463 resultados para 159.922.8
滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)是滇池湖泊生态系统的指示物种和特有种.因水质污染和外来物种入侵等因素的影响,该鱼类自1986年起就从湖体中消失,仅有湖周围的少数龙潭中尚保存有少量滇池金线鲃.至2007年3月初,有两次繁殖试验取得了成功.先后试验了5尾雌鱼和6尾雄鱼,获得鱼卵约1 600粒,并实施干法受精.约有1 320粒受精,平均受精率为73%.孵化出鱼苗约480尾,平均孵化率为36%.经10天饲养,约有95%以上的鱼苗存活,体长达8-12 mm.滇池金线鲃人工繁殖成功的意义有三点:能有效保护该物种免于灭绝;繁殖的鱼苗放归湖泊合适水域,将有助于恢复滇池的土著生物多样性;有助于推动当地水产养殖业从非土著鱼类养殖向土著鱼类养殖的方向转变.
2005年2月26日和3月1日在云南省昭通大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区,分别为4只越冬黑颈鹤佩戴卫星信号发射器(PTTs),跟踪研究其迁徙路线和迁徙停歇地.2005年春季迁徙中,有2只跟踪黑颈鹤到达繁殖地,其中1只黑颈鹤在2005年11月和2006年3月分别完成从繁殖地返回越冬地和从越冬地再次到达繁殖地的迁徙过程.2只春季迁徙黑颈鹤的迁徙路线大致相同--沿着长江上游金沙江、大渡河一直向北到达黄河上游白河及黑河沿岸若尔盖湿地内.春季迁徙过程中,途中停歇3-4次,总迁徙距离是674-713 km,迁徙全程所用时间3-4天.秋季迁徙全程所用时间8天.在4个PTTs工作期间,共确定有13个黑颈鹤迁徙停歇地,其中11个停歇地在河流滩地;其他2个停歇地在高山湖泊附近.总体上,黑颈鹤一般选择海拔在1 900 m以上湖泊、河流等湿地内,距离耕地较近且人、畜干扰较少的栖息地停歇.
2003年5月,在广西壮族自治区都安县高岭乡红水河水系采集到一批条鳅标本.经鉴定,为云南鳅属(Yunnanilius)一未经发表的新种.新种长须云南鳅(Yunnanilus longibarbatus sp. nov.) 属于黑斑云南鳅种组(Yunnanilus nigromaculatus group),并与黑斑云南鳅[Y.nigromaculatus (Regan)]、钝吻云南鳅(Y.obtusirostris Yang)、长背云南鳅(Y.longidorsalis Li, Tao et Lu)和巴江云南鳅(Y.bajingensis Li)等4种最为相似.长背云南鳅背鳍分枝鳍条11根,颌须短,仅达眼中部,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,可与包括本种在内的其余4种相区别(背鳍分枝鳍条8-9根,颌须达到或超过眼后缘,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为远).本种和钝吻云南鳅上颌中央无齿状突、下颌中央无缺刻,可与黑斑云南鳅和巴江云南鳅相区别.本种在鳍条数、上下颌、背鳍起点的位置、尾鳍形状、鳞片、头部侧线管孔、体侧纵纹等方面与钝吻云南鳅最为相似,但本种可藉多个特征与后者相区别:颌须伸过眼后缘至鳃盖后缘的中点至鳃盖后缘,是已知云南鳅中须最长的;背鳍不分枝鳍条下1/3处具一不显著黑色斑点 (vs. 无斑);体侧纵纹,其宽窄于眼径,较大个体背鳍之前的纵纹被虫状纹取代 (vs. 体侧纵纹始终存在,其宽约等于眼径);头背具斑点 (vs. 无斑);尾柄较细长,体长/尾柄长=5.3-6.1 (vs. 7.4-9.0,尾柄长/尾柄高=1.3-1.8 vs. 0.8-1.1).
云南产冬虫夏草菌的优势寄主白马蝠蛾1—6龄虫的过冷却点分别为-20.4℃ 、-20.6℃、-21.5℃、-19.8℃、-18.8℃、-18.2℃。1—3龄幼虫的过冷 却点明 显低于其他龄 虫, 最低过冷却点达-27.8℃。越冬幼虫在高寒草甸土壤里, 土 壤温度-0.2—-6.8℃半年也不会死亡。越冬初期体内的脂肪、糖和无机盐类含量 升高、水分下降有利于提高其抗寒作用。该虫经低温适应锻炼和在消 化道里无 残存食物的情况下能显著地提高耐寒能力。图1表5参5
在整理华缨鱼属标本时发现,1993年9月在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到的一批 标本为一个未经发表的新种,新种订名为大眼华缨鱼(&加c瑚soc^eiz獬胧gnzDp^f^8h邯)。其下咽齿2行,可与 下咽齿3行的7种华缨鱼相区别,而与属内同样具2行下咽齿的贵州华缨鱼(s.肛妇b淝瑚括)、小口华缨鱼 (Js.m幻M幻,抛£琳)和宽唇华缨鱼(5.z06缸t琳)亲缘关系较近。但:(1)新种胸鳍中点上方无黑斑,背鳍分枝 鳍条7,腹鳍分枝鳍条7,背鳍前鳞15—16,眼大,头长为眼径2.5—3.1倍,眼径为头宽44.7%一57.8%,吻 须后伸至前后鼻孔之间或眼前缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之问或眼中至眼后缘之间,体长为尾柄高8.9一 lO.7倍,头长为吻长2.5—3.7倍,可与贵州华缨鱼(胸鳍中点上方有一明显黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条8,腹鳍分枝 鳍条8,背鳍前鳞12—14,头长为眼径4.O一5.0倍,眼径为头宽16.6%一20.7%,吻须后伸不达后鼻孔后缘, 口角须后伸至眼前缘,体长为尾柄高7.2—8.2倍,头长为吻长1.9—2.2倍)相区别;(2)新种背鳍前鳞15— 16,侧线鳞39~40,侧线上鳞4.5—5.5,背鳍分枝鳍条7,鳃耙13,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,眼径为头宽44.7%一 57.8%,可与宽唇华缨鱼(背鳍前鳞22,侧线鳞42—45,侧线上鳞6.5,背鳍分枝鳍条8,鳃耙10,腹鳍末端 不达肛门,眼径为头宽23.3%一30.O%)相区别;(3)新种与同水系的小口华缨鱼在鳍条数、侧线鳞、体色、 斑纹等方面最为相似,但新种围尾柄鳞14/16,眼大,头长为眼径2.5—3.1倍,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,口角须后 伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,吻皮边缘深裂成小穗,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,背鳍长 大于头长,体长为尾柄长4.8—5.9倍,头长为吻长2.5—3.7倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1.6—2.1倍,可与之(围尾 柄鳞12,眼小,头为眼径4.4—4.6倍,腹鳍末端不达肛门,口角须伸达眼下方,吻皮边缘不开裂或开裂不明 显,背鳍起点距吻端等于距尾鳍基,背鳍条约等于头长,体长为尾柄长6.1—6.4倍,头长为吻长2,1—2.4倍, 尾柄长为尾柄高1.4—1.5倍)相区别。
2003 年1 月, 在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到一批盲鱼标本。经鉴定, 为高原鳅 属Triplophysa 一未经发表的新种。新种天峨高原鳅Triplophysa tianeensis sp1nov1 与个旧盲高原鳅T. gejiuensis 、 石林盲高原鳅T. shilinensis 、阿庐高原鳅T. aluensis 和南丹高原鳅T. nandanensis 相似; 本新种腹鳍末端不达 肛门, 尾鳍分枝鳍条16 , 可进一步与个旧盲高原鳅和石林盲高原鳅(腹鳍末端达到肛门, 尾鳍分枝鳍条14~ 15) 相区别; 本新种背鳍起点位于体之中点、腹鳍起点之后, 肛门紧靠臀鳍起点, 可进一步与阿庐高原鳅(背 鳍起点靠近吻端、位于腹鳍起点之前, 肛门距臀鳍起点仍有一段距离) 相区别。本新种与同分布于红水河水系 的南丹高原鳅Triplophysa nandanensis Lan et al1 较为相似; 但二者区别明显: 新种背鳍分枝鳍条7 、胸鳍分枝鳍 条9 、腹鳍分枝鳍条6 、背鳍外缘平截、背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之后, 后者背鳍分枝鳍条8 、胸鳍分枝鳍条10~ 11 、腹鳍分枝鳍条7 、背鳍外缘凹入、背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之前; 此外, 新种的穴居特征更为显著: 眼极度 退化、头长为眼径1618~3218 (2510) 倍、部分个体无色素斑且各鳍无斑点, 而南丹高原鳅眼小、头长为眼径 417~910 (715) 倍、体和头背侧密布云状斑且各鳍均具点状斑。
结果表明虫体所含元素与环境温度的变化及自身的生理活动密切相关。应用 对应因子分析法得到的结果是: 元素Fe、P对10、11月份幼虫组的贡献值显著; Na、Ca、Mg对8、9月份的贡 献值显著; Cu、Zn、Co、Cd、Si对4、5 月份的贡献 值显著。图2表2参8
2000 年7 月和2004 年7 月, 分别在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州和保山市怒江干流采集到一批高原鳅 标本。经鉴定, 为高原鳅属Triplophysa 一未经发表的新种。新种怒江高原鳅Triplophysa ( Triplophysa) nujiangen2 sa sp1nov1 在形态特征和食性方面与唐古拉高原鳅、斯氏高原鳅、粗唇高原鳅和细尾高原鳅较为相似。本新种 身体相对短圆, 头部近圆筒形, 吻端钝圆, 颊部正常, 吻部在鼻孔之前明显向下倾斜, 下颌铲状, 边缘锐利而 水平, 上唇缘无突起, 下唇中央中断, 后部无突起, 眼间隔稍隆起, 眼间距为尾柄高016~018 倍, 第一鳃弓内 侧鳃耙10~19 , 肠绕折3 个环, 前背长为体长7111 %~7712 % , 体长为头长416~515 倍, 偶鳍短圆, 背鳍分 枝鳍条8 根, 胸鳍分枝鳍条10~11 根, 腹鳍末端不达肛门, 尾鳍高度向尾鳍方向不明显降低, 尾柄起点处的宽 小于该处的高, 尾柄长为尾柄高116~218 倍, 胸鳍长为胸腹鳍起点间距4715 %~6315 % , 尾鳍内凹。本文列 出了中国高原鳅属5 种铲状下颌种类的检索表, 本新种可藉之与这些相似种相区别。
Many ionotropic receptors are modulated by extracellular H+. So far, few studies have directly addressed the role of such modulation at synapses. In the present study, we investigated the effects of changes in extracellular pH on glycinergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) as well as glycine-evoked currents (I-Gly) in mechanically dissociated spinal neurons with native synaptic boutons preserved. H+ modulated both the mIPSCs and I-Gly, biphasically, although it activated an amiloride-sensitive inward current by itself. Decreasing extracellular pH reversibly inhibited the amplitude of the mIPSCs and I-Gly, while increasing external pH reversibly potentiated these parameters. Blockade of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) with amiloride, the selective antagonist of ASICs, or decreasing intracellular pH did not alter the modulatory effect of H+ on either mIPSCs or I-Gly, H+ shifted the EC50 of the glycine concentration-response curve from 49.3 +/- 5.7 muM at external pH 7.4 to 131.5 +/- 8.1 muM at pH 5.5, without altering the Cl- selectivity of the glycine receptor (GlyR), the Hill coefficient and the maximal I-Gly, suggesting a competitive inhibition of I-Gly by H+. Both Zn2+ and H+ inhibited I-Gly. However, H+ induced no further inhibition of I-Gly in the presence of a saturating concentration of Zn2+. In addition, H+ significantly affected the kinetics of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. It is proposed that H+ and/or Zn2+ compete with glycine binding and inhibit the amplitude of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. Moreover, binding of H+ induces a global conformational change in GlyR, which closes the GlyR Cl- channel and results in the acceleration of the seeming desensitization of IGly as well as speeding up the decay time constant of glycinergic mIPSCs. However, the deprotonation rate is faster than the unbinding rate of glycine from the GlyR, leading to reactivation of the undesensitized GlyR after washout of agonist and the appearance of a rebound I-Gly. H+ also modulated the glycine cotransmitter, GABA-activated current (I-GABA). Taken together, the results support a 'conformational coupling' model for H+ modulation of the GlyR and suggest that W may act as a novel modulator for inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian spinal cord.
The characterization of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC)-like currents has been reported in hippocampal neurons in primary culture. However, it is suggested that the profile of expression of ASICs changes in culture. In this study, we investigated the properties of proton-activated current and its modulation by extracellular Ca2+ and Zn2+ in neurons acutely dissociated from the rat hippocampal CA1 using conventional whole-cell patch-clamp recording. A rapidly decaying inward current and membrane depolarization was induced by exogenous application of acidic solution. The current was sensitive to the extracellular proton with a response threshold of pH 7.0-6.8 and the pH(50) Of 6.1, the reversal potential close to the Na+ equilibrium potential. It had a characteristic of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) as demonstrated by its sensitivity to amiloride (IC50 = 19.6 +/- 2.1 muM). Either low [Ca2+](0) or high [Zn2+](0) increased the amplitude of the current. All these characteristics are consistent with a current mediated through a mixture of homomeric ASIC1a and heteromeric ASIC1a + 2a channels and closely replicate many of the characteristics that have been previously reported for hippocampal neurons cultured for a week or more, indicating that culture artifacts do not necessarily flaw the properties of ASICs. Interestingly, we found that high [Zn2+] (>10(-4) M) slowed the decay time constant of the ASIC-like current significantly in both acutely dissociated and cultured hippocampal neurons. In addition, the facilitating effects of low [Ca2+](0) and high [Zn2+](0) on the ASIC-like current were not additive. Since tissue acidosis, extracellular Zn elevation and/or Ca2+ reduction occur concurrently under some physiological and/or pathological conditions, the present observations suggest that hippocampal ASICs may offer a novel pharmacological target for therapeutic invention. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1993年10-11月和1994年3-5月在西双版纳州曼俄龙山、城子龙山、曼养广龙山及保护区对照样地进行鸟类调查时, 观察到鸟类104种, 隶属27科, 另4亚科, 8目, 香农多样性指数以保护区对照样地为最高, 曼俄龙山和城子龙山为次, 曼养广龙山为最低. 均匀度也呈现相同的变化趋势. t检验表明曼俄龙山和城子龙山的香农多样性指数无显著性差异. 3个龙山和保护区对照样地共有的种类11种, 3个龙山的共有鸟类为11种. 片断热带雨林中鸟类的多样性受多种因素共同影响, 片断热带雨林的面积、距较大原始雨林的距离、植物多样性和人为干扰程度以及周围的环境条件等因素均对鸟类多样性有影响。
1997年1-3月在进行云南省高原湖泊的水禽调查过程中, 于1997年3月2日在丽江县的拉市海观察到国家I级重点保护鸟类中华秋沙鸭(Mergus squamatus)6只. 3月5-6日在宁菠县沪沽湖观察到黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)8只. 这两种鸟为云南省鸟类种的新记录。
经31个月的连续采样调查,应用Von Bertalanffy生长方程,得到太湖新银鱼1989年和1990年生长方程。据此拟合出体重与种群密度关系W=1.047-0.671 1gC,种群密度与资源量关系F=1999.36C e~(-0.2045C),最终演译出资源量平衡点在1847t。相应体重1.0g/尾;密度指标1.175尾/m~(3);捕捞时间在8月。
通过对采自云南程海和珠江、闽江、长江、辽河、松花江等水系蛇ju标本的形态、度量特征进行仔细分析和比较,认为蛇ju程海种群是蛇ju的1个新亚种,命名为程海蛇ju(Saurogobio dabryi chenghaiensis)。程海蛇ju的特征为:吻皮发达,盖过上唇;上下唇布满发达的乳突;体及尾柄极细长,体高为体长的12.7%-15.0%,尾柄高为体长的5.5%-6.1%、为尾柄长的31.8%-39.1%;沿体侧中轴自鳃孔上方至尾鳍基具一浅色暗纹,其上布有6-11个大型棒状黑斑(黑斑长为宽的2-4倍);肛门位于腹鳍长度的中点之后;尾鳍最长鳍条为其最短鳍条的2倍以上;仅分布于云南程海。