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Drug addiction is increasingly viewed as the expression of abnormal associative learning following repeated exposures to the drugs of abuse Previous I studies have demonstrated that the patterns of repetition such as frequency and spacing are important to many kinds of learning and memory retention We hypothesized that drug repetition pattern might affect the reward-related learning although the total doses of the drug were the same. In the present study, we tested morphine-induced place preference following either regular or irregular pattern of morphine pairing in rats Regular morphine group received morphine administration daily at a regular time with the same dose Irregular morphine groups received morphine administration either at the same time but irregular doses, irregular time but same dose, or irregular time and irregular doses. We found that rats, who received irregular morphine pairing, exhibited similar acquisition of peace preference but different preference retentions compared with regular morphine-treated rats after the same total dose of morphine Rats, who received morphine administration at the same time but irregular doses and at irregular time and irregular doses, showed rapid disruption of place preference than the regular morphine group. Rats, who received morphine at irregular time but the same dose, showed similar retention of place preference to regular morphine group Our results suggest that the pattern of drug pairing plays an important role in the retention of reward-related memory This study may provide new evidence to broaden our understanding of the development and maintenance of drug craving (C) 2009 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved


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Long term potentiation in hippocampus, evoked by high-frequency stimulation, is mediated by two major glutamate receptor subtypes, alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptors and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Receptor subunit compos


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Repeated low-dose morphine treatment facilitates delayed-escape behaviour of hippocampus-dependent Morris water maze and morphine withdrawal influences hippocampal NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity. Here, we examined whether and how morphine wit


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A vipp1 mutant of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 could not be completely segregated under either mixotrophic or heterotrophic conditions. A vipp1 gene with a copper-regulated promoter (P-petE-vipp1) was integrated into a neutral platform in the genome of the merodiploid mutant. The copper-induced expression of P-petE-vipp1 allowed a complete segregation of the vipp1 mutant and observation of the phenotype of Synechocystis 6803 with different levels of vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1). When P-petE-vipp1 was turned off by copper deprivation, Synechocystis lost Vipp1 and photosynthetic activity almost simultaneously, and at a later stage, thylakoid membranes and cell viability. The photosystem II (PSII)-mediated electron transfer was much more rapidly reduced than the PSI-mediated electron transfer. By testing a series of concentrations, we found that P-petE-vipp1 cells grown in medium with 0.025 mu M Cu2+ showed no reduction of thylakoid membranes, but greatly reduced photosynthetic activity and viability. These results suggested that in contrast to a previous report, the loss of photosynthetic activity may not have been due to the loss of thylakoid membranes, but may have been caused more directly by the loss of Vipp1 in Synechocystis 6803.


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Specimens of the calanoid copepod, Leptodiaptomus minutus, collected in June 1994 in oligotrophic: north temperate Crystal Lake, were infested with the stalked ciliate Epistylis lacustris. E. lacustris was highly specific to L. minutus and no other coexisting zooplankters were infested. Excluding nauplii, nearly 70% of copepods carried 1-20 ciliates, although the maximum load was as high as 250 ciliates. A lower percentage of nauplii were infested by the ciliate; those that were infested had a lower ciliate load than other copepod stages. Infestation by ciliates had no significant influence on the average egg number of female copepods. In a field experiment, higher copepod densities in enclosures resulted in a significantly higher infestation rate, but the ciliate load per individual copepod did not differ significantly among treatments.


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To investigate the effects of enhanced nutrient loading in estuarine waters on phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing, we conducted monthly dilution experiments at 2 stations in Hong Kong coastal waters with contrasting trophic conditions. The western estuarine station (WE) near the Pearl River estuary is strongly influenced by freshwater discharge, while the eastern oceanic station (EO) is mostly affected by the South China Sea. Growth rates of phytoplankton were often limited by nutrients at EO, while nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth seldom Occurred at WE due to the high level of nutrients delivered by the Pearl River, especially in the summer rainy season. Higher chlorophyll a, microzooplankton biomass, phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were found at WE than at EO. However, the increase in chlorophyll greatly exceeded the increase in phytoplankton growth rate, reflecting different response relationships to nutrient availability. Strong seasonality was observed at both stations, with temperature being an important factor affecting both phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates. Picophytoplankton, especially Synechococcus, also exhibited great seasonality at EO, with summer abundances being 2 or 3 orders of magnitude higher than those during winter, Our results confirm that in eutrophic coastal environments, microzooplankton grazing is a dominant loss pathway for phytoplankton, accounting for the utilization of >50%, of primary production on average.


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Copper toxicity is influenced by a variety of environmental factors including dissolved organic matter (DOM). We examined the complexation of copper by fulvic acid (FA), one of the major components of DOM, by measuring the decline in labile copper by anodic stripping voltammetrically (ASV). The data were described using a one-site ligand binding model, with a ligand concentration of 0.19 mu mol site mg(-1) C, and a logK' of 6.2. The model was used to predict labile copper concentration in a bioassay designed to quantify the extent to which Cu-FA complexation affected copper toxicity to the larvae of marine polychaete Hydroides elegans. The toxicity data, when expressed as labile copper concentration causing abnormal development, were independent of FA concentration and could be modeled as a logistic function, with a 48-h EC50 of 58.9 mu g 1(-1). However, when the data were expressed as a function of total copper concentration, the toxicity was dependent on FA concentration, with a 48-h EC50 ranging from 55.6 mu g 1(-1) in the no-FA control to 137.4 mu g 1(-1) in the 20 mg 1(-1) FA treatment. Thus, FA was protective against copper toxicity to the larvae, and such an effect was caused by the reduction in labile copper due to Cu-FA complexation. Our results demonstrate the potential of ASV as a useful tool for predicting metal toxicity to the larvae in coastal environment where DOM plays an important role in complexing metal ions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.