35 resultados para gene-transfer


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Like other transgenic animals, transgenic fishes produced by microinjection are transgenic mosaics. In order to produce homogenous transgenic fish, the transgenic blastula or gastrula cells were dissociated from Carassius auratus, Pengze var, and Cyprinus carpio, Huanghe var., and the nuclei were transferred into the mature eggs of the same species via microinjection or electro-fusion. Five nuclear-transferred Carassius auratus, Pengze var. and one Cyprinus carpio, Huanghe var. were obtained and the existence of the transgene was detected. The possibility of generating homogenous strain of transgenic fish by nuclear transplantation with transgenic early-embryonic cells is discussed.


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Oxidative damage is an important mechanism in X-ray-induced cell death. Radiolysis of water molecules is a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute to X-ray-induced cell death. In this study, we showed by ROS detection and a cell survival assay that NADPH oxidase has a very important role in X-ray-induced cell death. Under X-ray irradiation, the upregulation of the expression of NADPH oxidase membrane Subunit gp91(phox) was dose-dependent. Meanwhile, the cytoplasmic subunit p47(phox) was translocated to the cell membrane and localized with p22(phox) and gp91(phox) to form reactive NADPH oxidase. Our data Suggest, for the first time, that NADPH oxidase-mediated generation of ROS is an important contributor to X-ray-induced cell death. This suggests a new target for combined gene transfer and radiotherapy.


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目的:建立重离子束辐照结合植物组织培养技术进行植物诱变的新方法,使用该方法率先开展植物组织细胞的传能线密度(LET)生物学效应的研究,尝试重离子束辐照结合农杆菌转染及质粒微注射法转基因操作。 材料与方法:采用兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)加速的碳离子束辐照非洲紫罗兰、丽格海棠、新几内亚凤仙以及紫花苜蓿的外植体,测定形态学指标,计算不同外植体的相对生物学效应(RBE)。以非洲紫罗兰叶片外植体为对象研究RBE随LET的变化关系。使用氖离子束辐照烟草叶片外植体结合农杆菌转染方法进行赤霉素4(GA4)基因转染实验;使用碳离子束辐照苜蓿愈伤组织结合质粒微注射方法进行β-葡萄糖苷酸酶(GUS)基因转染实验。 结果: 1. 不同剂量的936MeV的碳离子束和8MV的X射线辐照三种花卉及一种牧草的外植体后,基于存活率的RBE值分别为2.3、1.6、2.1和4.0; 2. LET值在31~151keV/μm区间的碳离子束辐照非洲紫罗兰叶片外植体。基于鲜重增殖(FWI)的RBE值随LET的增加而增加,151keV/μm时达到最高值6.7; 3. 烟草离体叶片外植体经过5Gy的1600MeV氖离子束辐照后进行农杆菌转基因操作,最终获得转染率为3.9%,单纯农杆菌转基因的转染效率为3.2%; 4. 20Gy的936MeV的碳离子束辐照苜蓿愈伤组织后结合组织表面pBI121质粒溶液微量注射处理后,获得GUS基因瞬间表达效率高达84.6%。 结论: 1. 不同花卉植物组织培养用外植体的辐照敏感性不同,本研究发现丽格海棠的辐射敏感性最高,其次是新几内亚凤仙,非洲紫罗兰的最不敏感; 2. 不同花卉植物外植体经离子束辐照诱变处理后,得到的再生植株突变类型不尽相同,主要包括叶的突变和茎的突变; 3. RBE的随LET的增大而增加可以归因于离子在生物体中能量沉积的增加,研究发现各生物学终止点受到损伤或者抑制的程度基本上是随着LET的增大而增大; 4. 通过离子束辐照结合植物组织培养方法最终获得了非洲紫罗兰叶绿素缺失突变体,该突变体通过植物组织培养技术能够稳定遗传; 5. 中能氖离子束辐照能够略微提高烟草农杆菌转基因的转化效率,辐照能够使再生植株花期提前; 6. 中能碳离子束辐照结合苜蓿愈伤组织表面微量注射质粒溶液法进行转基因操作能获得更高的基因转染效率


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The conformational transition of DNA induced by the interaction between DNA and a cationic lipid vesicle, didodecyidimethylammonium bromide (DDAB), had been investigated by circular dichroism (CD) and UV spectroscopy methods. We used singular value decomposition least squares method (SVDLS) to analyze the experimental CD spectra. Although pH value influenced the conformation of DNA in solution, the results showed that upon binding to double helical DNA, positively charged liposomes induced a conformational transition of DNA molecules from the native B-form to more compact conformations. At the same time, no obvious conformational changes occurred at single-strand DNA (ssDNA). While the cationic lipid vesicles and double-strand DNA (dsDNA) were mixed at a high molar ratio of DDAB vesicles to dsDNA, the conformation of dsDNA transformed from the B-form to the C-form resulting in an increase in duplex stability (DeltaT(m) = 8 +/- 0.4 degreesC). An increasing in T-m was also observed while the cationic lipid vesicles interacted with ssDNA.


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Cyanobacteria are an ancient group of gram-negative bacteria with strong genome size variation ranging from 1.6 to 9.1 Mb. Here, we first retrieved all the putative restriction-modification (RM) genes in the draft genome of Spirulina and then performed a range of comparative and bioinformatic analyses on RM genes from unicellular and filamentous cyanobacterial genomes. We have identified 6 gene clusters containing putative Type I RMs and 11 putative Type II RMs or the solitary methyltransferases (MTases). RT-PCR analysis reveals that 6 of 18 MTases are not expressed in Spirulina, whereas one hsdM gene, with a mutated cognate hsdS, was detected to be expressed. Our results indicate that the number of RM genes in filamentous cyanobacteria is significantly higher than in unicellular species, and this expansion of RM systems in filamentous cyanobacteria may be related to their wide range of ecological tolerance. Furthermore, a coevolutionary pattern is found between hsdM and hsdR, with a large number of site pairs positively or negatively correlated, indicating the functional importance of these pairing interactions between their tertiary structures. No evidence for positive selection is found for the majority of RMs, e. g., hsdM, hsdS, hsdR, and Type II restriction endonuclease gene families, while a group of MTases exhibit a remarkable signature of adaptive evolution. Sites and genes identified here to have been under positive selection would provide targets for further research on their structural and functional evaluations.


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TX01, a pathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strain isolated from diseased fish at an epidemic-inflicted fish farm in China, exhibits resistance to multiple classes of antimicrobial agents. The genes (kn(R). catA3, and tet(A), respectively) encoding resistance to kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline were cloned and found to be 99-100% identical to the corresponding genes carried by known plasmids and transposons of human, animal, and environmental isolates. Further study demonstrated that TX01 harbors a plasmid, pETX, which proved to be (i) the carrier of the tet and cut operons; (ii) a mobile genetic element that is capable of transferring between bacteria of different genera. These results, which, to our knowledge, documented for the first time the co-existence of chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance determinants on a conjugative plasmid in a pathogenic E tarda strain, indicated that gene acquisition via horizontal transferring of pETX-like mobile genetic entities may have played an important part in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and that there have existed for some time widespread genetic exchanges between bacteria of human, animal/fish, and environmental origins. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cyanobacteria are the oldest life form making important contributions to global CO2 fixation on the Earth. Phycobilisomes (PBSs) are the major light harvesting systems of most cyanobacteria species. Recent availability of the whole genome database of cyanobacteria provides us a global and further view on the complex structural PBSs. A PBSs linker family is crucial in structure and function of major light-harvesting PBSs complexes. Linker polypeptides are considered to have the same ancestor with other phycobiliproteins (PBPs), and might have been diverged and evolved under particularly selective forces together. In this paper, a total of 192 putative linkers including 167 putative PBSs-associated linker genes and 25 Ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase (FNR) genes were detected through whole genome analysis of all 25 cyanobacterial genomes (20 finished and 5 in draft state). We compared the PBSs linker family of cyanobacteria in terms of gene structure, chromosome location, conservation domain, and polymorphic variants, and discussed the features and functions of the PBSs linker family. Most of PBSs-associated linkers in PBSs linker family are assembled into gene clusters with PBPs. A phylogenetic analysis based on protein data demonstrates a possibility of six classes of the linker family in cyanobacteria. Emergence, divergence, and disappearance of PBSs linkers among cyanobacterial species were due to speciation, gene duplication, gene transfer, or gene loss, and acclimation to various environmental selective pressures especially light.


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Marine Streptomyces are potential candidates for novel natural products and industrial catalysts. In order to set up biosynthesis approach for a holomycin-producing strain M095 isotated from Jiaozhou Bay, China, a genetic transformation system was established using intergeneric conjugation. The plasmid pIJ8600 consists of an origin of replication for Escherichia coli, a phage integrase directing efficient site-specific integration in bacterial chromosome, thiostrepton-induced promoter and an attP sequence. Using E. coli ET12567 (pUZ8002) carrying pIJ8600 as a conjugal donor, while it was mated with strain M095, pIJ8600 was mobilized to the recipient and the transferred DNA was also integrated into the recipient chromosome. The frequency of exconjugants was 1.9 +/- 0.13 x 10(-4) per recipient cell. Analysis of eight exconjugants showed pIJ8600 was stable integrated at a single chromosomal site (attB) of the Streptomyces genome. The DNA sequence of the attB was cloned and shown to be conserved. The results of growth and antimicrobial activity analysis indicated that the integration of pIJ8600 did not seem to affect the biosynthesis of antibiotics or other essential amino acids. To demonstrate the feasibility of above gene transfer system, the allophycocyanin gene (apc) from cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans UTEX625 was expressed in strain M095, and the results indicated heterologous allophycocyanin could be expressed and folded effectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A novel gene-K23, differentially expressed in cross-subfamily cloned embryos, was isolated by RACE-PCR technique. It had 2580 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 1,425 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 474 amino acids (aa). Bioinformatic analysis indicated that K23 had 22 phosphorylation sites, but it had no signal peptides. Developmental expression analysis in zebrafish showed that K23 transcripts were maternally expressed in ovum and the amount of K23 transcripts increased gradually from zygote to pharyngula period. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that K23 protein was homogeneously distributed both in nuclei and cytoplasm. Taken together, our findings indicate that K23 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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m Background: Cross-species nuclear transfer has been shown to be a potent approach to retain the genetic viability of a certain species near extinction. However, most embryos produced by cross-species nuclear transfer were compromised because that they were unable to develop to later stages. Gene expression analysis of cross-species cloned embryos will yield new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in cross-species nuclear transfer and embryonic development. Results: A novel gene, K31, was identified as an up-regulated gene in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos using SSH approach and RACE method. K31 complete cDNA sequence is 1106 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 342 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 113 amino acids (aa). Comparative analysis revealed no homologous known gene in zebrafish and other species database. K31 protein contains a putative transmembrane helix and five putative phosphorylation sites but without a signal peptide. Expression pattern analysis by real time RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) shows that it has the characteristics of constitutively expressed gene. Sub-cellular localization assay shows that K31 protein can not penetrate the nuclei. Interestingly, over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality in the epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells in cell culture, which gave hint to the inefficient reprogramming events occurred in cloned embryos. Conclusion: Taken together, our findings indicated that K31 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos and over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality of cultured fish cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of novel genes involved in nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction of fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 exposed to chill (5 degrees C)-light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) stress loses its ability to reinitiate growth. From a random insertion mutant library of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a sll1242 mutant showing increased sensitivity to chill plus light was isolated. Mutant reconstruction and complementation with the wild-type gene confirmed the role of sll1242 in maintaining chill-light tolerance. At 15 degrees C, the autotrophic and mixotrophic growth of the mutant were both inhibited, paralleled by decreased photosynthetic activity. The expression of sll1242 was upregulated in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 after transfer from 30 to 15 degrees C at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 30 mu mol photons m(-2) S-1. sll1242, named ccr (cyanobacterial cold resistance gene)- 1, may be required for cold acclimation of cyanobacteria in light.


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Objective To investigate whether the irradiation with C-beam could enhance adenovirus-mediated transfer and expression of p53 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Materials and methods HepG2 cells were exposed to C-beam or gamma-ray and then infected with replicationdeficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 or green fluorescent protein, respectively. The transfer efficiency and expression level of the exogenous gene were detected by flow cytometric analysis. Cell survival fraction was detected by clonogenic assay. Results The transfer frequency in C-beam or gamma-irradiated groups increased by 50-83% and 5.7-38.0% compared with the control, respectively (P < 0.05). Compared with C-beam alone, p53 alone, and gamma-ray with p53, the percentages of p53 positive cells for 1 Gy C-beam with p53 increased by 56.0-72.0%, 63.5-82.0%, and 31.3-72.5% on first and third day after the treatments, respectively (P < 0.05). The survival fractions for the 2Gy C-bearn and AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased to similar to 2%. Conclusion C-beam irradiation could significantly promote AdCMV-green fluorescent protein transfer and expression of p53.