385 resultados para HPLC-ELSD


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This article presents the state of the art of analytical applications of the electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of tris (2,2'-bipyridyl) ruthenium (Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)) and its derivatives. in the last seven years, Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL has attracted much interest from analysts and been successfully exploited as a detector of flow injection analysis (FIA), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), and micro total analysis systems (TAS). Immobilization of Ru(bPY)(3)(2+) on a solid surface provides several advantages over the solution-phase ECL procedure, such as the simplicity of experimental design and cost-effectiveness. After a brief discussion of the mechanism of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL, we discuss its applications in FIA, HPLC, CE and TAS and give special attention to the design of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) ECL cells and some immobilization techniques of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+); we focus on papers published after 1997.


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A novel synthesis of asymmetric bis(chlorophthalimide)s (3,4-BCPIs) has been established. The polymerizations of them produced higher molecular weight (0.38-0.51 dL/g) polyimides containing biphenyl units than those of isomeric polymers derived from symmetric bis(chlorophthalimide)s (4,4'-BCPIs) and 3,3'-BCPIs. The distribution of the formed biphenyl units of head to tail, head to head, and tail to tail in the chain of the polymers was about 58.0:21.0:21.0, determined by C-13 NMR spectra of the polymers. The composition of model compounds, determined by HPLC, was well consistent with the 13C NMR spectrum result. Comparing with polymers derived from 4,4'-BCPIs and 3,3'-BCPIs, the polymers derived from 3,4-BCPIs showed better solubilities in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), N,N-dimethyl-formamide (DMF), and N-methylpyrrolinone (NMP). Flexible films could be cast from the polymer solution with the inherent viscosities of above 0.35 dL/g. The polymer derived from asymmetric bis(chlorophthimide)s gave the highest T-g among the isomeric polymers.


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New functional dendrimers bearing 4, 8 and 16 axial chiral units on their surface were synthesized from achiral PAMAM dendrimers and axial chiral (R)-BINOL derivative.


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Cyclic oligomers of phenolphthalein polyarylene ether sulfone(ketone) were prepared through cyclo-depolymerisation of corresponding polymers using CsF as the catalyst in dipolar aprotic solvent DMAc and DMF, and a family of macrocycles containing from dimer up to at least heptamer were confirmed. by GPC, HPLC and MALDI-TOF-MS. The yields of cyclics get as high as 86.3% and 87.9% respectively.


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几种线性高分子量的无定型聚芳醚砜 (酮 )在非质子极性溶剂二甲基乙酰胺 (DMAc)和二甲基甲酰胺 (DMF)中 ,以氟化铯 (CsF)为催化剂进行解聚成环 ,所得环状低聚物由凝胶渗透色谱 (GPC)、高效液相色谱 (HPLC)和激光质谱 (MALDI TOF MS)确认 ,其中酚酞聚醚砜 (PES C)和酚酞聚醚酮 (PEK C)的解聚成环率分别高达 86.3 %和 87.9% .讨论了影响成环率的各种因素 .环状产物又在阴离子引发剂联苯双酚钾的作用下进行开环聚合重新得到高分子量的线性产物.


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Fragmentation pathways of nine flavone compounds have been studied by using electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). Analyzing the product ion spectra of flavonoids and aglycones, we observed some diagnostic neutral losses, such as *CH3, H2O, residue of glucose and gluconic acid, which are very useful for the identification of the functional groups in the structures. Furthermore, specific retro Diels-Alder (RDA) fragments for flavones with different hydroxyl substitution have also been discussed. The information is helpful for the rapid identification of the location site of hydroxyl substitution on flavones. Fragmentation pathways of C-glycosidic flavonoid have also been discussed using ESI-MSn, demonstrating ions [M-H-60](-), [M-H-90](-), [M-H-120](-) are characteristic ions of C-glycosidic flavonoid. According to the fragmentation mechanism of mass spectrometry and HPLC-MS data, the structures of seven flavones in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi have been identified on-line without time-consuming isolation. The HPLC-ESI-MSn method for analyzing constituents in the Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has been established.


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利用渐进因子分析方法 (EFA)和固定尺寸移动窗口因子分析方法 (FSMWEFA)与局部正交投影方法 (LOPA)相结合 ,用于模拟的HPLC DAD二维数据解析。通过比较谱峰部分重叠、光谱完全重叠、色谱拖尾3种情况的结果显示 ,在谱峰部分重叠和色谱拖尾两种情况下两种方法都可以较好的解析重叠峰。但是在光谱完全重叠时 ,前一种方法不能得出正确的结论 ,而后一种方法仍能得到满意的结果


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A method of capillary HPLC-high-resolution MS was developed for the trace analysis of ATP, GTP, dATP and dGTP Dimethylhexylamine (DMHA) was used as ion-pairing agent for the HPLC retention and separation of the nucleotides and positive ion electrospray time-of-flight MS was used for the detection. The application of capillary HPLC allowed minimal usage of DMHA while providing excellent peak retention and resolution, which significantly reduced the ion suppression in electrospray ionization-MS analysis and thus increased the sensitivity. Adduct ions of nucleotides and DMHA were used as quantitative ions in order to achieve the best sensitivity. DMHA concentration at 5 mM in the aqueous mobile phase at pH 7 was found to be the optimal conditions for the C Is capillary column. The method was applied to determine ATP level in cultured C6 glioma cells that were treated with toxic concentrations of Zn. The results showed that the cellular ATP level decreased from 2.7 pmol/cell (<10% cell death) in average control cell samples to 0.36 pmol/cell as the concentration of Zn increased to 120 mg/l (>35% cell death) in culture medium.


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meso-Tetra (alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha-O-phenylacetyl benzene) porphyrin was used as a complete antigen to elicit monoclonal antibody 1F2 through the immunization and cell fusion techniques. McAb 1F2 obtained was demonstrated very pure by HPLC and MALDI/TOFMS. The retention time of McAb 1F2 was 2. 63 min. The subtype of McAb 1F2 was IgG2a. The relative molecular weight was 156 678. 8. When the McAb 1F2-porphyrin was formed, the maximal absorption of the porphyrin soret region had a redshift from 408 to 416 nm and hyperchromical effect, showing that the antigen-antibody combination was rigid and intense, and the abzyme constancy was high. But compared with HRP, the activity of the abzyme was only 4. 687 5 U/mg and 1. 899 % of that of HRP. Its K-m was 20. 29 mmol/L, k(cat) 396. 82 min(-1), k(cat)/K-m. 1. 955 7 X 10(4) L . mol(-1) . min(-1).


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This overview presents the recent progress in the area of endohedral metallofullerenes in the past several years. The important results have been summarized as follows: (1) Many metals including Group 3 metals, most of the lanthanide series elements, and Group 2 metals have been encapsulated into a fullerene cage to form mono-, di-, and trimetallofullerenes by using the arc-evaporation technique. (2) Some endohedral metallofullerenes such as Group 3 metals, most of the lanthanide series elements, Group 2 metals, and some of their isomers have been successfully isolated and purified by a two-step or several-step HPLC technique. By using high-temperature and high-pressure extraction with pyridine, Ln@C-80, Ln@C-82, and Ln2@C-80 for most rare-earth metals have been selectively extracted in high yield (about 1% of the saw soot) from fullerenes and other size metallofullerenes. (3) The endohedral nature of metallofullerenes such as Y@C-82, Sc2@C-84, and Sc@C-82 has been finally confirmed by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. The symmetries and the structures of metallofullerenes such as Ca@C-82(III), La-2@C-80(I-h), Sc-2@C-84(D-2d), and Sc-2@C-84(C-s) have been confirmed by NMR measurements. (Lb) The information on the electronic structures and properties of endohedral metallofullerenes has been obtained by various spectrometric means Such as EPR, W-vis-MR, XPS, CV. It is generally accepted that three-electron transfer is favorable when M = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu but Sc, Eu, Sm, Yb, Tm, Ca, Sr, Ba prefer to donate two electrons to the fullerene cages. (5) Several chemical reactions of endohedral metallofullerenes have been reported in which reagents are disilacyclopropane, digermacyclopropane, diphenyldiazomethane, and trifluoroacetic acid. (6) Mass spectrometry provided the crucial evidence that led to the discovery of metallofullerenes in 1985 and has always played a key role in their identification and characterization, Ion-mobility measurements of gas-phase ions have obtained the information of structures and the formation mechanism of endohedral metallofullerenes. till Theoretical calculations on the endohedral metallofullerenes have made an important contribution to the studies on the symmetry of the cage, the position of metal atom(s) inside the cage, the number of electronic transfer between metal atom(s) and fullerene cage, etc. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A novel polyimide precursor based on the dimethyl ester of 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetracarboxylic acid, 4,4'-methylene dianiline and the monomethyl ester of 5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid (BPDE/MDA/NE) was prepared by a modified polymerization of monomeric reactants (PMR) approach (MPMR). The composition of the precursor was quantitatively characterized by means of FTIR, HPLC and GC. The fractions of imide, amic ester and amic acid units in the precursor, typically prepared by refluxing in 1,4-dioxane for 2 h, were 33.7, 30.8 and 1.1 mol-%, respectively. The portion of free MDA was 3.34 wt.-% as determined by HPLC.


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Recent important applications of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in biological samples analysis are reviewed. The sample preparation, sample introduction techniques, interference correction and typical applications are introduced in detail with 154 references.


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Novel optically active aromatic poly(amide-imide)s (PAIs) were prepared from newly synthesized 2,2'-bis(3,4-dicarboxybenzamido)-1,1'-binaphyl dianhydride ((+/-)-, (S)-, and (R)-BNDADA). PAIs based on dianhydride monomers with different ee % were investigated with respect to their structures and chiroptical properties. These polymers were highly soluble in polar aprotic solvents such as N,N-dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, pyridine, etc., and showed high glas s transition temperatures of 287-290 degrees C and 5% weight loss temperatures of 450-465 degrees C in nitrogen. Optically active PAIs exhibited high specific rotations, excellent optical stabilities, and a dependence of optical activities on temperature. Investigations on chiroptical properties indicated that chiral conformation was possessed by optically active PAIs. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The cleavage of adenosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-AMP) and guanosine-5'-monophosphate (S-GMP) by Ce4+ and lanthanide complex of 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) in acidic and near neutral conditions was investigated by NMR, HPLC and measuring the liberated inorganic phosphate at 37 degrees C and 50 degrees C, The results showed that 5'-GMP and 5'-AMP was converted to guanine (G), 5'-monophosphate (depurination of 5'-GMP), ribose (depurination and dephosphorylation of 5'-GMP), phosphate and adenine (A), 5'-monophosphate (depurination of 5'-AMP), ribose (depurination and dephosphorylation of 5'-AMP), phosphate respectively by Ce4+. In presence of lanthanide complexes, 5'-GMP and 5'-AMP were converted to guanosine (Guo) and phosphate and adenosine (Ado) and phosphate respectively. The mechanism of cleaving 5'-GMP and 5'-AMP is hydrolytic scission.