56 resultados para kinematics and dynamics


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It has been a difficult problem faced by seismologists for long time that how exactly to reconstruct the earth's geometric structure and distribution of physical attributes according to seismic wave's kinematical and dynamic characteristics, obtained in seismological observation. The jointing imaging of seismic reflector and anisotropy attributes in the earth interior is becoming the research hot spot. The limitation of shoot and observation system makes that the obtained seismic data are too scarce to exactly reconstruct the geological objects. It is popular that utilizing only seismic reflection traveltimes or polarizations information make inversion of the earth's velocity distribution by fixing seismic reflector configuration (vice versa), these will lead to the serious non-uniqueness reconstruction due to short of effective data, the non-uniqueness problem of reconstructing anisotropy attributes will be more serious than in isotropy media. Obviously it is not enough to restrict the media structure only by information of seismic reflection traveltimes or polarizations, which even sometimes will lead to distorted images and misinterpretation of subsurface structure. So we try to rebuild seismic reflection structure (geometry) and media anisotropic structure (physics) in the earth interior by jointing data of seismic wave kinematics and dynamics characteristics, we carry out the new experiment step by step, and the research mainly comprises of two parts: one is the reconstruction of P-wave vertical velocity and anisotropic structure(Thomsen parameter s and 8) in the transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetrical axis(VTI) by fixing geometrical structure, and the other is the simultaneous inversion of the reflector surface conformation and seismic anisotropic structure by jointing seismic reflection traveltimes and polarizations data. Simulated annealing method is used to the first research part, linear inversion based on BG theory and Simulated annealing are applied to the second one. All the research methods are checked by model experiments, then applied to the real data of the wide-angle seismic profile from Tunxi, Anhui Province, to Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. The results are as following The inversion results based on jointing seismic PP-wave or PSV-wavereflection traveltimes and polarizations data are more close to real model than themodels based simply on one of the two data respectively. It is shown that the methodwe present here can effectively reconstruct the anisotropy attributes in the earth'sinterior when seismic reflector structure is fixed.The layer thickness, P-wave vertical velocity and Thomsen anisotropicparameters {s and 8) could be resolved simultaneously by jointing inversion ofseismic reflection traveltimes and polarizations with the linear inversion methodbased on BG theory.The image of the reflector structure, P-wave vertical velocity and theanisotropy parameters in the crust could be obtained from the wide-angle seismicprofile from Tunxi (in Anhui Province), to Wenzhou (in Zhejiang Province). Theresults reveal the difference of the reflector geometrical structure and physicalattributes in the crust between Yangtze block and Cathaysia block, and attempt tounderstand the characteristics of the crustal stress field in the areas.


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Phenolic marine natural product is a kind of new potential aldose reductase inhibitors (ARIs). In order to investigate the binding mode and inhibition mechanism, molecular docking and dynamics studies were performed to explore the interactions of six phenolic inhibitors with human aldose reductase (hALR2). Considering physiological environment, all the neutral and other two ionized states of each phenolic inhibitor were adopted in the simulation. The calculations indicate that all the inhibitors are able to form stable hydrogen bonds with the hALR2 active pocket which is mainly constructed by residues TYR48, HIS110 and TRP111, and they impose the inhibition effect by occupying the active space. In all inhibitors, only La and its two ionized derivatives La_ion1 and La_ion2, in which neither of the ortho-hydrogens of 3-hydroxyl is substituted by Br, bind with hALR2 active residues using the terminal 3-hydroxyl. While, all the other inhibitors, at least one of whose ortho-sites of 3- and 6-hydroxyls are substituted by Br substituent which take much electron-withdrawing effect and steric hindrance, bind with hALR2 through the lactone group. This means that the Br substituent can effectively regulate the binding modes of phenolic inhibitors. Although the lactone bound inhibitors have relatively high RMSD values, our dynamics study shows that both binding modes are of high stability. For each inhibitor molecule, the ionization does not change its original binding mode, but it does gradually increase the binding free energy, which reveals that besides hydrogen bonds, the electrostatic effect is also important to the inhibitor–hALR2 interaction.


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Detritus, as a nutrients reservoir, affects the trophic structure and dynamics of communities and supports a greater diversity of species and longer food chains. Detritivorous fish is an important organism to regenerate the nutrients from sediments. Despite the numerous studies on the nutrients cycle in fish, only a few attempts have been made to quantify the regenerating ability. In the present study, we chose the common detritivorous fish redeye mullet as the research object. Redeye mullet is also a common poly-culture fish in China. Diet, including a commercial diet mostly used in aquaculture and a home-made diet with contents close to detritus, was used and considered as a fixed factor. Temperature was also considered as a fixed factor as much research has shown that temperature has significant effects on fish metabolism. Moreover, body size was regarded as a covariate under analysis of covariance. Three key nutrients, namely carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, were used to measure the nutrient-regenerating ability of redeye mullet under laboratory conditions. The results showed that the nutrient regeneration in percent of the consumption decreased with increasing temperature. Carbon and nitrogen regeneration of redeye mullet fed on commercial diet was lower than those of the home-made diet group, while the opposite was found for phosphorus. In each group, the amount of regenerated nutrients increased linearly with body size. Fed on the home-made diet, 5-g fish at 25 degrees C can regenerate 210.822 mg C, 37.533 mg N and 0.727 mg P per day.


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海洋环境通常是不确定、非结构化和未知的 ,而远程AUV(LAUV)的避障声纳对环境感知有一定的局限 ,因此很难建立起精确、完整和统一的三维环境模型 .LAUV实时避障是一个实时性很强的动态过程 ,它不但与环境有关 ,而且还与LAUV的运动学约束、动力学特性和操纵性有关 .针对上述问题本文提出了一种基于复合控制的三维实时模糊避障方法


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Subgrid nonlinear interaction and energy transfer are analyzed using direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence. Influences of cutoff wave number at different ranges of scale on the energetics and dynamics have been investigated. It is observed that subgrid-subgrid interaction dominates the turbulent dynamics when cut-off wave number locates in the energy-containing range while resolved-subgrid interaction dominates if it is in the dissipation range; By decomposing the subgrid energy transfer and nonlinear interaction into 'forward' and 'backward' groups according to the sign of triadic interaction, we find that individually each group has very large contribution, but the net of them is much smaller, implying that tremendous cancellation happens between these two groups.


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Evaporative convection and instability give rise to both scientific and technological interests. Practically, a number of the industrial applications such as thin-film evaporators, boiling technologies and heat pipes concern with the evaporation process of which through the vapor-liquid interface the heat and mass transfer occur. From a physical viewpoint, one of interesting questions is the mechanisms of convection instability in thin-liquid layers induced by the coupling of evaporation phenomenon and Marangoni effect at the mass exchanged interface. Classical theories, including Rayleigh’s and Pearson’s, have only successfully explained convection in a liquid layer heated from below without evaporation. However these theories are unable to explain the convection in an evaporating thin layer, especially liquid layer is cooled from below. In present paper, a new two-sided model is put forward rather than the one-sided model in previous works. In previous works, the vapor is treated as passive gas and dynamics of vapor has been ignored. In this case, the vapor liquid system can be described by one-sided model. In our two-sided model, the dynamics of vapor should be considered. Linear instability analysis of the Marangoni-Bénard convection in the two-layer system with an evaporation interface is performed. We define a new evaporating Biot number which is different from the Biot number in one-sided model and obtain the curves of critical Marangoni number versus wave number. In our theoretical results, the Biot number and the evaporating velocity play a major role in the stability of the vapor-liquid system.


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理论上分析了静动结合的化学腐蚀法制备探针的具体机理及过程。在静态腐蚀的过程中, 利用流体力学Young-Laplace方程的一级近似解获得了光纤插入到HF酸中形成的新月形高度。在动态腐蚀过程中, 详细分析了当静态腐蚀时间和动态腐蚀时间分别取不同值时, 光纤移动速度对光纤探针结构的影响。利用此法可制备出尖端锐利、大锥角或多锥体等各种结构的光纤探针。这为实验上制备出性能优良的探针, 为拓宽扫描近场光学显微镜的应用范围奠定基础。将上述理论分析的结果与本文实验中所得初步结果进行了比较, 所得结果一致。


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旱冬瓜(Alnus nepalensis)和潺槁木姜子(Litsea glutinosa)是云南省无量山黑长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)栖息地中的两种常见乔木.利用最近邻体法和Heygi单木竞争指数模型,对两个种群的分布格局 和竞争情况进行分析.结果表明,旱冬瓜在不同生长阶段均呈现随机分布,而伴生的潺槁木姜子种群则呈 现随机分布一聚集分布一均匀分布的变化趋势.种问竞争和物种自身生物学特性对两个种群的分布格局具 有显著影响.旱冬瓜种群的龄级结构为衰退型,潺槁木姜子种群则为成长型.


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The concentrations of alkylphenols (APs) were investigated in water, sediments and submersed macrophytes from the Moon Lake, Wuhan city, China. The water samples contained APs, ranging up to 26.4 mu g l(-1) for nonylphenol (NP) and 0.68 mu g l(-1) for octylphenol (OP). APs were found in the sediment samples with concentrations ranging from 4.08 to 14.8 for NP and from 0.22 to 1.25 mu g l(-1) dry weight for OP. The samples from the site near former sewage inlet showed the highest concentrations of APs in both water and sediments. The results of distribution pattern and dynamics of NP and OP in submersed macrophytes of the Moon Lake showed that the two pollutants were all found in Myriophyllum verticillatum, Elodea nuttallii, Ceratophyllum oryzetorum, and Potamageton crispus collected from the Moon Lake. For NP, M. verticillatum had the highest capacity of accumulation, followed by E. nuttallii, C. oryzetorum and P. crispus. However the distribution pattern of OP differed from that of NP, and the highest amount of accumulation was observed in E. nuttallii, followed by M. verticillatum, P. crispus, and C. oryzetorum. The temporal pattern of APs was also observed in submersed macrophytes from March to May, and the highest accumulation period was in May. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Time resolved magneto-optic Kerr rotation measurements of optically induced spin quantum beats are performed on heavily doped bulk (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). An effective g-factor of about 0.2-0.3 over a wide range of temperature for both as-grown and annealed (Ga,Mn)As samples is obtained. A larger effective g-factor at lower temperature and an increase of the spin relaxation with increasing in-plane magnetic field are observed and attributed to the stronger p-d exchange interaction between holes and the localized magnetic ion spins, leading to a larger Zeeman splitting and heavy-hole-light-hole mixing. An abnormal dip structure of the g-factor in the vicinity of the Curie temperature suggests that the mean-field model is insufficient to describe the interactions and dynamics of spins in DMS because it neglects the short-range spin correlation effect. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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采用野外样线取样与室内萌发相结合的方法研究了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区退耕地种子库的组成、密度、分布特征、季节动态、种子库类型。结果表明,土壤种子库中共发现50种植物的种子,隶属15个科,39个属,主要物种组成与密度季节间差异不显著;在演替过程中土壤种子库的物种数量与密度随退耕年限的增加表现出:增加-减少-增加的趋势,同时阳坡种子库密度波动较阴坡剧烈;土壤种子库密度年内变化范围为1 067~14 717粒/m2,土壤种子库平均密度是夏季>秋季>春季;研究区域退耕地土壤种子库类型属于以猪毛蒿为优势种,并具有其他一年生、多年生草本植物与灌丛种子的没有显著的季节动态的持久种子库,是物种适应黄土丘陵沟壑区特有生态环境条件的繁殖更新策略;从土壤种子库的物种组成、密度、类型来看,黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地具有一定的自然恢复潜力。


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