348 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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The propagation behaviors, which include the carrier-envelope phase, the area evolution and the solitary pulse number of few-cycle pulses in a dense two-level medium, are investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking Lorentz local field correction (LFC) into account. Several novel features are found: the difference of the carrier-envelope phase between the cases with and without LFC can go up to pi at some location; although the area of ultrashort solitary pulses is lager than 2 pi, the area of the effective Rabi frequency, which equals to that the Rabi frequency pluses the product of the strength of the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction and the polarization, is consistent with the standard area theorem and keeps 2 pi; the large area pulse penetrating into the medium produces several solitary pulses as usual, but the number of solitary pulses changes at certain condition. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate the higher spectral component generations driven by a few-cycle laser pulse in a dense medium when a static electric field is present. Our results show that, when assisted by a static electric field, the dependence of the transmitted laser spectrum on the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) is significantly increased. Continuum and distinct peaks can be achieved by controlling the CEP of the few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse. Such a strong variation is due to the fact that the presence of the static electric field modifies the waveform of the combined electric field, which further affects the spectral distribution of the generated higher spectral components.


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The scaling law of photoionization in few-cycle laser pulses is verified in this paper. By means of numerical solution of time-dependent Schrodinger equation, the photoionization and the asymmetry degree of photoionization of atoms with different binding potential irradiated by various laser pulses are studied. We find that the effect of increasing pulse intensity is compensated by deepening the atomic binding potential. In order to keep the asymmetric photoionization unchanged, if the central frequency of the pulse is enlarged by k times, the atomic binding potential should also be enlarged by k times, and the laser intensity should be enlarged by k(3) times. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The nonlinear dynamics of 1.6-mu m fs laser pulses propagating in fused silica is investigated by employing a full-order dispersion model. Different from the x-wave generation in normally dispersive media, a few-cycle spatiotemporally compressed soliton wave is generated with the contrary contributions of anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) and self-phase-modulation. However, at the tailing edge of the pulse forms a shock wave which generates separate and strong supercontinuum peaked at 670 nm. It is also the origin of conical emission formed both in time and frequency domain with the contribution of normal GVD at visible light.


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The asymmetric photoionization of atoms irradiated by intense, few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The results show that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetric photoionization in three aspects. First, at higher intensities, the asymmetry becomes distinctive for few-cycle pulses of longer durations. Second, as the laser intensity increases, the maximal asymmetry first decreases then increases after it has reached a minimal value. Last, the value of the carrier-envelope phase corresponding to the maximal asymmetry varies with the pulse intensity. This study reveals that the increasing of pulse intensity is helpful for observing the asymmetric photoionization.


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Photoionization of hydrogen atoms in few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The total ionization probability, the. instantaneous ionization probability; and the partial ionization probabilities in a pair of opposite directions are obtained. The partial ionization probabilities are not always equal to each other which is termed as inversion asymmetry. The variation of asymmetry degree with the CE phase, the pulse duration and the pulse intensity is studied. It is found that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetry degree in many aspects. Firstly, the asymmetry is more distinct at higher intensities than that at lower intensities when the pulse duration exceeds 4 cycles; secondly, the maximal asymmetry in lower intensities varies with the CE phase visibly while at higher intensities riot; thirdly, the partial ionization probabilities equal to each other for some special CE phases. For lower pulse intensities, the corresponding value of CE phase is always 0.5 pi and 1.5 pi, while for higher pulse intensities, the corresponding value varies with the pulse intensity. Similar phenomena were observed in a recent experiment using few-cycle radio-frequency (RF) pulses.


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The photoionization of H atoms irradiated by few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The variations of the total ionization, the partial ionizations in opposite directions, and the corresponding asymmetry with the carrier-envelope phase in several pulse durations are obtained. We find that besides a stronger modulation on the partial ionizations, the change of pulse duration leads to a shift along carrier-envelope (CE) phase in the calculated signals. The phase shift arises from the nonlinear property of ionization and relates closely to the Coulomb attraction of the parent ion to the ionized electron. Our calculations show good agreement with the experimental observation under similar conditions.


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Using an unperturbed scattering theory, the characteristics of H atom photoionization are studied respectively by a linearly- and by a circularly- polarized one-cycle laser pulse sequence. The asymmetry for photoelectrons in two directions opposite to each other is investigated. It is found that the asymmetry degree varies with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase, laser intensity, as well as the kinetic energy of photoelectrons. For the linear polarization, the maximal ionization rate varies with the CE phase, and the asymmetry degree varies with the CE phase in a sine-like pattern. For the circular polarization, the maximal ionization rate keeps constant for various CE phases, but the variation of asymmetry degree is still in a sine-like pattern.


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Propagation of a few-cycle laser pulse in a V-type three-level system (fine structure levels of rubidium) is investigated numerically. The full three-level Maxwell-Bloch equations without the rotating wave approximation and the standing slowly varying envelope approximation are solved by using a finite-difference time-domain method. It is shown that, when the usual unequal oscillator strengths are considered, self-induced transparency cannot be recovered and higher spectral components can be produced even for small-area pulses. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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The brightness of a particular harmonic order is optimized for the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse by genetic algorithm. The influences of the chirp and initial phase of the excitation pulse on the harmonic spectra are discussed in terms of the semi-classical model including the propagation effects. The results indicate that the harmonic intensity and cutoff have strong dependence on the chirp of the laser pulse, but slightly on its initial phase. The high-order harmonics can be enhanced by the optimal laser pulse and its cutoff can be tuned by optimization of the chirp and initial phase of the laser pulse.


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A set of exact one-dimensional solutions to coupled nonlinear equations describing the propagation of a relativistic ultrashort circularly polarized laser pulse in a cold collisionless and bounded plasma where electrons have an initial velocity in the laser propagating direction is presented. The solutions investigated here are in the form of quickly moving envelop solitons at a propagation velocity comparable to the light speed. The features of solitons in both underdense and overdense plasmas with electrons having different given initial velocities in the laser propagating direction are described. It is found that the amplitude of solitons is larger and soliton width shorter in plasmas where electrons have a larger initial velocity. In overdense plasmas, soliton duration is shorter, the amplitude higher than that in underdense plasmas where electrons have the same initial velocity.


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The photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of atoms irradiated by one-cycle laser pulses satisfy a scaling law. The scaling law denotes that the main features of the PADs are determined by four dimensionless parameters: (1) the ponderomotive number u(p) = U-p/hw, the ponderomotive energy U-p in units of laser photon energy; (2) the binding number E-b = E-b/h(w), the atomic binding energy E-b in units of laser photon energy; (3) the number of absorbed photons q; (4) the carrier-envelope phase phi(0), the phase of the carrier wave with respect to the envelope. We verify the scaling law by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, compared to that in long-pulse case. A possible experimental test to verify the scaling law is suggested.