47 resultados para certificate signatures


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Trophic patterns of omnivorous freshwater shrimps, Exopalaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis, were investigated in two shallow eutrophic lakes by using stable isotope analysis. delta N-15 and delta C-13 of M. nipponensis and E. modestus increased with increasing body weight, which might be attributed to larger individuals ingesting organisms that feed higher up the food chain and/or increased assimilation of benthic food items with enriched isotopic signatures. Of the freshwater shrimps occurring in the studied lakes, those from Lake Taihu had significantly elevated delta N-15 and delta C-13 values (4.3% and 1.8%, respectively) compared with those from the less eutrophic Lake Chaohu, indicating that the isotopic signature might partially reflect the trophic states of their habitats. Mixing model results suggested that the benthic food web provides the primary carbon source for both shrimp species, and that E. modestus assimilated relatively more pelagic food sources than M. nipponensis in these lakes.


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Temporal and spatial changes in delta(13) C and delta 15 N of particulate organic matter (POM) and Hemiculter leucisculus were studied in the Yangtze River of China. Isotopic signatures of POM showed seasonal variations, which was assumed to be associated with allochthonous organic input and autochthonous phytoplankton growth. delta C-13 of H. leucisculus was 1.1 % higher than that of POM, which suggested that the food source of H. leucisculus was mostly from the POM. A mass balance model indicated the trophic position of H. leucisculus in the food web of Yangtze River was estimated to be 2.0 - 2.1, indicating that this fish mainly feeds on planktonic organic matter, which agreed with previous gut content analysis.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis was used to investigate the host-parasite trophic relationship between the parasitic isopod Ichthyoxenus japonensis and one of its freshwater fish host Carassius auratus auratus from Lake Fuxian, China. No significant differences in delta C-13 and delta N-15 were observed between the heterosexual pairs of I. japonensis in the same host. delta C-13 and delta N-15 of I. japonensis were significantly lower than those of its host fish, and the isotopic ratios of the isopod increased with the increase of host fish isotopic signatures. Unlike isotopic fractionation patterns generally observed among consumers and their diets, isopod parasite was delta C-13 and N-15 depleted relative to the muscle tissue of this host fish. Differential isotopic fractionation patterns in the isopod parasite and the fish may be attributed to differences in parasite and host metabolism.


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We report the cloning of a novel antimicrobial peptide gene, termed rtCATH_1, found in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The predicted 216-residue rtCATH_1 prepropeptide consists of three domains: a 22-residue signal peptide, a 128-residue cathelin-like region containing two identifiable cathelicidin family signatures, and a predicted 66-residue C-terminal cationic antimicrobial peptide. This predicted mature peptide was unique in possessing features of different known (mammalian) cathelicidin subgroups, such as the cysteine-bridged family and the specific amino-acid-rich family. The rtCATH_1 gene comprises four exons, as seen in all known mammalian cathelicidin genes, and several transcription factor binding sites known to be of relevance to host defenses were identified in the 5' flanking region. By Northern blot analysis, the expression of rtCATH_1 was detected in gill, head kidney, and spleen of bacterially challenged fish. Primary cultures of head kidney leukocytes from rainbow trout stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or poly(I (.) C) also expressed riCATH_1. A 36-residue peptide corresponding to the core part of the fish cathelicidin was chemically synthesized and shown to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity and a low hemolytic effect. Thus, rtCATH_1 represents a novel antimicrobial peptide gene belonging to the cathelicidin family and may play an important role in the innate immunity of rainbow trout.


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CA(certificate authority)是PKI中的关键设施.CA的私有密钥一旦泄露,该CA签发的所有证书就只能全部作废.保护在线服务CA的私钥也就成为一个非常重要的课题.不是从保护系统或检测入侵出发来保证CA的安全,而是确保当少数部件被攻击或占领后,CA系统的机密信息并没有暴露.通过将私钥分发给不同的部件,并保证任何一个在线的部件无法恢复CA的私钥,从而保护了CA私钥的保密性.


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简要介绍了欧洲 NESSIE( new European schemes for signatures,integrity,and encryption)大计划最近公布的 17个分组密码算法的基本设计思想、最新分析结果及其有效性 .


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IEEE Computer Society


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NESSIE(New European Schemes for Signatures,Integrity,and Encryption)是一个为时三年的密码大计划,它的主要目的是为了推出一系列安全的密码模块,另一个目的是保持欧洲在密码研究领域的领先地位并增强密码在欧洲工业中的作用。它的整个运作过程是公开透明的,2000年3月公布了征集通告,2000年11月13~14日,召开第一次NESSIE会议,并公布征集到的所有算法。NESSIE共征集17个分组密码算法,经过一年多的评估,在今年9月12~13日召开的第二次NESSIE会议上,NESSIE公布了评选出的7个算法:IDEA,Khazad,MISTY1,SAFER++,Camellia,RC6,SHACAL,它们将作为NESSIE计划下一阶段重点评估的对象。NEESIE预计将在明年秋季召开第三次会议,届时将宣布最后的评选结果。本文简要介绍NESSIE的评估原则,阐述NESSIE对各个候选算法的取舍原因,同时列出算法设计者和公众对各个算法的分析情况。


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随着微电子器件复杂度的提高,空间辐射对于计算机程序的正确性影响正越来越明显。一般情况下,这些影响并不是永久的,而是瞬时故障。无论是太空中的信息处理系统、嵌入式实时控制系统,还是计算机集群、高性能超级计算机都可能由于错误的输出而导致灾难性的后果。 传统的可靠性系统采用抗辐射部件和冗余的硬件来达到可靠性的要求,但是其价格昂贵,性能落后于今天的商用部件(COTS)。针对COTS在容错能力上存在的不足,软件容错技术可以在不改变硬件结构的情况下,有效的提高计算机系统的可靠性。 瞬时故障在软件层面上主要表现为控制流错误和数据流错误,本文主要针对控制流错误进行容错处理。软件实现的控制流容错技术通过在编译时加入冗余的容错逻辑,在程序执行时进行控制流错误的检测和处理。 如何在保证容错能力的同时,尽量降低冗余逻辑所带来的系统开销,是控制流容错需要解决的主要问题。本文从控制流错误的基本概念,容错单元的选择,签名信息的建立,签名点和检测点的插入位置几个角度对控制流容错进行研究,主要内容有: 1.对常见的控制流容错方法进行了分析比较,对其优点和不足予以说明。 2.对控制流错误进行了分类,以此为基础,提出了基于相关前驱基本块的控制流容错方法(CFCLRB)。 3.提出了一种签名流模型,提出了基于签名流模型的控制流容错方法(CFCSF)。该方法能够对基本块间控制流错误进行检测,具有较低的时间开销、空间开销和较高的错误覆盖率。同时,该方法可以根据容错尺度的要求,灵活的插入和删除签名点与检测点,具有极强的扩展性。该方法还可以应对动态函数指针这种编译时难以确定的控制流情况。 4.基于汇编指令对上述方法予以实现,并实现了国际上常用的控制流容错方法Control Flow Checking by Software Signatures(CFCSS)和Control-flow Error Detection through Assertions(CEDA)做为对比。通过加入冗余的指令逻辑,完成了对原程序的容错功能。 5.基于PIN工具实现了对控制流错误的注入,在相同的实验环境下对CFCLRB ,CFCSF,CFCSS,CEDA进行了对比实验。实验表明, CFCLRB的时间开销为26.9%,空间开销为27.6%,相比不具容错能力的原程序,其错误覆盖率从66.50%提升到97.32%。CFCSF的时间开销为14.7%,空间开销为22.1%,相比不具容错能力的原程序,其错误覆盖率从66.50%提升到96.79%。相比CFCSS,该方法的时间开销从37.2%下降到14.7%,空间开销从31.2%下降到22.1%,错误覆盖率从95.16%提升到96.79%。相比CEDA,该方法的时间开销从26.9%下降到14.7%,空间开销从27.1%下降到22.1%,错误覆盖率仅从97.39%下降到96.79%。 最后,本文对控制流容错的未来研究方向进行了展望。


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Background: Flying lemurs or Colugos (order Dermoptera) represent an ancient mammalian lineage that contains only two extant species. Although molecular evidence strongly supports that the orders Dermoptera, Scandentia, Lagomorpha, Rodentia and Primates form a superordinal clade called Supraprimates (or Euarchontoglires), the phylogenetic placement of Dermoptera within Supraprimates remains ambiguous. Results: To search for cytogenetic signatures that could help to clarify the evolutionary affinities within this superordinal group, we have established a genome-wide comparative map between human and the Malayan flying lemur (Galeopterus variegatus) by reciprocal chromosome painting using both human and G. variegatus chromosome-specific probes. The 22 human autosomal paints and the X chromosome paint defined 44 homologous segments in the G. variegatus genome. A putative inversion on GVA 11 was revealed by the hybridization patterns of human chromosome probes 16 and 19. Fifteen associations of human chromosome segments (HSA) were detected in the G. variegatus genome: HSA1/3, 1/10, 2/21, 3/ 21, 4/8, 4/18, 7/15, 7/16, 7/19, 10/16, 12/22 (twice), 14/15, 16/19 (twice). Reverse painting of G. variegatus chromosome-specific paints onto human chromosomes confirmed the above results, and defined the origin of the homologous human chromosomal segments in these associations. In total, G. variegatus paints revealed 49 homologous chromosomal segments in the HSA genome. Conclusion: Comparative analysis of our map with published maps from representative species of other placental orders, including Scandentia, Primates, Lagomorpha and Rodentia, suggests a signature rearrangement (HSA2q/21 association) that links Scandentia and Dermoptera to one sister clade. Our results thus provide new evidence for the hypothesis that Scandentia and Dermoptera have a closer phylogenetic relationship to each other than either of them has to Primates.


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Balance functions have been measured for charged-particle pairs, identified charged-pion pairs, and identified charged-kaon pairs in Au + Au, d + Au, and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using the STAR detector. These balance functions are presented in terms of relative pseudorapidity, Delta eta, relative rapidity, Delta y, relative azimuthal angle, Delta phi, and invariant relative momentum, q(inv). For charged-particle pairs, the width of the balance function in terms of Delta eta scales smoothly with the number of participating nucleons, while HIJING and UrQMD model calculations show no dependence on centrality or system size. For charged-particle and charged-pion pairs, the balance functions widths in terms of Delta eta and Delta y are narrower in central Au + Au collisions than in peripheral collisions. The width for central collisions is consistent with thermal blast-wave models where the balancing charges are highly correlated in coordinate space at breakup. This strong correlation might be explained by either delayed hadronization or limited diffusion during the reaction. Furthermore, the narrowing trend is consistent with the lower kinetic temperatures inherent to more central collisions. In contrast, the width of the balance function for charged-kaon pairs in terms of Delta y shows little centrality dependence, which may signal a different production mechanism for kaons. The widths of the balance functions for charged pions and kaons in terms of q(inv) narrow in central collisions compared to peripheral collisions, which may be driven by the change in the kinetic temperature.


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We measured delta C-13 of CO2, CH4, and acetate-methyl in profundal sediment of eutrophic Lake Dagow by incubation experiments in the presence and absence of methanogenic inhibitors chloroform, bromoethane sulfonate (BES), and methyl fluoride, which have different specificities. Methyl fluoride predominantly inhibits acetoclastic methanogenesis and affects hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis relatively little. Optimization of methyl fluoride concentrations resulted in complete inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis. Methane was then exclusively produced by hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis and thus allowed determination of the fractionation factors specific for this methanogenic pathway. Acetate, which was then no longer consumed, accumulated and allowed determination of the isotopic signatures of the fermentatively produced acetate. BES and chloroform also inhibited CH4 production and resulted in accumulation of acetate. The fractionation factor for hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis exhibited variability, e. g., it changed with sediment depth. The delta C-13 of the methyl group of the accumulated acetate was similar to the delta C-13 of sedimentary organic carbon, while that of the carboxyl group was by about 12 parts per thousand higher. However, the delta C-13 of the acetate was by about 5 parts per thousand lower in samples with uninhibited compared with inhibited acetoclastic methanogenesis, indicating unusual isotopic fractionation. The isotope data were used for calculation of the relative contribution of hydrogenotrophic vs. acetoclastic methanogenesis to total CH4 production. Contribution of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis increased with sediment depth from about 35% to 60%, indicating that organic matter was only partially oxidized in deeper sediment layers.


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The convolution between co-polarization amplitude only data is studied to improve ship detection performance. The different statistical behaviors of ships and surrounding ocean are characterized a by two-dimensional convolution function (2D-CF) between different polarization channels. The convolution value of the ocean decreases relative to initial data, while that of ships increases. Therefore the contrast of ships to ocean is increased. The opposite variation trend of ocean and ships can distinguish the high intensity ocean clutter from ships' signatures. The new criterion can generally avoid mistaken detection by a constant false alarm rate detector. Our new ship detector is compared with other polarimetric approaches, and the results confirm the robustness of the proposed method.