59 resultados para pancreatic alteration
Wettability alternation phenomena is considered one of the most important enhanced oil recovery (EOR) mechanisms in the chemical flooding process and induced by the adsorption of surfactant on the rock surface. These phenomena are studied by a mesoscopic method named as dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). Both the alteration phenomena of water-wet to oil-wet and that of oil-wet to water-wet are simulated based on reasonable definition of interaction parameters between beads. The wetting hysteresis phenomenon and the process of oil-drops detachment from rock surfaces with different wettability are simulated by adding long-range external forces on the fluid particles. The simulation results show that, the oil drop is liable to spread on the oil-wetting surface and move in the form of liquid film flow, whereas it is likely to move as a whole on the water-wetting surface. There are the same phenomena occuring in wettability-alternated cases. The results also show that DPD method provides a feasible approach to the problems of seepage flow with physicochemical phenomena and can be used to study the mechanism of EOR of chemical flooding.
光敏核不育水稻晚粳农垦58S具有长日照下不育、短日照下可育的特点,是目前二系法杂交水稻应用的基础。对于其长日光周期引起雄性败育的特性已得到很多实验的支持,但这种光周期反应特性是光敏不育材料所特有,还是在水稻穗发育中普遍存在,目前尚不清楚。对这一问题的认识涉及到对光敏不育性本质的了解及对这一性状的有效利用,本文对此进行了系统的研究分析。 本研究以24种水稻品种包括光敏核不育系及常规水稻品种为材料,在控制光周期下进行。即利用16h长日照处理(LD)和l0h短日照处理(SD)及其不同组合,以抽穗期、叶龄、抽穗叶片总数、花粉育性、结实率、穗长、穗粒密度为指标,结合光敏不育系幼穗发育的形态解剖学特征,探讨了在整个水稻发育中包括叶片生长、幼穗分化以及穗发育等过程中,不同材料的光周期反应特征,尤其是二次枝梗期后的穗发育过程中的光周期反应特征。此外还分析了温度与光周期反应的关系及温度在光敏不育现象中的作用,并研究了代谢抑制剂对光敏不育特征的影响。 研究表明,光周期对水稻的出叶速度基本没有影响,但对水稻的抽穗叶龄有影响,长日照使抽穗叶龄增加而延迟其穗分化及抽穗。光周期还对幼穗分化后的穗发育过程有抑制延迟,作用,影响大小因品种而异,以对早稻、籼稻的影响最弱,对晚稻、粳稻的影响最强,与其穗分化中的感光性有明显的相关性。 除对抽穗期有影响外,穗发育阶段的长日光周期还影响着穗发育的其它性状,如使穗长增加,芒较长、稳粒密度降低,花粉育性降低,结实率下降。此外植株发育的其它性状也可受到影响,如剑叶发育不良表现为叶片缺少仅有叶鞘、倒二叶生长旺盛、植株较高等。同时几组不同组合的光周期处理结果均表明,长日光周期对水稻穗发育的影响主要发生在穗发育的前5-10天即颖花原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期至花粉母细胞形成期。这些结果表明水稻的光周期反应不仅表现在茎端从营养生长向生殖生长的转换上(幼穗分化),而且还表现在幼穗分化完成后的穗发育过程中。长日光周期对晚稻穗发育均有抑制效应,且日长对稳发育的影响时期与光敏核不育水稻的‘育性转换敏感期’完全一致。因此在农垦58S中引起‘光敏不育’的原因很可能不是一种特殊的光周期反应,而是该材料雄性器官发生过程不能对长日光周期做出适当的反应。 对24种不同品种水稻的光周期反应表明,不同材料光周期反应特性不同。光敏不育系农垦58S与农垦58在对长日照的反应上也有较大不同,表现为前者在短日照下穗分化较快,在自然日照下抽穗较早。这表明除了育性不同外,农垦58S与农垦58在光周期反应特征上也有所不同,然而我们认为这种不同不是农垦58S表现光敏不育的主要原因。因为本研究中还发现,光敏不育系农垦58S与其可育回复突变体农垦58S(r)在抽穗期等光周期反应特征上相当一致,但在育性反应上却有较大不同,长日照下农垦58S(r)表现为雄性可育,而农垦58S表现为雄性败育。根据上述几方面的比较,我们认为光敏不育的机制很可能在于农垦58S突变体其雄性器官发育对环境不利信号的反应能力的变弱所致。 在本研究中发现,温度对水稻穗发育的影响表现在两个方面:一方面是通过影响光周期反应强弱而起作用,如高温可加强短日照下的穗分化和发育过程,高温亦可加强长日照对穗分化发育的抑制作用;另一方面是直接对器官发生过程产生影响,如在对短日照下光敏不育系和常规稻不同温度条件下处理时的结实率比较分析发现,常规稻的结实率与其抽穗扬花期的平均温度显著负相关,而光敏核不育水稻的结实率虽与抽穗扬花期的温度有一定相关性,但更与穗发育期的平均温度呈显著负相关,二者在受温度影响的作用时期上有显著差异,因此温度也可直接对雄性器官发育起作用。区分温度对光敏不育的两方面影响,同时考虑到光敏不育机制更有可能在于光敏不育系农垦58S雄性器官发育对环境信号反应能力的变弱的假设。我们就可以较好地理解农垦58S‘光敏不育’性状经杂交转育到对光周期弱感的籼稻中所出现的‘温敏不育性’。 核酸代谢抑制剂5-FU,2-TU对SD下的幼穗分化有较强抑制作用,使幼穗分化被迟滞,而2-BrDU和蛋白质合成抑制剂CHX、CL对其影响较小。抑制剂处理也不能诱导LD下的穗分化。 短日照下,5-FU可对穗发育有强烈抑制作用,可使常规品种农垦58及光敏不育系农垦58S穗畸形,颖花减少并发育不良,穗长缩短,枝梗减少,花粉败育甚至无花粉,结实率显著降低,其有效作用时期为穗发育的二次枝梗分化期至雌雄蕊原基分化期,与长日照诱导农垦58S败育的作用时期也完全吻合,5-FU对SD下穗发育的影响还可被核酸抑制剂的恢复剂乳清酸所部分恢复。其它代谢抑制剂如2-TU、CHX、CL等也可使农垦58S育性明显降饭,而所有这些抑制剂对常规可育的农垦58及农垦58S(r)的育性影响较小,表明它们与光敏不育系对抑制信号的反应能力有显著不同。 长日照下5-FU对LD下的农垦58S的幼穗发育也有很强的抑制作用,使稳长缩短,颖数减少,但它还可使部分LD下处理植株抽穗期较LD对照明显提前,并可使农垦58S育性部分恢复而有结实,说明5-FU还可对LD的抑制作用有抑制,通过对LD抑制作用的抑制使LD下的育性转换有部分恢复。其它代谢抑制剂在穗发育前期处理LD下农垦58S叶片均可看到植株在抽穗期较LD下提前5—8天的同时,其花粉育性有不同程度的提高,在高温长日下甚至有一定程度的结实率,表明各种抑制剂均可对穗发育中的光周期作用产生影响。 总之,本研究结果表明,短日植物水稻的光周期反应不仅存在于幼穗分化上,还存在于幼穗发育和花器官发生等发育过程中。幼穗发育的光周期效应表现为抽穗期、穗长、穗粒密度、结实率等多方面的变化,作用时期以穗发育早期的花器官发生阶段影响最大。作用强弱因品种不同而异,以粳稻和晚稻中作用较强。光敏不育突变的更主要变化可能在于农垦58S的雄性器官分化发育时对环境不利信号的反应能力变弱,导致其正常发育受阻,育性不能正常表达。温度在水稻穗发育上既可通过影响光周期反应而起作用,还可直接对穗器官发育产生影响而对育性表达起作用。此外我们还发现农垦58S与农垦58不仅在雄性育性上有显著不同,而且其光周期反应特性也有较大的差异。抑制剂处理结果也支持光敏不育系农垦58S的雄性器官发生过程较农垦58更易受抑制剂影响而育性降低,而抑制剂对长日光周期抑制作用的部分解除,可以使其育性有一定程度的恢复,也表明光周期对雄性育性的影响最为显著。这些结果可以帮助我们更加全面地认识光敏不育水稻的基本特性,从而为进一步开展光敏不育的转育及应用研究提供可靠的科学依据。
,The molecular dynamics research of the core domain of p53 protein crystal structure shows that besides the stability in biochemistry this domain also shows a high stability in molecular mechanics. Based on that work, the residue R249 was substituted with amino acids Gly and Ser respectively, and molecular dynamics researches were performed separately. The results show that these substitutions cause a relax tendency between loop2 and 3 domains, leading to an alteration of the whole conformation of p53 core domain and ruining its stability. The results visually explains the mechanism of p53 changes in immunological and biochemical reactions, which are caused by 249 residue substitutions from 3-D structure variations.
Habitat fragmentation usually results in alteration of species composition or biological communities. However, little is known about the effect of habitat fragmentation on the fig/fig wasp system. In this study, we compared the structure of a fig wasp community and the interaction between figs and fig wasps of Ficus racemosa L. in a primary forest, a locally fragmented forest and a highly fragmented forest. Our results show that, in the highly fragmented forest, the proportion of pollinator wasps is lower and the proportion of non-pollinator wasps is higher compared with the primary forest and locally fragmented forest. The proportion of fruits without pollinator wasps in mature fruits is also greatly increased in the highly fragmented forest. The proportion of galls in all female flowers increases in the highly fragmented forest, whereas the proportion of viable seeds does not change considerably. The disruption of groups of fig trees results in a decrease in pollinator wasps and even might result in the extinction of pollinator wasps in some extreme cases, which may transform the reciprocal interaction between figs and fig wasps into a parasite/host system. Such an effect may lead to the local extinction of this keystone plant resource of rain forests in the process of evolution, and thereby, may change the structure and function of the tropical rain forest.
Pancreatic RNase genes implicated in the adaptation of the colobine monkeys to leaf eating have long intrigued evolutionary biologists since the identification of a duplicated RNASE1 gene with enhanced digestive efficiencies in Pygathrix nemaeus. The recent emergence of two contrasting hypotheses, that is, independent duplication and one-duplication event hypotheses, make it into focus again. Current understanding of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution of colobine monkeys largely depends on the analyses of few colobine species. The present study with more intensive taxonomic and character sampling not only provides a clearer picture of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution but also allows to have a more thorough understanding about the molecular basis underlying the adaptation of Colobinae to the unique leaf-feeding lifestyle. The present broader and detailed phylogenetic analyses yielded two important findings: 1) All trees based on the analyses of coding, noncoding, and both regions provided consistent evidence, indicating RNASE1 duplication occurred after Asian and African colobines speciation, that is, independent duplication hypothesis; 2) No obvious evidence of gene conversion in RNASE1 gene was found, favoring independent evolution of Colobine RNASE1 gene duplicates. The conclusion drawn from previous studies that gene conversion has played a significant role in the evolution of Colobine RNASE1 was not supported. Our selective constraint analyses also provided interesting insights, with significant evidence of positive selection detected on ancestor lineages leading to duplicated gene copies. The identification of a handful of new adaptive sites and amino acid changes that have not been characterized previously also provide a necessary foundation for further experimental investigations of RNASE1 functional evolution in Colobinae.
Chronic exposure to opiates impairs hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) and spatial memory, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Given the well known effects of adenosine, an important neuromodulator, on hippocampal neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity, we investigated the potential effect of changes in adenosine concentrations on chronic morphine treatment-induced impairment of hippocampal CA1 LTP and spatial memory. We found that chronic treatment in mice with either increasing doses (20-100 mg/kg) of morphine for 7 d or equal daily dose (20 mg/kg) of morphine for 12 d led to a significant increase of hippocampal extracellular adenosine concentrations. Importantly, we found that accumulated adenosine contributed to the inhibition of the hippocampal CA1 LTP and impairment of spatial memory retrieval measured in the Morris water maze. Adenosine A(1) receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine significantly reversed chronic morphine-induced impairment of hippocampal CA1 LTP and spatial memory. Likewise, adenosine deaminase, which converts adenosine into the inactive metabolite inosine, restored impaired hippocampal CA1 LTP. We further found that adenosine accumulation was attributable to the alteration of adenosine uptake but not adenosine metabolisms. Bidirectional nucleoside transporters (ENT2) appeared to play a key role in the reduction of adenosine uptake. Changes in PKC-alpha/beta activity were correlated with the attenuation of the ENT2 function in the short-term (2 h) but not in the long-term (7 d) period after the termination of morphine treatment. This study reveals a potential mechanism by which chronic exposure to morphine leads to impairment of both hippocampal LTP and spatial memory.
<正> 我国于1987年从进口的虹鳟中分离了传染性胰脏坏死病病毒(Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus简称IPNV),并进行了血清学鉴定。由于病鱼没有特有的临床症状,所以迅速查找鱼体内特异性的病毒是十分必要的。本文报道了用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)鉴定细胞培养中分离出的IPN病毒及从鱼组织中直接检测IPN
山西省虹鳟试验场用从日本引进的鱼卵孵化的虹鳟稚鱼暴发流行病,死亡率高达90%以上。经组织培养分离到病毒,能在鲑鳟细胞系中产生细胞病变,形成直径0.5—1mm的空斑。感染健康虹鳟稚鱼能复制出与天然发病相同的症状和死亡率。病毒对氯仿不敏感,耐酸、耐热。病毒负染后电镜观察为直径55—65mm的二十面体颗粒,无囊膜,具单层衣壳。经血清学鉴定为传染性胰脏坏死病病毒(Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus简称IPNV)在血清学交叉中和反应中与抗IPN-Sp株的抗血清有强烈的交叉反应,
Although Microcystis-based toxins have been intensively studied, previous studies using laboratory cultures of Microcystis strains are difficult to explain the phenomenon that microcystin concentrations and toxin variants in natural blooms differ widely and frequently within a short-term period. The present study was designed to unravel the mechanisms for the frequent variations of intracellular toxins related to the differences in cyanobacterial colonies during bloom seasons in Lake Taihu, China. Monitoring of Microcystis colonies during warm seasons indicated that the variations in microcystins in both concentrations and toxin species were associated with the frequent alteration of Microcystis colonies in Lake Taihu. High concentration of microcystins in the blooms was always associated with two Microcystis colonies, Microcystis flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa, whereas when Microcystis wesenbergii was the dominant colonial type, the toxin production of the blooms was low. Additionally, environmental factors such as temperature and nutrition were also shown to have an effect on the toxin production of the blooms, and may also potentially influence the Microcystis species present. The results of the present study provides insight into a new consideration for quick water quality monitoring, assessment and risk alert in cyanobacterium- and toxin-contaminated freshwaters, which will be beneficial not only for water agencies but also for public health. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As a new type of AFPs, AFPIV has been firstly identified in longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus), and in recent years, its cDNA and amino acid sequence have been reported, and its pancreatic synthesis has been firstly reported in polar fish. However, its expression patterns during fish embryogenesis have not been elucidated yet. By differential screening, we cloned the CagAFPIV in gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, demonstrated its predominant expression during embryogenesis. RT-PCR detection revealed that CagAFPIV was first transcribed from blastula stage and kept a high level during embryogenesis and declined remarkably in hatched larva. In situ hybridization revealed that CagAFPIV transcripts were firstly distributed over the margin and marginal blastomere in blastula stage embryos, at the early-gastrula stage the positive signals distributed in the marginal cells and the internalization cells, and later restricted to the cells the yolk syncytial layer (YSL) from later gastrula stage to larva stage. Consistently, the CagAFPIV protein also kept a high level during embryogenesis, and the high protein level retained some days after the larva hatched. Our work, for the first time, revealed the dynamic expression and distribution of CagAFPIV during embryogenesis.
Studies have attributed several functions to the Eaf family, including tumor suppression and eye development. Given the potential association between cancer and development, we set forth to explore Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 activity in vertebrate embryogenesis, using zebrafish. In situ hybridization revealed similar eaf1 and eaf2/u19 expression patterns. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of either eaf1 or eaf2/u19 expression produced similar morphological changes that could be reversed by ectopic expression of target or reciprocal-target mRNA. However, combination of Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 (Eafs)-morpholinos increased the severity of defects, suggesting that Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 only share some functional redundancy. The Eafs knockdown phenotype resembled that of embryos with defects in convergence and extension movements. Indeed, knockdown caused expression pattern changes for convergence and extension movement markers, whereas cell tracing experiments using kaeda mRNA showed a correlation between Eafs knockdown and cell migration defects. Cardiac and pancreatic differentiation markers revealed that Eafs knockdown also disrupted midline convergence of heart and pancreatic organ precursors. Noncanonical Wnt signaling plays a key role in both convergence and extension movements and midline convergence of organ precursors. We found that Eaf1 and Eaf2/U19 maintained expression levels of wnt11 and wnt5. Moreover, wnt11 or wnt5 mRNA partially rescued the convergence and extension movement defects occurring in eafs morphants. Wnt11 and Wnt5 converge on rhoA, so not surprisingly, rhoA mRNA more effectively rescued defects than either wnt11 or wnt5 mRNA alone. However, the ectopic expression of wnt11 and wnt5 did not affect eaf1 and eaf2/u19 expression. These data indicate that eaf1 and eaf2/u19 act upstream of noncanonical Wnt signaling to mediate convergence and extension movements.
The glutathione S-transferases play important roles in the detoxification of microcystin. Core-sequences of three classes of GST (mu, kappa and rho) were cloned from goldfish (Carassius auratus L) i.p. injected with cyanobacterial crude extract at two doses (50 and 200 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) BW). The relative changes of the mRNA abundance in liver, kidney and intestine were analyzed by real-time PCR. The transcription of GST mu was inhibited in intestine at both doses and the transcription of GST kappa was inhibited from 12 to 48 h in kidney at both doses. The decreased transcription of GST rho was detected in all three organs at the high dose. It is suggested that transcription inhibition of GST rho might be significant in MCs toxicity at higher toxin concentration in omnivorous freshwater fish. Alteration in transcription of GSTs stimulated by MCs implicates an increased health risk to fish. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A birnavirus strain, Paralichthys olivaceus birnavirus (POBV), was isolated and characterized from cultured flounder in China, and its complete genomic sequence was subsequently determined. The virus could induce cytopathic effects (CPE) in four of seven fish cell lines and was resistant to chloroform, 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, acid and alkaline pH, and heat treatment. Purified virus particles had a typical icosahedral shape, with a diameter of approximately 55-60 nm. The genomic segments A and B of POBV were 3,091 and 2,780 bp in length and shared many of the features of the members of the family Birnaviridae. Segment A contained two partially overlapping ORFs encoding a polyprotein, pVP2-VP4-VP3, and a nonstructural protein, VP5, while segment B had only one ORF encoding for the VP1, a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This is the first report about a birnavirus strain from a new non-salmonid host in China and its complete genome sequence.