463 resultados para 159.922.8
目的 克隆和分析荧光素再生酶基因(LRE).方法 通过GeneBank中已知的荧光素再生酶基因保守区段设计引物,利用5'RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends)和3'RACE技术克隆了来自云南省两双版纳州的卵黄萤(Luciola ovalis)荧光素再生酶基因cDNA和全基因序列.通过GeneBank、National Center for Bioteclmology Information和ProDom at the ExPASy Server软件和数据库进行序列分析.结果 卵黄萤荧光素再牛酶的cDNA序列和基因序列存在2个不同碱基位点,但是它们编码的荧光素再生酶是相同的.卵黄萤荧光素再生酶基因全长(从起始密码子到终止密码子)为1131 bp,包含5个外显子4个内含子,其cDNA 序列为1008 bp,包含924bp的荧光素酶基因开放阅读框和84 bp的3'UTR序列.卵黄萤荧光素酶基因的开放阅读框编码1个307个氨基酸的蛋白质.它与北美萤火虫(Photinus pyralis)荧光素再生酶在碱基序列和氨基酸序列上分别有61.8%和53.3%的相似性.结论 成功地克隆了荧光素再生酶的cDNA和基因序列,为其在基因工程中的应用奠定了基础.
雨燕目雨燕科的短嘴金丝燕Collocalia brevirostris和白腰雨燕.apus pacificus所筑之 巢.云南民间有将其作为滋补药品利用的传统。这两种雨燕在云南分布很广.营巢于岩洞或石崖 硝壁上。根据其繁殖时间.应在8月中旬后一次采集育过雏的燕窝。
银染色观察发现, 我国8种大鼠银染核仁组织者Ag-NORs的数目和分布均存在一定的差异, 在不同细胞之间和同源染色体之间均呈现较为明显的多态性以及Ag-NORs的联合现象和异形现象。模糊聚类分析, 获得8种大鼠的聚类分析支图, 结合地理分布等指标对其分类地位和相似关系作了初步探讨。图1表5参30
Quantitative data on early mother-infant relationships in the Tibetan macaque was collected during the first 23 weeks of infant life in spring, 1987, at Mt. Emei, China. During the first week of life, infants spent 98.3% of their time in ventroventral contact with their mothers. This contact rapidly decreased to 33.8% by the 4th week and thereafter to 0.85% by the 23rd week. Nipple contact decreased relatively slowly from 89.7% to 62.9% within the first 4 weeks of infant life and to 19.8% by the 23rd week. Ventrolateral and ventrodorsal contact appeared by the 2nd week, mean-while, maternal restraining behavior appeared, and reached a peak by the 3rd week. The mother neither encouraged nor discouraged her infant's independence during 4-8th weeks. Maternal rejection of the infant was first observed when the infant was 11 weeks old and continued thereafter.
Food handouts to Macaca thibetana at Mt. Emei have had dramatic consequences for both man and monkey as tourism has increased over the last decade. Food handouts and human submissive behaviour facilitate beg-robbing by the monkeys. which can be regarded as a mixed conditioning chain. Because of their lack of understanding of primate behaviour and resulting inappropriate responses, many visitors have lost possessions and have been severely frightened or even injured; in fact there have been 1 0 deaths as an indirect result over that past 8 years. The appropriate human response proved to be the display of dominance to maintain a distance from a beg-robbing monkey. Road-ranging macaques have also been injured or killed by visitors to obtain meat or bones or merely for amusement. Attempts should be made to eliminate the negative effects of food handouts by increasing visitors' awareness of behavioural and ecological aspects and through aversive conditioning of the macaques.