107 resultados para radial birefringent filter


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The small-scale motions relevant to the collision of heavy particles represent a general challenge to the conventional large-eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent particle-laden flows. As a first step toward addressing this challenge, we examine the capability of the LES method with an eddy viscosity subgrid scale (SGS) model to predict the collision-related statistics such as the particle radial distribution function at contact, the radial relative velocity at contact, and the collision rate for a wide range of particle Stokes numbers. Data from direct numerical simulation (DNS) are used as a benchmark to evaluate the LES using both a priori and a posteriori tests. It is shown that, without the SGS motions, LES cannot accurately predict the particle-pair statistics for heavy particles with small and intermediate Stokes numbers, and a large relative error in collision rate up to 60% may arise when the particle Stokes number is near St_K=0.5. The errors from the filtering operation and the SGS model are evaluated separately using the filtered-DNS (FDNS) and LES flow fields. The errors increase with the filter width and have nonmonotonic variations with the particle Stokes numbers. It is concluded that the error due to filtering dominates the overall error in LES for most particle Stokes numbers. It is found that the overall collision rate can be reasonably predicted by both FDNS and LES for St_K>3. Our analysis suggests that, for St_K<3, a particle SGS model must include the effects of SGS motions on the turbulent collision of heavy particles. The spectral analysis of the concentration fields of the particles with different Stokes numbers further demonstrates the important effects of the small-scale motions on the preferential concentration of the particles with small Stokes numbers.


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Combining differential confocal microscopy and an annular pupil filter, we obtained the normalized axial intensity distribution curve of an optical system. We used the sharp slopes of the axial response curve of the optical system to measure the surface profile of a reflection grating. Experimental results prove that this method can extend the axial dynamic range and improve the transverse resolution of three-dimensional profilometry by sacrificing axial resolution. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, a new method for designing three-zone optical pupil filter is presented. The phase-only optical pupil filter and the amplitude-only optical pupil filters were designed. The first kind of pupil for optical data storage can increase the transverse resolution. The second kind of pupil filter can increase the axial and transverse resolution at the same time, which is applicable in three-dimension imaging in confocal microscopy. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We have experimentally demonstrated pulses 0.4 mJ in duration smaller than 12 fs; with an excellent spatial beam profile by self-guided propagation in argon. The original 52 fs pulses from the chirped pulsed amplification laser system are first precompressed to 32 fs by inserting an acoustic optical programmable dispersive filter instrument into the laser system for spectrum reshaping and dispersion compensation, and the pulse spectrum is subsequently broadened by filamentation in an argon cell. By using chirped mirrors for post-dispersion compensation, the pulses are successfully compressed to smaller than 12 fs.


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We have developed a two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier system which can produce 17-TW/23-fs pulses at a repetition rate 10 MHz. A birefringent plate is used in the regenerative amplifier to alleviate gain narrowing, while an all-reflective cylindrical-mirror-based pulse stretcher and an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) are used to compensate for the higher order dispersion of the system.


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A white light interferometer is developed to measure the distributed polarization coupling in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining fibers (PMFs). Usually the birefringence dispersion between two orthogonal eigenmodes of PMFs is neglected in such systems. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the birefringence dispersion becomes a nonnegligible factor in a long-fiber test. Significant broadening of interferograms and loss of longitudinal coherence are observed. The spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity of the system decrease correspondingly. Optimum spectrum width selection is presented for better spatial resolution and measurement range. c 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A planar lightwave circuit (PLC) add-drop filter is proposed and analyzed, which consists of a symmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) combined with double microring resonators. A critical coupling condition is derived for a better box-like drop spectrum. Comparisons of its characteristics with other schemes, such as a MZI with a single ring resonator, arepresented, and some of the issues about device design and fabrication are also discussed.


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A novel second-order polarization-independent filter made of a single ring resonator and a Sagnac interferometer (SRRSI) is proposed, and its filtering characteristics are investigated. By using birefringence in waveguide, a single ring resonator can be used to synthesize a filter with second-order response. Analytical formulas are derived for characteristics of the SRRSI varied with waveguide parameters.. such as the coupling coefficient; and the critical condition of a second-order Butterworth filter is given. The influence of loss in the ring resonator is also analyzed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The pulse compression induced by cross-phase modulation in birefringent dispersion decreasing fiber is discussed theoretically by solving the coupled Schrodinger equations which include the contribution of the high-order non-linear effects, and third-order dispersion. In particular, it is found that a high quality compressed signal pulse can be obtained by a pump pulse of low intense through the technique. The dependence of optimum compression on the non-linear factor N, time delay tau(d) and the dispersive ratio f is also discussed in detail. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A white light interferometer is developed to measure the distributed polarization coupling in high-birefringence polarization-maintaining fibers (PMFs). Usually the birefringence dispersion between two orthogonal eigenmodes of PMFs is neglected in such systems. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the birefringence dispersion becomes a nonnegligible factor in a long-fiber test. Significant broadening of interferograms and loss of longitudinal coherence are observed. The spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity of the system decrease correspondingly. Optimum spectrum width selection is presented for better spatial resolution and measurement range. c 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Estimation of the far-field centre is carried out in beam auto-alignment. In this paper, the features of the far-field of a square beam are presented. Based on these features, a phase-only matched filter is designed, and the algorithm of centre estimation is developed. Using the simulated images with different kinds of noise and the 40 test images that are taken in sequence, the accuracy of this algorithm is estimated. Results show that the error is no more than one pixel for simulated noise images with a 99% probability, and the stability is restricted within one pixel for test images. Using the improved algorithm, the consumed time is reduced to 0.049 s.


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We demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the focal spot size by inserting a uniform nonlinear thin film at the aperture of a focusing lens. The reduction of spot size is tunable by adjusting the incoming laser power. In comparison with the original diffraction spot, the transverse spot size can be reduced 0.65 times. The nonlinear thin film acts effectively as a Toraldo filter, and the phase and amplitude modulation stems from the laser-induced variances in the transmission of the thin film. The proposed technique removes the need of fabricating annular pupil filters. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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An analytical expression of a radial laser array for flat-topped beam is derived based on the generalized Collins formula. The intensity distribution of the resulting beam focused by a lens at the focus plane, for phase-locked and nonphase-locked cases, is studied numerically. The effect of the Fresnel number and normalized radius on intensity distribution for phase-locked and nonphase-locked cases is also presented. It is found that intensity distribution for nonphase-locked case is much less sensible to the Fresnel number and normalized radius than that of phase-locked case. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.