69 resultados para diurnal and nocturnal feeding


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Diurnal and seasonal variation of CO_2 flux above the Korean Pine and broad_leaved mixed forest in Changbai Mountain were expounded according to the measurements by eddy covariance technique. The results showed that the diurnal variation during growing season was closely correlated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The forest assimilated the CO_2 in daytime and released in night. The maximum uptake occurred about 9 o'clock of local time in clear day. Assimilation was synchronous to PAR in cloudy day. The night respiration increased with increasing of shallow soil temperature. The CO_2 flux also had obviously seasonal variation that was mainly controlled by temperature. Relationship between monthly net exchange of CO_2 and monthly mean air temperature fit cubic equation. Remarkable uptake occurred in blooming growing season,May to August,and weak respiration occurred in dormant season,October to March,and relatively big release happed in October. Assimilation and respiration were nearly balanced during the transition of growing and dormant seasons. The annual carbon uptake of the ecosystem was-184 gC·m -2 .


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应用稳定碳、氮同位素比值法和脂肪酸标志分析法,较为系统地研究了贝藻混养系统中滤食性贝类的食物来源,评估了大型藻类对混养系统及滤食性贝类的物质贡献。主要研究结果如下: 1.综述了典型生态系统中大型藻类和滤食性贝类各自的生态学地位和作用,大型藻类与滤食性贝类不仅在水体营养盐方面存在互利关系,二者在物质循环与收支方面同样具有耦合性,大型藻类提供的颗粒态有机质可以为滤食性贝类提供饵料来源。 2.总结了稳定同位素比值法和脂肪酸标志法在海洋生态系统食物来源及食物网分析中的应用,并建立了两种方法的具体操作规程。 3.分析了栉孔扇贝Chlamys farreri和海带Laminaria japonica混养系统中海带碎屑形成及释放不同阶段的生态学特征,评估了碎屑对扇贝的饵料贡献。海带在6周内释放了自身约27%的碳;碎屑形成及释放过程中C:N比值显著下降,同时伴随着旺盛的细菌降解,碎屑中也发现有大量硅藻类和原生动物存在。稳定同位素分析证实海带碎屑是混养期间扇贝的主要食物来源。 4.查明了春季胶州湾潮间带自然分布的长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas、紫贻贝Mytilus galloprovincialis和湾内浅海筏式养殖栉孔扇贝的可能食物来源。湾内栉孔扇贝饵料组成中浮游硅藻类为最主要部分,同时混杂有陆源有机质和细菌类物质;潮间带自然生长的牡蛎和贻贝饵料组成中,浮游植物占86.2-89.0%,种类组成中除硅藻外还包括一定比例的金藻和甲藻类;潮间带繁盛的孔石莼Ulva pertusa藻床为两种贝类提供了8.7-11.0%的补充食物来源。 5.揭示了桑沟湾贝藻混养海区春、夏季栉孔扇贝饵料来源组成情况及其季节变化,评估了海带养殖区碎屑碳量季节变化及海带来源碳对扇贝组织碳的贡献。结果表明,湾内贝藻混养区碎屑碳量为75.52-265.19 μg l-1,其在水体总颗粒态有机碳中的比例为25.6-73.8%。海带来源碎屑碳对栉孔扇贝组织碳的贡献比例为14.1-42.8%,且与水体碎屑碳比例的季节变化存在极显著相关性(F=0.992, P=0.004)。5月份湾外海带养殖区水体碎屑碳量为110.12-144.71 μg l-1,显著高于湾内无海带区(75.52 μg l-1),湾外养殖的扇贝组织中海带来源碳比例为22.0-24.1%,显著高于湾内单养区扇贝(9.6%)。估算结果表明,桑沟湾每年收获的6967吨(总湿重)栉孔扇贝中,海带提供了约57.1吨碳,换算为海带干物质为219.6吨。脂肪酸标志分析结果表明,2月份至8月份硅藻类在扇贝饵料组成中比例逐渐下降,而细菌类比例逐渐升高。整个采样期间,EPA/DHA比例较低,说明扇贝饵料组成中可能包括高DHA含量的组分。


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以奥利亚罗非鱼(Oreochromis aureus)为实验对象,设计了3种不同的摄食类型,分别是鲜活饵料组、饥饿3周后饱食投喂组和人工饲料组。鲜活饵料组投喂冰冻赤子爱胜蚓,利用蚯蚓体内丰富的营养成分和活性物质,以期获得奥利亚罗非鱼良好的生长状况;饥饿后饱食组是指饥饿3周后,以人工饲料饱食投喂2周,用于研究饥饿与补偿生长获得快速生长时血液理化指标的变化情况;人工饲料组作为对照组。纯淡水条件下养殖,水温25±2℃。测定了奥利亚罗非鱼在3种摄食类型饲喂下某些血液生理生化指标变化的情况,并将指标变化情况与增重率做相关性分析,试图找出能够反映奥利亚罗非鱼生长性能的血液生理生化指标。 研究结果表明,奥利亚罗非鱼在饥饿3周后获得了补偿生长,补偿生长时的增重率和特定生长率显著高于人工饲料组(P<0.05),高于鲜活饵料组,但差别不显著;相关性分析研究表明血清总蛋白、胆固醇、四碘甲状腺原氨酸(T4)与增重率极显著相关(P<0.01),血红蛋白显著相关(P<0.05),红细胞、白细胞、碱性磷酸酶高度相关(相关系数为0.580、0.551和0.557),因此,建议血清总蛋白、胆固醇和血红蛋白可作为能够反映罗非鱼生长性能的新指标。 根据序列设计引物,PCR反应条件:变性温度:95 ℃,3 min;退火温度:57℃,20 sec;延伸温度:72℃,5 min,共36个循环,从牙鲆、黑鲪和鲈鱼中克隆出胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-Ⅰ)部分序列,首次证实了IGF-Ⅰ在3种海水鱼中的存在。 利用蛋氨酸与ZnSO4•7H2O,在pH 5.5、80℃下,反应1小时,采用蛋氨酸与硫酸锌2:1的配料比,合成出了产物蛋氨酸螯合锌,蛋氨酸螯合锌外观白色,粉状,室温下微溶于水,不溶于乙醇,并用原子吸收光谱法测定其含锌量为15%,螯合率为88.2%。


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Grazing intensity may alter the soil respiration rate in grassland ecosystems. The objectives of our study were to (1) determine the influence of grazing intensity on temporal variations in soil respiration of an alpine meadow on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau; and (2) characterise, the temperature response of soil respiration under different grazing intensities. Diurnal and seasonal soil respiration rates were measured for two alpine meadow sites with different grazing intensities. The light grazing (LG) meadow site had a grazing intensity of 2.55 sheep ha(-1), while the grazing intensity of the heavy grazing (HG) meadow site, 5.35 sheep ha(-1), was approximately twice that of the LG site. Soil respiration measurements - showed that CO2 efflux was almost twice as great at the LG site as at the HG site during the growing season, but the diurnal and seasonal patterns of soil respiration rate were similar for the two sites. Both exhibited the highest annual soil respiration rate in mid-August and the lowest in January. Soil respiration rate was highly dependent on soil temperature. The Q(10) value for annual soil respiration was lower for the HG site (2.75) than for the LG site (3.22). Estimates of net ecosystem CO2 exchange from monthly measurements of biomass and soil respiration revealed that during the period from May 1998 to April 1999, the LG site released 2040 g CO2 m(-2) y(-1) to the atmosphere, which was about one third more than the 1530g CO2 m(-2) y(-1) released at the HG site. The results suggest that (1) grazing intensity alters not only soil respiration rate, but also the temperature dependence of soil CO2 efflux; and (2) soil temperature is the major environmental factor controlling the temporal variation of soil respiration rate in the alpine meadow ecosystem. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Glass eels of the temperate anguillid species, Anguilla japonica, clearly showed a nocturnal activity rhythm under laboratory conditions. Light-dark cycle was a determinant factor affecting their photonegative behavior, nocturnal locomotor activity, and feeding behavior. Under natural light conditions, glass eels remained in shelters with little daytime feeding, but came out to forage during darkness. They moved and foraged actively in the following dark, and then their activity gradually declined possibly because of food satiation. They finally buried in the sand or stayed in tubes immediately after the lights came on. Under constant light, glass eels often came out of the shelters to forage in the lights but spent little time moving outside the shelters (e.g. swimming or crawling on the sand). Glass eels took shelter to avoid light and preferred tubes to sand for shelter possibly because tubes were much easier for them to take refuge in than sand. Feeding and locomotor activities of the glass eels were nocturnal and well synchronized. They appeared to depend on olfaction rather than vision to detect and capture prey in darkness. Feeding was the driving force for glass eels to come out of sand under constant light. However, in the dark, some glass eels swam or crept actively on sand even when they were fully fed. The lunar cycles of activity rhythms of glass eels that have been observed in some estuarine areas were not detected under these laboratory conditions.


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A preliminary study was carried out to investigate diurnal changes of behavior of three, one adult mate, one adult female, and one juvenile female, Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) in captivity. The respiration and behavior of the porpoises were recorded for 222 hr across 42 days. Behavioral data were recorded for eight general categories: aerial display and fast swimming, begging for fish, playing, nonsexual socializing, sexual behavior, resting, rubbing, and miscellaneous (i.e., other behaviors not included in the above categories). Each behavioral category was scored using one-zero sampling with 10-min intervals. The adult male showed shorter mean respiratory intervals at night (19:00-7:00 h), whereas the mean respiratory intervals of the females were shorter during the day (7:00-19:00 h). Begging for fish of all individuals, playing of the juvenile female, nonsexual socializing, and miscellaneous behavior of the adult female and resting of the male were observed more easily in the day, and aerial display and fast swimming of the adults and resting of the females were observed more easily at night. No significant diurnal difference was found, however, in the remaining categories of each individual. Each of the three porpoises therefore showed a distinct diurnal pattern, but none was obviously more active in the daytime than during the nighttime. Results suggest that daytime-only feeding schedules may be insufficient to meet the energetic needs of marine mammals that show a 24-hr activity cycle, and that nighttime feeding may be a worthwhile addition to husbandry routines.


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The growth and activity of juvenile Japanese eels Anguilla Japonica in different pigmentation stages from the glass eel to the elver stage were studied in the laboratory at 15, 20 and 25degrees C. The growth and activity of the eels were significantly influenced by both temperature and fish size. Growth rate generally declined with increasing fish size, and fish were least active and experienced a low growth during the pigmenting stage at all temperatures. They were nocturnal and spent significantly more time moving (swimming, feeding and moving over the substratum) at 20 and 25degrees C than at 15degrees C at night within each pigmentation stage. Accordingly, they grew significantly Faster at 20 and 25degrees C than at 15degrees C throughout the study. The development of pigmentation appeared to be dependant on water temperature but not on fish size. This study suggested that the growth and activity of juvenile Japanese eels were positively correlated, because fish were least active and grew slowest at low temperature (15degrees C) or during the pigmenting stage at all temperatures. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.