30 resultados para propulsion


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Catalytic cracking of China no. 3 aviation kerosene using a zeolite catalyst was investigated under supercritical conditions. A three-stage heating/cracking system was specially designed to be capable of heating 0.8 kg kerosene to a temperature of 1050 K and pressure of 7.0 MPa with maximum mass flow rate of 80 g/s. Sonic nozzles of different diameters were used to calibrate and monitor the mass flow rate of the cracked fuel mixture. With proper experiment arrangements, the mass flow rate per unit throat area of the cracked fuel mixture was found to well correlate with the extent of fuel conversion. The gaseous products obtained from fuel cracking under different conditions were also analyzed using gas chromatography. Composition analysis showed that the average molecular weight of the resulting gaseous products and the fuel mass conversion percentage were a strong function of the fuel temperature and were only slightly affected by the fuel pressure. The fuel conversion was also shown to depend on the fuel residence time in the reactor, as expected. Furthermore, the heat sink levels due to sensible heating and endothermic cracking were determined and compared at varying test conditions. It was found that at a fuel temperature of similar to 1050 K, the total heat sink reached similar to 3.4 MJ/kg, in which chemical heat sink accounted for similar to 1.5 MJ/kg.


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The heat transfer characteristics of China no. 3 kerosene were investigated experimentally and analytically under conditions relevant to a regenerative cooling system for scramjet applications. A test facility developed for the present study can handle kerosene in a temperature range of 300-1000 K, a pressure range of 2.6-5 MPa, and a mass How rate range of 10-100 g/s. In addition, the test section was uniquely designed such that both the wall temperature and the bulk fuel temperature were measured at the same location along the flowpath. The measured temperature distributions were then used to analytically deduce the local heat transfer characteristics. A 10-component kerosene surrogate was proposed and employed to calculate the fuel thermodynamic and transport properties that were required in the heat transfer analysis. Results revealed drastic changes in the fuel flow properties and heat transfer characteristics when kerosene approached its critical state. Convective heat transfer enhancement was also found as kerosene became supercritical. The heat transfer correlation in the relatively low-fuel-temperature region yielded a similar result to other commonly used jet fuels, such as JP-7 and JP-8, at compressed liquid states. In the high-fuel-temperature region, near and beyond the critical temperature, heat transfer enhancement was observed; hence, the associated correlation showed a more significant Reynolds number dependency.


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To increase effective load, light-weight micro-propulsion system is necessary for micro-satellites. Traditional propulsion systems including large and heavy high-pressure vessels are difficult to be scaled down to fulfill the demand of micro-satellites. In this article, a novel self-pressurizing fuel tank without high-pressure gas vessel is proposed. When some liquid propellant is consumed, pressure is compensated with CO2 released by heating NH4HCO3 powder in the fuel tank. Comparing with other types of self-pressurizing liquid fuel tank, a gas generator with special and simple structure was designed to stop or continue the NH4HCO3 decomposition reaction easily, and consumed a small amount of energy to heat the powder effectively. Performance tests showed that this new prototype is very suitable for micro-thrusters.


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A third-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory and non-free-parameter difference scheme magnetohydrodynamic solver has been established to investigate the mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamics controlling separation induced by an oblique shock wave impinging on a flat plate. The effects of magnetohydrodynamic interaction-zone location on the separation point, reattachment point, separation-bubble size, and boundary-layer velocity profiles are analyzed. The results show that there exists a best location for the magnetohydrodynamic zone to be applied, where the separation point is delayed the farthest, and the separation bubble is decreased up to about 50% in size compared to the case without magnetohydrodynamic control, which demonstrated the promising of magnetohydrodynamics suppressing the separation induced by shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions.


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采用了双流体模型对JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)喷管中气固两相流动以及超声速射流两相流动进行了数值模拟,并研究了可压缩两相流动中气相与颗粒的相互作用规律.自主开发的一般曲线坐标系下二维轴对称可压缩双流体程序Solve2D,对气相求解Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程组,采用k-ε湍流模型,颗粒相求解Euler方程组.对JPL喷管内的两相流场和湍流两相射流流场进行了数值模拟,研究了不同颗粒质量百分数以及不同颗粒直径时的气固两相流场的流动规律.


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/kerosene is a prospective bipropellant due to its high-energy content, high storage density, and environmentally benign properties. The possibility of making it hypergolic renders this option even more attracting. Self-ignitable H2O2/kerosene bipropellants were prepared by combining different candidate catalysts and promoters. Preliminary screening evaluations were conducted by using a dropping-test method. Propulsive performances of the combinations having passed satisfying dropping-test requirements were then investigated on a specially designed thrust engine. The results revealed that short ignition delay and reliable propulsion performances could be acquired in both steady-state and pulse-mode operations, and the combination of kerosene with additives and H2O2 of 90% concentration could still have good performances after 3 months storage time. It is expected that the combination of H2O2 and kerosene can be an efficacious alternative for storable toxic propellants used currently.


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A new method to measure ocean wave slope spectra using fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (POLSAR) data was developed without the need for a complex hydrodynamic modulation transform function. There is no explicit use of a hydrodynamic modulation transfer function. This function is not clearly known and is based on hydrodynamic assumptions. The method is different from those developed by Schuler and colleagues or Pottier but complements their methods. The results estimated from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) C-band polarimetric SAR data show that the ocean wavelength, wave direction, and significant wave height are in agreement with buoy measurements. The proposed method can be employed by future satellite missions such as RADARSAT-2.


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以7000m载人潜水器为研究对象,分析了潜水器的推进系统,并给出了6自由度推力转换模型,重点讨论了载人潜水器控制分配的优化问题.结合7000m载人潜水器的推进器布置和推进器特点,设计了优化准则代价函数,采用序列二次规划(sequential quadratic programm ing,SQP)算法求解了载人潜水器的非线性控制分配问题,通过半物理仿真平台实验验证了本文提出的控制分配算法的正确性和有效性.yh


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遥控水下机器人( ROV )工作在未知的不确定的复杂海洋环境中,其机械部件和控制系统极易出现故障。推进器是ROV的动力装置,对ROV完成水下作业,顺利回收起着至关重要的作用。推进器经常受到水草、异物的干扰而损坏,同时其内部的机械和电子组件也因老化、发热、受力而容易损坏,因此推进系统故障是ROV经常发生的故障之一。故障检测是提高其推进系统可靠性的重要环节,为ROV的容错控制和紧急回收等应急措施提供科学依据。ROV的容错控制对提高ROV的可靠性和机动性有着重要的意义。 针对ROV推进系统的特点,本文研究了ROV推进系统的系统辨识,故障检测和容错控制问题。 本文给出了一种基于控制量输入的ROV模型辨识方法,减小了辨识的工作量。该模型以螺旋桨驱动电机的电压控制量为输入,以各个自由度的运动状态为输出,不需进行螺旋桨推力标定。针对这种辨识方式,本文给出一种ROV系统辨识的非线性模型和简化的线性模型,对于相应的模型设计了辨识方法。通过实验验证了模型和方法的有效性。 针对ROV的故障检测问题,给出基于模型与推进电机电流的故障检测方法,设计了故障检测策略,实现对故障的分离和定位。通过模拟故障实验验证了方法的有效性。 针对ROV推进系统容错控制分配问题,本文提出了基于SVD分解(奇异值分解)与定点分配的混合算法。与传统的方法相比,它回避了求伪逆矩阵的问题,减小了计算量;能够满足推进器饱和约束限制。利用水下实验平台的推进系统模型进行了仿真实验,验证了算法的正确性和有效性。