224 resultados para spectral shift


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Experimental particle dispersion patterns in a plane wake flow at a high Reynolds number have been predicted numerically by discrete vortex method (Phys. Fluids A 1992; 4:2244-2251; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 2000; 26:1583-1607). To address the particle motion at a moderate Reynolds number, spectral element method is employed to provide an instantaneous wake flow field for particle dynamics equations, which are solved to make a detail classification of the patterns in relation to the Stokes and Froude numbers. It is found that particle motion features only depend on the Stokes number at a high Froude number and depend on both numbers at a low Froude number. A ratio of the Stokes number to squared Froude number is introduced and threshold values of this parameter are evaluated that delineate the different regions of particle behavior. The parameter describes approximately the gravitational settling velocity divided by the characteristic velocity of wake flow. In order to present effects of particle density but preserve rigid sphere, hollow sphere particle dynamics in the plane wake flow is investigated. The evolution of hollow particle motion patterns for the increase of equivalent particle density corresponds to that of solid particle motion patterns for the decrease of particle size. Although the thresholds change a little, the parameter can still make a good qualitative classification of particle motion patterns as the inner diameter changes.


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Space-resolved spectra of line-shaped laser-produced magnesium plasmas in the normal direction of the target have been obtained using a pinhole crystal spectrograph. These spectra are treated by a spectrum analyzing code for obtaining the true spectra and fine structures of overlapped lines. The spatial distributions of electron temperature and density along the normal direction of the target surface have been obtained with different spectral diagnostic techniques. Especially, the electron density plateaus beyond the critical surface in line-shaped magnesium plasmas have been obtained with a fitting technique applied to the Stark-broadened Ly-alpha wings of hydrogenic ions. The difference of plasma parameters between those obtained by different diagnostic techniques is discussed. Other phenomena, such as plasma satellites, population inversion, etc., which are observed in magnesium plasmas, are also presented.


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The variation of the energy interval between the intercombination line ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) of He-like aluminium with plasma density and temperature is investigated. Since such energy interval is equivalent to the exchange energy of the state 1s2p(P-3(1)), we consider the dependence of this energy shift on the plasma environment. It was found that the shifts of exchange energy increase ( decrease) with the increase of electron density ( electron temperature), and the shifts of exchange energy become more sensitive to the electron density as the electron temperature decreases, i. e. in the strongly coupled plasma regime. An approximately linear relation is found between the shifts of exchange energy and the electron density. The results show that dense plasma effects are very important for the simulation of the spectral fine structure. The relative shifts between the intercombination ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) are discussed for diagnostic applications.


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A constrained high-order statistical algorithm is proposed to blindly deconvolute the measured spectral data and estimate the response function of the instruments simultaneously. In this algorithm, no prior-knowledge is necessary except a proper length of the unit-impulse response. This length can be easily set to be the width of the narrowest spectral line by observing the measured data. The feasibility of this method has been demonstrated experimentally by the measured Raman and absorption spectral data.


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Different conical emission (CE) patterns are obtained experimentally at various incident powers and beam sizes of pump laser pulses with pulse durations of 7 fs, 44 fs and 100 fs. The results show that it is the incident power but not the incident power density that determines a certain CE pattern. In addition, the critical powers for similar CE patterns are nearly the same for the laser pulses with the same spectral bandwidth. Furthermore, as far as a certain CE pattern is concerned, the wider the spectral bandwidth of pump laser pulse is, the higher the critical power is. This will hopefully provide new insights for the generation of CE pattern in optical medium.


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An acoustic-optics programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) was first employed to actively control the linearly polarized femtosecond pump pulse frequency chirp for supercontinuum (SC) generation in a high birefringence photonic crystal fiber (PCF). By accurately controlling the second order phase distortion and polarization direction of incident pulses, the output SC spectrum can be tuned to various spectral energy distributions and bandwidths. The pump pulse energy and bandwidth are preserved in our experiment. It is found that SC with broader bandwidth can be generated with positive chirped pump pulses except when the chirp value is larger than the optimal value, and the same optimal value exists for the pump pulses polarized along the two principal axes. With optimal positive chirp, more than 78% of the pump energy can be transferred to below 750 nm. Otherwise, negative chirp will weaken the blue-shift broadening and the SC bandwidth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Red-shift conical emission (CE) is observed by femtosecond laser pulse propagating in BK7 at a low input power (compared to those input powers for generation of blue-shift CE). With the increasing input power the blue-shift CE begins to appear whereas the red-shift CE ring (902 nm in our experiment) disappears accompanied by the augment of the central white spot size synchronously. The disappearing of red-shift CE in our experiment is explained such that the increase of axial intensity is much higher than that of ring emission and the augment of the central white spot size with the increasing input laser power.


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A spectral-filter method is numerically demonstrated to obtain sub-5 fs pulses by using femtosecond filamentation in fused silica. Instead of employing spectral phase compensation, by properly employing a high-pass filter to select the broadened high-frequency spectra that are located almost in phase in the tailing edge of the self-compressed pulses owing to self-steepening, as short as single-cycle pulses can be obtained. For instance, for an input pulse with a duration of 50 fs and energy 2.2 mu J, the minimum pulse duration can reach to similar to 4 fs (about 1.5 cycles) by applying a proper spectral filter. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.


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We investigate the higher spectral component generations driven by a few-cycle laser pulse in a dense medium when a static electric field is present. Our results show that, when assisted by a static electric field, the dependence of the transmitted laser spectrum on the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) is significantly increased. Continuum and distinct peaks can be achieved by controlling the CEP of the few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse. Such a strong variation is due to the fact that the presence of the static electric field modifies the waveform of the combined electric field, which further affects the spectral distribution of the generated higher spectral components.


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In a recent experimental work on the excess photon detachment (EPD) of H- ions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 243001] it has been found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. By using a nonperturbative quantum scattering theory, we obtain the kinetic energy spectra for the differential detachment rate along the laser polarization for several laser intensities. It is demonstrated that higher order EPD peaks are produced mainly at relatively higher laser intensities. By calculating the overall EPD spectra with varying laser intensities, it is found that the ponderomotive shift of each EPD peak increases with the order of the EPD channel. Our calculations are in good agreement with the experimental observation. It is found that different EPD channels occur mainly when the laser field reaches some values, thus the intensity distribution of the laser field is responsible for the varying ponderomotive shifts.


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Femtosecond explosive processes of argon clusters irradiated by linearly chirped ultraintense laser pulses have been investigated by 90 degrees side spectral scattering. The spectral redshift and blueshift, which correlate with the cluster explosion processes have been measured for negatively and positively chirped driving laser pulses, respectively. The evolution of the heated-cluster polarizability indicates that the core of the cluster is shielded from the laser field in the beginning of the explosion and enhanced scattering occurs after the fast explosion initiates. Evidence of resonant heating is found from the coincidence of enhanced scattering with enhanced absorption measured using the transmitted spectra. Anomalously large-size clusters with very low gas density have been observed in this way and can be used as clean and important cluster targets.