31 resultados para frog decline


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Much attention has been paid on amphibian peptides for their wide-ranging pharmacological properties, clinical potential, and gene-encoded origin. More than 300 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from amphibians have been studied. Peptidomics and genomics analysis combined with functional test including microorganism killing, histamine-releasing, and mast cell degranulation was used to investigate antimicrobial peptide diversity. Thirty-four novel AMPs from skin secretions of Rana nigrovittata were identified in current work, and they belong to 9 families, including 6 novel families. Other three families are classified into rugosin, gaegurin, and temporin family of amphibian AMP, respectively. These AMPs share highly conserved preproregions including signal peptides and spacer acidic peptides, while greatly diversified on mature peptides structures. In this work, peptidomics combined with genomics analysis was confirmed to be an effective way to identify amphibian AMPs, especially novel families. Some AMPs reported here will provide leading molecules for designing novel antimicrobial agents. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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While investigating antimicrobial peptide diversity of Amolops loloensis, five novel antimicrobial peptides belonging to two families were identified from skin secretions of this frog. The first family including two members is esculentin-2-AL (esculentin-2-ALa and -ALb): the second family including three members is temporin-AL (temporin-ALd to -ALf). The family of esculentin-2-AL is composed of 37 amino acid residues (aa); the family of temporin-AL is composed of 16, 13 and 10 aa, respectively. All of these antimicrobial peptides showed antimicrobial activities against tested microorganisms. cDNAs encoding precursors of esculentin-2-ALs and temporin-ALs were cloned from the skin cDNA library of A. loloensis. All the precursors share similar overall structures. There is a typical prohormone processing signal (Lys-Arg) located between the acidic propiece and the mature peptide. The antimicrobial peptide family of esculentin-2 is firstly reported in the genus of Amolops. Combined with previous reports, a total of four antimicrobial peptide families have been identified from the genus of Amolops; three of them are also found in the genus of Rana. These results suggest the possible evolutionary connection between the genera Amolops and Rana. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In order to evaluate the five species groups of Chinese Amolops based on morphological characteristics, and to clarify the phylogenetic position of the concave-eared torrent frog Amolops tormotus, we investigated the phylogeny of Amolops by maximum parsim


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The anuran tribe Paini, family Dicroglossidae, is known in this group only from Asia. The phylogenetic relationships and often the taxonomic recognition of species are controversial. In order to stabilize the classification, we used approximately 2100bp o


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Leptobrachium ailaonicum is a vulnerable anuran restricted to a patchy distribution associated with small mountain streams surrounded by forested slopes at mid-elevations (approximately 2000-2600 m) in the subtropical Mount Wuliang and Mount Ailao ranges in southwest China (Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam. Given high habitat specificity and lack of suitable habitat in lower elevations between these ranges, we hypothesized limited gene flow between populations throughout its range. We used two mitochondrial genes to construct a phylogeographic pattern within this species in order to test our hypothesis. We also examined whether this phylogeographic pattern is a response to past geological events and/or climatic oscillations. A total of 1989 base pairs were obtained from 81 individuals of nine populations yielding 51 unique haplotypes. Both Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses revealed four deeply divergent and reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages that approximately correspond to four geographical regions separated by deep river valleys. These results suggest a long history of allopatric separation by vicariance. The distinct geographic distributions of four major clades and the estimated divergence time suggest spatial and temporal separations that coincide with climatic and paleogeographic changes following the orogeny and uplift of Mount Ailao during the late Miocene to mid Pliocene in southwest China. At the southern distribution, the presence of two sympatric yet differentiated clades in two areas are interpreted as a result of secondary contact between previously allopatric populations during cooler Pleistocene glacial cycles. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the observed genetic variation occurs among the four regions implying long-term interruption of maternal gene flow, suggesting that L ailaonicum may represent more than one distinct species and should at least be separated into four management units corresponding to these four geographic lineages for conservation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The D2 dopamine (DA) receptor agonist, quinpirole, was characterized in young adult monkeys, young reserpine-treated monkeys and aged monkeys to assess the contribution of DA to age-related loss of prefrontal cortical (PFC) cognitive function, Monkeys were tested on a delayed response memory task that depends on the PFC, and a fine motor task that taps the functions of the motor cortex, In young adult monkeys, low quinpirole doses impaired performance of the PFC and fine motor tasks, while higher doses improved memory performance and induced dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors. The pattern of the quinpirole response in reserpine-treated monkeys suggested that the impairments in delayed response and fine motor performance resulted from drug actions at D2 autoreceptors, while the improvement in delayed response performance, dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors resulted from actions at postsynaptic receptors. In aged monkeys, low doses of quinpirole continued to impair fine motor performance, but lost their ability to impair delayed response performance. The magnitude of cognitive improvement and the incidence of ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors were also reduced in the aged animals, suggesting some loss of postsynaptic D2 receptor function, The pattern of results is consistent with the greater loss of DA from the PFC than from motor areas in aged monkey brain (Goldman-Rakic and Brown, 1981; Wenk et al., 1989), and indicates that DA depletion contributes significantly to age-related cognitive decline.


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The South China tiger Panthera tigris amoyensis is the rarest of the five living tiger subspecies, the most critically threatened and the closest to extinction. No wild South China tigers have been seen by officials for 25 years and one was last brought into captivity 27 years ago. The 19 reserves listed by the Chinese Ministry of Forestry within the presumed range of the tiger are spatially fragmented and most are too small to support viable tiger populations. Over the last 40 years wild populations have declined from thousands to a scattered few. Despite its plight and occasional anecdotal reports of sightings by local people, no intensive field study has been conducted on this tiger subspecies and its habitat. The captive population of about 50 tigers, derived from six wild-caught founders, is genetically impoverished with low reproductive output. Given the size and fragmentation of potential tiger habitat, saving what remains of the captive population may be the only option left to prevent extinction of this tiger subspecies, and even this option is becoming increasingly less probable. This precarious dilemma demands that conservation priorities be re-evaluated and action taken immediately to decide if recovery of the wild population will be possible.


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We describe a new species of stream-breeding frog of the genus Amolops, Amolops bellulus, from the mountainous region of Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, near the boundary between Yunnan and Myanmar. This species differs from all its congeners in a combination of morphological characteristics including the absence of a circummarginal groove at the tip of first finger, lack of a supratympanic fold, a white band along the upper jaw extending to shoulder, a black band starting from tip of snout along upper loreal region and extending to anterior flank of body, absence of a vocal sac, tympanum distinct and feebly concave, and the presence of vomerine teeth.


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Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis, a cartilaginous ganoid, is a 'living fossil' on a deeply isolated evolutionary branch. A cell line was established from Chinese sturgeon tail-fin tissue (CSTF) . These epithelial CSTF cells grew well in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium at 25 degrees C. Karyotypic analysis revealed a normal diploid karyotype with 2n = 264 and large numbers of punctate chromosomes. A strain of frog iridoviruses [Rana grylio virus (RGV)] was used to test the susceptibility of this cell line to infection. Infection was confirmed by cytopathic effect, immunofluorescence and electron-microscope observations, which detected the viral antigens or particles in the cytoplasm of RGV-infected cells. Molecular analysis further suggested that c. 550 bp DNA fragment could be cloned from the RGV-infected CSTF cells' DNA with major capsid protein gene polymerase chain reaction primers. Furthermore, after transfection with pEGFP vector DNA, the CSTF cell line produced significant fluorescent signals indicating its utility in exogenous studies.


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Experimental and field studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of NH4+ enrichment on growth and distribution of the submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria natans L, in lakes of the Yangtze River in China, based on the balance between free amino acids (FAA) and soluble carbohydrates (SC) in the plant tissue. Increase of NH4+ rather than NO3- concentrations in the water column caused FAA accumulation and SC depletion of the plant. The plant showed a unimodal pattern of biomass distribution along both FAA/SC ratios and external NH4+ concentrations, indicating that a moderate NH4-N concentration (< 0.3 mg L-1) benefited the plant, whereas the high NH4-N concentration (> 0.56 mg L-1) eliminated the plant completely. Therefore, 0.56 mg NH4-N mg L-1 in the water column was taken as the upper limit for V. natans in lakes of the Yangtze River basin. The mesocosm experiment showed that at a high external NH4-N (0.81 mg L-1), V. natans failed to propagate with a loss of half SC content (5 mg g(-1) DW) in the rhizomes, indicating that the consumption of carbohydrates for detoxification of excess NH4+ into non-toxic FAA significantly diminished carbohydrate supply to the rhizomes. This might consequently inhibit the vegetative reproduction of the plant, and also might be an important cause for the decline and disappearance of the plant with eutrophication. The present study for the first time reports substantial ecophysiological evidences for NH4+ stress to submersed macrophytes, and indicates that NH4+ toxicity arising from eutrophication probably plays a key role in the deterioration of submersed macrophytes like V. natans.


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In this paper, to understand the roles of amorphous structures which were observed within the viromatrix of Rana grylio virus (RGV), an improved immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) method was developed to detect the localization of RGV in carp Epithelipma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells. Infected EPC cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde-0.25% glutaraldehyde mixture, dehydrated completely, and embedded in LR White resin. This method allowed good ultrastructural preservation and specific labeling with anti-RGV antibodies. The results of IEM showed that colloidal gold mainly bound to the capsids of viral particles at the stage of viral assembly, while during the viral maturation colloidal gold bound to the envelop of virions. In addition, within the viromatrix, the amorphous structures, including dense floccules, membranous materials and tubules, also had strong colloidal gold signals, revealing that those amorphous structures were participated in RGV assembly. In contrast, no significant gold labeling signals were obtained in negative controls. The present study not only provided further evidence that amorphous structures within the viromatrix were involved in the process of RGV assembly, but also developed an improved IEM method for studying the interaction between iridovirus and host cells. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three virus isolates, RGV-9506, RGV-9807 and RGV-9808, were obtained from cultured pig frogs Rana grylio undergoing lethal infections. Previously, the first isolate, RGV-9506, was shown to be an iridovirus based on ultrastructural and morphological studies. In the present study, the original isolate, along with 2 recent ones, were more extensively characterized by experimental infection studies, histopathology, electron microscopy, serological reactivity, gel electrophoresis of viral polypeptides and DNA restriction fragments, PCR amplification, and nucleic acid sequence analysis of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene. The 3 isolates were shown to be identical to each other, and very similar to FV3, the type species of the genus Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae). These results suggest that RGV should be considered a strain of FV3, and indicate that FV3-like iridoviruses are capable of causing widespread, severe disease among cultured frogs.


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Albumin, the most abundant protein components of blood plasma, is synthesized and secreted by liver cells in vertebrates. Recently, it was demonstrated that frog Bombina maxima albumin is also expressed in skin. Both B. maxima albumins from skin and serum (BmA-skin and BmAserum) have similar biochemical characteristics except that the former contains haem b. Present studies showed that BmA-skin exhibited cytotoxic activity on H9 and C8166 cells. Pretreated with hemin to induce erythroid differentiation, K562 cells lost their resistance to cytotoxicity of BmAskin. After treating cells with BmA-skin for 48 h, 50 percentage cytotoxic concentrations (CC50) of BmA-skin on H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were 1.31±0.09, 1.59±0.08 and 2.28±0.06 μM, respectively. The cell death induced by BmA-skin was mediated by apoptosis of the tested cell lines, as demonstrated by nuclear morphological changes, DNA fragmentation and DNA hypodiploidy of apoptosis cells. At BmA-skin concentration of 2 μM, 27.3%, 19.7% and 17.8% of H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were found to be apoptotic. In contrast, BmA-serum possessed no cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on all the cell lines tested, even with concentration used up to 15 μM. These results indicated that bound haem b in BmA-skin contributed significantly to its cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on the cell lines assayed.