408 resultados para Collisions (Nuclear physics).


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The sputtered particle yields produced by Pbq+ (q=4-36) with constant kinetic energy bombardment on An surface were measured. The sputtering Could be separated to two parts: no potential sputtering is observed when q<24 (E-pot = 9.6 keV) and the sputtering yield increases with E-pot(1.2) for the higher charge states of q >= 24. The potential sputtering is mainly contributed by the relaxation of electronic excitations on target surface produced by the potential energy transfer from projectile to target atoms.


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The analysis of the mass spectrum and the calculation of the strong decay of P-wave charmonium states strongly purport to explain the newly observed X(3915) and X(4350) as new members in the P-wave charmonium family, i.e., chi'(c0) for X(3915) and chi ''(c2) for X(4350). Under the P-wave charmonium assignment to X(3915) and X(4350), the J(PC) quantum numbers of X(3915) and X(4350) must be 0(++) and 2(++) respectively, which provide important criteria to test the P-wave charmonium explanation for X(3915) and X(4350) proposed by this Letter. The decay behavior of the remaining two P-wave charmonium states with the second radial excitation is predicted, and an experimental search for them is suggested.


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We estimate the two-photon exchange corrections to both proton and neutron electromagnetic physical observables in a relativistic light cone quark model At a fixed Q(2) the corrections are found to be small in magnitudes. but strongly dependent oil scattering angle Our results are comparable to those obtained from simple hadronic model in the medium momentum transfer region (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The inelastic component of the key astrophysical resonance (1(-), E-x=6.15 MeV) in the O-14(alpha,p)F-17 reaction has been studied by using the resonant scattering of F-17+p. The experiment was done at REX-ISOLDE CERN with the Miniball setup. The thick target method in inverse kinematics was utilized in the present experiment where a 44.2 MeV F-17 beam bombarded a similar to 40 mu m thick (CH2)(n) target. The inelastic scattering protons in coincidence with the de-excited 495 keV gamma rays have been clearly seen and they are from the inelastic branch to the first excited state in F-17 following decay of the 1(-) resonance in Ne-18. Some preliminary results are reported.


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Efforts have been made in our group to study the band structure of odd-odd nuclei in the A similar to 170 mass region. We aimed at providing new data of high-spin states and searching for the low-spin signature inversion in the 2-qp bands built on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) and pi i(13/2)circle times nu i(13/2) configurations. In this talk, main results of our work will be summarized, and some systematic features of signature inversion discussed. The spin and parity assignments for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in (184)An could be regarded as firm providing a good example for systematic and theoretical investigations.


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Recent experimental advances have made it possible to study spectroscopy in very heavy nuclei. We show that from the excited high-spin structure of transfermium isotopes, one may gain useful information on single-particle states for the superheavy mass region, which is the key to locating the anticipated 'island of stability'. In this work, we employ the Projected Shell Model for Cf, Fm, and No isotopes to study rotation alignment of the particles that occupy particular high-j intruder orbitals.


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A series of experiments have been performed by complete kinematics measurements to study two-proton (2p) correlated emission from the excited states of Ne-17,Ne-18 and S-28,S-29 via the Coulomb excitation by bombarding on Au-197 target. 2p and residua coincident events were picked Out under strict conditions. Visible p-p correlations were observed. It is shown that 2p can be emitted from the high-lying excited states. 2p halo may lead to 2p emission with large spectroscopy factor for the states close to or beyond the threshold.


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The alpha-decay half-lives of nuclei in the ground states and Isomeric states have been calculated within the WKB approximation and Royer's formulas. The barrier in the quasimolecular shape path is determined within a generalized liquid drop model (GLDM). in which the centrifugal potential energy has been introduced to study the unfavored a-decay The agreement between the calculated results and experimental data indicates the reliability of studying alpha-decay of isomeric states with the generalized liquid drop model We find that their is no significant difference of preformation probability between Isomeric states and the corresponding ground states generally in favored alpha-decay Additionally. we extended Royer's formulas by taking account of the role of centrifugal harrier to study the unfavored alpha-decay, and some predicts oil the a decay half-lives of Isomers are made Finally. the effects of angular momontum transfer and Q(alpha) on alpha-decay half-life have been discussed Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Isoscaling is derived within a recently proposed modified Fisher model where the free energy near the critical point is described by the Landau O(m(6)) theory. In this model m = N-f-Z(f)/A(f) is the order parameter, a consequence of (one of) the symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Within this framework we show that isoscaling depends mainly on this order parameter through the 'external (conjugate) field' H. The external field is just given by the difference in chemical potentials of the neutrons and protons of the two sources. To distinguish from previously employed isoscaling relationships, this approach is dubbed: m-scaling. We discuss the relationship between this framework and the standard isoscaling formalism and point out some substantial differences in interpretation of experimental results which might result. These should be investigated further both theoretically and experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the framework of a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian we explore the nontrivial nature of f(0)(600) and f(0)(1370) in terms of quarkonium, tetraquark and gluonium components. The mass constraints are obtained and the strong and radiative partial widths are calculated to demonstrate and discriminate these components. The static properties of f(0)(1500) and glueball are also studied. Our results are confronted with the experimental and theoretical data available as well as the upcoming measurements. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-spin states in Pt-189 have been studied with the in-beam gamma-spectroscopy method via the Yb-176(O-18, 5n) reaction at beam energies of 88 MeV and 95 MeV. A new level scheme of Pt-189 has been established. Rotational bands based on the upsilon i(13/2)(-1), upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) and upsilon i(13/2)(-2)upsilon f(p(3/2)) configurations, as well as several structures with irregular level spacings, have been observed. Properties of rotational bands have been analyzed in the framework of triaxial particle-rotor model. A gamma similar to -30 degrees triaxial shape and a near prolate shape have been proposed to the upsilon i(13/2)(-1) and uf(5/2)(p(3/2)) bands, respectively. Two Delta I=2 transition sequences with similar energies have been observed, and they have been proposed to be associated with the upsilon i(13/2)(-1)upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) configuration. According to the relevant Nilsson orbitals, the bands built on the upsilon i(13/2)(-1)upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) configuration could be interpreted as a pair of pseudo-spin partner.


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The SHANS spectrometer is under construction in the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is one of the key devices in the SHANS. To perform direct mass measurement, the Lanzhou Penning Trap LPT is also under construction. In this symposium, the principle of the SHANS, the status of RFQ1L and LPT and some primary test results will be reported.


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Experiments of Al-23 and Mg-22 radioactive beams bombarding a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV have been performed at the projectile fragment separator beamline (RIPS) in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton emission from Al-23 and Mg-22 excited states, respectively. The trajectorie of the decay products, namely Na-21 + p + p from Al-23 and Ne-20 + p + p from Mg-22, are clean identified. The relative momentum and opening angle between two protons in the rest frame of three body decay channels are obtained by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results demonstrate that there are some di-proton emission components from He-2 cluster for the excited Al-23 and Mg-22.


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In the framework of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and improved Royer's formula, we investigate the branching ratios and half-lives of alpha-decay to the members of the ground-state rotational bands of heavy even-even Fm and No isotopes. The calculated results are in good agreement with the available experimental data and some useful predictions are provided for future experiments.


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An experiment of Mg-22 and Ne-20 beams bombarding on a C-12 target at an energy of 60 similar to 70 A MeV has been performed at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS)in the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron Facility to study the two-proton correlated emission from Mg-22 and Ne-20 excited states. The two-protons momentum correlation functions have been obtained for Mg-22 and Ne-20, respectively. The trajectories of the Mg-22 decayed products (Ne-20 + p + p) were also measured to get the angular correlations between the two protons in Center of Mass of decaying system by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The results exhibit that Mg-22 has the features of He-2 cluster decay mechanism.