328 resultados para Earth Day


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Interfacial waves and wave-induced tangential stress are studied for geostrophic small amplitude waves of two-layer fluid with a top free surface and a flat bottom. The solutions were deduced from the general form of linear fluid dynamic equations of two-layer fluid under the f-plane approximation, and wave-induced tangential stress were estimated based on the solutions obtained. As expected; the solutions derived from the present work include as special cases those obtained by Sun et al. (2004. Science in China, Set. D, 47(12): 1147-1154) for geostrophic small amplitude surface wave solutions and wave-induced tangential stress if tire density of the upper layer is much smaller than that of the lower layer. The results show that the interface and the surface will oscillate synchronously, and the influence of the earth's rotation both on the surface wave solutions and the interfacial wave solutions should be considered.


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In this paper, we present an exact solution for nonlinear shallow water on a rotating planet. It is a kind of solitary waves with always negative wave height and a celerity smaller than linear shallow water propagation speed square-root gh. In fact, it propagates with a speed equal to (1 + a/h) square-root gh(1 + a/h) where a is the negative wave height. The lowest point of the water surface is a singular point where the first order derivative has a discontinuity of the first kind. The horizontal scale of the wave has actually no connection with the water depth.


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To assess carbon budget for shrub ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, CO2 flux was measured with an open-path eddy covariance system for an alpine shrub ecosystem during growing and non-growing seasons. CO2 flux dynamics was distinct between the two seasons. During the growing season from May to September, the ecosystem exhibited net CO2 uptake from 08:00 to 19:00 (Beijing Standard Time), but net CO2 emission from 19:00 to 08:00. Maximum CO2 uptake appeared around 12:00 with values of 0.71, 1,19, 1.46 and 0.67 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1) for June, July, August and September, respectively. Diurnal fluctuation Of CO2 flux showed higher correlation with photosynthetic photon flux density than temperature. The maximum net CO2 influx occurred in August with a value of 247 g CO2 m(-2). The total CO2 uptake by the ecosystem was up to 583 g CO2 m(-2) for the growing season. During the non-growing season from January to April and from October to December, CO2 flux showed small fluctuation with the largest net CO2 efflux of 0.30 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1) in April. The diurnal CO2 flux was close to zero during most time of the day, but showed a small net CO2 eff lux from 11:00 to 18:00. Diurnal CO2 flux, is significantly correlated to diurnal temperature in the non-growing season. The maximum monthly net CO2 eff lux appeared in April, with a value of 105 g CO2 m(-2). The total net CO2 eff lux for the whole non-growing season was 356 g CO2 m(-2).


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Magnetic storm is a kind of severe disturbances in the whole solar-earth electromagnetic space. It has significant effects on communication, electric power, oil transport pipe and human activities in space. Therefore, magnetic storms are worth for applications systems, not only being a favorable issue for scientists. In this paper, the spatial and temporal distributions of the magnetic fields produced by the magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems during storms are studied. Four parts are included in this paper decomposion of different disturbances with different origins, topological structure of the ring current, the asymmetric characteristics of the ring current, and the statistic peculiarities of the day-to-day variability (DTD) of Sq. 1 The decomposition of magnetic disturbances at mid-low latitudes and its evolutions during storms Transient variations in the geomagnetic field recorded at mid-low latitudes mainly include the storm-time variation (Dst), solar quiet daily variation (Sq) and disturbance daily variation (SD). With the data of the geomagnetic meridian chain observatories in China, 25 storms during the period of 1997 to 1999 have been analyzed. According to the features of different variations, a method of “three-steps decomposition” is developed by using the method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC), Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis to separate those three components in turn. The results show that, the first eigenmode by the MNOC clearly describing the special distribution and temporal evolution of storm-time variation, in addition, Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis offer a useful method to extract the Sq and SD variations. The latitudinal shift of the Sq current focus seems to be the principal reason of the day-to-day variaitons in the daily range of Sq. The magnitude of SD reaches a maximum during the main phase, and then gradually decreases. 2 The topology structure of the ring current during storms Both the mechanism of the ring current and the geomagnetic data suggest that the central plane of the ring current is declining to the geomagnetic equator plane with a tilt angle δ. Using the H and Z component data at two stations in a meridian chain, we deduce a new parameter describing the invariable peculiarity of different storms. Then the δ angle is calculated by using the data from a meridian chain and tested with the ERC model. Finally the deduced tilt angles are used to modify Dst index. 3 The asymmetric characteristics of the ring current during storms The variations of the geomagnetic field at mid-low latitudes show a significant dawn-dusk asymmetry, resulting from the superposition of the fields from the symmetric ring current and the partial ring current. On the basis of the data from the 20°E, 30°E meridian chains and 30°N latitudinal chain, the dawn-dusk asymmetry is investigated by using three methods, namely, statistic analysis, ring current model calculation and typical event analysis. This characteristic implies the asymmetry of the spatial distribution of the ring current. In addition, during the main phase after the sudden commencement (SC), H field increases and reaches maximum around noontime, implying the effect of the Chapman-Ferraro current. 4 The statistic characteristics of the day-to-day variability and its mechanism The day-to-day variability of the geomagnetic Sq field is studied by using the magnetic data from a meridian chain of magnetometers along 120° E longitude. The method of NOC is applied to separate the Sq variation from complicated disturbances. The first eigenmode with the largest eigenvalue represents fairly well the Sq variation with a conspicuous day-to-day variability in the daily range. For the stations on the same north- or south-side of the Sq current system focus, the day-to-day variations show a positive correlation. In contrast, for the stations on the different sides of the Sq focus, they show a negative correlation, suggesting an important role of latitudinal shift of the Sq current system focus to the day-to-day variability of the Sq daily range. The Sq daily range is correlated with the magnetic indices Ap and Dst in a peculiar way: on some severe disturbed days, noticeably enhancements of the Sq are observed, implying increases of the ionospheric conductivities and/or tidal wind velocities; on other severe disturbed days, however, dramatically reduced Sq variations occur, suggesting dominant effects of the ‘disturbance dynamo’ process.


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The space currents definitely take effects on electromagnetic environment and also are scientific highlight in the space research. Space currents as a momentum and energy provider to Geospace Storm, disturb the varied part of geomagnetic field, distort magnetospheric configuration and furthermore take control of the coupling between magnetosphere and ionosphere. Due to both academic and commercial objectives above, we carry on geomagnetic inverse and theoretical studies about the space currents by using geomagnetic data from INTERMAGNET. At first, we apply a method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC) to decomposition the solar daily variation, especially for (solar quiet variation). NOC is just one of eign mode analysis, the most advantage of this method is that the basic functions (BFs) were not previously designated, but naturally came from the original data so that there are several BFs usually corresponding to the process really happened and have more physical meaning than the traditional spectrum analysis with the fixed BFs like Fourier trigonometric functions. The first two eign modes are corresponding to the and daily variation and their amplitudes both have the seasonal and day-to-day trend, that will be useful for evaluating geomagnetic activity indices. Because of the too strict constraints of orthogonality, we try to extend orthogonal contraints to the non-orthogonal ones in order to give more suitable and appropriate decomposition of the real processes when the most components did not satisfy orthogonality. We introduce a mapping matrix which can transform the real physical space to a new mathematical space, after that process, the modified components which associated with the physical processes have satisfied the orthogonality in the new mathematical space, furthermore, we can continue to use the NOC decomposition in the new mathematical space, and then all the components inversely transform back to original physical space, so that we would have finished the non-orthogonal decomposition which more generally in the real world. Secondly, geomagnetic inverse of the ring current’s topology is conducted. Configurational changes of the ring current in the magnetosphere lead to different patterns of disturbed ground field, so that the global configuration of ring current can be inferred from its geomagnetic perturbations. We took advantages of worldwide geomagnetic observatories network to investigate the disturbed geomagnetic field which produced by ring current. It was found that the ring current was not always centered at geomagnetic equator, and significantly deviated off the equator during several intense magnetic storms. The deviation owing to the tilting and latitudinal shifting of the ring current with respect to the earth’s dipole can be estimated from global geomagnetic survey. Furthermore those two configurational factors which gave a quantitative description of the ring current configuration, will be helpful to improve the Dst calibration and understand the dependence of ring current’s configuration on the plasma sheet location relative to the equator when magnetotail field warped. Thirdly, the energization and physical acceleration process of ring current during magnetic storm has been proposed. When IMF Bz component increase, the enhanced convection electric field drive the plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere. During the transport process, a dynamic heating is happened which make the particles more ‘hot’ when the injection is more deeply inward. The energy gradient along the injection path is equivalent to a kind of force, which resist the plasma more earthward injection, as a diamagnetic effect of the magnetosphere anti and repellent action to the exotically injected plasma. The acceleration efficiency has a power law form. We use analytical way to quantitatively describe the dynamical process by introducing a physical parameter: energization index, which will be useful to understand how the particle is heated. At the end, we give a scheme of how to get the from storm time geomagnetic data. During intense magnetic storms, the lognormal trend of geomagnetic Dst decreases depend on the heating dynamic of magnetosphere controlling ring current. The descending pattern of main phase is governed by the magnetospheric configuration, which can be describled by the energization index. The amplitude of Dst correlated with convection electric field or south component of the solar wind. Finally, the Dst index is predicted by upstream solar wind parameter. As we known space weather have posed many chanllenges and impacts on techinal system, the geomagnetic index for evaluating the activity space weather. We review the most popular Dst prediction method and repeat the Dst forecasting model works. A concise and convnient Key Points model of the polar region is also introduced to space weather. In summary, this paper contains some new quantitative and physical description of the space currents with special focus on the ring current. Whatever we do is just to gain a better understanding of the natural world, particularly the space environment around Earth through analytical deduction, algorithm designing and physical analysis, to quantitative interpretation. Applications of theoretical physics in conjunction with data analysis help us to understand the basic physical process govering the universe.


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With the improving of mantle convection theory, the developing of computing method and increasing of the measurement data, we can numerically simulate more clearly about the effects on some geophysical observed phenomenons such as the global heat flow and global lithospheric stress field in the Earth's surface caused by mantle convection, which is the primary mechanism for the transport of heat from the Earth's deep interior to its surface and the underlying force mechanism of dynamics in the Earth.Chapter 1 reviews the historical background and present research state of mantle convection theory.In Chapter 2, the basic conception of thermal convection and the basic theory about mantle flow.The effects on generation and distribution of global lithospheric stres s field induced by mantle flow are the subject of Chapter 3. Mantle convection causes normal stress and tangential stresses at the bottom of the lithosphere, and then the sublithospheric stress field induces the lithospheric deformation as sixrface force and results in the stress field within the lithosphere. The simulation shows that the agreement between predictions and observations is good in most regions. Most of subduction zones and continental collisions are under compressive. While ocean ridges, such as the east Pacific ridge, the Atlantic ridge and the east African rift valley, are under tensile. And most of the hotspots preferentially occur in regions where calculated stress is tensile. The calculated directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are largely in accord with that of the observation except for some regions such as the NW-Pacifie subduction zone and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in which the directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are different. It shows that the mantel flow plays an important role in causing or affecting the large-scale stress field within the lithosphere.The global heat flow simulation based on a kinematic model of mantle convection is given in Chapter 4. Mantle convection velocities are calculated based on the internal loading theory at first, the velocity field is used as the input to solve the thermal problem. Results show that calculated depth derivatives of the near surface temperature are closely correlated to the observed surface heat flow pattern. Higher heat flow values around midocean ridge systems can be reproduced very well. The predicted average temperature as a function of function of depth reveals that there are two thermal boundary layers, one is close to the surface and another is close to the core-mantle boundary, the rest of the mantle is nearly isothermal. Although, in most of the mantle, advection dominates the heat transfer, the conductive heat transfer is still locally important in the boundary layers and plays an important role for the surface heat flow pattern. The existence of surface plates is responsible for the long wavelength surface heat flow pattern.In Chapter 5, the effects on present-day crustal movement in the China Mainland resulted from the mantle convection are introduced. Using a dynamic method, we present a quantitative model for the present-day crustal movement in China. We consider not only the effect of the India-Eurasia collision, the gravitational potential energy difference of the Tibet Plateau, but also the contribution of the shear traction on the bottom of the lithosphere induced by the global mantle convection. The comparison between our results and the velocity field obtained from the GPS observation shows that our model satisfactorily reproduces the general picture of crustal deformation in China. Numerical modeling results reveal that the stress field on the base of the lithosphere induced by the mantle flow is probably a considerable factor that causes the movement and deformation of the lithosphere in continental China with its eflfcet focuing on the Eastern China A numerical research on the small-scale convection with variable viscosity in the upper mantle is introduced in Chapter 6. Based on a two-dimensional model, small-scale convection in the mantle-lithosphere system with variable viscosity is researched by using of finite element method. Variation of viscosity in exponential form with temperature is considered in this paper The results show that if viscosity is strongly temperature-dependent, the upper part of the system does not take a share in the convection and a stagnant lid, which is identified as lithosphere, is formed on the top of system because of low temperature and high viscosity. The calculated surface heat flow, topography and gravity anomaly are associated well with the convection pattern, namely, the regions with high heat flow and uplift correspond to the upwelling flow, and vice versa.In Chapter 7, we give a brief of future research subject: The inversion of lateral density heterogeneity in the mantle by minimizing the viscous dissipation.