33 resultados para forest of trees


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The partial sequence of the rbcL from Bryopsis hypnoides, including the sequences of the upstream, extron and partial intron, was amplified by PCR and their sequences were determined. With Spinacia oleracea as the outgroup, neighbor-joining method and maximum parsimony method were used respectively to build phylogenetic trees according to the rbcL exon sequence among 13 species that were the typical species of six phyla. Two kinds of trees showed clearly that there were two groups among those species, the green lineage and the non-green lineage. And the relationships of algae in the green lineage were similar in the two trees but those in the non-green lineage were not consistent. Analysis of codon preference indicated that the codon preference of the rbcL exon of Bryopsis hypnoides distinctly differed from that of the relevant sequence of photosynthetic bacteria.


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Surface pollen assemblages and their relationhips with the modern vegetation and climate provide a foundation for investigating palaeo-environment conditions by fossil pollen analysis. A promising trend of palynology is to link pollen data more closely with ecology. In this study, I summarized the characteristics of surface pollen assemblages and their quantitative relation with the vegetation and climate of the typical ecological regions in northern China, based on surface pollen analysis of 205 sites and investigating of modern vegetation and climate. The primary conclusions are as follows:The differences in surface pollen assemblages for different vegetation regions are obvious. In the forest communities, the arboreal pollen percentages are more than 30%, herbs less than 50% and shrubs less than 10%; total pollen concentrations are more than 106 grains/g. In the steppe communities, arboreal pollen percentages are generally less than 5%; herb pollen percentages are more than 90%, and Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae are dominant in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations range from 103 to 106 grains/g. In the desert communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 5%. Although Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia still dominate the pollen assemblages, Ephedra, Tamaricaceae and Nitraria are also significant important in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations are mostly less than 104grains/g. In the sub-alpine or high and cold meadow communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 30%. and Cyperaceae is one of the most significant-taxa in the pollen assemblages. In the shrub communities, the pollen assemblages are consistent with the zonal vegetation; shrub pollen percentages are mostly less than 20%, except for Artemisia and Hippophae rhamnoides communities.There are obvious trends for the pollen percentage ratios of Artemisia to Chenopodiaceae (A/C), Pinus to Artemisia (P/A) and arbor to non-arbor (AP/NAP) in the different ecological regions. In the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest region, the P/A ratios are generally higher than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 2 and the AP/NAP ratios higher than 0.3. In the temperate steppe regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 1 and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1. In the temperate desert regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios less than 1, and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1.The study on the representation and indication of pollen to vegetation shows that Pinus, Artemisia, Betula, Chenopodiaceae, Ephedra, Selaginella sinensis etc. are over-representative in the pollen assemblages and can only indicate the regional vegetation. Some pollen types, such as Quercus, Carpinus, Picea, Abies, Elaeagus, Larix, Salix, Pterocelis, Juglans, Ulmus, Gleditsia, Cotinus, Oleaceae, Spiraea, Corylus, Ostryopsis, Vites, Tetraena, Caragana, Tamaricaceae, Zygophyllum, Nitraria, Cyperaceae, Sanguisorba etc. are under-representative in the pollen assemblages, and can indicate the plant communities well. Populus, Rosaceae, Saxifranaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Caprifoliaceae etc. can not be used as significant indicators to the plants.The study on the relation of pollen percentages with plant covers shows that Pinus pollen percentages are more than 30% where pine trees exist in the surrounding region. The Picea+Abies pollen percentages are higher than 20% where the Picea+Abies trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Larix pollen percentages vary from 5% to 20% where the Larix trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Betula pollen percentages are higher than 40% where the Betula trees are dominant in the communities" but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Quercus pollen percentages are higher than 10% where the Quercus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants sparse or absent. Carpinus pollen percentages vary from 5% to 15% where the Carpinus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Populus pollen percentages are about 0-5% at pure Populus communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the Populus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Juglans pollen accounts for 25% to 35% in the forest of Juglans mandshurica, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Pterocelis pollen percentages are less than 15% where the Pterocelis trees are dominant in the communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Ulmus pollen percentages are more than 8% at Ulmus communities, but less than 1% where the Ulmus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Vitex pollen percentages increase along with increasing of parent plant covers, but the maximum values are less than 10 %. Caragana pollen percentages are less than 20 % where the Caragana plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Spiraea pollen percentages are less than 16 % where the Spiraea plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent.The study on the relation of surface pollen assemblages with the modern climate shows that, in the axis 1 of DCA, surface samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual precipitations, and the highest determination coefficient (R2) is 0.8 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions. In the axis 2 of DCA, the samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual temperatures, average July temperatures and average January temperatures, and the determination coefficient falls in 0.13-0.29 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions with the highest determination coefficient for the average July temperature.The sensitivity of the different pollen taxa to climate change shows that some pollen taxa such as Pinus, Quercus, Carpinus, Juglans, Spiraea, Oleaceae, Gramineae, Tamariaceae and Ephedra are only sensitive to the change in precipitation.


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结合野外调查与室内试验对子午岭辽东栎天然林的种群生长状况,枯落层种子库,不同坡位土壤种子库物种组成、数量特征、生活型及其与地上植被的相似性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明:(1)试验萌发鉴定出的幼苗共有24种,隶属于16科,其中多年生草本和落叶灌木物种比例最高,分别占种子库物种总数的58.33%和12.5%;(2)整个子午岭天然辽东栎林土壤种子库总密度为12 761.44粒/m2,种子主要分布在枯枝落叶层和0-2.5 cm土层中,其中,辽东栎种子密度为752.5粒/m2,占整个样地土壤种子库总密度的5.89%,表明辽东栎种子萌发能力很差,该林分群落天然更新缓慢。(3)子午岭天然辽东栎林的下坡位物种多样性指数较其它坡位高,但各个样地物种多样性指数均高于对照;(4)天然辽东栎纯林的种群生长状况良好,树龄均为成年树种;(5)方差分析表明:辽东栎的胸径、地径在不同坡位之间均具有显著性差异(P>0.05);(6)相关分析表明:枯枝落叶层厚度,重量与土壤种子库密度之间具无显著相关性(P<0.05)。


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广西壮族自治区是中国多孔菌资源比较丰富的区域之一,本研究对广西主要林区进行了初步调查,并根据形态学研究方法对广西地区的多孔菌进行了系统分类学研究。 结果显示,广西地区的多孔菌共有15科,60属,140种。研究过程中发现两个新种,分别是菌索容氏孔菌Junghuhnia rhizomorpha H.S. Yuan & Y.C. Dai和小孔大孢卧孔菌Megasporoporia microporela X.S. Zhou &Y.C. Dai;发现7个中国新记录种:萨拉氏灵芝Ganoderma sarasinii Steyaert,唐氏胶囊革菌Gloeocystidiellum donkii S.S. Rattan,线浅孔菌Grammothele lineata Berkeley & M.A. Curtis,粉状捷克革菌Jacksonomyces furfurellus (Bres.) Sheng H. Wu & Z.C. Chen,半伏容氏孔菌Junghuhnia separabilima (Pouzar) Ryvarden,非洲纵隔担孔菌Protomerulius africanus (Ryvarden) Ryvarden和日本芮氏孔菌Wrightoporia japonica Núñez & Ryvarden;78种为广西地区新记录种,占该地区已报道种类的55.7%。 依据分类学的研究结果,对广西地区的多孔菌的种类组成和地理成分进行了初步分析,结果显示,优势科为多孔菌科Polyporaceae(33.3%),其次为皱孔菌科Meripilaceae(10%),优势属为多孔菌属Polyporus(7.9%%)和针层孔菌属Phellinus(5.7%);属的地理成分以世界广布属(68.3%)和热带–亚热带分布属(23.3%)为主,种的地理成分以泛热带分布成分(35%)和世界广布种(30%)为主。 经研究表明广西地区共有森林干基腐朽病原多孔菌21种,食用多孔菌菌有5种,药用多孔菌32种,工业用多孔菌17种,多孔菌资源较丰富。 对重要种类木蹄层孔菌Fomes fomentarius (L.:Fr.) Fr.进行了固体培养研究,结果显示木蹄层孔菌的营养菌丝生长最适培养温度为28℃,最适培养pH值为7,最适培养碳源为蔗糖,最适培养氮源为蛋白胨。


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以科尔沁沙地章古台地区人工林树种樟子松(Pinus svlvestris var.mongolica)、油松(Ptabulaeformis)、赤松(Pdensora)和彰武小钻杨(Populusxiaozhuanica)以及11、20、29、45四个年龄樟子松树木为材料,从植物N、P、K、Ca、Mg养分方面探讨了树木对贫痔生境的适应能力。结果表明:针叶树樟子松、赤松、油松叶片N、P、K含量的季节特征相似。叶片N含量各季节变化较小,而叶片P、K含量在2003年总体表现出逐渐增加的趋势。四个年龄樟子松叶片的养分含量季节特征相似。樟子松叶片的平均N和P含量显著(P<0.05)高于赤松,油松最低,而三者N:P比和K含量无显著差别。彰武小钻杨叶片的N、P、K含量显著高于针叶树。樟子松叶片N、P、K的再吸收效率与能力及利用效率均低于油松和赤松,而Mg的再吸收效率与能力及利用效率均高于两种树种。反映了樟子松对N、P、K养分的保存·利用和减少损失量的能力均低于油松和赤松,而对Mg的保存和利用能力则强于两种树种。结合叶片凋落造成的年养分损失量大小差异,对N、P、K供应不足生境的适应能力大小为:油松>赤松>樟子松。针叶树N、P、K、ca、Mg的再吸收能力和利用效率都显著高于落叶树彰武小钻杨,反映出针叶树更能适应贫瘠环境的特点。随着樟子松年龄的增加,叶片的N、P、K、Mg再吸收效率和能力都表现出了下降的趋势,反映了樟子松对贫瘩生境的适应能力随着年龄的增加而下降。同时,随着年龄的增加樟子松叶片单位N、P、K、Mg养分的生产力水平下降,表现了在养分利用上的衰退特征。对树木叶片N:P比、养分再吸收效率与能力及利用效率进行分析和比较,表明研究区最限制树木生长的养分可能为N,P的限制作用还不突出。人为干扰造成大量N、P、K养分从森林生态系统中损失。树木叶片N的年再吸收量与总的N年损失量相当,反映了在剧烈人为干扰条件下,养分再吸收对于树木的生长和生存具有更加重要的作用。


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由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20 世纪升高了0.6 ¡æ,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ¡æ。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。位于青藏高原东部的川西亚高山针叶林是研究气候变暖对陆地生态系统影响的重要森林类型。森林采伐迹地和人工云杉林下作为目前该区人工造林和森林更新的两种重要生境,二者截然不同的光环境对亚高山针叶林不同物种更新及森林动态有非常重要的影响。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林几种主要森林树种为研究对象,采用开顶式增温法(OTCs)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对生长在两种不同光环境下(全光条件和林下低光环境)的几种幼苗早期生长和生理的影响,旨在从更新角度探讨亚高山针叶林生态系统不同树种对气候变暖在形态或生理上的响应差异,其研究结果可在一定程度上为预测气候变暖对亚高山针叶林物种组成和演替动态提供科学依据,同时也可为未来林业生产管理者提供科学指导。 1、与框外对照相比,OTCs 框内微环境发生了一些变化。OTCs 框内与框外对照气温年平均值分别为5.72 ¡æ和5.21 ¡æ,而地表温度年平均值分别为5.34 ¡æ和5.04 ¡æ,OTCs 使气温和地表年平均温度分别提高了0.51 ¡æ和0.34 ¡æ;OTCs框内空气湿度年平均值约高于框外对照,二者分别为90.4 %和85.3 %。 2、增温促进了三种幼苗生长和生物量的积累,但增温效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光条件下,增温条件下云杉幼苗株高、地径、分支数、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)都显著地增加;增温仅在全光条件下使红桦幼苗株高、地径、总生物量及组分生物量(根、茎、叶重)等参数显著地增加,而在林下低光条件下增温对幼苗生长和生物量积累的影响效果不明显;冷杉幼苗生长对增温的响应则与红桦幼苗相反,增温仅在林下低光条件下对冷杉幼苗生长和形态的影响才有明显的促进作用。 增温对三种幼苗的生物量分配模式产生了不同的影响,并且这种影响也与幼苗所处的光环境有关。无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温都促使云杉幼苗将更多的生物量分配到植物地下部分,从而导致幼苗在增温条件下有更高的R/S 比;增温仅在林下低光条件下促使冷杉幼苗将更多的生物量投入到植物叶部,从而使幼苗R/S 比显著地降低;增温在全光条件下对红桦幼苗生物量分配的影响趋势与冷杉幼苗在低光条件下相似,即增温在全光条件下促使红桦幼苗分配更多的生物量到植物同化部分—叶部。 3、增温对亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗气体交换和生理表现的影响总体表现为正效应(Positive),即增温促进了几种幼苗的生理活动及其表现:(i)无论在全光或林下低光环境下,增温使三种幼苗的光合色素含量都有所增加;(ii)增温在一定程度上提高了三种使幼苗的PSII 光系统效率(Fv/Fm),从而使幼苗具有更强的光合电子传递活性;增温在一定程度使三种幼苗潜在的热耗散能力(NPQ)都有所增强,从而提高幼苗防御光氧化的能力;(iii)从研究结果来看,增温通过增加光合色素含量和表观量子效率等参数而促进幼苗的光合作用过程。总体来说增温对幼苗生理过程的影响效果与幼苗种类及所处的光环境有关,增温仅在全光条件下对红桦幼苗光合过程的影响才有明显的效果,而冷杉幼苗则相反,增温仅在低光条件下才对幼苗的生理过程有显著的影响。 4、增温对三种幼苗的抗氧化酶系统产生了一定的影响。从总体来说,增温使几种幼苗活性氧含量及膜脂过氧化作用降低,从而在一定程度上减轻了该区低温对植物生长的消极影响;增温倾向表明使三种幼苗体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,从而有利于维持活性氧代谢平衡。但增温影响效果与幼苗种类所处的光环境及抗氧化酶种类有关,增温对冷杉幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在林下低光环境下效果明显,而对红桦幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响仅在全光条件下才有明显的效果。 总之,增温促进了亚高山针叶林生态系统中三种幼苗的生长和生理表现,但幼苗生长和生理对增温的响应随植物种类及所处的光环境不同而变化,这种响应差可能异赋予了不同植物种类在未来气候变暖背景下面对不同环境条件时具有不同的适应力和竞争优势,从而对亚高山针叶林生态系统物种组成和森林动态产生潜在的影响。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities suchas fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6¡æ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase it by 1.4-5.8 ¡æ. The globalwarming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems.The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become thevery important issuses of global change research. The subalpine coniferous forests inthe eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau provide a natural laboratory for the studying theeffects of climate warming on terrestrial ecosystems. The light environment differssignificantly between clear-outs and spruce plantations, which is particularlyimportant for plant regeneration and forest dynamics in the subalpine coniferous forests. In this paper, the short-term effects of two levels of air temperature (ambient andwarmed) and light (full light and ca. 10% of full light regimes) on the early growthand physiology of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana and Betula albo-sinensis seedlingswas determined using open-top chambers (OTCs). The aim of the present study wasto understand the differences between tree species in their responses to experimentalwarming from the perspective of regeneration. Our results could provide insights intothe effects of climate warming on community composition and regeneration behavior for the subalpine coniferous forest ecosystem processes, and provide scientificdirection for the production and management under future climate change. 1. The OTCs manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions during the growingseason compared with the outside chambers. The annual mean air temperature andsoil surface temperature was 5.72 and 5.34 ¡æ (within the chambers), and 5.21 and5.04 ¡æ (outside the chambers), respectively. The OTCs manipulation increased airtemperature and soil surface temperature by 0.51 and 0.34 ¡æ on average, respectively.Air relative humidity was slightly higher inside the OTCs compared with the controlplots, with 90.4 and 85.3 %, respectively. 2. Warming generally stimulated the growth and biomass accumulation of thethree tree species, but the effects of warming on growth and development variedbetween light conditions and species. Irrespective of light regimes, warmingsignificantly increased plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, componentbiomass (stem, foliar and root biomass) and the number of branches in P. asperataseedlings; For A. faxoniana seedlings, significant effects of warming on all the tested parameters (plant height, root collar diameter, total biomass, and component biomass) were found only under low light conditions; In contrast, the growth responses of B.albo-sinensis seedlings to warming were found only under full light conditions. Warming had pronounced effects on the pattern of carbon allocation. Irrespectiveof light regimes, the P. asperata seedlings allocated relatively more biomass to rootsin responses to warming, which led to a higher R/S. Significant effects of warming onbiomass allocation were only found for the A. faxoniana seedlings grown under lowlight conditions, with significantly increased in leaf mass ratio (LMR) and decreasedin R/S in responses to warming manipulation. The carbon allocation responses of B.albo-sinensis seedling to warming under full light conditions were similar with theresponse of A. faxoniana seedlings grown under low light conditions. Warmingsignificantly decreased root mass ratio (RMR), and increased leaf mass ratio (LMR)and shoot/root biomass ratio (S/R) for the B. albo-sinensis seedlings grown under full light conditions. 3. Warming generally had a beneficial effect on physiological processes of dominant tree species in subalpine coniferous forest ecosystems: (i) Warming markedincreased the concentrations of photosynthetic pigments in both tree species, but theeffects of warming on photosynthetic pigments were greater under low lightconditions than under full light conditions for the two conifers; (ii) Warming tended toenhance the efficiency of PSII in terms of increase in Fv/Fm, which was related tohigher chloroplast electron transport activity; and enhance non-radiative energydissipation in terms of in increase in NPQ, which may reflect an increased capacity inpreventing photooxidation; (iii) Warming may enhance photosynthesis and advancephysiological activity in plants by increasing photosynthetic pigment concentration,the efficiency of PSII and apparent quantum yield (Φ) etc. From the results, theeffects of warming on seedlings’ physiological performance varied between lightenvironment and species. The effects of warming on photosynthesis performance of B.albo-sinesis seedlings were pronounced only under full light conditions, while thephysiological responses of A. faxoniana seedlings to warming were found only underthe 60-year plantation. These results provided further support for the observationsabove on growth responses of seedlings to warming. 4. Warming had marked effects on antioxidative systems of the three seedlings.Warming generally decreased H2O2 accumulation and the rate of O2- production, andalleviated degree of lipid peroxidation in terms of decreased MDA content, whichalleviated to some extent the negative effects of low temperature on the plant growthand development in this region; Warming tended to increase the activities ofantioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymatic AOS scavenging,which helped to create an balance in maintaining AOS metabolites for the threeseedlings. Nevertheless, the effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems werepronounced only under the 60-year plantation for the A. faxoniana seedlings. Incontrast, the marked effects of warming on antioxidative defense systems for the B.albo-sinesis seedlings were found only under the full light conditions. In sum, warming is considered to be generally positive in terms of growth andphysiological process. However, the responses of growth and physiology performanceto warming manipulation varied between species and light regimes. Competitive and adaptive relationships between tree species may be altered as a result of responsedifferences to warming manipulation, which is one mechanism by which globalwarming will alter species composition and forest dynamics of subalpine coniferousforest ecosystems under future climate change.


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对白水河自然保护区进行了生物多样性和植物区系调查,根据获得的生物多样性数据和标本的鉴定结果分析,得到结果和推论如下:1.白水河自然保护区生物多样性的垂直分布格局1.1 植物群落α 多样性随海拔梯度的变化乔木种的丰富度及多样性随海拔上升表现出明显的线性下降趋势。而灌木和草本物种丰富度及多样性随海拔上升表现出抛物线式的下降趋势。乔木种从海拔1400m 的15 种至林线时下降为2 种;灌木和草本植物分别从35 和38 种至山顶时下降为5 种和20 种。乔木物种随海拔升高出现明显的物种替代现象,表明海拔梯度包含了多种环境因子的梯度效应,影响着植物群落的分布与结构及物种多样性。1.2 植物群落β 多样性随海拔梯度的变化海拔2200 m 左右是一个明显的生境转折点。海拔2200 米以下相邻群落的相似性( CJ ) 明显大于海拔2200 m 以上的群落,说明海拔2200 m 以下的群落间共有种多,生境差异较小;而海拔2200 以上的群落则相反,相似性较低。低海拔区由于人为干扰较大,所以群落具有较高的物种丰富度,相邻群落之间的物种替换总量(Cody 指数) 较大。海拔2800 米到海拔3200 米之间因杜鹃群落的影响,物种替换总量(Cody 指数) 略有升高。研究β 多样性沿海拔梯度的变化必须考虑到物种丰富度和群落类型的影响,用不同指数从不同角度能更好地理解β 多样性沿环境梯度的变化。2.白水河自然保护区植物区系性质及起源白水河自然保护区自产种子植物计138 科421 属990 种。本文在科、属的水平上对该保护区植物区系特性进行了较深入的统计和分析。统计表明,温带和热带分布型均占有相当比重,但温带分布型稍占优势;热带、亚热带和温带的科、属多,中国特有属也有相当比例,它们是保护区具有特征意义的类群,其中许多属为古老和残遗成分。结论认为白水河保护区植物区系起源古老,较完好的保存了北极-第三纪古植物群。We have collected the specimens and gotten the biodiversity datas of BaiShuihe Nature Reserve in Peng Zhou,analysed the datas,the results as follows:1. Diversity of the plant community along altitudinal gradient1.1 α diversity of the plant communities along altitudinal gradientFrom 1400m to 3900m at Baishuihe Nature Reserve, 52 plots were investigatedwith an interval 100m in altitude; α diversity and β diversity of plant communitiesand their variety along altitudinal gradient were studied. The results showed that indifferent successional layers of trees, richness and diversity decreased linearly withthe increase of altitude. But shrub and herb layers don’t decrease linearly with theincrease of altitude. Tree species decreased from 15 species at 1400m so only 2species at timberline. Shrub and herb species decreased from 35 and 38 species at2000m to 5 and 20 species at 3800m respectively. Tree species are replacedobviously with the increase of altitude; It shows that altitude includes manyenvironmental facts, which infect the distribution, structure and diversity of plant population.1.2 The variety of βdiversity along altitudinal gradient.The entironment changed obviously near 2200m according to our research. Forsimilarity(CJ) between neighboring plots above 2200m is larger than wich below it.It shows that below 2200m,the neighboring plots has more same species,and thehabitats of neighboring plots has more similarity. Above 2200 is the other way round.The plant communites have higher species richness and species turnoverlargestly between neighboring plots because of the disturbance from humanity at lowaltitude. Between 2800m and 3200m species turnover not so obviously because ofmore Rhododendron live there.We should think over species and the types of plant communities effect thevariety of β diversity along altitude gradient. Use more biodiversity indexs and fromseveral aspects to understand the variety of β diversity along altitudinal gradient.2.Origin and characteristic features of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve990 species of wild seed plants (belonging to 421 generas in 138 families) inthe floristic region of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve were reported here. The statisticsand comparatively intensive analysis at generic and familiar levelss. Based on thestatistics,the results show that both temperate and tropical distribution types areacounted for considerable proportion of the total,but formal is a little moreimportant than the later. The North Temperate and E.Asia-N.America disjunctedpatterns are more concentrated in this area. These may be considered as thecharacteristic features of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve flora, while many of them arearchaic and relic elements. According to above data,the floristic region of BaiShuihe Nature Reserve may be considered as a typical region in Chinese flora. Also,the flora of Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve are originated since ancient time as a wellconserved Arctic-Tertiar flora.


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人类活动引起全球大气中温室气体(CO2、CH4、NOx)浓度不断增加,致使地球表面温度在过去的100 年中已经增长了0.74 ± 0.18℃,预计到本世纪末将会增加1.1-6.4℃。此外,氮沉降也是当今社会的重要环境问题,随着经济发展的全球化, 高氮沉降也呈现出全球化趋势。全球气候变暖和氮沉降给陆地生态系统的地上、地下生物学和生物地球化学过程所带来巨大影响越来越引起人们的关注。 本文以川西亚高山针叶林的两个重要树种云杉和油松幼苗为研究对象,采用红外辐射增温(空气增温2.1℃,土壤增温2.6℃)和根部施氮(施氮量25 g N m-2yr-1)的方法,从生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力和矿质营养等方面研究这两种幼苗对气候变暖和氮沉降的响应。该实验为室外控制实验,包括四个处理:(1)不增温+不施氮(UU);(2) 不增温+施氮(UF);(3) 增温+不施氮(WU);(4) 增温+施氮(WF)。本研究旨在从生理生化、物质代谢 、生长及形态等不同水平上研究模拟增温和施氮对两种树苗的联合效应,提高我们对全球变化下亚高山针叶林早期更新过程的理解,同时也为森林管理提供科学依据。具体研究结果如下: 单独增温处理显著提高了云杉和油松幼苗的地茎、叶重、茎重、根重以及总生物量;单独施氮处理也增加了两种幼苗的株高和总生物量。而增温和施氮联合作用对两种幼苗生长的影响并不相同,联合作用对云杉幼苗生长指标的正效应显著低于单独施氮处理,但是联合作用比单独增温或施氮更大程度的促进了油松幼苗生物量的积累。 单独增温和施氮都有利于提高云杉和油松叶片中叶绿素含量、净光合速率(A)、最大净光合速率(Amax)、表观量子效率(Φ)、最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)和量子产量(Y)。与对两种幼苗生长指标的影响相似,加氮和增温共同作用下油松幼苗的以上光合指标比在单独增温或施氮处理下有更大程度的提高;而联合作用下云杉幼苗叶绿素含量、净光合速率、最大净光合速率、表观量子效率、最大光能转化效率以及量子产量比单独施氮处理明显地降低。 增温和施氮都显著地降低了云杉和油松幼苗针叶组织中活性氧和丙二醛的积累。交互作用降低了云杉幼苗叶片的抗氧化酶活性、脯氨酸和ASA 的含量,却显著提高了油松幼苗SOD、POD、APX 等抗氧化酶的活性,并且对油松幼苗脯氨酸和ASA 积累的促进作用比单一因子更加明显。因此,增温和施氮共同作用下油松幼苗叶片中O2-产生速率、H2O2 及MDA 含量明显降低,而云杉叶片中只有O2-产生速率出现降低趋势。 增温和施氮都降低了云杉体内的P、Ca、Mg 元素的含量,增加了Cu、Zn、Mn 在各器官内的积累。对油松幼苗而言,增温和加氮单独作用也显著降低了Ca 含量增加了Cu、Zn、Mn 的积累,但是不同于云杉幼苗的是P、Mg 也显著增加。增温和施氮联合作用对云杉幼苗体内元素的影响与单一施氮处理或增温处理相似,不同的是比单一因子作用更为明显降低了P、Ca、Mg 含量,增加了植株中N、Cu、Zn、Mn 的含量,但是油松矿质元素含量在联合作用下并没有产生类似于云杉幼苗的双因子叠加效应。 总之,尽管单独增温或者施氮都有利于云杉和油松幼苗生长指标、光合能力以及抗氧化能力的提高。但是,增温和施氮对云杉幼苗生长生理的促进效应非但没有在交互作用下有更大的提高,反而低于单独氮处理。与此不同的是,增温和施氮联合作用比单因子作用更有利于油松幼苗生长及生理指标的提高。 With the continued increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (CO2、CH4、NOx), the mean global surface temperature has increased by about 0.74 ± 0.18℃ over the past century and is predicted to rise by as much as 6.4℃ during this century. Besides global warming, nitrogen deposition is another serious environmental problem caused by human activities, and high nitrogen load has become globalization as a result of global economy development. Global climate warming and nitrogen deposition have induced dramatic alternations in above - and below- ground biology and biogeochemistry process in terrestrial ecosystems, and more and more attention has been invited to those problems. This experiment mainly studies two important species Picea asperata and Pinus tabulaeformis in subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China. Infared heaters are induced to increase both air and soil temperature by 2.1℃ and 2.6 ℃, respectively. Ammonium nitrate solution (for a total equivalent to 25 g N m-2 year-1) is added to soil surface. There are four treatments in this study: (1) unwarmed unfertilized (UU); (2) unwarmed fertilized (UF); (3) warmed unfertilized (WU); (4) warmed fertilized (WF). This study is conducted to determine the influences of experimental warming and nitrogen fertilization on physiolchemistry, nutrition metabolism, growth and morphology in the two coniferous species seedlings. The current study is favorable for increasing our understanding on the early phase of regeneration behavior in subalpine coniferous forest, and it also provide scientific direction for forest management under future global changes. The results are as follows: Artificial warming alone significantly increased basal diameter, leaf mass, stem mass, root mass and total biomass for Picea asperata and Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, and single nitrogen fertilization are also favorable for growth of the two species and stimulate plant hight and total biomass. The two species seedlings respond differently to the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen addition. Warming combined with nitrogen fertilization weakens the positive effects of nitrogen addition for growth of Picea asperata seedlings. However, the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen fertilization further increase biomass accumulation of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. Both elevated temperature alone and nitrogen fertilization alone can increase photosynthetic pigments contents, net photosynthetic rate (A), maximum net photosynthetic rate (Amax), apparent quantity yield (Φ), maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and effective quantum yield (Y). Similarly with growth parameters, the combination of warming and nitrogen addition induced more increment of these above photosynthetic parameters for Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. However, these photosynthetic parameters of Picea asperata seedlings under the combination of warming and nitrogen addition are lower than those under nitrogen fertilization alone. The levels of active oxygen species (AOS) and malodiadehyde (MDA) in needles of the two coniferous species seedling are obviously decreased by experimental warming or additional nitrogen. Warming combined with nitrogen fertilizer reduces the activities of SOD, CAT and APX, and the contents of proline and ASA of Picea asperata seedlings, but the combination significantly increases activities of these antioxidant enzymes in needlels of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings and further improves the accumulation of proline and ASA compared to either artificial warming or nitrogen addition. Therefore, the rate of O2 - production, the contents of H2O2 and MDA in needles of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings are remarkably reduced by the combination of warming and nitrogen addition, but the combination only significantly decreased the rate of O2 - production of Picea asperata seedlings. Elevated temperature or nitrogen fertilization decrease the contents of P, Ca, Mg but increase Cu, Zn, Mn contents for Picea asperata seedlings. For Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, elevated temperature alone and nitrogen fertilization alone decreased Ca, but increased P, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn contents. The effects of the combination of warming and nitrogen addition on these element contents in needles of Picea asperata seedlings are added or multiplied the effects of warming and nitrogen addition alone, resulting in less contens of P, Ca, Mg and more contents of Cu, Zn, Mn than either elevated temperature or nitrogen fertilization. Howere, these adding or multipluing single-factor effects on contents of these elements are not observed in the case of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. In conclusion, growth parameters, photosynthetic capacities and antioxidant abilities of Picea tasperata and Pinus abulaeformis seedlings are improved by experimental warming or nitrogen fertilization. Interestingly, the positive effects of warming and nitrogen addition on growth and physiological performances are not multiplied by the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen fertilization, even dempened for Picea asperata seedlings. However, for Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, growth and physiological performances are further improved by the combination.


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Air and shallow soil temperature in forest site are important factors impacting carbon cycle and plant physiology of the ecosystem.It is an effective method to estimating these temperatures by the recordings at neighboring meteorological station.The estimations will fill the gap of micrometeorological measurements in forest area.An empirical model to estimate the air temperature in the crown and soil temperature at 5 and 20 cm depth in the mixed forest of broad_leaved and Korean_pine was established,according to the recordings at adjacent meteorological station.The effects of seasons and snow coverage were taken into account in model establishment.The results showed that estimations were well accordance with the measurements.


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Data on sleep-related behaviors were collected for a group of central Yunnan black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China from March 2005 to April 2006. Members of the group usually formed four sleeping units (adult male and juvenile, adult female with one semi-dependent black infant, adult female with one dependent yellow infant, and subadult male) spread over different sleeping trees. Individuals or units preferred specific areas to sleep; all sleeping sites were situated in primary forest, mostly (77%) between 2,200 and 2,400 m in elevation. They tended to sleep in the tallest and thickest trees with large crowns on steep slopes and near important food patches. Factors influencing sleeping site selection were (1) tree characteristics, (2) accessibility, and (3) easy escape. Few sleeping trees were used repeatedly by the same or other members of the group. The gibbons entered the sleeping trees on average 128 min before sunset and left the sleeping trees on average 33 min after sunrise. The lag between the first and last individual entering the trees was on average 17.8 min. We suggest that sleep-related behaviors are primarily adaptations to minimize the risk of being detected by predators. Sleeping trees may be chosen to make approach and attack difficult for the predator, and to provide an easy escape route in the dark. In response to cold temperatures in a higher habitat, gibbons usually sit and huddle together during the night, and in the cold season they tend to sleep on ferns and/or orchids.