246 resultados para optical phase matching
We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) supplies broadband gain for ultrashort pulses. A new theoretic explanation of OPCPA has been obtained by introducing the concept of tilted pulse front in this paper, and the distribution of broadband amplification has been twice expanded by introducing the technology of achromatic phase matching (APM). The prospect of APM in OPCPA has been discussed in detail. Finally, a design for the amplification of chirped pulses at 1600 nm has been firstly proposed and numerically simulated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
基于周期性极化铌酸锂晶体(PPLN)的准相位匹配光参变放大过程,通过倾斜周期极化铌酸锂晶体中极化域(极化光栅)一定角度,实现了介于共线匹配方式和非共线匹配方式之间的一种半非共线型准相位匹配方式,并以该匹配方式下的各光矢量几何关系得出相位匹配曲线,找到在特定抽运光和信号光波长下能获得宽带增益放大的周期极化长度。并研究其极化倾斜角度与温度特性。模拟计算表明,在合适的角度与温度条件下,该方式可以532 nm抽运光抽运的信号光在800 nm和1064 nm处均获得宽带光参变放大。
基于能量守恒和三波耦合波方程, 建立了超短脉冲在参变过程中二次谐波产生时的I类和II类相位匹配条件、基波与谐波之间的群速延迟时间、以及群速失配对晶体长度限制的理论基础。以负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10为例, 分析和数值计算了超短脉冲宽度为100 fs时, 谐波的群速匹配长度随基波波长变化的规律。研究结果表明在I类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为642 nm时, 群速延迟最小, 相应的群速匹配晶体长度最长为19.1 mm;在II类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为767 nm, 群速延迟最小, 群速匹配长度最
We present a comprehensive numerical study on the all-optical wavelength conversion based on the degenerate four-wave-mixing with continuous-wave pumping in the silicon nanowire waveguide. It is well known that the conversion efficiency and the 3-dB bandwidth can be greatly affected by the phase-matching condition. Through proper design of the waveguide cross-section, its dispersion property can be adjusted to satisfy the phase-matching condition and therefore effective wavelength conversion can be achieved in a large wavelength range. Generally, the group velocity dispersion plays a dominant role in the wavelength conversion. However, the fourth-order dispersion takes an important effect on the wavelength conversion when the group velocity dispersion is near the zero-point. Furthermore, the conversion efficiency and the 3-dB bandwidth can also be affected by the interactive length and the initial pump power. Through the numerical simulation, the optimal values for the interactive length and the initial pump power, which are functions of the propagation loss, are obtained to realize the maximum conversion efficiency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modulation arms with different widths are introduced to Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) to obtain improved performance. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation have shown that when the widths of the two arms are properly designed to achieve an inherent m pi/2 (m is an odd integer) optical phase difference between the arms, the asymmetric MZI presents higher modulation speed. Furthermore, the carrier-absorption induced divergence of insertion losses in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) based MZI optical switches can be obviously improved.
In this paper, we investigate the mechanism of tunable parametric superfluorescence (PS) based on the second harmonic generation and parametric processes taking place in the same nonlinear crystal (BBO). The tunable spectra of PS has been generated between 480 nm and 530 nm, which is pumped by the second-harmonic from the high-power Ti: sapphire laser system at 1 kHz repetition rate. We present the generation mechanism of PS theoretically and simulate the process of PS ring using the amplification transfer function. The experiment and the theory show that PS will appear when the phase matching angle for second-harmonic generation is close to the optimal pump angle for optical parametric generation, and then the tunable spectra of PS are generated by slightly adjusting the crystal angle. The result provides a theoretical basis for controlling the generation of PS and quantum entanglement states, which is of great significance for the development of quantum imaging, quantum communications and other applieations.
We experimentally investigate the high-order harmonic generation in argon gas using a driving laser pulse at a center wavelength of 1240 nm. High-contrast fine interference fringes could be observed in the harmonic spectra near the propagation axis, which is attributed to the interference between long and short quantum paths. We also systematically examine the variation of the interference fringe pattern with increasing energy of the driving pulse and with different phase-matching conditions.
Interactions of oblique incident probe wave with oncoming ionization fronts have been investigated using moving boundary conditions. Field conversion coefficients of reflection, transmission and magnetic modes produced in the interactions are derived. Phase matching conditions at the front and frequency up-shifting formulas for the three modes are also presented.
The anisotropic Bragg diffraction of the volume holographic gratings in photorefractive crystals are investigated based on the model of anisotropic coupled-wave theory. The effect of the initial intensity ratio and the recording angles of the two recording waves on the anisotropic Bragg diffraction properties is discussed. It is shown that both the ratio of the initial intensity and the incident angles of the recording waves are selective action for the anisotropic Bragg diffraction efficiency of the volume holographic gratings, while these two recording conditions are not selective action for the isotropic Bragg diffraction. Furthermore, the Bragg phase matching condition of anisotropic diffraction is analyzed when the recording angles change. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.