34 resultados para miniature


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Many ionotropic receptors are modulated by extracellular H+. So far, few studies have directly addressed the role of such modulation at synapses. In the present study, we investigated the effects of changes in extracellular pH on glycinergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) as well as glycine-evoked currents (I-Gly) in mechanically dissociated spinal neurons with native synaptic boutons preserved. H+ modulated both the mIPSCs and I-Gly, biphasically, although it activated an amiloride-sensitive inward current by itself. Decreasing extracellular pH reversibly inhibited the amplitude of the mIPSCs and I-Gly, while increasing external pH reversibly potentiated these parameters. Blockade of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) with amiloride, the selective antagonist of ASICs, or decreasing intracellular pH did not alter the modulatory effect of H+ on either mIPSCs or I-Gly, H+ shifted the EC50 of the glycine concentration-response curve from 49.3 +/- 5.7 muM at external pH 7.4 to 131.5 +/- 8.1 muM at pH 5.5, without altering the Cl- selectivity of the glycine receptor (GlyR), the Hill coefficient and the maximal I-Gly, suggesting a competitive inhibition of I-Gly by H+. Both Zn2+ and H+ inhibited I-Gly. However, H+ induced no further inhibition of I-Gly in the presence of a saturating concentration of Zn2+. In addition, H+ significantly affected the kinetics of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. It is proposed that H+ and/or Zn2+ compete with glycine binding and inhibit the amplitude of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. Moreover, binding of H+ induces a global conformational change in GlyR, which closes the GlyR Cl- channel and results in the acceleration of the seeming desensitization of IGly as well as speeding up the decay time constant of glycinergic mIPSCs. However, the deprotonation rate is faster than the unbinding rate of glycine from the GlyR, leading to reactivation of the undesensitized GlyR after washout of agonist and the appearance of a rebound I-Gly. H+ also modulated the glycine cotransmitter, GABA-activated current (I-GABA). Taken together, the results support a 'conformational coupling' model for H+ modulation of the GlyR and suggest that W may act as a novel modulator for inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian spinal cord.


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Prior synaptic or cellular activity influences degree or threshold for subsequent induction of synaptic plasticity, a process known as metaplasticity. Thus, the continual synaptic activity, spontaneous miniature excitatory synaptic current (mEPSC) may correlate to the induction of long-teen depression (LTD). Here, we recorded whole-cell EPSC and mEPSC alternately in the Schaffer-CA1 synapses in brain slice of young rats, and found that this recording configuration affected neither EPSC nor mEPSC. Low frequency stimulation (LFS) induced variable magnitudes of LTD. Remarkably, larger magnitudes of LTD were significantly correlated to smaller amplitude/lower frequency of the basal mEPSC. Furthermore, under the conditions reduced amplitude/frequency of the basal mEPSC by exposure to behavioral stress immediately before slice preparation or low concentration of calcium in bath solution, the magnitudes of LTD were still inversely correlated to mEPSC amplitude/frequency. These new findings suggest that spontaneous mEPSC may reflect functional and/or structural aspects of the synapses, the synaptic history ongoing metaplasticity. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cetaceans produce sound signals frequently. Usually, acoustic localization of cetaceans was made by cable hydrophone arrays and multichannel recording systems. In this study, a simple and relatively inexpensive towed acoustic system consisting of two miniature stereo acoustic data-loggers is described for localization and tracking of finless porpoises in a mobile survey. Among 204 porpoises detected acoustically, 34 individuals (similar to 17%) were localized, and 4 of the 34 localized individuals were tracked. The accuracy of the localization is considered to be fairly high, as the upper bounds of relative distance errors were less than 41% within 173 m. With the location information, source levels of finless porpoise clicks were estimated to range from 180 to 209 dB re 1 mu Pa pp at 1 m with an average of 197 dB (N=34), which is over 20 dB higher than that estimated previously from animals in enclosed waters. For the four tracked porpoises, two-dimensional swimming trajectories relative to the moving survey boat, absolute swimming speed, and absolute heading direction are deduced by assuming the animal movements are straight and at constant speed in the segment between two consecutive locations.


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Angel-related element belongs to the family of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). In this paper we report the identification of an Angel-related element in the series Leuciscini of cyprinid fishes, which is located in the second intron of the growth hormone (GH) gene. We have also found that this element is absent in orthologous locus in the series Barbini of cyprinid fishes, that provides new evidence for the monophyly of the series Leuciscini. The insertion of Angel-related element into the GH gene might take place in the common ancestor of the series Leuciscini after its divergence from the series Barbini. The high sequence divergence and relatively broad species distribution of Angel-related elements implies that they might be ancient transposons which appeared about 26 million years ago.


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Detecting objects in their paths is a fundamental perceptional function of moving organisms. Potential risks and rewards, such as prey, predators, conspecifics or non-biological obstacles, must be detected so that an animal can modify its behaviour accordingly. However, to date few studies have considered how animals in the wild focus their attention. Dolphins and porpoises are known to actively use sonar or echolocation. A newly developed miniature data logger attached to a porpoise allows for individual recording of acoustical search efforts and inspection distance based on echolocation. In this study, we analysed the biosonar behaviour of eight free-ranging finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and demonstrated that these animals inspect the area ahead of them before swimming silently into it. The porpoises inspected distances up to 77 in, whereas their swimming distance without using sonar was less than 20 in. The inspection distance was long enough to ensure a wide safety margin before facing real risks or rewards. Once a potential prey item was detected, porpoises adjusted their inspection distance from the remote target throughout their approach.


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A novel technique of manufacturing Al0.3Ga0.7As pyramids by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) for scanning probe microscopy (SPM) sensors is reported Four meticulously designed conditions-partial oxidation, deficient solute, air quenching and germanium doping result in defect-free homogeneous nucleation and subsequent pyramid formation. Micrometer-sized frustums and pyramids are detected by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sharp end of the microtip has a radius of curvature smaller than 50 nm. It is believed that such accomplishments would contribute not only to crystal growth theory, but also to miniature fabrication technology.


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Multi-channel effect is important to understand transport phenomenon in phase change systems with parallel channels. In this paper, visualization studies were performed to study the multi-channel effect in a silicon triple-channel condenser with an aspect ratio of 0.04. Saturated water vapor was pumped into the microcondenser, which was horizontally positioned. The condenser was cooled by the air natural convention heat transfer in the air environment. Flow patterns are either the annular flow at high inlet vapor pressures, or a quasi-stable elongated bubble at the microchannel upstream followed by a detaching or detached miniature bubble at smaller inlet vapor pressures. The downstream miniature bubble was detached from the elongated bubble tip induced by the maximum Weber number there. It is observed that either a single vapor thread or dual vapor threads are at the front of the elongated bubble. A miniature bubble is fully formed by breaking up the vapor thread or threads. The transient vapor thread formation and breakup process is exactly symmetry against the centerline of the center channel. In side channels, the Marangoni effect induced by the small temperature variation over the channel width direction causes the vapor thread formation and breakup process deviating from the side channel centerline and approaching the center channel. The Marangoni effect further forces the detached bubble to rotate and approach the center channel, because the center channel always has higher temperatures, indicating the multi-channel effect. 


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The typical MEMS fabrication of micro evaporators ensures the perfect smooth wall surface that is lack of nucleation sites, significantly decreasing the heat transfer coefficients compared with miniature evaporators fabricated using copper or stainless steel. In the present paper, we performed the boiling heat transfer experiment in silicon triangular microchannel heat sink over a wide parameter range for 102 runs. Acetone was used as the working fluid. The measured boiling heat transfer coefficients versus the local vapor mass qualities are compared with the classical Chen’s correlation and other correlations for macro and miniature capillary tubes. It is found that most of these correlations significantly over-predict the measured heat transfer coefficients. New correlations are given. There are many reasons for such deviations. The major reason is coming from the perfect smooth silicon surface that lowers the heat transfer performances. New theory is recommended for the silicon microchannel heat sink that should be different from metallic capillary tubes.


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目的:研究三七总皂苷(Panax notoginseng saponins,PNS)对海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元兴奋性突触活动的作用和机理。方法:采用"盲法"全细胞膜片钳技术,记录PNS(0.05~0.4 g/L)对3~4周雄性wistar大鼠海马脑片(400μm)CA1区兴奋性突触后电流(excitatory post synaptic currents,EPSCs)和自发的微小兴奋性突触后电流(miniature excitatory post synapticcurrents,mEPSCs)幅度及频率的影响。结果:0.1~0.4 g/L PNS显著抑制海马脑片CA1区EPSCs(P<0.05);0.05~0.4 g/LPNS可明显增加CA1区锥体神经元自发mEPSCs的产生频率,但并不影响mEPSCs的幅度。结论:PNS可作用于突触前位点对海马神经元兴奋性突触活动产生调节作用,PNS增加mEPSCs频率的作用可能与促进突触前膜nAChR的激动有关,这可能是其调节海马神经元的兴奋性进而发挥益智作用的机制之一;PNS对EPSCs和mEPSCs的不同作用说明PNS是选择性抑制膜去极化所诱发的递质释放过程,PN...


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海马在某些类型的学习和记忆中起着关键的作用,而突触可塑性(synaptic plasticity)为学习和记忆的模型提供了理论基础。在海马环路中,分布着各种类型的可塑性,包括突触特异的Hebbian形式的可塑性,如长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)和长时程抑制(long-term depression,LTD);稳态可塑性(homeostatic plasticity),如突触缩放(synaptic scaling)。稳态可塑性是一种整体的调控过程,它可以调节神经元甚至神经网络的平衡;而Hebbian可塑性则是突触特异的,即每个突触进行单独调控的过程。 越来越多的研究提示稳态可塑性和Hebbian可塑性之间存在着空间间隙(spatial gap),那么,如何使得神经元可以通过Hebbian可塑性的过程来维持细胞整体的兴奋性就变得尤为重要。一些报道揭示了LTP和LTD可以在同一突触通路中同时被激活,因此,我们提出组合突触可塑性的概念,即LTP和LTD的组合,它在赋予系统灵活性的同时又可以降低噪音维持系统的稳定性。基于此,本文将围绕这个问题而开展实验工作。 通过对海马CA1区锥体神经元的微小兴奋性突触后电流(miniature excitatory synaptic current, mEPSC)进行测定分析,我们发现mEPSC的幅度分布符合双峰正态分布(double-peak normal distribution)。Theta节律刺激(theta burst stimuli, TBS)诱导后,mEPSC的幅度分布发生改变,呈现右移趋势。随后,采用干扰肽Pep-A2特异地阻断LTP而不影响LTD,我们发现Pep-A2不影响基础状态下mEPSC的幅度分布。在干扰肽Pep-A2存在下,TBS诱导对基础状态下mEPSC的幅度分布也没有影响。结果为揭示LTP和LTD的组合可塑性提供了初步的证据,对进一步理解记忆的编码过程提供了一定的基础。社交隔离可以引起实验大鼠产生焦虑样和抑郁样的行为,而性经历可以改变动物的情绪状态,降低焦虑样和抑郁样的反应。然而,性经历后进行社交隔离对大鼠情绪的影响并没有报道。在这部分工作中,雄性大鼠经历一周的社交活动(male-male paired housing)或者性活动(male-female paired housing),随后进行一段时间的隔离(1天,2天或者7天)。我们发现,经历过性活动的大鼠,无论隔离与否都表现出相似的情绪反应,包括焦虑样和抑郁样行为以及超声波(ultrasonic vocalizations,USVs)发放;而未经历过性活动的大鼠,其情绪反应随着隔离时间的不同而不同。这一现象提示我们,先前的性经历可以对抗实验动物对环境应激事件,如社交隔离的反应。


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This work reports on the design and performance evaluation of a miniature direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC)integrated with an electro_osmotic(EO)pump for methanol delivery.Electro-osmotic pumps require minimal parasitic power while boasting no moving parts and simple fuel cell integration.Here ,aneletro-osmotic pump is realized from a commercially available porous glass frit.We characterize a custom-fabricated DMFC with a free convection cathode and coupled to an extennal electro-osmotic pump operated at applied potentials of 4.0,7.0,and 10V.Maximum gross power density of our free convection DMFC(operated at 50°)is 55 mW/cm2 using 4.0 mol/L concentration methanol solution supplied by the EO pump.Experimental results show that electro-osmotic pumps can deliver 2.0,4.0 and 8.0mol/L methanol/water mixtures to DMFCs while utilizing ~5.0% of the fuel cell power.Furthermore ,we discuss pertinent design considerations when using electro-osmotic pumps with DMFCs and areas of further study.


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There is a need to obtain the hydrologic data including ocean current, wave, temperature and so on in the South China Sea. A new profiling instrument which does not suffer from the damage due to nature forces or incidents caused by passing ships, is under development to acquire data from this area. This device is based on a taut single point mid-water mooring system. It incorporates a small, instrumented vertically profiling float attached via an electromechanical cable to a winch integral with the main subsurface flotation. On a pre-set schedule, the instrument float with sensors is winched up to the surface if there is no strip passing by, which is defined by an on-board miniature sonar. And it can be immediately winched down to a certain depth if the sonar sensor finds something is coming. Since, because Of logistics, the area can only be visited once for a long time and a minimum of 10 times per day profiles are desired, energy demands are severe. To respond to these concerns, the system has been designed to conserve a substantial portion of the potential energy lost during the ascent phase of each profile and subsequently use this energy to pull the instrument down. Compared with the previous single-point layered measuring mode, it is advanced and economical. At last the paper introduces the test in the South China Sea.


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