53 resultados para complexity in spatiotemporal evolution


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Spatiotemporal instabilities in nonlinear Kerr media with arbitrary higher-order dispersions are studied by use of standard linear-stability analysis. A generic expression for instability growth rate that unifies and expands on previous results for temporal, spatial, and spatiotemporal instabilities is obtained. It is shown that all odd-order dispersions contribute nothing to instability, whereas all even-order dispersions not only affect the conventional instability regions but may also lead to the appearance of new instability regions. The role of fourth-order dispersion in spatiotemporal instabilities is studied exemplificatively to demonstrate the generic results. Numerical simulations confirm the obtained analytic results. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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核核糖体DNA(nrDNA)已被作为一个重要的标记,用于推断很多分类等级上的系统发育关系。相对于在被子植物中的快速致同进化,nrDNA在裸子植物中的致同进化速率低,且ITS和5S-NTS区有着较大的长度变异,这种现象在松科植物中尤为明显。在本研究中,我们克隆并测定了银杉属的5S rDNA以及冷杉属、银杉属、雪松属、油杉属、长苞铁杉属、金钱松属与铁杉属的ITS序列。基于获得的新数据,再结合前人报导的其它属的数据,我们探讨了如下四个问题: (1)松科 nrDNA ITS1 亚重复单位的组成、分布及进化;(2)ITS1区的长度变异与亚重复单位数目的关系以及它们的系统学意义;(3)松科ITS1的二级结构特征;(4)银杉5S rDNA编码区及非转录间隔区的结构特征。主要研究结果如下: 1. ITS区的序列分析ITS区的克隆及序列分析发现:(1) 松科ITS1的长度变异范围为 944-3271 bp, 这是目前已报导的真核生物中属间ITS变异最大的类群之一;(2) 所有松科植物的ITS区域都包含亚重复单位,亚重复单位的数目从2到9,并且这些亚重复单位可分为两种类型,即不含保守核心序列(5’-GGCCACCCTAGTC ) 的长亚重复单位(LSR)和含上述保守核心序列的短亚重复单位(SSR);(3) ITS1区的巨大长度变异主要归因于亚重复单位的数量变异; (4) ITS1区的GC含量与 它的序列长度和亚重复单位的数目有一定关系,并能够提供一些系统发育信息,特别是支持云杉属、松属和银杉属三者具有很近的亲缘关系。 2. ITS1亚重复单位的系统发育分析为了研究亚重复单位的进化关系,我们用最大似然法和最大简约法构建了松科ITS1亚重复单位的系统发育树。结果表明:(1)在ML和MP树中可发现有共同的五个分支; (2) 银杉比松科其它属拥有更多的SSR,且该属的所有9个SSR在系统树中构成一个单系支,表明它们是在银杉属内发生重复的;(3)一些SSR在属间和种间具有同源性,可为nrDNA ITS 的进化历史以及松科的系统发育 研究提供重要信息;(4)亚重复单位的多次重复以及伴随的重组可能是导致LSR 和SSR在松科不同属中分布式样不同的原因。 3. 松科ITS1的二级结构 用 Mfold 3.2 软件对松科所有11个属的ITS1区进行了二级结构预测,共获得了563个最低自由能折叠。结合以前关于松科二级结构的报导,我们分析的结果表明:(1) 松科ITS1的二级结构主要由几个延展的发夹结构组成;(2) 构象的复杂性与亚重复的数目呈正相关;(3)配对的亚重复单位通常在保守核心区(5’-GGCCACCCTAGTC ) 处有部分重叠,并且构成一个长茎,而其它的亚重复单位通常会自身折叠,且保守核心区的部分出现在发夹结构的环中。 4. 银杉5S rDNA 序列分析 我们对来自银杉不同群体的3个个体的5S rDNA进行了克隆,共获得 45 条序列,分析结果表明:(1) 绝大多数银杉5S rDNA编码区长度为120 bp, 以GGG 开头,以CTC结尾,编码区出现的碱基替代主要为转换;(2) 银杉与其它裸子植物相比,5S rDNA基因编码区具很高的相似性(90-99%); (3)间隔区含有一个poly-C和一个poly-T结构、两个TC丰富区以及五个GC丰富区。根据长度和序列特征,银杉的5S rDNA间隔区可分为三种类型:Type A 长751-764 bp,Type B 长770-807 bp (含一个32 bp的插入),Type C 长581-594 bp; (5)长间隔区(Type A,Type B )中含有两个148-175 bp的串联亚重复单位,该亚重复单位与短间隔区(Type C )中的一段143 bp的序列具有较高的相似性(56.0-66.8%)。 5. 银杉5S rRNA的二级结构 Mfold 3.2 预测结果表明:(1)银杉5S rRNA二级结构包括5个双螺旋区(干区)(Ⅰ-Ⅴ)、2个发夹结构环区(C和D)、3个中间环区(B1、B2 和 E)和1个铰链区(A), 铰链区为三个双螺旋的结合处;(2) 二级结构中的环区通常比双螺旋区更加保守;(3)在5个双螺旋中,I 和 IV 区有较高的碱基替代率。


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Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.


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Pancreatic RNase genes implicated in the adaptation of the colobine monkeys to leaf eating have long intrigued evolutionary biologists since the identification of a duplicated RNASE1 gene with enhanced digestive efficiencies in Pygathrix nemaeus. The recent emergence of two contrasting hypotheses, that is, independent duplication and one-duplication event hypotheses, make it into focus again. Current understanding of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution of colobine monkeys largely depends on the analyses of few colobine species. The present study with more intensive taxonomic and character sampling not only provides a clearer picture of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution but also allows to have a more thorough understanding about the molecular basis underlying the adaptation of Colobinae to the unique leaf-feeding lifestyle. The present broader and detailed phylogenetic analyses yielded two important findings: 1) All trees based on the analyses of coding, noncoding, and both regions provided consistent evidence, indicating RNASE1 duplication occurred after Asian and African colobines speciation, that is, independent duplication hypothesis; 2) No obvious evidence of gene conversion in RNASE1 gene was found, favoring independent evolution of Colobine RNASE1 gene duplicates. The conclusion drawn from previous studies that gene conversion has played a significant role in the evolution of Colobine RNASE1 was not supported. Our selective constraint analyses also provided interesting insights, with significant evidence of positive selection detected on ancestor lineages leading to duplicated gene copies. The identification of a handful of new adaptive sites and amino acid changes that have not been characterized previously also provide a necessary foundation for further experimental investigations of RNASE1 functional evolution in Colobinae.


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Specific interactions among biomolecules drive virtually all cellular functions and underlie phenotypic complexity and diversity. Biomolecules are not isolated particles, but are elements of integrated interaction networks, and play their roles through specific interactions. Simultaneous emergence or loss of multiple interacting partners is unlikely. If one of the interacting partners is lost, then what are the evolutionary consequences for the retained partner? Taking advantages of the availability of the large number of mammalian genome sequences and knowledge of phylogenetic relationships of the species, we examined the evolutionary fate of the motilin (MLN) hormone gene, after the pseudogenization of its specific receptor, MLN receptor (MLNR), on the rodent lineage. We speculate that the MLNR gene became a pseudogene before the divergence of the squirrel and other rodents about 75 mya. The evolutionary consequences for the MLN gene were diverse. While an intact open reading frame for the MLN gene, which appears functional, was preserved in the kangaroo rat, the MLN gene became inactivated independently on the lineages leading to the guinea pig and the common ancestor of the mouse and rat. Gain and loss of specific interactions among biomolecules through the birth and death of genes for biomolecules point to a general evolutionary dynamic: gene birth and death are widespread phenomena in genome evolution, at the genetic level; thus, once mutations arise, a stepwise process of elaboration and optimization ensues, which gradually integrates and orders mutations into a coherent pattern.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether rDNA of Giardia lamblia forms a nucleolus organizer region (NOR)-like structure and is in a very primitive state. STUDY DESIGN: G lamblia was used as the experimental animal, with Euglena gracilis as the control. The distribution was demonstrated indirectly by the modified Ag-I silver technique, which can specifically indicate the NOR under both light and electron microscopes. RESULTS: In the ultrathin sections of silver-stained Euglena cells, all the silver grains were concentrated in the fibrosa of the nucleolus, while no grains found in the cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, condensed chromosomes or pars granulosa of the nucleus. In the silver-stained Giardia cells, no nucleolus was found; a few silver grains were scattered in the nucleus but were not concentrated in any specific region. CONCLUSION: The distribution of silver grains in G lamblia showed that the transcription of rDNA occurs inside the nucleus, though no nucleolus is present. It is possible that chromosomes are in a very primitive state in diplomonad cells; as each chromosome has few prRNA genes, the transcription is independent of a nucleolus. These results imply that the rDNA of Giardia does not form a NOR-like structure and seems to represent a very primitive state in the evolution of the nucleolus.


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To investigate germline development and germ cell specification, we identified a Dazl homolog (CagDazl) from gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Its cDNA sequence and BAC clone sequence analyses revealed the genomic organization conservation and conserved synteny of the Dazl family members and their neighborhood genes among vertebrates, especially in fish. Moreover, a polyclonal antibody specific to CagDazl was produced and used to examine its expression and distribution throughout germline development at protein level. Firstly, ovary-specific expression pattern of CagDazl was confirmed in adult tissues by RT-PCR and Western blot. In addition, in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence localization demonstrated its specific expression in germ cells, and both its transcript and protein were localized to germ plasm. Then, co-localization of CagDazl and mitochondrial cloud was found, confirming that CagDazl transcript and its protein are germ plasm component and move via METRO pathway during oogenesis. Furthermore, the CagDazl is abundant and continuous throughout germline development and germ cell specification including primordial germ cell (PGC) formation, oogonium differentiation, oocyte development, and embryogenesis, and the dynamic distribution occurs at different development stages. The data suggest that maternal CagDazl might play an important role in gibel carp PGC formation. Therefore, CagDazl is a useful and specific marker for tracing germ plasm and germ cell development in the gynogenetic gibel carp. In addition, in comparison with previous studies in sexual reproduction species, the continuous and dynamic distribution of CagDazl protein in the germ plasm throughout the life cycle seems to have significant implication in sex evolution of vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Deu. Euol.) 312B:855-871, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Gene and genomic duplications are very important and frequent events in fish evolution, and the divergence of duplicated genes in sequences and functions is a focus of research on gene evolution. Here, we report the identification and characterization of three duplicated Spindlin (Spin) genes from medaka (Oryzias latipes): OlSpinA, OlSpinB, and OlSpinC. Molecular cloning, genomic DNA Blast analysis and phylogenetic relationship analysis demonstrated that the three duplicated OlSpin genes should belong to gene duplication. Furthermore, Western blot analysis revealed significant expression differences of the three OlSpins among different tissues and during embryogenesis in medaka, and suggested that sequence and functional divergence might have occurred in evolution among them. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Current concepts of the role of interspecific interactions in communities have been shaped by a profusion of experimental studies of interspecific competition over the past few decades. Evidence for the importance of positive interactions — facilitations — in community organization and dynamics has accrued to the point where it warrants formal inclusion into community ecology theory, as it has been in evolutionary biology.


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The free living conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda was treated with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine to induce pigmentation mutants. The artificial green pigmentation mutant of P. yezoensis conchocelis, which was composed entirely of green cells, was isolated through visualization with the unaided eye. The acquired green conchocelis was further developed into a green gametophytic blade. This mutant was relatively stable in color in both gametophytic blade and conchocelis phases. The gametophytic blade mutant was successively cultivated for commerce at some Porphyra farms in Rudong, China, and few wild type or sectorially variegated gametophytic blade occurred, indicating that the green mutant has commercial value. The green mutant was characterized as having lower phycoerythrin and higher phycocyanin content, and SDS-PAGE suggested that phycoerythrin was missing the gamma-subunit in comparison to the wild type. The wild type and the green mutant showed a clear difference in 02 evolution rates in white, green, yellow, and red light, which might be due to the qualitative and quantitative changes of phycoerythrin, and the quantitative difference of phycocyanin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Karyotype and chromosomal location of the major ribosomal RNA genes were studied in the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Metaphase chromosomes were obtained from early embryos. Internal transcribed spacers (ITS) between major RNA genes were amplified and used as FISH probes. The probes were labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP by polymerase chain reaction and detected with fluorescein-labeled anti-digoxigenin antibodies. FISH with the ITS probes produced two to four signals per nucleus or metaphase. M. mercenaria had a haploid number of 19 chromosomes with a karyotype of seven metacentric, four metacentric or submetacentric, seven submetacentric, and one submetacentric or subtelocentric chromosomes (7M + 4M/SM + 7SM + 1SM/ST). Two ITS loci were observed: one located near the centromere on the long arm of Chromosome 10 and the other at the telomere of the short arm of Chromosome 12. FISH signals on Chromosome 10 are strong and consistent, while signals on Chromosome 12 are variable. This study provides the first karyotype and chromosomal assignment of the major RNA genes in M. mercenaria. Similar studies in a wide range of species are needed to understand the role of chromosomal changes in bivalve evolution.


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As an important part of petroleum exploration areas in the west of China, the north part of Qaidam basin is very promising in making great progress for petroleum discovery. But there are still many obstacles to overcome in understanding the process of petroleum formation and evaluation of oil & gas potential because of the complexity of geological evolution in the study area. Based upon the petroleum system theory, the process of petroleum formation is analyzed and the potential of oil & gas is evaluated in different petroleum systems by means of the modeling approach. The geological background for the formation of petroleum systems and the consisting elements of petroleum systems are described in detail. The thickness of strata eroded is estimated by means of vitrinite reflectance modeling, compaction parameter calculating and thickness extrapolating. The buried histories are reconstructed using the transient compaction model, which combines of forward and reverse modeling. The geo-history evolution consists of four stages - sedimentation in different rates with different areas and slow subsidence during Jurassic, uplifting and erosion during Cretaceous, fast subsidence during the early and middle periods of Tertiary, subsidence and uplifting in alternation during the late period of Tertiary and Quaternary. The thermal gradients in the study area are from 2.0 ℃/100m to 2.6 ℃/100m, and the average of heat flow is 50.6 mW/m~2. From the vitrinite reflectance and apatite fission track data, a new approach based up Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for thermal history reconstruction is presented and used to estimate the plaeo-heat flow. The results of modeling show that the heat flow decreased and the basin got cooler from Jurassic to now. Oil generation from kerogens, gas generation from kerogens and gas cracked from oil are modeled by kinetic models. The kinetic parameters are calculated from the data obtained from laboratory experiments. The evolution of source rock maturation is modeled by means of Easy %Ro method. With the reconstruction of geo-histories and thermal histories and hydrocarbon generation, the oil and gas generation intensities for lower and middle Jurassic source rocks in different time are calculated. The results suggest that the source rocks got into maturation during the time of Xiaganchaigou sedimentation. The oil & gas generation centers for lower Jurassic source rocks locate in Yikeyawuru sag, Kunteyi sag and Eboliang area. The centers of generation for middle Jurassic source rocks locate in Saishenteng faulted sag and Yuka faulted sag. With the evidence of bio-markers and isotopes of carbonates, the oil or gas in Lenghusihao, Lenghuwuhao, Nanbaxian and Mahai oilfields is from lower Jurassic source rocks, and the oil or gas in Yuka is from middle Jurassic source rocks. Based up the results of the modeling, the distribution of source rocks and occurrence of oil and gas, there should be two petroleum systems in the study area. The key moments for these two petroleum, J_1-R(!) and J_2-J_3, are at the stages of Xiaganchaigou-Shangyoushashan sedimentation and Xiayoushashan-Shizigou sedimentation. With the kinetic midels for oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and oil cracked to gas, the amount of oil and gas generated at different time in the two petroleum systems is calculated. The cumulative amount of oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and gas cracked from oil is 409.78 * 10~8t, 360518.40 * 10~8m~3, and 186.50 * 10~8t in J_1-R(!). The amount of oil and gas generated for accumulation is 223.28 * 10~8t and 606692.99 * 10~8m~3 in J_1-R(!). The cumulative amount of oil generated from kerogen, gas generated from kerogen and gas cracked from oil is 29.05 * 10~8t, 23025.29 * 10~8m~3 and 14.42 * 10~8t in J_2-J_3 (!). The amount of oil and gas generated for accumulation is 14.63 * 10~8t and 42055.44 * 10~8m~3 in J_2-J_3 (!). The total oil and gas potential is 9.52 * 10~8t and 1946.25 * 10~8m~3.


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Here we attempt to characterize protein evolution by residue features which dominate residue substitution in homologous proteins. Evolutionary information contained in residue substitution matrix is abstracted with the method of eigenvalue decomposition. Top eigenvectors in the eigenvalue spectrums are analyzed as function of the level of similarity, i.e. sequence identity (SI) between homologous proteins. It is found that hydrophobicity and volume are two significant residue features conserved in protein evolution. There is a transition point at SI approximate to 45%. Residue hydrophobicity is a feature governing residue substitution as SI >= 45%. Whereas below this SI level, residue volume is a dominant feature. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.


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Adaptation is one of the most fundamental issues in the studies of organismal evolution. Pancreatic ribonuclease is a very important digestive enzyme and secreted by the pancreas. Numerous studies have suggested that RNASE1 gene duplication is closely related to the functional adaptation of the digestive system in the intestinal fermentation herbivores. RNASE1 gene thus becomes one of the most important candidate genetic markers to study the molecular mechanism of adaptation of organisms to the feeding habit. Interestingly, RNASE1 gene duplication has also been found in some non-intestinal fermentation mammals, suggesting that RNASE1 gene may have produced novel tissue specificity or functions in these species. In this review, RNASE1 gene and its implications in adaptive evolution, especially in association with the feeding habit of organisms, are summarized.