342 resultados para Heavy ion


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DNA是辐射损伤的关键靶分子.有关高LET射线诱导的D\A双链断裂(DSB)的机理之一,即DNA上是否存在辐射敏感性序列己逐步成为辐射生物学研究的热点基于重离子对DNA损伤的重要性和复杂性,刘DNA DSB非随机分布现象和DNA上是否存在敏感性序列,口前仍颇有争议,对其机理没有统一的解释.木论文瞄准DNA辐照敏感性这一前沿课题,从实验和理论两个方面进行研究.本研究的两个主要目的:1.实验卜用重离子对体外D狱照射,验证垂离子诱导的DSB非随机分布.2.理论上建立模型,揭示DNA簇损伤机理,预测。SB的分布.实验的材料与方法:采用兰州重离子加速器装置引出的7.19MeV/u20UNe7+,5.19 MeV/u 22No2+离了辐照质粒DNA.对辐照样晶,采用凝胶电泳分析!〕M链断裂分布;采用红外技术分析DM的微观损伤.理论模型:对DSB非随机分布机理提出假设:一方面与重离子在其径迹周围产生的人量低能次级电子有关;另一方而与DNA碱基的化学性质以及碱基的排列特征有关,即DNA上存在敏感性序列.建立了DNA吸附低能电子共振激发引起D\A损伤模型,探索了将量子化学从头计算用在DNA损伤机理的研究中.结果:1.电泳结梁证实了DSB片断的非随机性分布,结果还发现,大剂量照射时DNA出现严重的交联,剂量越大交联产额越高,而且交联片断分布也是非随机的.2.红外分析发现DNA上关键基团的特征峰振动强度随剂量的增加而增加,剂量效应明显.3.得出了质粒DNA三种形式变化与剂量的关系。4.掌握了基于LinLlx系统的Trax对重离子深度剂量模拟.5.用量子化学计算了小分子的电子激发势能面以及DNA上小官能团,以及寡核营酸的化学性质.


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本文要解决CSR控制系统中扮制信号同步传送问题。HIRFL_CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanKZhou-Cooling StorageRing兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家九八爪大科学工程之一,它的控制是一个非常庞大而复杂的系统,它由多个子系统构成,各个子系统之间的协调同步是HIRFL-CSR运行的关键,也是HIRFL-CSR从控制系统的核心问题之一。。CSR工程的同步系统包括环内各设备之间的同步,环与门前端务器的同步等等。同步系统的实现应该在保证协调同步的雄础上,还要保证整个控制系统的稳定性,实时性,准确性和抗干扰性。本文的披个解决方案是建立在直按序列扩频通信技术上的。扩频通信系统可以增强控制信一号的抗干扰性,完成f言号的可靠传输。在信号发送端,进行恭带信号的载波调制,然后经过pN码的扩频调制,进入信道传输;在接收端,先进行四码的解扩一,然后进行载波信号的解调,还原为发送端的信号。在整个过程中保证CSI又控制信号的同步,包括载波同步,位同步和群同步。本文主要工作和研究内容是CSR系统中的载波同步传输算法的不开究,设计和实现。主要工作包括(1)不叶究控制洁号在通信算法中的性能,在算法分析的基础上,使用MATLAB实现模拟控制信号通信过程,同时进行传送信号分析和噪声功率分析,测试可行性:(2)在仿真可行的情况下,把整个通信过程全部或者部分写为可以执行的C或者汇编代码,在TMS323C6711DSK板进行程序调试;(3)把可执;行的释序下我到以TrAG为接口白如醚件协尔32C6713DSP模块,实现在CSR系统中控制信号的传送。本文目的是解决控制信号的同步通愉问题,对于该问题的传输分析和同步实现以及提出的下一步研究,在C双控制I具有很重要的意义,同时也对于类似问题的解决有重要价值。


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HIRFL is a tandem cyclotron complex for heavy ion. On the beam line between SFC and SSC, there is a stripper. Behind it, the distribution of charge states of beam is a Gauss distribution. The equilibrium charge state Q_0 is selected by 1BO2(a 50° dipole behind the stripper) and delivered to SSC. One of two new small beam line (named SLAS) after 1B02 will be builded in or der to split and deliver the unused ions of charge states (Q_0 ± n) to aspecific experimental area. Q_0 ± n ions are septumed and separated from initial(Q_0) ion beam by two septum magnets SM1, SM2. The charge state selected by SM1 will be Q_0 ± 1(6 ≤ Q_0 < 17), Q_0 ± 2(17 ≤ Q_0 < 33) and Q_0 ± 3 (Q_0 ≥ 33) forming a beam in one of the two possine new beam line with the stripping energy of (0.2 to 9.83 Mev/A), an emittance of 10π mm.mrad in the two transverse planes and an intensity ranging from 10~(11) pps for z ≤ 10 to some 10~5 pps for the heaviest element. Behind SM2, a few transport elements (three dipoles and seven qudrupoles) tra nsport Q_0 ± n beam to target positions T1, T2 (see fig. 1) and generate small beam spots (φ ≤ 4mm, φ ≤ 6mm). The optics design of the beam line has been done based on SLAC-75 (a first and second - order matrix theory). beam optics calculation has been worked out with the TRANSPORT program. The design is a very economical thinking, because without building a new accelerator we can obtain a lower energy heavy ion beam to provide for a lot of atomic and solid state physical experiments


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本文建立了生物组织中最重要成分--液态水中的重离子径迹结构Monte Carlo计算模型,用它来研究重离子径迹内的能量沉积分布。最终将计算结果同实验值或其它#dalta#射线理论计算结果进行了比较。另外,由模型的电子传输慢化部分或OREC和CPA程序计算得到的单电子径迹中的绝对和相对能量沉积频率结果来看,这些单径迹效应结果都支持了低能重离子注入造成深部生物效应的作用机理--软x射线机制。本文的目的在于建立细胞损伤强度和损伤范围与重离子参量之间的关系,从理论上探讨重离子生物效应的机理


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我所SSC120KW高频发射机是HIRFL(Heavy Ion Research Facility, LanZhou)的一个重要组成部分,长期的调机以及运行经验表明:两台发射机存在调机程序复杂运行不稳定、运行维护费用高等缺点。本论文讨论一种改进方案,并且介绍了大功率放大器的设计方法。 该方案采用国产电子管TH537作为功率放大管,槽路电感固定,采用一个可变电容调谐,另一个可变电容调整负载。槽路结构简单,调整方便,同时槽路元件较现在方案少,能节省建造和维护费用。论文中详细介绍了电子管特性的计算,槽路得设计方法,并对中和与消除寄生振荡的方法作了扼要的介绍。


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou,HIRFL)是由一台1.7m扇聚焦回旋加速器(SFC)与一台能量常数K=450的分离扇回旋加速器(SSC)组成的加速器系统。束流相位测量系统式束流诊断系统中的一个重要部分,对等时场优化等具有十分重要的作用。HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统于1985年完成了桌面实验,但由于测量精度低,现场抗干扰能力差,一直未能投入使用。 本课题的目的就是找出原系统存在的问题,逐一解决,以便提高其可靠性与测量精度,达到设计要求。 在通过一系列的电子学部分改进和SSC中心相位探针改造之后,于1995年7月第一次测出了SSC中心束流相位。此后,逐步完善改进电子学硬件部分,同时全新设计了系统控制软件,提高了在SFC和SSC上束流相位的测量精度,终于使该系统达到了测量精度为±2.75°~±1.5°的水平。 本论文第一、二章阐述了束流中心相位测量原理和HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统的工作原理,这是本工作的基础和出发点。 在本论文的第三章中,分析了原系统中存在的主要问题。实践使用中可以看出原系统灵敏度低,抗干扰能力差,可靠性差,测量精度低。为了定量判断系统存在的问题,我们设计了自检系统。利用自检系统我们测出原系统测量精度为±6°,且检测出原系统sin,cos正交输出异常。同时测量了原系统多路开关串话量,大多数道与道之间高于最低要求的-40dB,最差只有-20dB,证明存在严重的道间干扰。 本文的第四章中,针对原系统的可靠性差和精度低的两个问题,采取了硬件与软件两方面的各种措施,对系统加以改进。首先,为了提高系统的可靠性,必须提高系统抗干扰能力。为此,我们进行了两个方面的工作,一是根据我们现有条件自行设计了一种新的电缆电子学长度校正方法,大大减少了电缆间相差(小于0.3°),从而有效地提高了系统的抗干扰能力。这种方法不但可以用来校正相同介质电缆,而且可以用来校正不同介质电缆的电子学长度。二是设计了新的信号预选器,其串话量达到约-70dB,并完善了电磁屏蔽,使其完全达到了设计要求。在改进硬件的同时,为了提高可靠性,重新设计了系统控制软件。新的软件测量数据可靠,漏报概率为10-3,操作简便直观,并易于发展。其次,我们工作的重点是提高测量精度。根据自检结果,我们采取了如下措施: (1) 通过对自检数据进行分析,并与理论分析比较,发现问题主要存在于90°移相电路中。而其后的检测证实了这一点。重新调整90°移相电路,并对90°电缆相移进行了精确的校正,从原81.5°校正为90.6°,从而使系统的精度从±6°提高到±4°。 (2) 通过自检数据和理论分析发现鉴相器存在输出增益不平衡,在解决问题之后使系统测量精度达到了±2.75°~±1.5°。 在本文的第五章中,对加速器运行时的中心束流相位测量结果进行了详细分析。结果证明,测量数据可靠,能正确反映出磁场变化情况,测量重复误差达到了±0.5°,从而说明改进后的中心束流相位测量系统性能良好,达到了设计指标。


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion ReSearch Facility at Lanzhou, HIRFL)是我们研究所得一个大型实验装置,它包括SFC和SSC两个加速器和两条束运线。本论文比较系统地介绍了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造和SFC分布式控制系统的设计。 在第一章中,简单介绍了国际加速器控制系统的现状和HIRFL控制系统中存在的问题。在第二章一般性地阐述了描述束流品质的各个参数,这些参数的测量原理以及测量这些参数的装置。本论文的第三章详细叙述了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造方法、过程和结果,结果准确可靠,人机界面非常友好,给调束带来很大的方便。第四章介绍了计算机网络的基本概念,描述了在选用TCP/IP协议的条件下,利用Socket(套接字)实现Windows环境下的实时网络通信的具体过程和步骤,其中参与通信的双方是以客户机和服务器的形式存在的。第五章讲述了SFC分布式控制系统的实现,并在实时网络通信的基础上完成了ECR源扫谱程序和I/O级的网络通信程序。 论文的最后一章,介绍了对HIRFL束运线进行优化控制的一个设想,利用系统辨识的方法可以得到束运线的数学模型,并提供了自适应控制的实现细节,这也是作者对实现HIRFL优化控制的一个愿望。


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Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped heavy metal oxide-halide glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting and quenching method. Structural properties were obtained based on the Raman spectra, indicating that halide ion has an important influence on the phonon density and maximum phonon energy of host glasses. Intense blue and weak red emissions centered at 477 and 650 nm, corresponding to the transitions (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) and (1)G(4) -> H-3(4), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The possible up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. With increasing halide content, the up-conversion luminescence intensity and blue luminescence lifetimes of Tm3+ ion increase notably. Our results show that with the substitution of halide ion for oxygen ion, the decrease of phonon density and maximum phonon energy of host glasses both contribute to the enhanced up-conversion emissions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Yb3+ heavy-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide transparent ceramics were fabricated and their spectroscopic properties were investigated. The absorption bands of (YbxY0.9-xLa0.1)(2)O-3 (x = 0.05-0.15) ceramics are broad at wavelength of 900-1000 nm. The absorption cross-sections centered at 974 nm and the emission cross-sections at 1031 nm of Yb3+ ion are 0.89-1.12 x 10(-20) cm(2) and 1.05 x 10(-20) cm(2) respectively. The up-conversion luminescence intensity of Yb3+-doped yttrium lanthanum oxide ceramics increased firstly, then decreased with the increase of Yb3+ ion content. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Toxic metals introduced into aquatic environments by human activities accumulation in sediments. A common notion is that the association of metals with acid volatile sulfides (AVS) affords a mechanism for partitioning metals from water to solid phase, thereby reducing biological availability. However, variation in environmental conditions can mobilize the sediment-bound metal and result in adverse environmental impacts. The AVS levels and the effect of AVS on the fate of Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni in sediments in the the Changjiang River, a suboxic river with sandy bottom sediment and the Donghu Lake, a anoxic lake with muddy sediment in China, were compared through aeration, static adsorption and release experiments in laboratory. Sips isotherm equation, kinetic equation and grade ion exchange theory were used to describe the heavy metal adsorb and release process. The results showed that AVS level in the lake sediment are higher than that of the river. Heavy metals in the overlying water can transfer to sediments incessantly as long as the sediment remains undisturbed. The metal release process is mainly related to AVS oxidation in lake sediment while also related to Org-C and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide oxidation in river sediment. The effect of sulfides on Zn and Ni is high, followed by Cd, and Cu is easy bound to Org-C. AVS plays a major role in controlling metals activity in lake sediment and its presence increase the adsorption capacity both of the lake and river sediments.


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We investigate theoretically CdTe quantum dots containing a single Mn2+ impurity, including the sp-d exchange interaction between carriers and the magnetic ion and the short-range exchange interaction between electron and hole. We find anticrossing behaviors in the energy spectrum of the electron-hole (e-h) pair that arise from the interplay between exchange interactions and the magnetic field. In addition to the s-d exchange interaction, we find that other mechanisms inducing the anticrossings become important in the strong heavy hole-light hole (hh-lh) mixing regime. The transition strengths between the states with spin projection of Mn2+ ion S-z not equal -5/2 (S-z = -5/2) decrease (increase) with increasing magnetic fields due to the alignment of the Mn2+ spin. The spin splitting of the e-h pair states depends sensitively on the external magnetic and electric field, which reveals useful information about the spin orientation and position of the magnetic ion. Meanwhile, the manipulation of the position of the magnetic ion offers us a way to control the spin splitting of the carriers. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel heavy-metal chalcogenide glass doped with a high dysprosium ion (Dy(3+)) concentration was prepared by the well-established melt-quenching technique from high-purity elements. The results show that when Cadmium (Cd) is introduced into chalcogenide glass, the concentration of Dy(3+) ions doped in GeGaCdS glasses is markedly increased, the thermodynamic performance improves, and the difference between T(g) and T(x) is >120 degrees C. The Vickers microhardness is also modified greatly, about 245 kgf/mm(2). The optical spectra indicate that all absorption and emission bands of Dy(3+) are clearly observed and red-shifted with increasing Dy(3+) concentration.


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A capillary electrophoresis microchip coupled with a confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detector was successfully constructed for the analysis of trace amounts of heavy metals in environmental sources. A new fluorescence dye, RBPhOH, synthesized from rhodamine B, was utilized in a glass microchip to selectively determine copper with high sensitivity. A series of factors including running buffer concentration, detection voltage, and sample loading time were optimized for maximum LIF detector response and, hence, method sensitivity.