61 resultados para functional group diversity


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植物性状是植物与环境长期互作过程中表现出的内在或外部的特征。目前植物生态学界关于植物性状的研究,主要包括以下三个方面的研究内容:植物性状与环境因子间的关系,反映植物性状对环境变化的响应或适应机制;植物性状与生态系统功能的关系,以更好地揭示生态系统功能的内在驱动机制;植物性状间的相关关系和消长对策,反映植物性状的协同进化机制。 本试验所在地区内蒙古多伦十三里滩为典型克氏针茅草原,水分为当地生态系统的主要限制因素。我们在当地的围封样地内,采用人工模拟生长季降雨变化梯度的方法,研究了内蒙古典型草原几种常见植物叶片功能性状对模拟降雨量梯度的响应、性状之间的协变关系以及植物性状与地上部分生物量间的关系。研究工作在2005-2006年期间进行。观测的叶片性状包括叶片干物质含量(LDMC),比叶面积(SLA)和叶片氮含量(LNCmass, LNCarea),以地上部分生物量作为年净初级生产力(ANPP)估计,降雨量梯度模拟了两个水平,即对照(接收正常降雨)和增雨。主要结论如下:1) 叶片性状在降雨量梯度上的变化趋势在物种水平上表现出多样化的特点,性状的变化趋势是否有显著的格局取决于物种或特定性状。2) 叶片性状对水分梯度的响应在功能群水平上表现出各自的特点,Grass功能群对水分梯度的响应敏感性较低,Forb居中,Legume表现出较强的敏感性,表明Grass功能群对水分的耐受性比较强,这在一定程度上解释了当地克氏针茅草原上目前以禾草类为主的现状,对物种之间的替代有一定的指示性。而群落水平上探讨性状在环境梯度上的变异趋势,研究结论存在较大的不确定性,主要是难以区分环境和系统发育背景对植物性状的影响。3)叶片功能性状间的协变关系,不同物种因其自身发生背景不同,在不同环境背景下总体表现出一致的变化规律,但也存在例外。相对而言,对功能性状间协变关系的研究在物种水平或功能群水平上更有意义,而在群落水平上所得结论,可能会掩盖了群落内部不同物种或不同功能群间的信息。4)叶片功能性状与草原地上部生物量的关系在功能群水平上呈显著正相关关系,再次验证了土壤含水量的变化同土壤氮元素的动态,共同影响了植物的氮利用策略,进一步影响了初级生产力等和氮元素直接相关植物性状参数。在群落水平上叶片功能性状与生物量的之间并没有表现出可遵循的规律性,说明叶片功能性状对生物量的作用更多地局限在群落内部的组织层次上发挥作用。5)本研究的虽然从不同的组织层次上探讨了叶片功能性状对环境、性状之间的协变关系以及与地上部分生物量间的关系,由于植物性状变化幅度可能与环境梯度密切相关,如果模拟环境梯度不够大,可能会影响结论的普遍性。此外,本次野外控制试验时间较短,数据量偏少,本文的结论尚需要进一步验证。


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由于人为因素导致的全球范围内的第六次物种大灭绝已经成为不争的事实,但人类还不清楚这种现象对生态系统功能的影响。在回答生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的问题上,补偿作用是一个争论的热点。为了阐明生物多样性对生态系统功能的影响,于2005年夏开始,在内蒙古温带典型草原开展了一个研究生物多样性与生态系统功能的物种去除试验。本研究是该项目的一部分。 元素循环是生态系统的重要功能之一,而氮素是限制草地生态系统生产力的主要因素,氮矿化是氮循环的关键步骤,因此,本研究重点讨论植物功能群对土壤氮矿化作用的影响,提出3点假设:1. 不同植物功能群对土壤氮矿化速率影响不同;2. 植物功能群去除前后氮矿化速率不同;3.植物功能群之间存在补偿效应。为了证明这些假设,于2006年9月、2007年6月和2007年8月份分别进行了室内培养(温度25℃,湿度60%田间最大持水量)用于测量氮矿化速率,同时于2007年6月和2007年8月份进行野外培养用于测量野外条件下的氮矿化速率,并在去除处理2年后得到以下主要结果: 1. 植物功能群去除数与土壤氮矿化速率呈单峰曲线关系(P<0.05),去除少量植物功能群氮矿化速率上升,去除更多的植物功能群后氮矿化速率下降; 2. 植物功能群去除数与土壤硝态氮含量呈线性正相关关系(P<0.0001),植物功能群的丧失加剧了土壤NO3--N的流失; 3. 多年生非禾草(PF)比其他植物功能群显著降低了氮矿化速率(P<0.05); 4. 短期内(去除处理1年内)在凋落物回填的情况下,去除0个植物功能群与去除全部植物功能群的氮矿化速率无显著差异(P>0.05); 5. 内蒙古温带典型草原在近3年内(2005、2006、2007)土壤碳库、氮库变化较小。


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Surface, overlying, and interstitial waters were collected at monthly intervals at three experimental stations in a shallow Chinese eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu) to assess the occurrence, distribution, and status of UV-sensitive phosphorus compounds (UVSP) and phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus (PHP), coupled with kinetics of alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Orthophosphate (o-P) concentrations were generally the highest at Station 1, where chlorophyll a (chl a) was a function of o-P at temporal scale. The V-max/K-m of APA obtained by Michaelis-Menten approach paralleled the chlorophyll data at two stations. These facts imply that the development of phytoplankton may be attributed to APA induced by PHP. The potentially available UVSP and PHP peaked in interstitial, overlying, and surface water simultaneously sometimes in 1995 to 1996 and 1997 to 1999. It is postulated that they may arise from the bottom. UVSP peaked in interstitial water at the 12-16 cm layers in sediment cores. Moreover, in interstitial water, UV irradiation resulted in an elevated o-P concentration and decreased APA in a timeseries analysis. Therefore, the mechanism that APA involved in the process of photorelease of o-P was not demonstrated. UVSP is most likely a functional group of labile phosphorus distinct from the enzymatic substrate in this shallow eutrophic lake.


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本学位论文分为四个部分,第一部分报道了用串联质谱快速分析合成药物中的微量杂质成分以及分析中药材中的化学成分。第二部分报道了通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。第四部分概述了应用在质谱中的各种碎裂方式。 第一部分首先总结了5-溴粉防己碱及其类似物的裂解规律,并以此为根据推测出2 个微量杂质的结构。随后针对无患子(Sapindus mukurossi Gatren.)中的皂苷成分,由ESI-QTOF 得到各个皂苷成份的高分辨质量数据进而得到其分子式,然后利用ESI-IT 电喷雾串联质谱对无患子总皂苷中各皂苷成分的结构进行进一步的鉴定。进而以同样的方式,先通过ESI-QTOF 得到黄山药(Dioscoreapanthaica)总皂苷中各个组分化合物的分子式,然后对已有的薯蓣皂苷标准品做串联质谱分析,以得到该类化合物的裂解规律并给出解析该类化合物的流程图。在此利用计算化学的方法讨论了离子的丰度与裂解活化能之间的关系。然后应用APCI-MS/MS 方法探讨了四对同分异构体和几个已知的化合物,并最后用液质联用对其进行确认,同时还给出了4 个未知化合物的可能结构。 第二部分报道通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。钯催化的交联反应是有机合成中C-C 键形成的最有效的方法,且硫脲是一类对空气和水都稳定的化合物,因此我们设计并合成了一系列的硫脲钯催化剂并得到了很好的催化活性。我们在对其中一类环状双硫脲化合物进行质谱实验的时候,在正离子模式下发现了反常的[M.H]+,通过串联质谱进一步确定了它是一种新型的PdPincer 结构。我们将其合成出来并通过X-ray 衍射实验确定了它的结构。同时测定其催化活性并与未形成pincer 的类似物进行比较发现该类化合物具有较宽的底物适用性。 第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。通过前面两部分的启示,独立设计开发了AuMass(1.0)。其算法是:先通过查找特殊的碎片离子,中性丢失或碎片离子质量差来确定某类化合物的骨架结构,然后利用该类化合物的自动解析流程来对其周边取代基进行确认。通过它快速地对白芍中的化学成分进行解析,并对未知的化合物进行了推测。为了增加它的解析能力,我又对其它类型的化合物裂解规律进行总结,并给出了自动解析流程。实践证明该软件具有相当好的应用价值。 第四部分综述了应用在质谱上的各类母离子的碎裂技术。这里包括了碰撞诱导裂解(CID)、光诱导碎裂(LID)、电子捕获裂解/电子转移裂解(ECD/ETD)、红外多光子解离(IRMPD)、黑体辐射解离(BIRD)和PQD 裂解技术。 This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter reports the rapidanalysis of trace impurities from synthetical medicine and analysis of the chemicalconstitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The second chapter elaborates the studieson the discorvery and synthesis of new type of Pd Pincer catalyst by using MS andtandem MS together with the testing of its catalyst activity. The third chapter dwellson the designation and development of automatic tandem mass spectrometry analysissoftware. The last chapter presents a review on the dissociation technique of massspectrometry. The first chapter reports the rapid analysis of trace impurities from synthesismedicine and analysis of the chemical constitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The fission mechanism of 5-bromotetrandrine was obtained by analysis of the dissociationpathways of major product, by using which the possible structure of the two traceimpurties was assumed. There are lots of saponins in Sapindus mukurossi. Except forthe good spumescence and decontamination,it possesses the bioactivity of antigenand antitch. First of all, the high resolution mass information was obtained by ESI-QTOF. Hence the possible molecular formulars were acquired too. Then weconducted the further detection of the structures of its saponins by using ESI-ITtechnology. In the same manner, first the molecular formulars of every constituentfrom Dioscorea panthaica in total saponins were obtained by ESI-QTOF, and thenacquired the fission mechanism of this type of compounds by tandem massexperiment on a series of known and available saponins. In the same time, theanalysis flowchart was concluded. Here the relationship between the ion intensity andthe corresponding dissiociation activation energy was studied by computer chemistry.Then the four pairs of isomers were differentiated by APCI-MS/MS, as well as thecharacterization of known and unknown compounds. The assumption was confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS. Among them the possible structures of four unknown saponinswas presented. The second part was discovery and synthesis of a new type of Pd pincer catalystby MS and tandem MS. The coupling reaction catalyzed by Pd is the most effectivemethod in C-C formation in organic synthesis. Apart from that, thiourea is type ofcompounds that are stable to atmosphere and moisture. Hence we designed a series ofPd thiourea catalysts. Some of them show the excellent catalyst activity. The abnormalparent ion [M.H]+ was founded in positive ESI mode when we conduct some massspectrometry experiments on the bicyclical thiourea Pd complex. The structure wasproposed by mass and tandem mass spectrometry. Because it was a new type of pincer,we want to test its catalyst activity. So the Pd pincer was synthesized and the detailstructure was obtained by x-ray experiment. It shows the more fitness in catalysis ofSuzuki reaction by comparison with the analogue. The third chapter dwells on the design and development of automatic tandemmass spectrometry analysis software. Inspired by the former two chapters, theAuMass (version 1.0) was developed. Its algorithm is: first check the diagnostic ion,diagnostic neutral loss or diagnostic ions mass intervals in database to find out whatthe analyst’s skeleton belongs to, then identify the peripheral functional group by thecorresponding analysis flowchart. The chemical constituents of Paeonia lactiflorawere identified rapidly by using AuMass. To increase the analysis ability, the othertypes of compounds from Chinese herbs was concluded. Actually, the software isproven to have the much valuable application. The last chapter presented the review on the some kinds of fission technique ofmass spectrometry. It involves the collision induced dissociation (CID), laser induceddissociation (LID), electron capture dissociation/electron transfer dissociation(ECD/ETD), infrared multiple photons dissiociation, black body irraditiondissociation and PQD fission technique from Finnigan.


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在糖化学合成中,1,6-脱水吡喃糖不仅是合成具有生物活性低聚糖、糖共体、抗原、抗体以及天然产物等化合物重要原料,而且还是许多具有生物活性的天然产物的结构单元。同时,它还具有[3,2,1]的双环缩醛结构,使其在糖化学合成中具有高的立体选择性和区域选择性,同时减少了C-1 和C-6 位的保护和去保护的优点。此外,环内的缩醛开环后,又可以相应地在C-1 和C-6 位进行官能团转化以及糖苷化反应。 本文报道了一种新的1,6-脱水吡喃糖的合成方法,并设计合成了2-C-支链-1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-195、1-197、1-198 以及2-C-支链-6-硫代1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-225。到目前为止,1,6-脱水糖开环并进行糖苷化反应,存在选择性较差、产率低的缺点。我们发现,在乙腈做溶剂的条件下,NiCl5 能高立体选择性高产率地催化化合物1-195、1-197、1-198 开环并与ROH、RSH 发生糖苷化反应。在NiCl5-乙腈条件下,合成了一系列2-C-支链-α-糖苷和2-C-支链-β-硫代糖苷,并对2-C-支链1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖的生成机理以及开环机理进行了探讨。 烯糖在糖化学合成中是重要的起始原料,从Fischer 首次合成烯糖至今,一直不断地有新的合成方法出现。但目前文献报道的方法存在所用试剂有毒、价格贵和操作繁琐等缺点。我们对Fischer-Zach 方法进行了改进, 发现Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O 和Zn-PEG600-H2O 体系都能很好地合成烯糖。该方法具有条件温和、绿色环保、操作简单的优点。在Zn-NaH2PO4 溶液或Zn-PEG600 条件下,以溴代糖为原料,高产率地合成一系列的烯糖。 The 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses are crucial subunits of myriad bioactive nature products, as well as important syntons of carbohydrate chemistry which have been extensively used to prepare the biologically potential oligosaccharides, glycoconjugates, antibiotics, and structurally varied nature products. Their particular [3.2.1] bicyclic skeleton makes them have high regio- and stereo-control in a variety of reactions, and such structure avoids protecting hydroxyl groups at C1 and C6.Additionally, the cleavage of the internal acetal under acidic conditions could be beneficial for further transformations of functional group and glycosylation of the corresponding pyranosyl sugar at the C6 or C1 site. Herein we developed a novel approach to prepare the 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose, and synthesized the 2-C-branched-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-195, 1-197, 1-198 and 2-C-branched-6-thio-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-225. Until now, glycosylation of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses has been limited because of the low yields and low stereoselectivity. In this paper, we found that NiCl5-MeCN system could selectively cleave the ring of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses with alcohols and thiols at room temperature in high yields. A series of 2-C-branched-α-glycosides and 2-C-branched-β-thioglycosides have been synthesized via NiCl5-catalyzed. Furthermore, we investigated the formation and ring-opening mechanism of 2-C-acetylmethyl-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose. Glycals are significant starting material in carbohydrate chemistry. After the Fischer-Zach method for forming glucal was reported for the first time, the numerous synthetic methods for glycals have been explored. However, there are several drawbacks in the existing methods, such as the usage of very expensive and toxic reagents, intricate operation, and the influence of acid-sensitive and base-sensitive functional group. We improved the Fischer-Zach method and developed a facile, mild and environmentally benign methodology towards the synthesis of the glycals in Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O or Zn-PEG600-H2O system. Our method involves the treatment of glycosyl bromides with Zn in NaH2PO4 aqueous solution or PEG600-H2O at room temperature, affording various glycals in excellent yields.


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Three kinds of polymer resin supported Pd catalysts were prepared by mixing PdCl2, with alkaline styrene anion exchange resins[D392 -NH2, D382, -NHCH3, D301R, -NH(CH3)(2)], strongly alkaline styrene anion exchanged resin [201 X 7DVB, -NH+ (CH3)(3)] and alkaline epoxy exchange resin (701, -NH2), and hydrogenating in liquid phase at 1.013 X 10(5) Pa. The hydrogenation of furfural was studied under the reaction conditions such as solvent, temperature. Pd content in the supported catalyst and the amount of the catalyst. The yield of hydrogenation reaction of furfural markedly increased to 100% and the selectivity to tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol increased to over 98% by polymer (alkaline styrene anion exchange resins D392, -NH2, D382, -NHCH3) supported palladium catalysts comparing with the yield over 70% and selectivity over 97% by palladium catalyst, in 50% alcohol-50% water or pure water solution at 1.013 X 10(5) Pa. The relationship between hydrogenation and the structures of functional group in the supporting resin was examined by XPS method.


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Acetone and dimethyl ether( DME) have been shown to be reagent gases of exceptional utitlity and versatility for the characterization of a variety of class of organic compounds. The fragmentation mechanisms of the adduct product ions, formed by ion/molceule reaction of the substrate with the ionized gases, have been studied and substantiated by experiments with acetone-d(6) and DME-d(6).


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The self-assembled monolayer of cystamine was prepared on gold electrode and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) was electrochemically deposited on cystamine surface as a functional group by electrostatic adsorption, namely, molecular deposition. It shows that the MD/SAM structure has a higher stability, and E-1/2 of the DBAH in MD/SAM shifts more negative than that of on naked gold electrode, The n-decanethiol was also used to fill defects in MD/SAM, it results in much better cyclic voltermmetric behavior.


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Ion-molecule reactions of four isomeric cyclopropane derivatives were investigated under chemical ionization(CI) conditions, using methane, acetone and vinyl acetate as reagent gases, The methane positive-ion CI mass spectra of each of two isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 are identical, and so are the collision-induced dissociation (CTD) spectra of the protonated molecules of each of the two isomer pairs, The protonation reactions for the isomer pairs 1,2 and 3,4 occurred on the sites of the carboxyl groups and the R groups, respectively, Differences between isomers 1 and 2 are observed in their acetone (A) positive-ion CI mass spectra and in the CID spectra of their adduct ions ([M+H+A](+)), The adduct ions of compounds 2, 3 and 4 with protonated acetone and with protonated acetone dimer are observed in their CI mass spectra, However, only the adduct ions of compound 1 with protonated acetone appear in its CI mass spectrum, The protonated dimers of each of the four compounds are found in their vinyl acetate positive-ion CI mass spectra, and the CID spectra of these dimers for isomers 1 and 2 can also reflect their stereostructural difference. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The volumetric behavior of a chloride complex of palladium was studied at a glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The Pd-IV complex existing on the GCE surface was found, which was proposed to form an octahedral surface complex through coordination to the oxygen atom of an oxygen functional group on the pretreated GCE surface. The ferri/ferrocyanide redox couple was used as a probe to examine the activity of the GCE. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy provided the evidence of the surface complex existing on the GCE. Highly dispersed Pd particles can be obtained when the surface complexes were reduced electrochemically to Pd atoms. The Pd particles obtained in this way were in nanometer scale and exhibit high catalytic activity towards the oxidation of hydrazine. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The electro-oxidation of PtCl42- was studied on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode. A Pt(IV) complex was formed on the electrode surface through coordination to the oxygen atom of an oxide functional group on the electrode, which results in its deactivation. The ferri/ferrocyanide redox couple was used as a probe to examine the activity of the GC electrode. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was employed to characterize the platinum on the electrode surface, and showed that the oxidation state of the Pt element changes depending on the electrochemical treatment of GC electrode. The platinum complex on the surface of the GC electrode can be transformed to Pt-0 by cycling the electrode between -0.25 and +1.65 V/SCE in 0.1 M H2SO4 solution. The above procedure can be used to disperse platinum ultramicroparticles on the surface of a GC electrode.


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Poly(styrene-acrylic acid)-lanthanide (Ln.PSAA) and poly(ethylene-acrylic acid)-neodymium (NdPEAA) complexes have been prepared and characterized. The infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectra indicate that the lanthanide complexes possess the bidentate carboxylate structure Ln-O-C(R)-O (see structure B in text). The catalytic behavior of the complexes has been described. The catalytic activities of Nd.PSAA and Nd.PEAA are much greater than that of the corresponding low molecular weight catalyst for butadiene polymerization. The activities of various individual lanthanide elements are quite different from one another. Neodymium shows the highest activity. Europium, samarium and the heavy elements exhibit very low or no activities. The cis-1,4 content of the polybutadiene obtained is not affected by different lanthanide elements in the series. The complex with the intermediate content of the functional group has a higher activity than the others. The polymer-supported lanthanide complexes having different constitutions have different catalytic activities. When the molar ratio of lanthanide to the functional group is ca. 0.2, the activity of the complex is in the optimum state. The activity is influenced by the dispersion of the lanthanide metal immobilized on the polymer chain. Catalytic activity can be improved by adding other metals to the catalyst system.


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A novel labeling reagent 1-(2-naphthyl)-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (NMP) coupled with capillary electrophoresis (CE) with DAD detection for the determination of carbohydrates has been developed. The chromophore in the 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) reagent is replaced by naphthyl functional group, which results in a reagent with very high molar absorptivity (epsilon(251nm) = 5.58 x 10(4) L mol(-1) cm(-1)). This pen-nits NMP-labeled carbohydrates to be detected with UV absorbance in standard 50-mu m-i.d. fused silica capillaries by zone electrophoresis. in this mode, nanomolar concentrations of detection limits are obtained. The method for the derivatization. of carbohydrates with NMP is simplified. The derivatization reaction is rapid and mild in the presence of ammonia catalyst without further transfer steps. Nine monosaccharide derivatives such as mannose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose and fucose can successfully be detected in CE mode. Good reproducibility can be obtained with relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) values of the migration times and peak area, respectively, from 0.44 to 0.48 and from 3.2 to 4.8. Furthermore, the developed method has been successfully applied to the analysis of carbohydrates in the hydrolyzed rape bee pollen samples. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of aliphatic amines using the labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) followed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and APCI/NIS identification in positive-ion mode has been developed. The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent was replaced by the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent, BCEOC, that could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M + H](+) with APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 264.1, m/z 246.0 and m/z 218.1, corresponding to the cleavages of CH2CH2O-CO, CH2CH2-OCO, and N-CH2CH2O bonds. Studies on derivatization conditions demonstrated that excellent derivatization yields close to 100% were observed with a 3 to 4-fold molar reagent excess in acetonitrile solvent, in the presence of borate buffer (pH 9.0) at 40 degrees C for 10 min. In addition, the detection responses for BCEOC derivatives were compared with those obtained with CEOC and FMOC as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEOC/I-CEOC and I-BCEOC/I-FMOC were, respectively, 1.40-2.76 and 1.36-2.92 for fluorescence responses (here, I was the relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the amine derivatives had been optimized on an Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from an 0.10 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 18.65-38.82 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L for fluorescence detection. The relative standard deviations for intraday determination (n = 6) of standard amine derivatives (50 pmol) were 0.0063-0.037% for retention times and 3.36-6.93% for peak areas. The mean intra-and inter-assay precision for all amines were <5.4% and 5.8%, respectively. The recoveries of amines ranged from 96 to 113%. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of >0.9994. The established method provided a simple and highly sensitive technique for the quantitative analysis of trace amounts of aliphatic amines from biological and natural environmental samples.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amines using a labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) followed by high-performance, liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by LC/APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The chromophore of 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) reagent was replaced by 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCEC-Cl. BCEC-Cl could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M+ H](+) under APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision-induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 261.8 and m/z 243.8 corresponding to the cleavages of CH2O-CO and CH2-OCO bonds. Studies on derivatization demonstrated excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% were observed with three- to four-fold molar reagent excess. In addition, the detection responses for BCEC-derivatives were compared to those obtained using 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) and 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate, (FMOC-Cl) as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEC/I-BCEOC = 1.94-2.17 and I-BCEC/I-FMOC = 1.04-2.19 for fluorescent (FL) responses (here, I was relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the derivatized amines had been optimized on reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from 0.50 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 1.77-14.4 fmol. The relative standard deviations for within-day determination (n = 11) were 1.84-2.89% for the tested amines. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amines levels were < 3.64% and 2.52%, respectively. The mean recoveries ranged from 96.6% to 107.1% with their standard deviations in the range of 0.8-2.7. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.