404 resultados para hu??rfano


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A re-examination under the phase contrast microscope of a collection made in a small lake in Xizang, China, which had been previously referred to Glenodinium gymnodinium Penard, has shown that the cell wall is composed of numerous usually hexagonal platelets, and thus the species should be a relatively common member of the genus Woloszynskia, namely W. tenuissima (Lauterborn) Thompson. Tetradinium intermedium Geitler is an immobile species collected from a small pond in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was attached on filaments of an Oedogonium species. Both genera are newly recorded in China.


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The gonad is an essential organ for generating sperm and ova in vertebrates. This review describes several pilot studies on gonad gene manipulation and development in fish. With antisense RNA techniques, we suppressed the gonad development, and thus the fertility, of an antisense gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) transgenic common carp. Then, using a tissue-specific exogenous gene excision strategy with sexual compensation, we knocked out the gonad-specific transgene. Under the control of the rainbow trout protamine promoter, the transgenic fish expressed the reporter gene eGFP specifically in the spermary. These results indicate that the fish gonad is a new model organ that can improve contemporary biotechnology experiments. Herein we discuss the potential of fish gonad manipulation for resolving important biosafety problems regarding transgenic fish generation and producing the new transgenic animal bioreactor.


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Daily intake and accumulation of microcystins (MCYSTs, MCs) in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) were investigated under lab conditions by feeding the fish exclusively with fresh toxic Microcystis bloom at a density of 6 x 10(9) algal cells L-1. The medial lethal dose (LD50) of microcystin-LR to silver carp was estimated to be 270 mu g kg(-1) body-weight, underlining its strong resistance to toxic Microcystis bloom. It can survive after being ingested with high doses of microcystins (about 10 mg kg(-1)) during the 28-days feeding experiment. Enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay results show that microcystin concentrations in muscle and liver are 1.57 +/- 0.31 mu g kg(-1) and 4.28 +/- 1.64 mg kg(-1) fresh weight. The former is much lower than the World Health Organization limit recommended for human consumption. These results suggest that silver carps can be widely used in cyanobacterial bloom control, and consumption of fish muscles is safe for human beings.


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Intron loss and its evolutionary significance have been noted in Drosophila. The current study provides another example of intron loss within a single-copy Dfak gene in Drosophila. By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we amplified about 1.3 kb fragment spanning intron 5-10, located in the position of Tyr kinase (TyK) domain of Dfak gene from Drosophila melanogaster species group, and observed size difference among the amplified DNA fragments from different species. Further sequencing analysis revealed that D. melanogaster and D. simulans deleted an about 60 bp of DNA fragment relative to other 7 Drosophila species, such as D. elegans, D. ficusphila, D. biarmipes, D. takahashii, D. jambulina, D. prostipennis and D. pseudoobscura, and the deleted fragment located precisely in the position of one intron. The data suggested that intron loss might have occurred in the Dfak gene evolutionary process of D. melanogaster and D. simulans of Drosophila melanogaster species group. In addition, the constructed phylogenetic tree based on the Dfak TyK domains clearly revealed the evolutionary relationships between subgroups of Drosophila melanogaster species group, and the intron loss identified from D. melanogaster and D. simulans provides a unique diagnostic tool for taxonomic classification of the melanogaster subgroup from other group of genus Drosophila.


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Through an acclimation period of 10 days, compared to white light, the maximal net photosynthetic rates were significantly higher for gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida cultivated under blue light (400-500 nm), and were lower under red light (600-700 nm). Chlorophyll c and the carotenoid content of gametophytes were similar under blue light and red light but were much lower under white light. The growth rate of female gametophytes under blue light was higher than that under other lights, and the growth rate of male gametophytes showed little variation with respect to blue and white light. Male and female gametophytes were mixed together to form sporophytes under white, blue and red light. After approximately 5 days, 50% gametophytes became fertile under blue and white light, but remained vegetative under red light after 10 days.


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Changing the ratio of light-harvesting pigments was regarded as an efficient way to improve the photosynthesis rate in microalgae, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. In the present study, a mutant of Anabeana simensis (called SP) was selected from retrieved satellite cultures. Several parameters related with photosynthesis, such as the growth, photosynthesis rate, the content of photosynthetic pigment, low temperature fluorescence spectrum (77K) and electron transport rate, were compared with those of the wild type. It was found that the change in the ratio of light-harvesting pigments in the mutant led to more efficient light energy transfer and usage in mutant than in the wild type. This may be the reason why the mutant had higher photosynthesis and growth rates.


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Kaolinite is a dominant clay mineral in the soils in tropical and Subtropical regions, and its dissolution has an influence on a variety of soil properties. In this work, kaolinite dissolution induced by three kinds of low-molecular-weight organic acid, i.e., citric, oxalic, and malic acids, was evaluated under far-from-equilibrium conditions. The rates of kaolinite dissolution depended on the kind and concentration of organic acids, with the sequence R-oxalate > R-citrate > R-malate. Chemical calculation showed the change in concentration of organic ligand relative to change in concentration of organic acid in suspensions of kaolinite and organic acid. The effect of organic acid on kaolinite dissolution was modeled by species of organic anionic ligand. For oxalic acid, L-oxalic(2-) and HLoxalic- jointly enhanced the dissolution of kaolinite, but for malic and citric acids, HLmalic- and H2Lcitric- made a higher contribution to the total dissolution rate of kaolinite than L-malic(2-) and L-citric(3-), respectively. For oxalic acid, the proposed model was R-Si = 1.89 x 10(-12) x [(25x)/(1+25x)] + 1.93 x 10(-12) x [(1990x(1))/(1+1990x(1))] (R-2 = 0.9763), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of HLoxalic and L-oxalic, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-3.81) x x/[H+]. For malic acid, the model was R-Si =4.79 x 10(-12) x [(328-v)/(1+328x)] + 1.67 x 10(-13) x [(1149x(1))/(1+1149x(1))] (R-2 =0.9452), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of HLmalic and L-malic, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-5.11) x x/[H+], and for citric acid, the model was R-Si = 4.73 x 10(-12) x [(845x)/(1+845x)] +4.68 x 10(-12) x [(2855x(1))/(1+2855x(1))] (R-2 =0.9682), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of H2Lcitric and L-citric, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-11.16) x x/[H+](2). (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The fp25k gene of Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) was studied. HearNPV fp25k gene transcription was found starting from about 18 h post-infection, and protein could be detected from the same time with antiserum against FP25K. To study the function of HearNPV fp25k, a recombinant HearNPV (HaBacWD11) with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene replacing the fp25k was constructed using HaBacHZ8, a bacmid of HearNPV that lacks the polyhedrin gene. Growth curve analysis showed that HaBacWD11 produced higher titres of budded viruses (BVs) than its wild-type counterpart HaBacHZ8-GFP. Electron microscopic analysis indicated that at the late stage of infection, the number of intranuclear enveloped nucleocapsids in HaBacWD11-infected cells was much less than that of HaBacHZ8-GFP. A rescue recombinant virus HaBacWD14 was constructed by reintroducing fp25k gene into HaBacWD11. The growth curve and electron microscopic analysis of the rescued recombinant confirmed that the increase of BV yield and the decrease of the virion production in infected cells were the result of fp25k deletion. The expression of membrane fusion protein (Ha133) and ODV-E66 were studied using the FP25K mutants HaBacWD11 and HaBacHZ8-GFP. Unlike FP25K mutants in Autographa californica multicapsid NPV (AcMNPV), which caused an increase in the expression of membrane fusion protein GP64 and a decrease of ODV-E66, no obvious changes at the expression level of Ha133 and ODV-E66 were observed in HearNPV FP25K mutant.


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In the People's Republic of China, genetically modified (GM) fish are being developed primarily to produce desirable alterations to growth rates or feed-conversion efficiency. Up to the present, no transgenic fish have been commercially approved for human consumption. This review introduces advances in the People's Republic of China in transgenic fish studies, biosafety studies of fast-growth GM fish, and the regulation of GM fish.


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The growth and photosynthesis of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech in different nutrient conditions were investigated. Low nitrate level (0.0882 mmol/L) resulted in the highest average growth rate from day 0 to day 10 (4.58 x 10(2) cells mL(-1) d(-1)), but the lowest cell yield (5420 cells mL(-1)) in three nitrate level cultures. High nitrate-grown cells showed lower levels of chlorophyll a-specific and cell-specific light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m(chl a) and P-m(cell)), dark respiration rate (R-d(chl a) and R-d(cell)) and chlorophyll a-specific apparent photosynthetic efficiency (alpha(chl a)) than was seen for low nitrate-grown cells; whereas the cells became light saturated at higher irradiance at low nitrate condition. When cultures at low nitrate were supplemented with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L in late exponential growth phase, or with nitrate at 0.7938 mmol/L and phosphate at 0.072 mmol/L in stationary growth phase, the cell yield was drastically enhanced, a 7-9 times increase compared with non-supplemented control culture, achieving 43 540 cells mL(-1) and 52 300 cells mL(-1), respectively; however, supplementation with nitrate in the stationary growth phase or with nitrate and phosphate in the late exponential growth phase increased the cell yield by no more than 2 times. The results suggested that continuous low level of nitrate with sufficient supply of phosphate may facilitate the growth of A. tamarense.


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In previous studies of nuclear transplantation, most cloned animals were obtained by intraspecies nuclear transfer and are phenotypically identical to their nuclear donors; furthermore, there was no further report on successful fish cloning since the report of cloned zebrafish. Here we report the production of seven cross-genus cloned fish by transferring nuclei from transgenic common carp into enucleated eggs of goldfish. Nuclear genomes of the cloned fish were exclusively derived from the nuclear donor species, common carp, whereas the mitochondrial DNA from the donor carp gradually disappeared during the development of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. The somite development process and somite number of nuclear transplants were consistent with the recipient species, goldfish, rather than the nuclear donor species, common carp. This resulted in a long-lasting effect on the vertebral numbers of the cloned fish, which belonged to the range of goldfish. These demonstrate that fish egg cytoplasm not only can support the development driven by transplanted nuclei from a distantly related species at the genus scale but also can modulate development of the nuclear transplants.


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The phytoplankton community structure, in terms of species composition, total standing crop, and abundance of the dominant algal species, at four stations in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, was investigated monthly from January 1994 to December 1996. A total of 260 taxa was observed, of which Chlorophyta (106 taxa) contributed the highest portion of the total number of taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (82 taxa) and Cyanophyta (32 taxa). The total standing crop measured by means of chlorophyll a content, cell density, and cell biovolume, as well as the abundance of the dominant species, declined in the order of Station I to Station IV. Seasonal changes of the standing crop varied greatly among the four stations. Although the cell density at the four stations showed a single peak within a year, the peak density varied from July to November, dependent on the sampling year and the station. For chlorophyll a content and cell biovolume, multiple peaks were observed at Stations I and II, but a single peak was found at Stations III and IV. The phytoplankton community structure indicated that the trophic status was the highest at Station I (most eutrophic), followed by Station II; Stations III and IV were the least trophic areas. The long-term changes in phytoplankton community structure further suggested that changes in phytoplankton community structure were correlated with water quality, and eutrophication of Donghu Lake had been aggravated since the 1950s.


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Microcystins, one type of the cyanobacterial toxins, show a broad range of hazardous effects on other organisms. Most of the researches on the toxic effects of microcystins have involved in animals and higher plants. Little work, however, has been done on evaluating the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on algae. In this study, the toxicological effects of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) on the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were investigated. For this purpose, six physio-biochemical parameters (cell optical density, reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) were tested in algal cells when exposed to 100 mug(-1) microcystin-RR. The results showed that the growth of Synechococcus elongatus ( expressed as optical density) was significantly inhibited compared with the control. At the same time, the treated algae exhibited a pronounced increase in production of ROS and MDA after 6 days exposure to microcystin-RR. Signi. cant changes in GSH levels and GSH-Px, GSH activities were also detected in algal cells, with higher values being observed in the toxin treated algae after 6 days exposure. GST activities in the treated algae exhibited a decline after exposure and rapid augmentation on day 3, thereafter, they kept at a high level when compared to the control group. GSH contents and GSH-Px activities were also significantly raised in the toxin-treated algae cells from day 3, but they showed a sharp decrease on day 4, which was the onward of cell proliferation. These results suggested that oxidative stress manifested by elevated ROS levels and MDA contents might be responsible for the toxicity of microcystin to Synechococcus elongatus and the algal cells could improve their antioxidant ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventive substances.


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A rare terrestrial species, Oedogonium pakistanense, was first recorded from Hubei Province, south-central China. Morphological characters. including the predominant occurrence of apical cell division and unique lateral apical caps, are described. The growth of the filaments in O. pakistanense from China is usually the result of the repeated divisions of the apical cells and intercalary divisions are rare. It is suggested that this species may represent an evolutionary transition between Oedogonium and Oedocladium, the latter being a terrestrial genus with branched filaments and cell division more often terminal than intercalary.


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A macro matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) method was developed to extract 266 pesticides from apple juice samples prior to gas chromatography-mass selective detection (GC-MSD) determination. A 10 g samples was mixed with 20 g diatomaceous earth. The mixture was transferred into a glass column. Pesticide residues were leached with a 160 mL hexane-dichloromethane (1:1) at 5 mL/min. Two hundred and sixty-six pesticides were divided into three groups and detected by GC-MSD under selective ion monitoring. The proposed method takes advantage of both liquid-liquid extraction and conventional MSPD methods. Application was illustrated by the analysis of 236 apple juice samples produced in Shaanxi province China mainland this year. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.