327 resultados para Strain gradient


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We used nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Roundup Ready soybean in aquatic feeds and feeding tilapias. A template concentration of 10(-10) g mu L-1 DNA solution could be detected with a dilute degree of 0.01%. Most (90.6%) of the aquatic feeds containing soybean byproduct included exogenous DNA segments. We also compared genetically modified (GM) soybean with non-GM soybean diets in feeding tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus, GIFT strain) and examined the residual fragments (254 bp) of GM soybeans. Tilapias receiving GM soybean diets had DNA fragments in different tissues and organs, indicating that exogenous GM genes were absorbed systemically and not completely degraded by the tilapia's alimentary canal.


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As a prelude to strain selection for domestication and future marker assisted selection, genetic variation revealed by microsatellite DNA was evaluated in yellow perch, Perca flavescens, from four wild North American populations collected in 2003-2004 (Maine, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania,), and two captive populations (Michigan and Ohio). For the loci examined, levels of heterozygosity ranged from H-e=0.04 to 0.88, genetic differentiation was highly significant among all population pairs, and effective migration ranged from low (N(e)m=0.3) to high (N(e)m=4.5). Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was regularly observed indicating significant departures from random mating. Instantaneous measures of inbreeding within these populations ranged from near zero to moderate (median F=0.16) and overall inbreeding levels averaged F-IS=0.18. Estimates of genetic diversity, Phi(ST), and genetic distance were highest between Michigan and all other broodstock groups and lowest between New York and Ohio. Genetic differentiation among groups did not correlate with geographic distance. Overall, the patterns of variation exhibited by the captive (Michigan and Ohio) populations were similar to patterns exhibited by the other wild populations, indicating that spawning and management practices to date have not significantly reduced levels of genetic variation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two strains H-2-410 and H-2-419 were obtained from the chemically mutated survivors of wild Haematococcus pluvialis 2 by using ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). Strains H2-410 and H2-419 showed a fast cell growth with 13% and 20% increase in biomass compared to wild type, respectively. Then H-2-419-4, a fast cell growth and high astaxanthin accumulation strain, was obtained by exposing the strain H2-419 to ultraviolet radiation (UV) further. The total biomass, the astaxanthin content per cell, astaxanthin production of H-2-4194 showed 68%, 28%, and 120% increase compared to wild H. pluvialis 2, respectively. HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) data showed also an obvious proportional variation of different carotenoid compositions in the extracts of H2-4194 and the wild type, although no peak of carotenoids appeared or disappeared. Therefore, the main compositions in strain H-2-419-4, like its wild one, were free of astaxanthin, monoester, and diester of astaxanthin. The asexual reproduction in survivors after exposed to UV was not synchronous, and different from the normal synchronous asexual reproduction as the mother cells were motile instead of non-motile. Interestingly, some survivors from UV irradiation produced many mini-spores (or gamete?), the spores moved away from the mother cell gradually 4 or 5 days later. This is quite similar to sexual reproduction described by Elliot in 1934. However, whether this was sexual reproduction remains questionable, as no mating process has been observed.


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Alpine Kobresia meadows are major vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. There is growing concern over their relationships among biodiversity, productivity and environments. Despite the importance of species composition, species richness, the type of different growth forms, and plant biomass structure for Kobresia meadow ecosystems, few studies have been focused on the relationship between biomass and environmental gradient in the Kobresia meadow plant communities, particularly in relation to soil moisture and edaphic gradients. We measured the plant species composition, herbaceous litter, aboveground and belowground biomass in three Kobresia meadow plant communities in Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station from 2001 to 2004. Community differences in plant species composition were reflected in biomass distribution. The total biomass showed a decrease from 13196.96 +/- 719.69 g/m(2) in the sedge-dominated K. tibetica swamp to 2869.58 +/- 147.52 g/m(2) in the forb and sedge dominated K. pygmaea meadow, and to 2153.08 +/- 141.95 g/m(2) in the forbs and grasses dominated K. humilis along with the increase of altitude. The vertical distribution of belowground biomass is distinct in the three meadow communities, and the belowground biomass at the depth of 0-10 cm in K. tibetica swamp meadow was significantly higher than that in K. humilis and K. pygmaea meadows (P < 0.01). The herbaceous litter in K. tibetica swamp was significantly higher than those in K. pygnaeca and K. humilis meadows. The effects of plant litter are enhanced when ground water and soil moisture levels are raised. The relative importance of litter and vegetation may vary with soil water availability. In the K. tibetica swamp, total biomass was negatively correlated to species richness (P < 0.05); aboveground biomass was positively correlated to soil organic matter, soil moisture, and plant cover (P < 0.05); belowground biomass was positively correlated with soil moisture (P < 0.05). However, in the K. pygnaeca and K. humilis meadow communities, aboveground biomass was positively correlated to soil organic matter and soil total nitrogen (P < 0.05). This suggests that the distribution of biomass coincided with soil moisture and edaphic gradient in alpine meadows.


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China locates between the circum-Pacific and the Mediterranean-Himalayan seismic belt. The seismic activities in our country are very frequent and so are the collapses and slides of slope triggered by earthquakes. Many collapses and slides of slope take place mainly in the west of China with many earthquakes and mountains, especially in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces. When a strong earthquake happening, the damage especially in mountains area caused by geological hazards it triggered such as rock collapses, landslides and debris flows is heavier than that it caused directly. A conclusion which the number of lives lost caused by geological hazards triggered by a strong earthquake in mountains area often accounts for a half even more of the total one induced by the strong earthquake can be made by consulting the statistical loss of several representative earthquakes. As a result, geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes attract wide attention for their great costs. Based on field geological investigation, engineering geological exploration and material data analysis, chief conclusions have been drawn after systematic research on formation mechanism, key inducing factors, dynamic characteristics of geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes by means of engineering geomechanics comprehensive analysis, finite difference numerical simulation test, in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock, discrete element numerical simulation. Based on research on a great number of collapses and landslides triggered by Wenchuan and Xiaonanhai Earthquake, two-set methods, i.e. the method for original topography recovering based on factors such as lithology and elevation comparing and the method for reconstructing collapsing and sliding process of slope based on characteristics of seism tectonic zone, structural fissure, diameter spatial distribution of slope debris mass, propagation direction and mechanical property of seismic wave, have been gotten. What is more, types, formation mechanism and dynamic characteristics of collapses and slides of slope induced by strong earthquakes are discussed comprehensively. Firstly, collapsed and slided accumulative mass is in a state of heavily even more broken. Secondly, dynamic process of slope collapsing and sliding consists of almost four stages, i.e. broken, thrown, crushed and river blocked. Thirdly, classified according to failure forms, there are usually four types which are made up of collapsing, land sliding, land sliding-debris flowing and vibrating liquefaction. Finally, as for key inducing factors in slope collapsing and sliding, they often include characteristics of seism tectonic belts, structure and construction of rock mass, terrain and physiognomy, weathering degree of rock mass and mechanical functions of seismic waves. Based on microscopic study on initial fracturing of slope caused by seismic effect, combined with two change trends which include ratio of vertical vs. horizontal peak ground acceleration corresponding to epicentral distance and enlarging effect of peak ground acceleration along slope, key inducing factor of initial slope fracturing in various area with different epicentral distance is obtained. In near-field area, i.e. epicentral distance being less than 30 km, tensile strength of rock mass is a key intrinsic factor inducing initial fracturing of slope undergoing seismic effect whereas shear strength of rock mass is the one when epicentral distance is more than 30 km. In the latter circumstance, research by means of finite difference numerical simulation test and in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock shows that initial fracture begins always in the place of slope shoulder. The fact that fracture strain and shear strength which are proportional to buried depth of rock mass in the place of slope shoulder are less than other place and peak ground acceleration is enlarged in the place causes prior failure at slope shoulder. Key extrinsic factors inducing dynamic fracture of slope at different distances to epicenter have been obtained through discrete element numerical simulation on the total process of collapsing and sliding of slope triggered by Wenchuan Earthquake. Research shows that combined action of P and S seismic waves is the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance less than 64 km to initial epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. What is more, vertical tensile action of P seismic wave plays a leading role near epicenter, whereas vertical shear action of S seismic wave plays a leading role gradually with epicentral distance increasing in this range. On the other hand, single action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance between 64 km and 216 km to initial epicenter. Horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor gradually from combined action between vertical and horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave with epicentral distance increasing in this distance range. In addition, initial failure triggered by strong earthquakes begins almost in the place of slope shoulder. However, initial failure beginning from toe of slope relates probably with gradient and rock occurrence. Finally, starting time of initial failure in slope increases usually with epicentral distance. It is perhaps that the starting time increasing is a result of attenuating of seismic wave from epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to construct towns and infrastructure in fragile geological environment along seism tectonic belts and conduct risk management on earthquake-triggered geological hazards by referring to above conclusions.


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The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific, which is located at the junction of Eurasian plate, Pacific plate and Indian-Australian plate. It was formed by continent breakup and sea-floor spreading in Cenozoic. The complicated interaction among the three major plates made tectonic movement complex and geological phenomena very rich in this area. The SCS is an ideal place to study the formation and evolution of rifted continental margin and sea-floor spreading since it is old enough to have experienced the major stages of the basin evolution but still young enough to have preserved its original nature. As the demand for energy grows day by day in our country, the deep water region of the northern continental margin in the SCS has become a focus of oil and gas exploration because of its huge hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, to study the rifted continental margin of the SCS not only can improve our understanding of the formation and evolution processes of rifted continental margin, but also can provide theoretical support for hydrocarbon exploration in rifted continental margin. This dissertation mainly includes five topics as follows: (1) Various classic lithosphere stretching models are reviewed, and the continuous non-uniform stretching model is modified to make it suitable for the case where the extension of lithopheric mantle exceeds that of the crust. Then simple/pure shear flexural cantilever model is applied to model the basement geometries of SO49-18 profile in the northern continental margin of the SCS. By fitting the basements obtained by using 2DMove software with modeling results, it is found that the reasonable effective elastic thickness is less than 5km in this region. According to this result, it is assumed that there is weak lower crust in the northern continental margin in the SCS. (2) We research on the methods for stretching factor estimation based on various lithosphere stretching models, and apply the method based on multiple finite rifting model to estimate the stretching factors of several wells and profiles in the northern continental margin of the SCS. (3) We improve one-dimension strain rate inversion method with conjugate gradient method, and apply it to invert the strain rate of several wells in the northern continental margin of the SCS. Two-dimension strain rate forward modeling is carried out, and the modeling results show that effective elastic thickness is a key parameter to control basin’s geometry. (4) We simulate divergent upwelling mantle flow model using finite difference method, and apply this newly developed model to examine the formation mechanism of the northwest and central sub-basin in the SCS. (5) We inverse plate thickness and basal temperature of oceanic lithosphere using sea-floor ages and bathymetries of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic based on varied-parameters plate model, in which the heat conductivity, heat capacity and coefficient of thermal expansion depend on temperature or depth. A new empirical formula is put forward based the inversed parameters, which depicts the relation among sea-floor age, bathymetry and heat flow. Then various similar empirical formulae, including the newly developed one, are applied to examine the sea-floor spread issue in the SCS based on the heat flow and bathymetry data of the abyssal sub-basin.


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The land subsidence of soft clay is including natural and man-made content, which leads to the research on the mechanism of land subsidence constituted by two different aspects, which are studied by geological engineers and geologist. The main major research is focused on the effects of engineering. The land subsidence engineering of soil mechanics is caused by the consolidation and compression of soft clay, the content of which is including the micro-structural characteristics, the stress - strain constitutive relation, porous law, and consolidation theory. In this paper, it is discussed the nonlinear consolidation and compression theory of soft clay. The main studies and conclusions of this thesis are as follows. (1)The micro-structure and its stability are closely related to the engineering characters of soft clay. The stiffness and force connection status of micro-structure plays a controlling influence to its stability. (2)Under saturated state, clay particles remain in a non-full contact or non-contact status, so it is needed to modify the Terzaghi effective stress principle. With the discharge of pore water, the effective stress is increasing, and part of weakly bound-water begins flow, while the porosity and permeability are became lower. (3)It exist non-linear flow in soft clay, which is caused by the shear flow situation of weakly bounded-water. In this case, permeability coefficient is a nonlinear function of hydraulic gradient. (4)In the initial consolidation stage of soft clay in the initial stage, the porous flow is mainly caused by the excretion of free water. With the decrease of free water content, combined bonded-water start to supply free water. At the later stage of consolidation, the flow of fluid is mainly consisted by weakly bounded-water. The exchange between bonded-water and free water is played a role, which slows down the consolidation process.


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There is an urgent need for thorough analysis of Radix astragali, a widely used Chinese herb, for quality control purposes. This paper describes the development of a total analytical method for Radix astragali extract, a multi-component complex mixture. Twenty-four components were separated step by step from the extract using a series of isocratic isopropanol-methanol elutions, and then 42 components were separated similarly using methanol-water elutions. Based on the log k(w) and -S of the 66 components obtained from the above procedure and the optimization software developed in our laboratory, an optimum elution program consisting of seven methanol-water segments and four isopropanol-methanol segments was developed to finish the task of analyzing the total components in a single run. Under optimized gradient conditions, the sample of Radix astragali extract was analyzed. As expected, most of the components were well separated and the experimental chromatogram was in a good agreement with the predicted one.


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A continuous spatial temperature gradient was established in capillary electrophoresis by using a simple temperature control device. The temperature profile along the capillary was predicted by theoretical calculations. A nearly linear spatial temperature gradient was established and applied to DNA mutation detection. By spanning a wide temperature range, it was possible to perform simultaneous heteroduplex analysis for various mutation types that have different melting temperatures.