308 resultados para Crucian carp


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Rainbow trout historic H3 (RH3) promoter was cloned via high fidelity PCR. The cloned RH3 promoter was inserted into a promoter-lacked vector pEGFP-1, resulting in an expression vector pRH3FGFP-1. The linearized pRH3EGFP-1 was microinjected into fertilized eggs of rare minnows and the sequential embryogenetic processes were monitored under a fluorescent microscope. Strong green fluorescence was ubiquitously observed at as early as the gastrula stage and then in various tissues at the fry stage. The results indicate that RH3 promoter, as a piscine promoter, could serve in producing transgenic Cyprinoid such as rare minnow. Promoter activity of RH3, CMV and common carp beta-actin (CA) were compared in rare minnow by the expression of respective recombinant EGFP vectors. The expression of pCMVEGFP occurred earlier than the following one, pRH3EGFP-1, and then pCAEGFP during the embryogenesis of the transgenics. Their expression activities demonstrated that the CMV promoter is the strongest one, followed by the CA and then the RH3.


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Oocyte maturation and egg fertilization in both vertebrates and invertebrates are marked by orchestrated cytoplasmic translocation of secretory vesicles known as cortical granules. It is thought that such redistribution of cellular content is critical for asymmetrical cell division during early development, but the mechanism and regulation of the process is poorly understood. Here we report the identification, purification and cDNA cloning of a C-type lectin from oocytes of a freshwater fish species gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The purified protein has been demonstrated to have lectin activity and to be a Ca2+-dependent C-type lectin by hemagglutination activity assay. Immunocytochemistry revealed that the lectin is associated with cortical granules, gradually translocated to the cell surface during oocyte maturation, and discharged to the egg envelope upon fertilization. Interestingly, the lectin becomes phosphorylated on threonine residues upon induction of exocytosis by fertilization and returns to its original state after morula stage of embryonic development, suggesting that this posttranslational modification may represent a critical molecular switch for early embryonic development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Two species of aspidogastreans, namely Aspidogaster ijimai and A. conchicola, were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In nine lakes and an old river course, the Tian'ezhou oxbow, investigated in the flood plain of the Yangtze River, A. ijimai was obtained from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in three lakes, and A. conchicola from the black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus in three lakes and the oxbow. In none of the localities, however, were the two species found together. It is suggested that A. ijimai may be considered as a specialist parasite for the common carp, at least in the flood-plain lakes of the Yangtze River. The two parasites were similar in many aspects of their morphology. Their bodies can both be separated into a dorsal part and a ventral disc, with the body surface of the dorsal part elevated by transverse folds, and the disc subdivided into alveoli by transverse and longitudinal septa, although the number of alveoli was different in the two species. The depression on the ventral surface of the neck region was prominent for both species, and their ventral disc was covered densely with non-ciliated bulbous papillae. The position of mouth, osmo-regulatory pore and marginal organ was also similar for A. ijimai and A. conchicola. However, microridges in the trough of the folds in the neck region and numerous small pits on the upper part of the septa were found exclusively in A. ijimai, but uniciliated sensory papillae in A. conchicola.


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A site investigation was conducted to correlate the relationships between microcystins (MC) concentration and algal growth in Dianchi Lake in China. Laboratory experiments were undertaken to test the effects of sediment adsorption, photoirradiation and biodegradation on microcystins removal. Bioaccumulation of microcystins was also determined using silver carp fish. It was observed that MC concentrations varied in accordance with algae growth in Dianchi Lake. The results obtained in the laboratory demonstrated that the removal of MC with fresh sediments was less than 10%, photoirradiation removed more than 75% MC within two hours, and the biodegradation needed much longer time to produce substantial degradation of MC. The results suggest that bioaccumulation of microcystins in fish was not significant in Dianchi Lake.


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A cell-free system based upon the egg extracts from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) or bisexual red common carp (Cyprinus carpio red variety) was developed to investigate developmental behaviors of the demembranated sperm nuclei. Both red common carp and gibel carp sperm nuclei could decondense fully and form pronuclei in the red common carp egg extracts. Gibel carp sperm nuclei could also decondense fully and form pronuclei in the gibel carp egg extracts, but red common carp sperm nuclei could not decondense sufficiently in the same extracts. The significant differences of morphological changes were further confirmed by ultrastructural. observation of transmission electron microscopy. The data further offer cytological evidence for gonochoristic reproduction in the gynogenetically reproducing gibel carp. In addition, the sperm nuclei in vitro decondensation is dependent on the pH in the extracts, and the decondensed efficiency is optimal at pH 7. However, no DNA replication was observed in the two kinds of egg extracts during the incubation period of the sperm nuclei. It is suggested that the egg extracts prepared from the gynogenetic gibel carp should be a valid in vitro system for studying molecular mechanism on gynogenesis and reproduction mode diversity in fish.


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Rainbow trout fry (10 weeks post hatch) were immunized (injection or immersion) with sonicated formalin-killed trophonts of the fish parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Challenge infections 22 days after immunization showed a relative protection represented by significantly fewer established parasites and lower prevalence in the immunized groups compared to the controls. Associations between the obtained protection and changes in differential leukocyte counts, haematocrit values, anti Ichthyophthirius multifiliis antibodies, mucous cell density and some epidermal cell markers were investigated. No changes in antibody titers, haematocrit values and mucous cell counts were associated with the response; however, a minor change in peripheral blood neutrophils and epidermal cell markers were found.


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Procedures to improve somatic cell nuclear transplantation in fish were evaluated. We reported effects of nonirradiated recipient eggs, inactivated recipient eggs, different combinations between recipient eggs and donor cells, duration of serum starvation, generation number, and passage number of donor cells on developmental rates of nuclear transplant (NT) embryos. Exposure to 25,000 R of gamma-rays inactivated recipient eggs. Single nucleus of cultured, synchronized somatic cell from gynogenetic bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) was transplanted into nonirradiated or genetically inactivated unfertilized egg of gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). There was no significant difference in developmental rate between nonirradiated and inactivated recipient eggs (27.27% vs. 25.71%, respectively). Chromosome count showed that 70.59% of NT embryos contained 48 chromosomes. It showed that most NT embryos came from donor nuclei of bighead carp, which was supported by microsatellite analysis of NT embryos. But 23.53% of NT embryos contained more than 48 chromosomes. It was presumed that those superfluous chromosomes came from nonirradiated recipient eggs. Besides, 5.88% of NT embryos were chimeras. Eggs of blunt-snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) and gibel carp were better recipient eggs than those of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (25% and 18.03% vs. 8.43%). Among different duration of serum starvation, developmental rate of NT embryos from somatic nuclei of three-day serum starvation was the highest, reaching 25.71% compared to 14.14% (control), 20% (five-day), and 21.95% (seven-day). Cultured donor cells of less passage facilitated reprogramming of NT embryos than those of more passage. Recloning might improve the developmental rate of NT embryos from the differentiated donor nuclei. Developmental rate of fourth generation was the highest (54.83%) and the lowest for first generation (14.14%) compared to second generation (38.96%) and third generation (53.01%). (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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An unknown virus was isolated from massive mortality of cultured threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylus) fingerlings. The virus replicated in BF-2 fish cell line and produced a plaque-like cytopathic effect. Electron micrographs revealed non-enveloped, icosahedral particles approximately 70-80 nm in diameter composed of a double capsid layer. Viroplasms and subviral particles approximately 30 run in diameter and complete particles of 70 nm in diameter were also observed in the infected BF-2 tissue culture cells. The virus was resistant upon pH 3 to 11 and ether treatment. It is also stable to heat treatment (3 h at 56 T). Replication was not inhibited by 5-iododeoxyuridine (5-IUdR). Acridine orange stain revealed typical reovirus-like cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Electrophoresis of purified virus revealed 11 segments of double-stranded RNA and five major structural polypeptides of approximately 136, 132, 71, 41 and 33 kDa. Based on these findings, the virus isolated was identified to belong to the genus Aquareovirus and was designated as threadfin reovirus. This virus differed from a majority of other aquareovirus by its increase in virus infectivity upon exposure to various treatments such as high and low pH, heat (56 degreesC), ether and 5-IUdR. The RNA and virion protein banding pattern of the threadfin reovirus was shown to differ from another Asian isolate, the grass carp hemorrhage reovirus (GCV). Artificial injection of the threadfin reovirus into threadfin fingerlings resulted in complete mortality, whereas sea bass (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings infected via bath route showed severe mortality within a week after exposure. These results indicate that the threadfin virus is another pathogenic Asian aquareovirus isolate that could cross-infect into another marine fish, the sea bass. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The gene targeting technique is a powerful tool for analyzing functions of cloned genes and for generating transgenic animals with site-directed integration of foreign genes. In order to develop this technique in fish, positive-negative selection (PNS) and homologous recombination vectors were constructed, and their expression was examined in fish cells. A vector (pNK) for PNS consists of the neomycin resistance gene (neo) as a positive selectable marker gene and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (tk) gene as a negative selectable marker gene. Positive selection with geneticin (G418) of epithelioma papulosum of carp (EPC) cells transfected with linearized pNK vector yielded 350 colonies, while double selection of transfected EPC cells with G418 and gancyclovir (Gc) resulted in nearly complete cell death, demonstrating that the PNS procedure is effective in fish cells. Homologous recombination vectors consist of the Xiphophorus melanoma receptor kinase (X mrk(Y)) gene as homologous sequence in addition to the neo and tk genes. Conditions for homologous recombination vector transfection and drug selection were established. After verification of the feasibility of expression of homologous recombination vectors in EPC cells, the first gene targeting experiments were attempted in the Xiphophorus melanoma cell line, PSM. Positive-negative selection of the targeting vector-transfectants led to a low enrichment in this particular cell line. The reasons for the low enrichment in PSM cells were discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Long-term changes In the crustacean zooplankton community (calanoid and cyclopoid copepods and cladocerans) were studied in Lake Donghu, a shallow and eutrophic Chinese lake. This lake had been earlier stocked with two pump Alter-feeding Ashes, silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). During the 1950s and the mid-1980s, the ratio of copepods to cladocerans was relatively stable but showed a general increase thereafter. From the early-1980s to the 1990s, calanoid/cyclopoid ratios decreased obviously. In the 1990s, Cyclops vicinus, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, and Moina micrura were dominant the abundance of C. vicinus and M. micrura increased significantly; and D, brachyurum showed a substantial decrease. The study shows that under extremely high pressure of Ash predation, the species which could recover rapidly from fish predation would be the most likely to survive and increase their numbers.


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The transcriptional onset of hGH-transgene in fish was studied in the following three cases: the first is in MThGH-transgenic F-4 common carp (Cyprinus carpio) embryos, the second is in nuclear-transferred embryos supported by the transgenic F-4 embryonic nuclei, and the third is in nuclear-transferred embryos supported by the transgenic F-4 tail-fin nuclei. RT-PCR results show that the hGH-transgene initiates its transcriptional activity from early-gastrula stage, the early blastula stage and even 16-cell stage in the first, second and third cases, respectively. it looks like that fish egg cytoplasm could just offer a very restricted reprogramming on transcriptional activity of specific gene in differentiated cell nuclei by nuclear transplantation.


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A rhabdovirus was found to be associated with a lethal hemorrhagic disease in the cultured Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus Bleeker. The rhabdovirus was amplified and isolated from the infected GCO, (grass carp ovary) cells. In ultrathin sections of liver cells from the diseased fish, the virus particles exhibited the characteristic bacilliform morphology, and budded through vesicle membranes of the infected cells. The isolated rhabdovirus particles were found to have a bacilliform morphology with 2 rounded ends rather than a typical flat base. The virus particles were measured and ranged in size from 150 to 200 nm in length and 50 to 60 nm in diameter. Most other characteristics, including their size, extensive virus infectivity to fish cell Lines, strong cytopathogenic effects, stability at high temperatures, vesicle formation in infected cells, structure protein electrophoretic patterns and the presence of an RNA genome, very closely resembled those of other fish rhabdoviruses. At present it is not known if this is a novel virus species or if it is an isolate of a known fish rhabdovirus. Until a confirmed identification can be made, we will temporarily refer to this virus as Chinese sucker rhabdovirus (CSRV).


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Seasonal population dynamics of parasitic copepods in the genus Sinergasilus on fanned silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, farmed bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis, and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus were investigated in China. Changes in prevalence and abundance were seasonal with higher levels observed in summer. Reproduction of the copepods occurs from spring to early autumn as indicated by the higher ratio of gravid copepods. The frequency distribution of Sinergasilus polycolpus and S. major in their host populations can be fitted well with negative binomial distribution. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fishes, the biggest and most diverse community in vertebrates are good experimental models for studies of cell and developmental biology by many favorable characteristics. Nuclear transplantation in fish has been thoroughly studied in China since 1960s. Fish nuclei of embryonic cells from different genera were transplanted into enucleated eggs generating nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids of adults. Most importantly, nuclei of cultured goldfish kidney cells had been reprogrammed in enucleated eggs to support embryogenesis and ontogenesis of a fertile fish. This was the first case of cloned fish with somatic cells. Based on the technique of microinjection, recombinant MThGH gene has been transferred into fish eggs and the first batch of transgenic fish were produced in 1984. The behavior of foreign gene was characterized and the onset of the foreign gene replication occurred between the blastula to gastrula stages and random integration mainly occurred at later stages of embryogenesis. This eventually led to the transgenic mosaicism. The MThGH-transferred common carp enhanced growth rate by 2-4 times in the founder juveniles and doubled the body weight in the adults. The transgenic common carp were more efficient in utilizing dietary protein than the controls. An "all-fish" gene construct CAgcGH has been made by splicing the common carp beta-actin gene (CA) promoter onto the grass carp growth hormone gene (gcGH) coding sequence. The CAgcGH-transferred Yellow River Carp have also shown significantly fast-growth trait. Combination of techniques of fish cell culture, gene transformation with cultured cells and nuclear transplantation should be able to generate homogeneous strain of valuable transgenic fish to fulfil human requirement in 21(st) century.


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The changes of L. kindti density from 1957 to 1996 were studied in a shallow, eutrophic Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. Despite the fact that the fish yield of planktivorous fish (silver carp and bighead carp) has increased steadily, the population density of L. kindti has also increased since 1957 and peaked in 1982/1983, The increase of both fish and L. kindti densities during this period may have benefitted from a considerable increase in the densities of their zooplankton prey. and fish predation on L. kindti might have been minor. As the fish yield increased further, their predation began to suppress most zooplankton prey including L. kindti. The largely increased fish predation on L. kindti is also evidenced by the remarkable decline of their body length after 1984. The density of L. kindti was significantly higher at the pelagic station (II) than at the littoral station (I), although for L. kindti, the littoral zone was significantly more resource profitable than the pelagic zone. The gradient of fish predation (more fish in the littoral zone) is the most likely explanation, since L. kindti is reported to be a preferred prey for many planktivorous fishes. The maximum density of L. kindti was 1.78 ind./I (on Aug. 17, 1984) at Station I and 1.55 ind./I (on Sep. 13, 1985) at Station II, respectively, which are close to those in several other eutrophic lakes.