64 resultados para lightweight aggregate
We propose a miniature pulse compressor that can be used to compensate the group velocity dispersion that is produced by a commercial femtosecond laser cavity. The compressor is composed of two identical highly efficient deep-etched transmissive gratings. Compared with prism pairs, highly efficient deep-etched transmissive grating pairs are lightweight and small. With an optimized groove depth and a duty cycle, 98% diffraction efficiency of the -1 transmissive order can be achieved at a wavelength of 800 nm under Littrow conditions. The deep-etched gratings are fabricated in fused silica by inductively coupled plasma etching. With a pair of the fabricated gratings, the input positively chirped 73.9 fs pulses are neatly compressed into the nearly Fourier transform-limited 43.2 fs pulses. The miniature deep-etched grating-based pulse compressor should be of interest for practical applications. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America
中国古代涉及植物学的文献可谓浩如烟海。由于中国植物种类繁多,加之方言的分化和文字的演变,古籍文献中的植物名称难以计数。距古愈久,失误愈多,渐至名称混乱难以分辨,同物异名、同名异物现象比比皆是。植物考据在这样的背景下产生了。本文确立了中国植物考据研究的范围、内容、证据、方法和目的,并以时间为线索,梳理了中国植物考据研究两千多年的历史,扼要评介了各个历史阶段的代表人物及作品。在此基础上,本文遵循“由近及远,先实后虚”的研究思路,考证了《植物名实图考》的几种百合科植物,同时选定茄子这一栽培植物,以它为点,利用中国古籍文献证据,研究它在中国的起源、驯化和传播,藉此探讨植物考据研究所能解决的植物学问题。 1. 粉条儿菜和肺筋草考 理清了近百年来“粉条儿菜”和“肺筋草”这两个植物中文名称的混乱,确认粉条儿菜一名最早见于《救荒本草》,实为菊科Compositae鸦葱属Scorzonera华北鸦葱Scorzonera albicaulis;首次记载于《植物名实图考》中的“肺筋草”才是Aletris 属植物,应为Aletris scopulorum,非前人考证的Aletris spicata。 2. 黄精属植物考 《图考》“黄精”包括了多花黄精Polygonatum cyrtonema、长梗黄精P. filipes和距药黄精P. franchetii,这三个种实际上是一个集合种 (species aggregate), 即使用现代分类的观点来看,它们之间也很难从外部形态区分开来;“黄精苗”可能为P. sibiricum或P. verticillatum;认为“滇钩吻(一)”应为点花黄精P. punctatum,这与前人的考证结果相同;“滇钩吻(二)”和“滇黄精”可能分别为卷叶黄精P. cirrhifolium和滇黄精P. kingianum中的某个种,但限于黄精属植物分类研究的程度,暂且存疑;“萎蕤”图所绘植物不属于黄精属Polygonatum,而为万寿竹属Disporum的横脉万寿竹D.trabeculatum。 3. 贝母考 《图考》贝母条下所附贝母图,不属于贝母属Fritillaria植物,而属天南星科Araceae,可能为半夏Pinellia ternata的幼苗;文中“点苍山生者”可能是鸭趾草科蓝耳草Cyanotis vaga;“张子诗”中的蔓生贝母为Bolbostemma paniculatum,这可能是中国古代最早利用的“贝母”,后来逐渐被Fritillaria属植物替代。 4. 茄子的栽培起源和传播 本文首先借助于现代系统学和遗传学的研究结果,理清茄子及其近缘种的分类、地理分布和可能的驯化过程;结合民族植物学研究和大量的野外考察,确认了茄子及其近缘种在中国的形态、分布和利用方法等等;而后将今论古,用严格的考据方法理清在浩如烟海的中国古籍文献中与茄子相关文献的科学含义。在这个基础上推演茄子在中国栽培起源和传播的途径。得到以下结论:茄子的野生种GroupF和原始栽培种Group G在中国南方热带地区存在,早在晋代记载的“茄树”很可能就是这个原始栽培种Group G;高级栽培种Group H最早在公元前一世纪就有记载,有可能在中国四川盆地南部山区的暖温带地区被首先驯化;中国有些茄子的高级栽培种Group H也有可能从印度传来,但传播路线应该是沿着由南向北的西南丝绸之路,而非如一些学者所认为的自西向东由西北丝绸之路首先传入长安;在中国,茄子的高级栽培种由成都平原向长江中下游地区传播,继而在公元五到六世纪传播到黄河中下游地区,栽培技术已经成熟,利用方法越来越多, 到了宋代已经遍布整个中国;茄子在中国的选育是向着果实体积变大、味道变甜的方向进行, 宋代茄子发生了明显的品种分化,出现了世界上最早的茄子图。
高等植物光系统II的捕光天线蛋白(LHC II)在光能的吸收、传递和调节激发能在两个光系统之间的分配以及维持类囊体膜的垛叠等方面都起着重要的作用,因而得到了广泛的研究。目前普遍认为LHC II在植物体内是以三聚体的形式存在并行使功能的,但也有研究者发现了单体和寡聚体等多种形式的LHC II。本论文以菠菜为研究对象,采用改进的方法从类囊体膜中提取纯化了LHC II三聚体,对膜脂和色素在三聚体形成和蛋白空间结构中的影响,以及不同聚集态LHC II组成、结构和功能的差异进行了较系统的研究。此外,还将Lhcb2基因反向插入到烟草中,利用转基因植物来研究其生理功能。获得了如下结果: 1,采用改进的方法从菠菜类囊体膜中分离纯化了LHC II。与改进前比,其流程可以缩短2小时且产率也有明显的提高。SDS变性电泳和Triton X-100非变性电泳的检测结果表明,此样品纯度较高,是由三条分子量分别为29KD、28KD和26KD的多肽组成的异质三聚体。同时样品的吸收光谱和荧光光谱分析结果也与前人的报道一致。 2,分析了LHC II三聚体中的膜脂和脂肪酸组成及含量。与PSII相比,LHC II含有相同的四种膜脂:MGDG、DGDG、PG和SQDG。但LHC II中PG的含量是PSII的两倍,说明PSII中的PG主要富集在外周天线区域。同时PG中含有特异的反式十六碳一烯酸,且含量很高。用专一消化PG上Sn-2位脂肪酸链的磷脂酶A2(PLA2)处理LHC II三聚体,然后再加入PG重组的方法证明了含十六碳一烯酸的PG在三聚体结构的维持中起着至关重要的作用。去掉PG后, LHC II三聚体的结构受到了影响,部分解聚成了单体,同时其光谱特性也发生了变化,表现为叶绿素b分子的吸收峰及其激发的荧光发射峰都明显下降。回加PG则可使解聚的单体又重新聚集成三聚体。 3,分别用电洗脱和蔗糖密度梯度离心两种方法分离了LHC II三聚体、二聚体和单体。两者比较,电洗脱对样品的破坏较大,而蔗糖密度梯度离心更加温和,对蛋白上结合的色素影响不大。系统研究了不同聚集态LHC II的组成和光谱特性后发现,三种聚集态的LHC II有相同的多肽组成,并且都结合着5种色素,但是色素的含量差异较大。二聚体和单体中,叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素分子的含量比三聚体的低很多,此外,单体叶绿素a分子的含量也明显减少。对三种聚集态LHC II的各种光谱特性进行分析的结果表明,由于叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素分子含量较少,二聚体和单体中叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的吸收均有所下降,而且从类胡萝卜素到叶绿素b以及从叶绿素b到叶绿素a的能量传递效率都低于LHC II三聚体,总体表现为三聚体 > 二聚体 > 单体。此外,不同单体之间叶绿素a到叶绿素a的能量传递也被破坏。推测三种聚集态LHC II在吸能、传能和结构上的差异,可能是植物适应不同外界环境的一种调控机制。 4,模拟体内过程,在体外将大肠杆菌中表达的Lhcb2蛋白和色素进行重组,以此来研究色素与蛋白组装过程中蛋白二级结构和色素结合状态的变化。结果表明色素在脱辅基蛋白的体外重折叠中至关重要。在与色素重组的过程中,蛋白二级结构中-螺旋含量逐渐上升并最终接近天然水平,而无规卷曲逐渐减少。从光谱的变化可以看出,色素分子与蛋白的结合经历了一个由无序到有序的过程,色素蛋白复合物的光谱信号由弱变强,重组得到的样品与天然LHC II十分相似。 5,为了更好地研究LHC II异质三聚体中单体可能具有的独特生理功能,建立了Lhcb2基因的反义抑制植物表达载体pBI-antiLhcb2,用根癌农杆菌介导法转化烟草,获得了转基因植株。酶切和PCR鉴定证明,Lhcb2基因已经成功地插入到烟草里。进一步的分子鉴定和生理生化功能分析还在进行中。
Lightweight materials, structures and coupling mechanisms are very important for realizing advanced flight vehicles. Here, we obtained the geometric structures and morphologies of the elytra of beetles and ascertained its coupling zone by using the histological section technique and SEM. We set up a three-dimensional motion observing system to monitor the opening and closing behaviour of elytra in beetles and to determine the motion mechanism. We constructed a force measuring system to measure the coupling forces between elytra. The results show that elytra open and close by rotating about a single axle, where the coupling forces may be as high as 160 times its own bodyweight, the elytra coupling with the tenon and mortise mechanism, surface texture and opening angle between elytra heavily influence the coupling forces. These results may provide insights into the design mechanism and structure for future vehicles of flight.
The pigments (melanoidins) in molasses wastewater are refractory to conventional biological treatment. Ferric chloride was used as coagulant to remove color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from molasses effluent. Using jar test procedure, main operating conditions such as pH and coagulant dosage were investigated. Under the optimum conditions, up to 86% and 96% of COD and color removal efficiencies were achieved. Residual turbidity in supernatant was less than 5 NTU and Fe3+ concentration was negligible because of effective destabilization and subsequent sedimentation. The results of high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) show that low molecular weight (MW) fraction of melanoidins is more reactive than high MW fraction and increase in the concentration of the lowest MW organic group is related to the capacity of charge neutralization. Aggregate size measurement reveals the size effect on the settleability of flocs formed, with larger flocs settling more rapidly. Charge neutralization and co-precipitation are proposed as predominant coagulation mechanism under the optimum conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Horizontal spatial patterns of chlorophyll a in Meiziya Reservoir, Hubei Province, China were analyzed once each month during May, June and July 1997. Two geostatistical techniques, semivariance and fractal analysis, were used to determine variation in chlorophyll a over the whole study area (isotropic) and in different directions (anisotropic). Both techniques provided useful information for detecting and assessing spatial pattern changes of chlorophyll a in freshwater environments. Based on our case study, the distribution of chlorophyll a shifted from aggregated to random distribution in the case of small rainfall event, and then returned to the aggregated distribution after a large rainfall event. On the other hand, the distribution of chlorophyll a became more heterogeneous or random in the direction of water flow (S-N direction) when rainfall events occurred, which was enhanced by rainfall intensity. In contrast, the influence of water flow on the spatial patterns was weak in the E-W direction, and thus the distribution of chlorophyll a remained aggregate with a moderate spatial heterogeneity.
The acid-base stabilities of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during aging and after dosing into water were studied systematically using batch and flow-through acid-base titration experiments. The acid decomposition rates of both Al-13 and Al-30 increase rapidly with the decrease in solution pH. The acid decompositions of Al-13 and Al-30 with respect to H+ concentration are composed of two parallel first-order and second-order reactions, and the reaction orders are 1.169 and 1.005, respectively. The acid decomposition rates of Al-13 and Al-30 increase slightly when the temperature increases from 20 to ca. 35 A degrees C, but decrease when the temperature increases further. Al-30 is more stable than Al-13 in acidic solution, and the stability difference increases as the pH decreases. Al-30 is more possible to become the dominant species in polyaluminum coagulants than Al-13. The acid catalyzed decomposition and followed by recrystallization to form bayerite is one of the main processes that are responsible for the decrease of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during storage. The deprotonation and polymerization of Al-13 and Al-30 depend on solution pH. The hydrolysis products are positively charged, and consist mainly of repeated Al-13 and Al-30 units rather than amorphous Al(OH)(3) precipitates. Al-30 is less stable than Al-13 upon alkaline hydrolysis. Al-13 is stable at pH < 5.9, while Al-30 lose one proton at the pH 4.6-5.75. Al-13 and Al-30 lose respective 5 and 10 protons and form [Al-13] (n) and [Al-30] (n) clusters within the pH region of 5.9-6.25 and 5.75-6.65, respectively. This indicates that Al-30 is easier to aggregate than Al-13 at the acidic side, but [Al-13] (n) is much easier to convert to Alsol-gel than [Al-30] (n) . Al-30 possesses better characteristics than Al-13 when used as coagulant because the hydrolysis products of Al-30 possess higher charges than that of Al-13, and [Al-30] (n) clusters exist within a wider pH range.
核酸为生命的最基本物质之一,是生物体遗传信息的携带者,在生长、遗传、变异等一系列重大生命现象中起决定性的作用。以核酸作为新药设计的靶分子,越来越受到人们的广泛重视。然而,不像其它靶分子如蛋白质、受体等具有特定的结构和功能,核酸结构在很多情况下是同源的,而且联系到很多人体正常的生理功能;能够与核酸结合的药物又往往不具有序列选择性,这就带来明显的毒副作用。因此,寻找和发现一些与疾病相关的核酸的特殊结构,并筛选对其有特异性结合能力的小分子,是以核酸为靶的药物研究的一个重要课题。 近年来,随着纳米科学技术的兴起,以核酸作为纳米体系的结构材料开始受到人们的广泛关注。作为一类特殊的线性高分子,核酸具有化学性质稳定,结构丰富且可控,良好的刚性和柔性,精确识别,高度生物相容性,合成方便等诸多优点,是一类优良的结构材料。目前核酸相关的纳米组装结构和器件研究还处于起步阶段,但是已经呈现出良好的发展前景。 本论文主要针对核酸特殊结构的分子识别及核酸相关功能纳米结构的设计这两方面展开了研究,全文由以下两大部分组成: 第一部分通过光谱学和生物化学等手段,研究了小分子对不同核酸结构的识别作用。借助于竞争平衡透析技术,发现一类恶嗪染料(oxazine dyes)能够与多种结构核酸结合。热变性及光谱实验结果表明,oxazine染料能够诱导杂合体三链核酸poly(rA):2poly(dT)的形成,并强烈地稳定其结构,其中以cresyl violet作用最强,是迄今发现的化合物中最强的。进一步研究发现,此类化合物以嵌插方式与杂合体三链核酸结合。RNase H酶切实验表明,杂合体三链核酸的形成能够强烈地抑制RNase H核酸酶的活性。研究了oxazine-170与三链核酸poly(dA):2poly(dT)及poly(rA):2poly(rU)的相互作用,发现oxazine-170能够强烈稳定三链DNA poly(dA):2poly(dT)的结构,而对相应双链DNA不具稳定作用;对三链RNA poly(rA):2poly(rU)及相应的双链RNA都有一定稳定作用,但作用不强。进一步研究发现,oxazine-170能够以两种结合方式与核酸结合:嵌插方式和外部静电堆积作用。研究了oxazine-170及cresyl violet与单链核酸的相互作用。研究发现oxazine-170能够序列特异性地与单链核酸poly(rA) 结合,CD光谱及AFM研究发现oxazine-170诱导poly(rA)形成新的二级结构。UV光谱、FL光谱及RLS研究发现poly(rA)促使oxazine 170形成H-aggregate,并以poly(rA)为模板自组装。而cresyl violet能够与单链核酸poly(rA)及poly(dA)结合,且采用不同的结合方式: cresyl violet能够与oxazine-170 类似地以poly(rA)为模板自组装;以嵌插方式与poly(dA)结合,并诱导其单链碱基堆积方式的改变。通过以上实验结果,我们进一步揭示了oxazine染料作为肿瘤细胞染色及光动力学治疗试剂的结构基础,对进一步设计、合成更加高效的抗肿瘤药物具有一定的指导意义。 第二部分中,我们尝试设计了几种基于核酸的纳米结构功能体系,并讨论了其相关应用。利用有机小分子coralyne能够诱导聚腺嘌呤序列反平行双链结构的形成,实现了一类新型的小分子诱导的纳米金组装结构。并以(dA)16功能化的金纳米粒子作为新型纳米探针,发展了一种简单的筛选单链核酸聚腺嘌呤序列结合分子的筛选方法。利用核酸限制性内切酶酶切位点回文序列的结构特点,设计了一种以DNA功能化的金纳米粒子组装体为酶切底物的比较通用的核酸限制性内切酶活力检测方法,并进一步用于甲基化酶活性检测及其抑制剂的筛选。基于单链DNA富胞嘧啶i-motif结构在不同pH值条件下的形成与解离,设计了一类质子驱动的DNA分子镊子,与基于链交换反应的DNA分子镊子相比,该体系更加简单,工作效率更高。随后,我们又通过合理设计,得到了两种分别能够结合与释放DNA和蛋白的分子镊子,为其应用做了一些探索。
碳水化合物是土壤有机质的重要组成部分,根据碳水化合物的稳定性和异源性可以了解植物和微生物以及微生物不同群体在土壤有机质积累过程中的相对贡献。本研究以公主岭黑土和沈阳农业大学棕壤两个长期定位试验基地土壤作为试验材料,分析长期施肥对碳水化合物在黑土和棕壤团聚体中积累和分布特征的影响,并通过对小团聚体二次分级研究碳水化合物在小团聚体内部的分布规律,探讨长期施肥对碳水化合物在小团聚体中分布的影响以及碳水化合物对小团聚体结构组成的贡献。通过上述研究,我们发现: 1. 有机肥有利于两种土壤的团聚化作用,有机肥使黑土小团聚体进一步复合,形成大团聚体,施肥措施引起棕壤微团聚体和粉+黏粒的进一步复合,形成大粒径的团聚体。化肥对黑土团聚体结构起到一定的破坏作用,不利于大粒径团聚体的形成。 2. 有机肥促进大粒径团聚体以及小团聚体中微团聚体的形成,从而使土壤有机碳、氮和碳水化合物在土壤中截获(积累)。土壤中新增加的有机碳、氮和碳水化合物主要截获在>53µm的团聚体结构中,小团聚体中新增加的有机碳、氮和碳水化合物主要截获在粗砂和微团聚体结构中。 3. C/N和中性糖分布特征表明,无论是土壤团聚体还是团聚体内部结构,大粒径团聚体结构中包含的有机质来源于新添加的有机物料及根系的有机物较多,经历较少的微生物转化作用;粉+黏粒结合的有机质微生物来源的碳水化合物的含量较高,说明有机质经历了强烈的微生物转化作用,生物稳定性较高。氨基糖分布特征表明,细菌趋向于在小粒径团聚体中积累,而团聚体粒径越大越有利于真菌生长。 4. 有机肥有利于提高土壤中植物来源糖和真菌对土壤有机质积累的贡献所以能够提高土壤及团聚体中有机碳、氮及碳水化合物的含量,但在有机质较高的黑土上有机肥施用存在一个临界值,当有机肥用量超过这个值时,即“过量”施用时,土壤微生物就不能利用全部的植物来源的有机化合物,多余的部分保存在大粒径团聚体结构中,成为微生物可利用的潜在的碳源和能源。
小麦条锈病(Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)是世界性小麦病害,可导致受害小麦减产30%以上,甚至绝收。小麦条锈病在我国西南、华北麦区危害严重,四川麦区是小麦条锈病发病最重的地区之一,每年因条锈病流行造成小麦产量损失巨大。利用抗条锈病品种是控制该病害最安全、经济的有效途径,因此挖掘利用抗病新基因,开展抗病遗传基础研究是当前育种工作中面临的重要任务。 偏凸山羊草(Aegilops ventricosa,DDMvMv,2n=28)是一年生草本植物,起源于地中海西部沿岸地区,具有对小麦白粉病、锈病等高抗或免疫、耐盐、抗寒、蛋白质含量高等优良性状,是小麦遗传育种很好的种质资源。本研究以高抗条锈病的小麦—偏凸山羊草6Mv/6B代换系(Moisson 6Mv/6B)为材料,对其含有的带条锈病抗性基因的偏凸山羊草6Mv染色体在四川小麦背景中的传递情况、与小麦—簇毛麦双端体附加系所具有的白粉病抗性的聚合以及对Moisson 6Mv/6B进行电离辐射诱变筛选抗条锈病的小麦—偏凸山羊草易位系三个方面进行了研究。取得的主要研究结果如下: 1. Moisson 6Mv/6B与高感条锈病的四川地区普通小麦品种绵阳26、绵阳93-124和SW3243的杂种F1与其普通小麦亲本分别作为父、母本回交,通过对其BC1和F2的结实率、根尖细胞有丝分裂中期染色体的观察以及对条锈病抗性的鉴定,发现含6Mv染色体的F1植株作母本时的回交结实率(83.10%)普遍高于含6Mv染色体的F1植株作父本(48.61%),结实率与普通小麦基因型密切相关(χ2=34.15>>χ20.05=5.99(df=2));6Mv染色体在三种四川小麦中通过雌、雄配子传递的传递方式与其传递率间没有显著相关性,其传递率与普通小麦基因型呈显著相关性(χ2=6.42>χ20.05=5.99(df=2))。 2. Moisson 6Mv/6B与高抗白粉病的小麦—簇毛麦双端体附加系Pana(2n=42+2t)正反杂交,希望在聚合两者抗性的同时观察不同受体背景下的抗性反应。对Moisson 6Mv/6B和Pana正反杂交的结实率、杂交后代的农艺性状进行观察,并对杂交后代进行基因组荧光原位杂交(GISH)分析及条锈病和白粉病的抗性鉴定。结果表明Moisson 6Mv/6B作母本时杂交结实率(80.56%)高于Pana作母本时(58.33%),结实率与杂交方式间紧密相关(χ2=4.96>χ20.05=3.84(df=1));Moisson 6Mv/6B和Pana杂交后代株高比最高亲本高约10cm,成熟期也较两亲本提前两个星期左右;正反杂交后代中具有偏凸山羊草6Mv染色体的植株具有条锈病抗性,具有簇毛麦端体的植株具有白粉病抗性,同时筛选到4株含有偏凸山羊草和簇毛麦遗传物质并对条锈病和白粉病兼抗的材料,证明来自偏凸山羊草6Mv染色体的条锈病抗性与来自簇毛麦端体的白粉病抗性已经聚合在一起,且没有产生相互抑制的作用,暗示通过这两个抗性基因的聚合是完全能获得兼抗条锈病和白粉病的小麦新种质。 3. 对Moisson 6Mv/6B在减数分裂时期的成株进行总剂量为6Gy、辐射频率为120rad/min的60Co-γ射线辐射,对辐射植株自交后代进行农艺性状及根尖细胞有丝分裂中期染色体形态观察和条锈病抗性鉴定。结果为辐射植株自交结实率为2.22%,根尖细胞有丝分裂中期的染色体存在明显碎片,辐射自交后代植株对条锈病具有成株期抗性。 小麦—偏凸山羊草6Mv/6B代换系对条锈病抗性稳定,是培育条锈病抗性品种的良好供体。本研究证明在四川小麦背景中要利用该品种抗性,在结实数满足需要时,可将其作父本,亦可作母本,但关键是要选择好一个优良的受体基因型;同时其条锈病抗性与来自簇毛麦的白粉病抗性没有相互抑制作用,可将两者抗性有效聚合用于小麦育种中。 Wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. Tritici) is a worldwide disease of wheat, and could lead to victims of 30 percent or even total destruction of wheat production. Wheat stripe rust harms badly in China's southwest and North China. Sichuan province is one of the regions damaged by wheat stripe rust heavily. The use of resistant varieties is the most secure and economical way to control the wheat stripe rust. Therefore, it is essential to identify new disease-resistant genes and genetically research of disease resistance. Aegilops ventricosa (DDMvMv, 2n = 28) is an annual herbaceous plant, originating in the coastal areas of the western Mediterranean, with good characters such as resistance of wheat powdery, rust, salt, cold and high protein content. It is a good germplasm resource. In this study, the wheat- Aegilops ventricosa 6Mv/6B substitution line Moisson 6Mv/6B (highly resistant to the wheat stripe rust) was used to study on the transmission of chromosome 6Mv of Aegilops ventricosa in different genetic background of Sichuan wheat varieties, hybridization with wheat- Haynaldia villosa ditelosomic addition line Pana (highly resistant to the powdery mildew) and screening of wheat- Aegilops ventricosa translocation line by exposuring Moisson 6Mv/6B under ionizing radiation. The main results are as following: 1. Moisson 6Mv/6B was crossed with Sichuan wheat varieties mianyang26, mianyang93-124 and SW3243 (highly susceptible to stripe rust), respectively. Their F1 hybrids were further backcrossed as male and female to corresponding wheat varieties. The seed-setting rate, chromosomes confirmation in the mitotic metaphase of root tip cells, and resistance to stripe rust of the subsequent BC1 and F2 plants were investigated. The average seed-setting rate of backcross via 6Mv as female donor (83.10%) was higher than that of backcross via 6Mv as male donor (48.61%), suggesting that the seed-setting rate was associated with the wheat genotypes(χ2=34.15>>χ20.05=5.99(df=2)). In all analyzed populations, transmission frequencies of chromosome 6Mv were not correlated with the ways of 6Mv through male or through female. However, transmission frequencies of chromosome 6Mv were significantly correlated with Sichuan wheat genotypes(χ2=6.42>χ20.05=5.99(df=2)). 2. To aggregating the resistances to stripe rust and powdery mildew, as well as research on the resistance reactions in different genetic background, Moisson 6Mv/6B was reciprocally hybrided with the wheat- Haynaldia villosa ditelosomic addition line Pana (highly resistant to the powdery mildew). The seed-setting rate, agronomic characters, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) of hybrid progenies,and resistances to stripe rust and powdery mildew were investigated. The results showed that the seed-setting rate of hybridization via Moisson 6Mv/6B as female donor (80.56%) was significant higher than that via Pana as female donor (58.33%). The seed-setting rate was associated with the hybrid methods (χ2 = 4.96> χ20.05 = 3.84 (df = 1)). The plant height of hybrid progenies was about 10 cm higher than Pana, the parent with maximum height. And the maturity of hybrid progenies was about two weeks earlier than that of the parents. In the hybrid progenies, the plants with the 6Mv chromosome have the resistance to stripe rust and the plants with the telosome from Haynaldia villosa have the resistance to powdery mildew. It was found that four plants with both the 6Mv chromosome and the telosome from Haynaldia villosa were resistant to stripe rust and powdery mildew. It indicated that the resistance to stripe rust and powdery mildew aggregated, and no mutual inhibition was found. It implied that the aggregation of the two resistance genes was able to provide the new wheat germplasm with the resistances to stripe rust and powdery mildew. 3. Moisson 6Mv/6B was irradiated with 60Co-γ rays of 6Gy (120rad/min) during meiosis. The agronomic characters and chromosomes confirmation in the mitotic metaphase of root tip cells,as well as resistance to stripe rust were investigated. The seed-setting rate of irradiated plants was only 2.22%. The chromosomes in mitotic metaphase had clear fragments. The resistance to stripe rust of progeny of irradiated plants was the adult-plant resistance. The wheat- Aegilops ventricosa 6Mv/6B substitution line is a good stripe rust resistance donor for its stabile resistance. Our study demonstrated that the key for use the resistance is to choose a good receptor. There is no difference between Moisson 6Mv/6B be the female and be the male if the seed number meets the requirement. At the same time, the stripe rust resistance of Moisson 6Mv/6B did not have the mutual inhibition with the powdery mildew resistance from Haynaldia villosa. It is able to aggregate the two resistances for wheat breeding.
Methyl radicals are generated by pyrolysis of azomethane, and the condition for achieving neat adsorption on Cu(110) is described for studying their chemisorption and reaction characteristics. The radical-surface system is examined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, temperature-programmed desorption, low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), and high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. It is observed that a small fraction of impinging CH3 radicals decompose into methylene possibly on surface defect sites. This type of CH2 radical has no apparent effect on CH3(ads) surface chemistry initiated by dehydrogenation to form active CH2(ads) followed by chain reactions to yield high-mass alkyl products. All thermal desorption products, such as H-2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H6, are detected with a single desorption peak near 475 K. The product yields increase with surface coverage until saturation corresponding to 0.50 monolayer of CH3(ads). The mass distribution is, however, invariant with initial CH3(ads) coverage, and all desorbed species exhibit first-order reaction kinetics. LEED measurement reveals a c(2 x 2) adsorbate structure independent of the amount of gaseous exposure. This strongly suggests that the radicals aggregate into close-packed two-dimensional islands at any exposure. The islanding behavior can be correlated with the reaction kinetics and is deemed to be essential for the chain propagation reactions. Some relevant aspects of the CH3/Cu(111) system are also presented. The new results are compared with those of prior studies employing methyl halides as radical sources. Major differences are found in the product distribution and desorption kinetics, and these are attributed to the influence of surface halogen atoms present in those earlier investigations.
Density functional calculations have been employed to investigate the locating and binding of lanthanum cation, i.e., La(OH)(2)(+), on HZSM-5 zeolite. Through geometry optimization, it was determined that lanthanum ions are favorably accommodated in the two 6-T rings of the straight channels (Clusters 1 and 2, see Sec. III A for details). Cluster 1 was found to exist in prior to Cluster 2 due to the preference of Al substitution in the T11 site (Cluster 1) rather than in the T8 site (Cluster 2). Geometry-optimization of Cluster 1 containing another two lanthanide ions Nd3+ and Yb3+ was also carried out and it was found that a monotonic decrease in Ln-O bond length will take place as the atomic number increases, conforming well to the rule of lanthanide contraction. Some of the optimized parameters are comparable to the corresponding experimental values in Y zeolite, which confirms that the optimized configurations are acceptable. The average frequencies of hydroxyls attached to La3+ or Yb3+ in Cluster 1 fall at 3609.16 and 3579.76 cm(-1), respectively, with the gap of these two frequencies close to that in the sodalite cage of Y zeolite. Compared to H-form zeolite, the charges on both Al and O atoms in Ln-ZSM-5 zeolite show an obvious increase, which will undoubtedly lead to a stronger mutual interaction and hence enhance the stability of the [AlO4](-) anion. Moreover, the Ln(OH)(2)(+) seem to have thickened the zeolite framework, which can effectively retard the process of dealumination. Through the evaluation of the possibility for dimer formation, it turned out that when the exchange degree arrived to approximately 0.28, lanthanum monomers began to aggregate into dimers, and were completely converted into dimers when the exchange degree approached 0.60. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
运用分形理论,研究了子午岭林区5种天然次生植被(以6 a天然恢复弃耕地为对照)下土壤结构特征,分析了土壤水稳性团聚体分维、孔隙分维、平均重量直径等3个指标在描述土壤结构稳定性方面的差异。研究表明,相对于弃耕地,各个植被群落均能明显改善土壤结构,降低土壤水稳性团聚体分形维数,提高孔隙分形维数,增强土壤结构的稳定性。土壤水稳性团聚体分维、孔隙分维与>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量、土壤有机碳、容重的相关系数均达到了极显著水平,均能作为评价土壤结构稳定性的指标;而团聚体平均重量直径与土壤有机碳含量、容重相关性不显著,只与>5 mm团聚体含量和>0.25 mm团聚体含量有极显著正相关关系,因此,仅可作为大团聚体含量的评价指标。