73 resultados para age discrimination


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Non-human primates such as Chinese rhesus macaques are the favorable models for preclinical study of potential therapeutic drugs, vaccines and mechanisms of human diseases. Little is known about the normal levels of leukocyte subpopulations of Chinese rhe


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It has been documented that stress or glucocorticoids have conflicting effects on memory under different conditions. However, it is not fully understood why stress can either impair or enhance memory. Here, we have examined the performance of six age groups of Wistar rats in a water maze spatial task to evaluate the effects of stress under different conditions. We found that the impairment or enhancement effect of an 'elevated platform' (EP) stress on memory was dependent on previous stress experience and on age. EP stress impaired memory retrieval in water maze naive animals. but enhanced rather than impaired memory retrieval in young water maze stress-experienced animals. Furthermore, exogenously applied corticosterone or foot shock stress before water maze training prevented the impairment of memory retrieval that should be induced by treatment with corticosterone or foot shock before the 'probe trial'. Again, memory retrieval was enhanced in young animals under these conditions, and this enhancement can be prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU 38486. Thus, glucocorticoid receptor activation not only induced impairment of memory but also increased the capacity of young animals to overcome a later stress. The present findings suggest that the effect of stress on memory can be switched from impairment to enhancement dependent on both stress experience and age.


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Rapid eye movement (REM) is one of the most characteristic features of REM sleep, but the mechanisms underlying its regulation remain unclear. The present study aims to investigate whether the frontal eye field (FEF) is involved in the regulation of the r


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Rationale: Discriminating right from left is an everyday cognitive ability. Repeated exposure to certain drugs, such as heroin, can produce poor performance on many cognitive tasks. However, it is yet unclear whether drug abuse impairs the ability of right-left discrimination. Objectives: The aim of the present study is to examine whether the spatial ability measured by the right-left discrimination task can be affected by heroin abuse and whether such drug effect, if it exists, is gender related. Methods: A paper-and-pen test was used. The test consists of line drawings of a person with no arm, one arm, or both arms crossing the vertical body axis of the figure. The line drawings are viewed from the back, from the front, or randomly alternating between the back and front drawings. The subjects task is to mark which is the right or left hand in the figure as fast as possible. Results: A main finding in this study was that the ability to discriminate between left and right in visual space was impaired in heroin-dependent patients. Especially, heroin-dependent females performed poorer than control females in all conditions but heroin-dependent males only performed poorly in part of conditions. Conclusions: Recent heroin abuse impairs the ability of right-left discrimination and such impairment is gender related: heroin-dependent females demonstrated greater performance deficits than males.


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The D2 dopamine (DA) receptor agonist, quinpirole, was characterized in young adult monkeys, young reserpine-treated monkeys and aged monkeys to assess the contribution of DA to age-related loss of prefrontal cortical (PFC) cognitive function, Monkeys were tested on a delayed response memory task that depends on the PFC, and a fine motor task that taps the functions of the motor cortex, In young adult monkeys, low quinpirole doses impaired performance of the PFC and fine motor tasks, while higher doses improved memory performance and induced dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors. The pattern of the quinpirole response in reserpine-treated monkeys suggested that the impairments in delayed response and fine motor performance resulted from drug actions at D2 autoreceptors, while the improvement in delayed response performance, dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors resulted from actions at postsynaptic receptors. In aged monkeys, low doses of quinpirole continued to impair fine motor performance, but lost their ability to impair delayed response performance. The magnitude of cognitive improvement and the incidence of ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors were also reduced in the aged animals, suggesting some loss of postsynaptic D2 receptor function, The pattern of results is consistent with the greater loss of DA from the PFC than from motor areas in aged monkey brain (Goldman-Rakic and Brown, 1981; Wenk et al., 1989), and indicates that DA depletion contributes significantly to age-related cognitive decline.


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We describe the microincrements, checks and annuli in the lapilli of the schizothoracine Ptychobarbus dipogon, an endemic species of the Tibetan plateau. We collected samples in the Yarlung Tsangpo River and its tributaries on a monthly basis (from April 2004 to August 2006). We describe the shape features of the three pairs of otoliths and document the full trajectory of lapillus development. We found that five to seven checks were clearly visible in the opaque zone of the first annulus. The pattern of 21-23 daily growth increments within each check might be explained as a lunar-induced deposition. We counted between 137 and 154 increments within the first annulus. Annuli appeared as a sequence of gradually declining increment widths, whereas false rings were characterized by abrupt checks. Our oldest estimates were 23(+)years for males and 44(+) for females. The time of annulus completion was clearly between March and April each year using monthly marginal increments analysis. We consider the factors responsible for daily increment formation as an endogenous circadian rhythm. Environmental information, such as strong sunlight and cold water temperatures in the Tibetan Plateau, could reinforce the endogenous daily cycle. Our results provided important data addressing the ecology and population dynamics of P. dipogon.


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Ptychobarbus dipogon is an endemic fish in the Yarlung Tsangpo River, but its biology is poorly known. We sampled 582 specimens (total length, TL, between 70.6 and 593.0 mm) from April 2004 to August 2006 in the Lhasa River, Tibet. We estimated ages based on the counts of alternating opaque and translucent zones (annuli) in thin transverse sections of lapilli otoliths. Ages ranged from 1(+) to 23(+) years for males and 1(+) to 44(+) for females. The observed 44(+) years was the oldest reported for schizothoracine fishes. Females attained a larger size than males. The TL weight relationship was W=7.12 x 10(-6)TL(3.006) for combined sexes. The growth parameters fitted von Bertalanffy growth functions were L-infinity = 598.66 mm, k=0.0898 year(-1), t(0)=-0.7261 year and W-infinity = 1585.38 g for females and L-infinity = 494.23mm, k=0.1197 year(-1), t(0)=-0.7296 year and W-infinity = 904.88g for males. The longevities of 32.7 year for females and 24.3 year for males were similar to the observed ages. Using an empirical model we estimated the instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) at 0.28 per year in the lower reaches. Z in the upper and middle stocks was close to the M because of unexploited or lightly exploited stock. Protracted longevity, slow growth, low natural mortality and large body size were typical characteristics of P. dipogon. The current declining trend of P. dipogon could be prevented by altering fishing regulations.


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Schizopygopsis younghusbandi younghusbandi is an endemic species whose distribution is restricted to the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, being one of the most important commercial fishes in this area. Age and growth of 606 specimens captured between October 2002 and April 2005 were studied. The range in standard length (L) was 65.7-387.3 mm and total weight (W) was 3.3-772.0 g. The relationship between L and W was W=0.000909L(2.2493) for males and W=0.000259L(2.4781) for females. Age, determined from anal scales and lapillus otoliths, ranged from 3 to 18 years. The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth functions, estimated by back-calculated length, were L-infinity = 442.7mm L, k=0.0738 year(-1) and t(0)=-1.4 year for males, and L-infinity = 471.4mm L, k=0.0789 year(-1) and t(0)=0.2 year for females. Males and females exhibited statistically significant differences in growth. chi(2)-test indicated that von Bertalanffy growth functions could well describe the growth of S. y. younghusbandi. The longevities were 39.2 and 38.2 years for males and females, respectively. Growth inflexion points were 10.2 and 12.0 years for males and females, respectively, but 84.8% of the captures were at the smaller ages. So conservation and management schemes for this population should be considered urgently. In addition, we found that populations from the upstream of the Lhasa River, the downstream of the Lhasa River and the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River showed statistically significant differences in growth patterns.


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Age and growth were studied for Schizothorax waltoni in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River in Tibet, southwest of China, from April 2004 to September 2006. A total of 201 specimens were collected ranging from 110 to 580 mm in standard length (SL). In contrast to other otoliths, sectioned lapillus showed a clear pattern of alternating opaque and hyaline zones. Marginal increment analyses showed that the increments, each composed of one opaque and one hyaline zone, are deposited annually. Opaque edges were prevalent from May to August. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on sectioned otolith data were L (t) = 689.8{1 - exp[0.051 (t + 3.275)]} for males, and L (t) = 691.1{1 - exp[0.056 (t + 2.466)]} for females. The slow growth and long life indicate that S. waltoni is vulnerable to overfishing and that harvesting strategies for the species should be conservative.


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We investigated the age and growth of Schizothorax o'connori in the Yarlung Tsangpo River by examination of annuli from otoliths. The von Bertalanffy model was the most acceptable statistical growth model. Its parameters were as follows: SL infinity = 492.4 mm, K = 0.1133, t(0) = -0.5432 year and W-infinity = 1748.9 g for females; SL infinity = 449.0 mm, K = 0.1260, t(0) = -0.4746 year and W-infinity = 1287.0 g for males. Theoretical longevity was 25.9 years for the female and 23.3 years for the male. Moreover, females had larger asymptotic length and weight compared with males.


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A collection of 577 Coilia mystus was made during April 2006 and 2007 from China's Yangtze Estuary to estimate the age structure and growth patterns of the population. Examination of sectioned sagittal otoliths revealed a periodic straight/curved growth pattern. The straight zone was from April to November, and the curved zone from October to May, indicating annual periodicity. Annual periodicity was also verified by margin zone analysis. The shift from a curved-zone to the next straight-zone stanza was defined as an annulus. The fish from which the otoliths were taken were 0-5 years old. The von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to standard length (LS)-at-age data as L-S = 215.16 (1 - e(-0.53(t+0.30))) (n = 577, r(2) = 0.81, p < 0.05). The mature females included five age classes, ages 1 and 2 accounting for 74.3% of the population. The mature males included fish aged 1 and 2, those at age 1 accounting for 86.4% of the population. Mean length was smaller, and annual growth less, for mature males than for females of comparable age. The study demonstrated that the Yangtze population of C. mystus consists of more age classes than previously thought and that the age structure of the population needs to be considered in management decisions.