404 resultados para hu??rfano


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This paper reports on two-dimensional numerical simulation of cellular detonation wave in a / / mixture with low initial pressure using a detailed chemical reaction model and high order WENO scheme. Before the final equilibrium structure is produced, a fairly regular but still non-equilibrium mode is observed during the early stage of structure formation process. The numerically tracked detonation cells show that the cell size always adapts to the channel height such that the cell ratio is fairly independent of the grid sizes and initial and boundary conditions. During the structural evolution in a detonation cell, even as the simulated detonation wave characteristics suggest the presence of an ordinary detonation, the evolving instantaneous detonation state indicates a mainly underdriven state. As a considerable region of the gas mixture in a cell is observed to be ignited by the incident wave and transverse wave, it is further suggested that these two said waves play an essential role in the detonation propagation.


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The dynamic micro-deformation of the specimen under laser point source is measured using a laser beam reflex amplifier system and numerically simulated by Msc.Marc software. Compared with experimental result and calculated result, the final deformation direction of the specimen depends on the result of the thermal strain and the phase transformation strain cooperation, away from the laser beam or towards the laser beam, the final deformation angle depends on temperature gradient in the thickness direction and the geometry constraint of the specimen. The conclusion lays the foundation for further research on the mechanism of laser bending. At the same time, it is proposed that the model of calculation based on classical Fourier heat transfer theory cannot be enough to simulate the dynamic micro-deformation of the specimen under laser point source, the model of calculation should be modified in the future.


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The velocity fields of oscillatory convection have been measured using the techniques of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a liquid bridge of half floating zone with small typical scales of a few millimeters for emphasizing the thermocapillary effect in comparison with the effect of buoyancy. The flow patterns of the oscillatory flow have been studied experimentally in a liquid bridge. The flow patterns in the liquid bridge are classified with mode numbers according to oscillatory flow characteristics. Results of the experiment show that the mode depends on the aspect ratio as well as the volume ratio of the liquid bridge. The experimental results are helpful for studying the structure of flow at the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge.


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Magnetic domain structure of hard magnetic Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) has been studied by using magnetic force microscopy. In the magnetic force images it is shown that the exchange interaction type magnetic domains with a period of about 360 nm do exist in the BMG, which is believed to be associated with the appearance of hard-magnetic properties in this system. As the scale of the magnetic domain is much larger than the size of the short-range ordered atomic clusters existing in the BMG, it is believed that the large areas of magnetic contrast are actually a collection of a group of clusters aligned in parallel by strong exchange coupling interaction. After fully crystallization, the BMG exhibits paramagnetism. No obvious magnetic contrast is observed in the magnetic force images of fully crystallized samples, except for a small quantity of ferromagnetic crystalline phase with low coercivity and an average size of 900 nm.


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In this study, the idealized two-dimensional detonation cells were decomposed into the primary units referred to as sub-cells. Based on the theory of oblique shock waves, an analytical formula was derived to describe the relation between the Mach number ratio through triple-shock collision and the geometric properties of the cell. By applying a modified blast wave theory, an analytical model was developed to predict the propagation of detonation waves along the cell. The calculated results show that detonation wave is, first, strengthened at the beginning of the cell after triple-shock collision, and then decays till reaching the cell end. The analytical results were compared with experimental data and previous numerical results; the agreement between them appears to be good, in general.


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An experimental investigation of the onset of Benard-Marangoni convection has been performed in a liquid layer of rectangular configuration. The critical temperature difference was measured via the detections of both temperature field pattern (IR-imaging) on the free surface and fluid convection (PIV) in the liquid layer. The critical temperature difference or the critical Marangoni number was given. The experiments were performed for a fixed depth of air layer and a changeable depth of the liquid layer, and then the influence of the thickness ratio of the air layer to liquid layer on the Marangoni instability was studied.


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A simulation model of a floating half zone was suggested by steady numerical simulation and experiment respectively, in the previous papers [Q.S. Chen, W.R. Hu, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 757; J.H. Han, Y. Ar, R. Zhou, W.R. Hue, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 2671]. In the present paper, the simulation model is studied by using the method of unsteady and three-dimensional numerical simulation, and the transient process from steady convection to oscillatory convection is especially analyzed. Comparison of onsets of oscillation for both simulation model and the usual model were obtained, and the results show that the critical Marangoni number of the simulation model is obviously smaller than that of the usual model for the same slender liquid bridge. This implies that the usual model of a floating half zone gives a lower estimation on the onset of oscillation for floating zone convection.


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The process of die swell in polymer jets is an important feature within polymer processing and can be explained through a study of its rheological effects. The existence of a thermocapillary effect, driven by the gradient of its surface tension, should be considered when examining a thermal jet that has a non-uniform temperature distribution on its free surface, as in various polymer processings. Both the rheological effect and thermocapillary effect on die swell can be studied numerically through a finite element method as used on a two-dimensional and unsteady model, in which a Coleman-Noll second-order fluid model is employed. The results show that the expanding angle depends on both the rheological property of the fluid and the pressure at the vessel exit. Although both the thermocapillary and the rheological effects contribute to the cross-section expansion of the fluid jet, the latter is more important in determining the expansion.


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Temperature field in the laser hardening process was numerically simulated by MSC.Marc software. The influence of energy density on laser hardening effect is analyzed. Simulation result is verified through the thermocouple temperature transducer measuring the specimen surface temperature under the laser irradiation. Experimental curves of temperature versus time are in agreement with simulation results. The simulation results can be regarded as a basis for choosing laser technological parameters.


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In this paper the microstructure characteristic of the cold-rolled deformed nanocrystalline Nickel metal has been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that there were step structures near by grain boundary (GB), and the contrast of stress field in front of the step corresponds to the step in the shape. It indicates that the interaction between twins and dislocations is not a necessary condition to realizing the deformation. In the later stage of the deformation when the grain size became about 100 nm, the deformation occurs only depend upon the moving of the boundary of the stack faults (SFs) which result from the imperfection dislocations emitted from GBs. In the other word, the movement of the boundary dislocations of SFs results to growing-up of the size of the SFs, therefore realizes deformation. However, when the size of stack faults grows up, the local internal stress which is in front of the step gradually becomes higher. When this stress reach a critical value stopping the gliding of the partial dislocations, the SFs will stop growing up and leave a step structure behind.


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A modified simplified rate-equation model that utilizes the Voigt profile function and another gain saturation model deduced from the kinetic equations are presented for performance analyses of a flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Both models are adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and that of inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant. Effects of temperature and iodine density on the output power and on variations of output power, optical intensity, and saturation intensity with flow distance are presented as well. There are differences between results of two models, but both qualitatively agree with known results.


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An experimental investigation of Benard-Marangoni convection has been performed in double immiscible liquid layers of rectangular configuration. The two kinds of liquid are 10cst silicon oil and FC-70 respectively. The velocity fields in the vertical cross-section are obtained by PIV. Flow patterns and/or temperature distributions on the horizontal interface are displayed by using thermal color liquid crystal (TLC), and the velocity distributions on the interface were also obtained with the help of the serial particle image of TCL. The evolution processes of convection are observed in the differential thickness ratio of two liquid layers, and the convection styles are discussed.


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Magnetic domain structure of Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) has been studied by using magnetic-force microscopy. In the magnetic-force images it is shown that the exchange-interaction-type magnetic domains with a period of about 360 nm do exist in the BMG, which is believed to be associated with the appearance of hard-magnetic properties in this system. The existence of the large-scale domains demonstrates that the magnetic moments of a great deal of short-scale ordered atomic clusters in the BMG have been aligned by exchange coupling. Annealing at 715 K leads to partial crystallization of the BMG. However, the exchange coupling is stronger in the annealed sample, which is considered to arise from the increase of transition-metal concentration in the amorphous phase due to the precipitation of Nd crystalline phase.


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The joint time-frequency analysis method is adopted to study the nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response for a class of S.D.O.F nonlinear system. A time-frequency masking operator, together with the conception of effective time-frequency region of the asymptotic signal are defined here. Based on these mathematical foundations, a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) is constructed which has similar nonlinear characteristics with the nonlinear system. Two skeleton curves are deduced which can indicate the stiffness and damping in the nonlinear system. The relationship between the SLM and the nonlinear system, both parameters and solutions, is clarified. Based on this work a new identification technique of nonlinear systems using the nonstationary vibration data will be proposed through time-frequency filtering technique and wavelet transform in the following paper.


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The effect of the translational nonequilibrium on performance modeling of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine lasers (COIL) is emphasized in this paper. The spectral line broadening (SLB) model is a basic factor for predicting the performances of flowing COIL. The Voigt profile function is a well-known SLB model and is usually utilized. In the case of gas pressure in laser cavity less than 5 torr, a low pressure limit expression of the Voigt profile function is used. These two SLB models imply that ail lasing particles can interact with monochromatic laser radiation. Basically, the inhomogeneous broadening effects are not considered in these two SLB models and they cannot predict the spectral content. The latter requires consideration of finite translational relaxation rate. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to solve simultaneously the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations and the conservation equations of the number of lasing particles per unit volume and per unit frequency interval. In the operating condition of flowing COIL, it is possible to obtain a perturbational solution of the conservational equations for lasing particles and deduce a new relation between the gain and the optical intensity, i.e., a new gain-saturation relation. By coupling the gain-saturation relation with other governing equations (such as the NS equations, chemical reaction equations and the optical model of gain-equal-loss), We have numerically calculated the performances of flowing COIL. The present results are compared with those obtained by the common rate-equation (RE) model, in which the Voigt profile function and its low pressure limit expression are used. The difference of different model's results is great. For instance, in the case of lasing frequency coinciding with the central frequency of line profile and very low gas pressure, the gain-saturation relation of the present model is quite different with that of the RE model.