26 resultados para antenna decoupling


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During its 1990 operation, 2 large RF systems were available on JET. The Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) system was equipped with new beryllium screens and with feedback matching systems. Specific impurities generated by ICRH were reduced to negligible levels even in the most stringent H-mode conditions. A maximum power of 22 MW was coupled to L-mode plasmas. High quality H-modes (tau-E greater-than-or-equal-to 2.5 tau-EG) were achieved using dipole phasing. A new high confinement mode was discovered. It combines the properties of the H-mode regime to the low central diffusivities obtained by pellet injection. A value of n(d) tau-E T(i) = 7.8 x 10(20) m-3 s keV was obtained in this mode with T(e) approximately T(i) approximately 11 keV. In the L-mode regime, a regime, a record (140 kW) D-He-3 fusion power was generated with 10 - 14 MW of ICRH at the He-3 cyclotron frequency. Experiments were performed with the prototype launcher of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) systems with coupled power up to 1.6 MW with current drive efficiencies up to < n(e) > R I(CD)/P = 0.4 x 10(20) m-2 A/W. Fast electrons are driven by LHCD to tail temperatures of 100 keV with a hollow radial profile. Paradoxically, LHCD induces central heating particularly in combination with ICRH. Finally we present the first observations of the synergistic acceleration of fast electrons by Transit Time Magnetic Pumping (TTMP) (from ICRH) and Electron Landau Damping (ELD) (from LHCD). The synergism generates TTMP current drive even without phasing the ICRH antennae.


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Flow around moving boundary is ubiquitous in engineering applications. To increse the efficienly of the algorithm to handle moving boundaries is still a major challenge in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The Chimera grid method is one type of method to handle moving boundaries. A concept of domain de-composition has been proposed in this paper. In this method, sub-domains are meshed independently and governing equations are also solved separately on them. The Chimera grid method was originally used only on structured (curvilinear) meshes. However, in a problem which involves both moving boundary and complex geometry, the number of sub-domains required in a traditional (structured) Chimera method becomes fairly large. Thus the time required in the interior boundary locating, link-building and data exchanging also increases. The use of unstructured Chimera grid can reduce the time consumption significantly by the reduction of domain(block) number. Generally speaking, unstructured Chimera grid method has not been developed. In this paper, a well-known pressure correction scheme - SIMPLEC is modified and implemented on unstructured Chimera mesh. A new interpolation scheme regarding the pressure correction is proposed to prevent the possible decoupling of pressure. A moving-mesh finite volume approach is implemented in an inertial reference frame. This approach is then used to compute incompressible flow around a rotating circular and elliptic cylinder. These numerical examples demonstrate the capability of the proposed scheme in handling moving boundaries. The numerical results are in good agreement with other experimental and computational data in literature. The method proposed in this paper can be efficiently applied to more challenge cases such as free-falling objects or heavy particles in fluid.


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本文主要研究了Mg2+对LHCP-II和LHCP-I在基粒膜与基质膜之间横向迁移的作用及其对激发能在两个光系统间分配的影响,进一步证实和发展了Kyle等提出的移动天线色素假说(mobile antenna hypothesis)。揭示了二价金属阳离子使激发能有利于向光系统II(PSII)分配,而不利于向光系统I(PSI)分配的生化基础。 用毛地黄皂(Digitonin)方法分离了悬浮在低渗、低浓度一价金属阳离子介质中的小麦类囊体的基粒膜与基质膜,结果发现,事先用5m MMgol2预处理过的类囊体,其基质膜比未处理的有较高的叶绿素a/b比值,基粒膜的叶绿素a/b比值变化不大。 低温荧光(77K)发射光谱表明,mg2+处理能增强类囊体膜和基粒膜的687nm荧光发射峰,降低F741/F687比值。除此以外,在对照的基质膜里还发现F687-向F688以及F741向F738的位移。 解垛叠及Mg~(2+)诱导的重垛叠实验表明,低温荧光F741/F687比值在解垛叠进程中上升,而在重垛叠过程中,F741/F687比值下降。 湿和的SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析表明,Mg2+处理使LHCP寡聚体解聚成单体,类囊体膜凝胶柱上LHCP寡聚体的含量减少,单体的含量增加。基质膜的电泳分析发现,Mg2+处理促时了LHCP从富含PSI的基质区向富含PSII的基粒膜区的迁移。同时还证明,不仅LHCP-II,LHCP-I也能向基粒膜区迁移。 进一步用梯度胶分析基粒膜与基质膜的多肽组成,发现经Mg2+处理的基质膜中相应于LHCP-II的两条多肽,25KD和27KD的量明显减少,尤其是27KD多肽变化更为显著。 此外,我们还研究了介质中pH值(H+浓度)对两个光系统间能量分配与传递的影响,发现H+的作用机理与Mg2+的不同。H+能引起膜垛叠,改变类囊体膜的低温荧光发射光谱,使F741/F687比值降低。而对基粒膜和基质膜的作用却与Mg2+作用相反。温和的SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析结果表明,pH的变化不改变类囊体膜上色素蛋白复合体的种类、组成和比例。 据此,我们比较并讨论了金属阳离子与H对光系统间能量分配与传递的影响的不同作用,认为二价金属阳离子除能引起类囊体膜垛叠、改变色素蛋白复合体的空间构象和排列,从而影响激发能在两个光系统间的分配外,还能调节和促进LHCP-II及LHCP-I从富含PSI的基质膜向富含PSII的基粒迁移,使PSII的光捕获截面增加,调节激发能有利于向PSII分配。而介质中的质子(H+)浓度的改变只能引起类囊体膜片层垛叠,可能改变光合膜中色素蛋白复合体的构象和排列,最终影响激发能在光系统间的分配。


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一、实验证明了Cd H、Mg“在小麦类囊体膜上色素蛋白复合体的解聚和再聚合过程中,具有不同的作用。因此,二阶阳离子对激发能在光系统间的分配调节作用,可能不能仅仅用“静电现象”(Barber(1980))去解释。分析表明,在Ca2+作用下与PSII内周天线CP-47,GP-43多肽结合的L H C II和LHClb是来自间质膜区的PS I系统的。从PSI迁移到P S II的捕光色素蛋白,增加了PSII的捕光截面,从而促进了激发能有利于PsII分配。 二、Ca2*、Mg2+对小麦和菠菜类囊体膜光谱性质的影响有所差异。Ca2+对小麦类囊体膜光谱性质的影响还可以随着介质中Ca2+的消除而消除。同小麦类囊体膜相比,菠菜PSII以及LHCII更为集中在基粒区域,这可能是菠菜类囊体膜强Fv以及高F888/F735,F89H/F735比值的原因。因此,Ca2+,HgH对激发能在光系统间分配的调节作用是依赖于光系统间激发能及天线色素蛋白的分配状况的。 三、对菠菜叶中分离的PSII-RC: D1-D2-cyt b55g复合物进行的低温荧光发射光谱的研究表明,这一复合物可能具有F681和F684两种波长的低温荧光发射,但它们通常并不是同时存在,而是取决于Ca-670与Ca-680 Chla分子的相对含量的。PSII-RC内周无线GP-47,GP-43多肽的存在是D1-D2-cyt b559复合物低温荧光发射红移的原因;而D1一D2cyt b559复合物的不稳定性则与其低温荧光发射的蓝移现象有关。 从蕹菜叶中分离的Dl—D2-cyt b559复合物的F 381低温荧光发射也是由其相对含量较高的C.i-6 7 0 Chla分子的存在决定的。对蕹菜D 1一D 2-cyt b559复合物中的分析还表明,F 681的低温荧光发射直接来源于Di/D2复合物,而415nm处相对较强的吸收,则可能主要是与Pheo的存在有关的。 四、多肽分析与光谱分析的对照表明,CP-26内周天线多肽可能是PSII中F695低温荧光发射的真正来源。 五、实验分析了蔗糖密度离心分离的LHClI和PSI颗粒。结果排除了CP-27多肽(以及CP,一2 5,GP-47,CP -4 3多肽)具有F695低温荧光发射的可能,因此支持了CP-26多肽是PSII中F695低荧光发射来源的看法。对PsI颗粒的分析表明,P700的存在可能是与PSI-RC中较大的Sub-I亚基相联系的。 六、根据以上的研究结果,提出了PSI,PSII在类囊体膜上的结构模式,并对其内容进行了分析和讨论。


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应用改进DEAE-Toyopearl 650S阴离子交换柱层析从高等植物菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)中分离纯化了核心天线复合物CP43和CP47。并对它们的纯度和完整性色素种类和含量,以及色素分子的结合状态进行了研究并对色素分子间的能量传递机制进行了讨论。结果如下: 1、HPLC检测结果表明:纯化的CP43和CP47均只含Chla和β-Car两种色素分子,并且,平均每分子CP43多肽含19-20分子Chla和4-5分子β-Car;而平均每分CP47则含20-21分子Chla和3-4分子β-Car。 2、以436nm和480nm激发光激发样品得到的CP43和CP47的低温荧光发射光谱的最大荧光发射峰分别位于683nm和693nm。进一步发现,CP43和CP47,在相同条件下分别以436nm和480nm激发光激发样品得到的低温荧光发射光谱经归一化后几乎完全重叠,而且400-500nm波长范围内的激发光扫描得到的三维低温荧光发射光谱沿激发轴具有较好的对应关系,表明纯化的CP43和CP47都具有较高的完整性。 3、纯化的CP43和CP47的吸收光谱的红区最大吸收峰分别位于671nm和674nm。该光区的导数光谱均分辨出偏蓝区和偏红区两个子峰,CP43的这两个子峰分别位于669nm和682nm;而CP47的两个子峰则分别位于669nm和680nm。进一步用包含这两个子峰的高斯解析参数对红区最大吸收峰进行拟合,结果证明,拟合的曲线与实测曲线几乎完全吻合,这表明,CP43和CP47均至少包含两种不同状态的Chla分子。 3.1应用不同的变性温度处理CP43,发现随变性温度的不断提高,其红区最大吸收峰的峰值逐渐减小,四阶导数光谱分辨出的两个子峰同时减小,但差光谱显示:随处理温度的不断提高,这两个组分峰值的变化并不同步进行,较低温度范围内(55℃以下)682nm吸收峰下降明显,而较高温度范围内(55℃以上),669nm吸收峰下降明显。 同时,随处理温度不断提高CP43脱辅基蛋白的结构也在不断发生变化,其变化过程明显表现出两个跃变阶段。这两个跃变阶段分别出现在40~50℃范围内和55~60℃范围内,恰与吸收光谱两个组分峰变化的转变过程相一致。这证明,CP43中分别位于669nm和682nm的不同的色谱组分即代表两种不同结合态的Chla分子,分别简称为“CP43-669”和“CP43-682”。它们在色素蛋白复合物中所处的环境不同,因而对蛋白质结构的依赖性不同,前者更高地依赖于蛋白复合物的整体构象,而后者则主要依赖于蛋白质的二级结构。 3.2 经不同的变性温度处理的CP47,其红区最大吸收峰的峰位逐渐蓝移,而吸收峰值无明显的变化,只有当处理温度提高到65℃以后,蓝移后的吸收峰值(669nm)才开始明显减小;四阶导数光谱表现为680nm吸收峰的信号逐渐下降669nm的吸收信号逐渐明显;处理减对照差光谱只观察到680nm吸收值的逐渐减少,而几乎观察不到669nm吸收值的变化。同时,随变性温度的不断提高,CP47的脱辅基蛋白的结构也发生相应的变化与CP43不同,蛋白结构变化最大的温度范围为60℃~65℃之间,但同CP47的峰位蓝移、导数光谱中680nm信号的减小,以及差光谱中680nm吸收值的减小相一致。由此认为,同CP43一样,CP47的吸收光谱中分辨出的分别位于669nm和680nm处的两个不同光谱组分亦分别代表两种不同结合状态的Chla分子,分别简称为“CP47-669”和“CP47-680”,与CP43中的相应组分对应,它们处于不同的蛋白环境中,从而对蛋白质结构变化的依赖性不同。 3.3 CP43和CP47的CD光谱表现出明显的正负双峰,表明色素分子间存在较强的激子相互作用。随变性温度的不断提高,正负CD双峰的信号逐渐减弱,变化过程与脱辅基蛋白结构的变化以及CP43-682的变化相一致,表明色素分子间的激子相互作用更高依赖于CP43-682和CP47-680。并认为CP43-682和CP47-680可能以二聚体或多聚体的形式存在,并且二聚体或多聚体的形成依赖于蛋白天然构象。而CP43-669和CP47-669则以单体的形式位于蛋白结构中相对伸展的区域。并提出:在CP43-682以CP47-680分子之间,激发能主要以激子偶合机制进行而在CP43-669,CP47-669分子间及CP43-669至CP43-682间,CP47-669至CP47-680之间激发能则主要以Foster机制进行。 4、以488nm激发光得到的CP43和CP47的共振拉曼光谱都具有全反式构型类胡萝卜素分子的四个典型特征峰由此认为CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子亦具有全反式构型;与溶于丙酮抽体物中的β-Car分子相比较,CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子的共振拉曼光谱中具有较强的960cm~(-1)的拉曼峰,表明,CP43和CP47中的β-Car分子具有扭曲的构象。 应用经归一化后的吸收光谱与荧光激发光谱相比较的办法发现CP43和CP47中存在β-Car分子和Chla分子间的能量传递其能量传递效率分别为29.8~29.9%和52.3~56.9%。这表明,在正常条件下,CP47中β-Car分子和Chla分子间的能量传递效率远大于CP43。此外,当选用蛋白结构变化最明显的热变性温度处理样品后,发现,不论CP43还是CP47中β-Car与Chla分子间的能量传递效率大大降低,表明,这两种色素分子间的能量传递严格依赖于蛋白复合物的天然构象,并认为,正常条件下,CP43和CP47内β-Car与Chla分子间的空间距离较近,可能不大于10A,CP43和CP47相比较,CP47内这两种色素分子间的距离更近。并进一步提出,在CP43和CP47中,β-Car到Chla分子间的能量传递最大可能以Dexter的电子交换机制进行。


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The depth distribution of the strain-related tetragonal distortion e(T) in the GaN epilayer with low-temperature AlN interlayer (LT-AlN IL) on Si(111) substrate is investigated by Rutherford backscattering and channeling. The samples with the LT-AlN IL of 8 and 16 nm thickness are studied, which are also compared with the sample without the LT-AlN IL. For the sample with 16-nm-thick LT-AlN IL, it is found that there exists a step-down of e(T) of about 0.1% in the strain distribution. Meanwhile, the angular scan around the normal GaN <0001> axis shows a tilt difference about 0.01degrees between the two parts of GaN separated by the LT-AlN IL, which means that these two GaN layers are partially decoupled by the AlN interlayer. However, for the sample with 8-nm-thick LT-AlN IL, neither step-down of e(T) nor the decoupling phenomenon is found. The 0.01degrees decoupled angle in the sample with 16-nm-thick LT-AlN IL confirms the relaxation of the LT-AlN IL. Thus the step-down of e(T) should result from the compressive strain compensation brought by the relaxed AlN interlayer. It is concluded that the strain compensation effect will occur only when the thickness of the LT-AlN IL is beyond a critical thickness. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The prototype wafer of a low power integrated CMOS Transmitter for short-range biotelemetry application has been designed and fabricated, which is prospective to be implanted in the human brain to transfer the extracted neural information to the external computer. The transmitter consists of five parts, a bandgap current regulator, a ring oscillator, a buffer, a modulator and a power transistor. High integration and low power are the most distinct criteria for such an implantable integrated circuit. The post-simulation results show that under a 3.3 V power supply the transmitter provides 100.1 MHz half-wave sinusoid current signal to drive the off-chip antenna, the output peak current range is -0.155 mA similar to 1.250 mA, and on-chip static power dissipation is low to 0.374 mW. All the performances of the transmitter satisfy the demands of wireless real-time BCI system for neural signals recording and processing.


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622Mbits/s free space laser communication system is developed. IT's communication rate is 622Mbits/s. The whole system include three parts which are signal in and out circuit laser driver and receive circuit and optical antenna The communication principle is introduced The experiment result shows that the transmission of data and image are satisfied with demands of design. It have a definite market value.


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The ability of the Evpatoria RT-70 radar complex to perform research on space debris was investigated in four trial experiments during 2001-2003. The echo-signals of 25 objects at geostationary, highly elliptical and medium-altitude orbits were recorded on magnetic tapes at radio telescopes in Russia, Italy, China and Poland. The multi-antenna system configuration gives potential to supplement the classic radar data with precise angular observations using the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry. The first stage of such processing was fulfilled by the correlator in N. Novgorod, Russia. The cross-correlation of transmitted and received signals was obtained for the 11 objects on the Evpatoria-Bear Lakes, Evpatoria-Urumqi and Evpatoria-Noto baselines. This activity also promoted developing the optical observations of geostationary objects, conducted for the improvement of the radar target ephemerides. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.