm). Detectors of 500 mu m pitch have been tested for charge collection and position precision before and after neutron irradiation (up to 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2)) using 820 and 1030 nm laser lights with different beam-spot sizes. It has been found that for a bias of 250 V a strip detector made of 1.3 k Ohm cm (300 mu m thick) can be fully depleted before and after an irradiation of 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2). For a 500 mu m pitch strip detector made of 2.7 k Ohm cm tested with an 1030 nm laser light with 200 mu m spot size, the position reconstruction error is about 14 mu m before irradiation, and 17 mu m after about 1.7 x 10(13) n/cm(2) irradiation. We demonstrated in this work that medium resistivity silicon strip detectors can work just as well as the traditional high-resistivity ones, but with higher radiation tolerance. We also tested charge sharing and position reconstruction using a 1030 nm wavelength (300 mu m absorption length in Si at RT) laser, which provides a simulation of MIP particles in high-physics experiments in terms of charge collection and position reconstruction, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated a two-color quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) exhibiting simultaneous photoresponse with cutoff wavelengths at 11.8 and 14.5 mu m, respectively. Strong photocurrent signals are observed at temperature of 77 K. The simultaneous two-color photoresponse is achieved by utilizing a simple design by broadening the width of the quantum well and selecting an appropriate doping density. The two peaks are attributed to the intersubband transitions from the ground state to the first excited state (bound state) and to the fifth excited state (continuum state), respectively.


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本文在溶液理论的基础上,用纯热力学方法研究了中性磷萃取剂-金属体系(TBP-Er(no_3)_3)和氨化P_(50)-金属体系(P_(50)-cus04)的平衡计算模型。对于TBP体系有下列萃取平衡Er(NO_3)_3 (a) + 3TBP_((0)) <-> Er(NO_3)_3. 3TBP_((0))对于氨化P50体系,在萃取剂大量过量下有下的平衡Er(NO_3)_3 (a) + 3TBP_((0)) <-> Er(NO_3)_3. 3TBP(0)对氧化P50体系,在萃取剂大量过量下有下的平衡Cu_((a))~(2+) + partial deriv H_2R_2_((0)) <-> Cu(HR_2)_2 + 2H~+。用Scatchard-hildebrand模型预测了C_6H_(24)-TBP二元体系的担力学性质,以近似地用于H_2O - 16H_4 - TBP三之体系,减少了实验工作量。用气相色谱法求得了三之体系H_2O - (6H_(14) - P_(50))的热力学平衡数据,由于改进了进样系统,使实验误差<2%。对二体系的水相,均采用Pitzer理论求算γ_(Er(WO_3)_3),和γ_(Cn~(2+))。对有机相,用热力学关系求出了水,正已烷,萃取剂,的活度系数。实验结果用Scatchard-Hildebrand模型进行关联。使计算机上进行回归处理,求得萃取反应的热力学平衡常数Ka和萃合物的活度系数。计算中,将有效平衡常数进一步分解,以提出显函数项,并在图解数分中改进了计算方法,使得每条萃取等温成都解得到合理的积分值。Schatchard-Hildebrand模型能在较宽的有机相浓度区域应用。所得到的端值常数,可定性地分析各组分的相互作用。


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近年来南美斑潜蝇(Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard)在云南爆发成灾,严重为害蔬菜、花卉及部分粮食作物,已对云南省的农业构成了巨大威胁。目前在防治工作中虽已投入了大量的人力、物力,但因对该虫的基本生物学特性缺乏了解,使得防治工作存在较大的盲目性。在世界范围内,南美斑潜蝇是一种危险性害虫。在国外,对南美斑潜蝇的生物学研究做过一些工作,但在国内未见任何研究报道。作者开展本项研究是想了解该虫的生物生态学问题,为探讨其成灾机制提供基础,同时也期望为该虫的综合防治提供科学依据。运用室内饲养观察、组织切片及显微分析、营养成分分析及野外调查等方法,作者研究了昆明地区南美斑潜蝇的生物生态学特性及其与寄主植物的关系。研究结果如下:1、南美斑潜蝇在云南省分布区域包括8个地、州,70余个县,发生面积约72万亩。其为害的寄主植物涉及41个科近300种。较喜好的寄主有蚕豆、繁缕、菠菜、生菜、满天星、芹菜、莴笋、黄瓜、菜豆等。2、成虫大部分于上午羽化,雄虫羽化时间稍早一些,雌性比为1.07:1。羽化后第二天是求偶与交配高峰期,大部分交配在上午进行。雌虫羽化后2-5天取食量较多,在满天星上日平均取食孔数为60个,总产卵量为140粒,第13天产卵量最多。成虫在10:00-12:00和14:00-16:00有两个活动高峰期,且下午活动盛于上午。雌成虫寿命为5-21天,平均为14天,雄成虫寿命为3-7天,平均为5天。3、雄虫在求偶过程中用腿节摩擦腹部磨擦器以吸引雌虫交配,在较高的种群密度下,雄虫在交配过程中表现出较强的攻击性。雌虫在取食和产卵之前用跗节、产卵器和喙上的感受器对寄主的适合度进行探查和评估。4、南美斑潜蝇卵、幼虫及蛹的发育临界低温分别为6.6、7.2及4.6 ℃,有效积温分别为50.5、84.2和182.2日度。昆明地区的气候条件有利于南美斑潜蝇的存活,南美斑潜蝇在昆明地区可全年发生,发生代数为16代。5、保护地内南美斑潜蝇成虫的高峰期出现在4月、5月、7月和8月。南美斑潜蝇的发生受温度、降雨、农药、作物种植等多种因素的影响。6、南美斑潜蝇的寄生蜂有两种寄生类型,一种是从南美斑潜蝇的幼虫中发育和羽化,另一种是寄生南美斑潜蝇幼虫,从南美斑潜蝇蛹中羽化。前者包括:姬小蜂科(Eulophidae)的潜蝇姬小蜂Pediobius mitsukurii和豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea。后者为离颚茧蜂亚科(Dacnusaina)的潜蝇离颚茧蜂Dacnusa sp.。7、寄主叶片的组织结构影响南美斑潜蝇的寄主选择性,叶片表皮外壁较厚,栅栏组织和海绵组织的紧密度程度较高将对南美斑潜蝇的取食和产卵以及幼虫在叶肉内的取食和发育形成阻碍作用。其中,叶片表皮外壁厚度对雌虫寄主选择性的影响程度最大,幼虫的发育则更多地受到栅栏组织的紧密程度和海绵组织的紧密程度制约。叶片表皮外壁的厚度,栅栏组织和海绵组织的紧密程度应作为作物抗南美斑潜蝇的重要特征。8、叶片蛋白质和氮的含量与南美斑潜蝇的寄主适合度正相关性显著,蛋白质和氮含量高的寄主叶片适合南美斑潜蝇的存活。植物叶片蛋白质和氮的含量可作为一种潜在的抗性因素而加以利用。9、云南适宜南美斑潜蝇生长繁殖的气候条件和丰富的寄主植物资源是造成该虫在云南大发生的两大环境因素,人类的经济活动加剧了该虫的扩散和泛滥成灾。当前在南美斑潜蝇种群数量大,为害严重时药剂防治作为一种快速有较的防治方法是必要的,但长期单一使用,会使害虫抗药性增加。因此,对南美斑潜蝇的防治,应建立自然抑制体系。这就需要同时进行农业和生物防治,建立综合防治体系。以上研究结果不仅有助于认识南美斑潜蝇种群的基本生物学特性、而且有助于理解南美斑潜蝇在云南爆发成灾的过程,进而为制定科学的防治策略和综合防治实践提供了依据。


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Test strip detectors of 125 mu m, 500 mu m, and 1 mm pitches with about 1 cm(2) areas have been made on medium-resistivity silicon wafers (1.3 and 2.7 k Ohm cm). Detectors of 500 mu m pitch have been tested for charge collection and position precision before and after neutron irradiation (up to 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2)) using 820 and 1030 nm laser lights with different beam-spot sizes. It has been found that for a bias of 250 V a strip detector made of 1.3 k Ohm cm (300 mu m thick) can be fully depleted before and after an irradiation of 2 x 10(14) n/cm(2). For a 500 mu m pitch strip detector made of 2.7 k Ohm cm tested with an 1030 nm laser light with 200 mu m spot size, the position reconstruction error is about 14 mu m before irradiation, and 17 mu m after about 1.7 x 10(13) n/cm(2) irradiation. We demonstrated in this work that medium resistivity silicon strip detectors can work just as well as the traditional high-resistivity ones, but with higher radiation tolerance. We also tested charge sharing and position reconstruction using a 1030 nm wavelength (300 mu m absorption length in Si at RT) laser, which provides a simulation of MIP particles in high-physics experiments in terms of charge collection and position reconstruction, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.