651 resultados para Science Foundation Ireland


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Studies have attributed several functions to the Eaf family, including tumor suppression and eye development. Given the potential association between cancer and development, we set forth to explore Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 activity in vertebrate embryogenesis, using zebrafish. In situ hybridization revealed similar eaf1 and eaf2/u19 expression patterns. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of either eaf1 or eaf2/u19 expression produced similar morphological changes that could be reversed by ectopic expression of target or reciprocal-target mRNA. However, combination of Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 (Eafs)-morpholinos increased the severity of defects, suggesting that Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 only share some functional redundancy. The Eafs knockdown phenotype resembled that of embryos with defects in convergence and extension movements. Indeed, knockdown caused expression pattern changes for convergence and extension movement markers, whereas cell tracing experiments using kaeda mRNA showed a correlation between Eafs knockdown and cell migration defects. Cardiac and pancreatic differentiation markers revealed that Eafs knockdown also disrupted midline convergence of heart and pancreatic organ precursors. Noncanonical Wnt signaling plays a key role in both convergence and extension movements and midline convergence of organ precursors. We found that Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 maintained expression levels of wnt11 and wnt5. Moreover, wnt11 or wnt5 mRNA partially rescued the convergence and extension movement defects occurring in eafs morphants. Wnt11 and Wnt5 converge on rhoA, so not surprisingly, rhoA mRNA more effectively rescued defects than either wnt11 or wnt5 mRNA alone. However, the ectopic expression of wnt11 and wnt5 did not affect eaf1 and eaf2/u19 expression. These data indicate that eaf1 and eaf2/u19 act upstream of noncanonical Wnt signaling to mediate convergence and extension movements.


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In the interferon-induced antiviral mechanisms, the Mx pathway is one of the most powerful. Mx proteins have direct antiviral activity and inhibit a wide range of viruses by blocking an early stage of the viral genome replication cycle. However, antiviral activity of piscine Mx remains unclear in vivo. In the present study, an Mx-like gene was cloned, characterized and gene-transferred in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus, and its antiviral activity was confirmed in vivo. The full length of the rare minnow Mx-like cDNA is 2241 bp in length and encodes a polypeptide of 625 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 70.928 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 7.33. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicated that the mature peptide contains an amino-terminal tripartite GTP-binding motif, a dynamin family signature sequence, a GTPase effector domain and two carboxy-terminal leucine zipper motifs, and is the most similar to the crucian carp (Carassius auratus) Mx3 sequence with an identity of 89%. Both P0 and F1 generations of Mx-transgenic rare minnow demonstrated very significantly high survival rate to GCRV infection (P < 0.01). The mRNA expression of Mx gene was consistent with survival rate in F1 generation. The virus yield was also concurrent with survival time using electron microscope technology. Rare minnow has Mx gene(s) of its own but introducing more Mx gene improves their resistance to GCRV. Mx-transgenic rare minnow might contribute to control the GCRV diseases. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A novel gene-K23, differentially expressed in cross-subfamily cloned embryos, was isolated by RACE-PCR technique. It had 2580 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 1,425 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 474 amino acids (aa). Bioinformatic analysis indicated that K23 had 22 phosphorylation sites, but it had no signal peptides. Developmental expression analysis in zebrafish showed that K23 transcripts were maternally expressed in ovum and the amount of K23 transcripts increased gradually from zygote to pharyngula period. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that K23 protein was homogeneously distributed both in nuclei and cytoplasm. Taken together, our findings indicate that K23 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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Background: The DExD/H domain containing RNA helicases such as retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) are key cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) for detecting nucleotide pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of invading viruses. The RIG-I and MDA5 proteins differentially recognise conserved PAMPs in double stranded or single stranded viral RNA molecules, leading to activation of the interferon system in vertebrates. They share three core protein domains including a RNA helicase domain near the C terminus (HELICc), one or more caspase activation and recruitment domains (CARDs) and an ATP dependent DExD/H domain. The RIG-I/MDA5 directed interferon response is negatively regulated by laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) and is believed to be controlled by the mitochondria antiviral signalling protein (MAVS), a CARD containing protein associated with mitochondria. Results: The DExD/H containing RNA helicases including RIG-I, MDA5 and LGP2 were analysed in silico in a wide spectrum of invertebrate and vertebrate genomes. The gene synteny of MDA5 and LGP2 is well conserved among vertebrates whilst conservation of the gene synteny of RIG-I is less apparent. Invertebrate homologues had a closer phylogenetic relationship with the vertebrate RIG-Is than the MDA5/LGP2 molecules, suggesting the RIG-I homologues may have emerged earlier in evolution, possibly prior to the appearance of vertebrates. Our data suggest that the RIG-I like helicases possibly originated from three distinct genes coding for the core domains including the HELICc, CARD and ATP dependent DExD/H domains through gene fusion and gene/domain duplication. Furthermore, presence of domains similar to a prokaryotic DNA restriction enzyme III domain (Res III), and a zinc finger domain of transcription factor (TF) IIS have been detected by bioinformatic analysis. Conclusion: The RIG-I/MDA5 viral surveillance system is conserved in vertebrates. The RIG-I like helicase family appears to have evolved from a common ancestor that originated from genes encoding different core functional domains. Diversification of core functional domains might be fundamental to their functional divergence in terms of recognition of different viral PAMPs.


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Oxidation-reduction properties of surface sediments are tightly associated with the geochemistry of substances, and reducing organic substances (ROS) from hydrophytes residues may play an important role in these processes. In this study, composition, dynamics, and properties of ROS from anaerobic decomposition of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Potamogenton crispus Linn, Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, Lemna trisulca Linn and Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr) Kirch were investigated using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The type of hydrophytes determined both the reducibility and composition of ROS. At the peak time of ROS production, the anaerobic decomposition of M. flos-aquae produced 6 types of ROS, among which 3 belonged to strongly reducing organic substance (SROS), whereas there were only 3-4 types of ROS from the other hydrophytes, 2 of them exhibiting strong reducibility. The order of potential of hydrophytes to produce ROS was estimated to be: M. flos-aquae > E. crassipes > L. trisulca > P. crispus approximate to V. natans, based on the summation of SROS and weakly reducing organic substances (WROS). The dynamic pattern of SROS production was greatly different from WROS. The total SROS appeared periodic fluctuation with reducibility gradually weakening with incubation time, whereas the total WROS increased with incubation time. Reducibility of ROS from hydrophytes was readily affected by acid, base and ligands, suggesting that their properties were related to these aspects. In addition to the reducibility, we believe that more attention should be paid to the other behaviors of ROS in surface sediments.


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Partial rDNA sequences of Prorocentrum minimum and Takayama pulchella were amplified, cloned and sequenced. and these sequence data were deposited in the GenBank. Eight oligonucleotide probes (DNA probes) were designed based on the sequence analysis. The probes were employed to detect and identify P. minimum and T. pulchella in unialgal and mixed algal samples with a fluorescence in situ hybridization method using flow cytometry. Epifluorescence micrographs showed that these specific probes labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate entered the algal cells and bound to target sequences, and the fluorescence signal resulting from whole-cell hybridization varied from probe to probe. These DNA probes and the hybridization protocol we developed were specific and effective for P. minimum and T. pulchella, without any specific binding to other algal species. The hybridization efficiency of different probes specific to P. minimum was in the order: PM18S02 > PM28S02 > PM28S01 > PM18S01, and that of the probes specific to T. pulchella was TP18S02 > TP28S01 > TP28S02 > TP18S01. The different hybridization efficiency of the DNA probes could also be shown in the fluorescent signals between the labeled and unlabeled cells demonstrated using flow cytometry. The DNA probes PM18S02, PM28S02; TP18S02 and TP28S01, and the protocol, were also useful for the detection of algae in natural samples.


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Six strains of Gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile, irregular short rod-shaped Weissella bacteria, with width and length of 0.5-0.6 and 1.2-2.7 mu m were isolated from diseased rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) in winter of 2007 at a commercial fishery in Jingmen, Hubei province, China. The diseased rainbow trout exhibited hemorrhage in eyes, anal region, intestine and abdomen wall, petechia of liver, some fish with hydrocele in stomach. Six isolates had identical biochemical reactions, phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), enzymatic profile analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility results, indicating as a single clonal outbreak. But all were different from any other validated twelve Weissella species in the term of physiological and biochemical characters. It is indicated that isolates are phylogenetically closer to Weissella halotolerans, Weissella viridescens and Weissella minor on 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis result, than to W halotolerans and W viridescens on the result of ARDRA study and enzymatic profile analysis. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was used to scan effective drugs for the therapy of this disease. Experimental infection assays with one isolate were conducted and pathogenicity (by intraperitoneal injection) was demonstrated in rainbow trout O. mykiss (Walbaum) and crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) fingerlings. Because no Weissella was detected in fish feedstuffs and pond water, the source of this pathogen remains unknown, and Weissella isolates were regarded as an opportunistic pathogen for rainbow trout. This is the first report of Weissella strains which can cause disease of cultured fish in the world. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ghrelin, a multifunctional hormone, including potent GH stimulation activity, has been suggested to be important during embryonic development. Expression of ghrelin has been confirmed in the zebrafish pancreas during embryonic stages. Interfering with ghrelin function using two specific antisense morpholino oligonucleotides causes defects during zebrafish embryonic development. In ghrelin morphants the expression of GH was abolished in zebrafish somatotropes, whereas the expression patterns of the other key molecules involved in hypothalamic-pituitary development and distinct pituitary hormones genes remain largely intact at the appropriate time during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Effective rescue of the ghrelin morphants with exogenous ghrelin mRNA showed that the correct gene had been targeted. Moreover, by analyzing the efficiencies of the ghrelin morphants rescue experiments with various forms of exogenous mutant ghrelin mRNAs, we also demonstrated the essentiality of the form acyl-ghrelin on GH stimulation during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Our in vivo experiments, for the first time, also provided evidence of the existence of functional obestatin in the C-terminal part of zebrafish proghrelin peptides. Our research here has demonstrated that zebrafish is a unique model for functional studies of endogenous ghrelin, especially during embryonic development. (Endocrinology 150: 2767-2774, 2009)


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In this study, an IL-8 homologue has been cloned and identified from a reptile, Chinese soft-shelled turtle for the first time. The full-length cDNA of turtle IL-8 was 1188 bp and contained a 312 bp open reading frame (ORF) coding for a protein of 104 amino acids. The chemokine CXC domain, which contained Glu-Leu-Arg (ELR) motif and four cysteine residues, was well conserved in turtle IL-8. The 4924 bp genomic DNA of turtle IL-8 contained four exons and three introns. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of turtle IL-8 clustered together with birds. RT-PCR analysis showed that turtle IL-8 mRNA was constitutively expressed liver, spleen, kidney, heart, blood and intestine tissues of control turtles. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis further indicated that the turtle IL-8 mRNA expression was apparent in various tissues at 8 h and up-regulated significantly during 8 h-7 d after Aeromonas hydrophila infection. The present studies will help us to understand the evolution of IL-8 molecule and the inflammatory response mechanism in reptiles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Textile wastewater is commonly treated with activated sludge process technology. However, its treatment performance has not been demonstrated to be very effective. In this study, the effects of micronutrient thiamine on removal efficiencies of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of textile wastewater in a batch test, together with its effect on the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of activated sludge, were evaluated. Significant improvements were observed in the removal rates of DOC, COD and OUR with 121%, 156% and 121% of those of the control, respectively, when 0.5-2.0 mg/L thiamine was added to the wastewater treatment system. Thiamine could be probably used to improve the treatment performance of textile wastewater.


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We investigated dynamics of the phytoplankton community and abiotic factors in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorge Reservoir, China, by daily sampling, a specific site during a spring algal bloom (February 23-April 28, 2005). Among the 76 taxa observed, Asterionella formosa and Cyclotella spp. were the dominants, accounting for 47.2% and 29.9% of the total abundance, respectively. We determined the five distinct developing phases of the bloom by analyzing the dissimilarity of physicochemical parameters. Simultaneously, six phytoplankton community groups were distinguished by TWINSPAN classifications. The pattern for algal community succession was similar to that for the bloom phase shift, and the structural complexity of communities significantly decreased over time. Water temperature and silicate were the main factors that related to the development of the bloom and the shifts of the phytoplankton community.


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We investigated the age and growth of Schizothorax o'connori in the Yarlung Tsangpo River by examination of annuli from otoliths. The von Bertalanffy model was the most acceptable statistical growth model. Its parameters were as follows: SL infinity = 492.4 mm, K = 0.1133, t(0) = -0.5432 year and W-infinity = 1748.9 g for females; SL infinity = 449.0 mm, K = 0.1260, t(0) = -0.4746 year and W-infinity = 1287.0 g for males. Theoretical longevity was 25.9 years for the female and 23.3 years for the male. Moreover, females had larger asymptotic length and weight compared with males.


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This is the first to conduct Simultaneous determination of microcystin (MC) contaminations in multi-groups of vertebrates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from Lake Taihu with Microcystis blooms. MCs (-RR, -YR, -LR) in Microcystis scum was 328 mu g g(-1) DW. MCs reached 235 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of phytoplanktivorous silver carp, but never exceeded 0.1 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of other animals. The highest MC content in liver of fish was in Carassius auratus (150 ng g(-1) DW), followed by silver carp and Culter ilishaeformis, whereas the lowest was in common carp (3 ng g(-1) DW). In livers of turtle, duck and water bird, MC content ranged from 18 to 30 ng g(-1) DW. High MC level was found in the gonad, egg yolk and egg white of Nycticorax nycticorax and Anas platyrhynchos, suggesting the potential effect of MCs on water bird and duck embryos. High MC contents were identified for the first time in the spleens of N. nycticorax and A. platyrhynchos (6.850 and 9.462 ng g(-1) DW, respectively), indicating a different organotropism of MCs in birds. Lakes with deaths of turtles or water birds in the literatures had a considerably higher MC content in both cyanobacteria and wildlife than Lake Taihu, indicating that toxicity of cyanobacteria may determine accumulation level of MCs and consequently fates of aquatic wildlife. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was designed to determine cytotoxic effects of PBDE-47 and HBCDs individually or with a mixture of both compounds exposure to Hep G2 cells. The results showed PBDE-47 and HBCDs induced increase of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, release of NO. dissipation of mitochondria membrane potential and cell apoptosis. Exposure to HBCDs induced ROS formation. Moreover, preincubation with PTIO (NO scavanger) and N-acetylcysteine (ROS scavanger) partially reversed cytotoxic effects of these compounds. The possible mechanism is that PBDE-47 and HBCDs could boost generation of NO and/or ROS, impact mitochondria, and result in start-ups of apoptosis program. Cells exposed to mixture of both compounds and each of them showed non-apoptotic rate significant difference, but the combination of them caused more adverse effects on cells. These results Suggest that PBDE-47 and HBCDs in single and complex exposure have the cytotoxic activity of anti-proliferation and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells in vitro. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.