59 resultados para Vacuum-tubes.


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We report on normal incidence p-i-n heterojunction photodiodes operating in the near-infrared region and realized in pure germanium on planar silicon substrate. The diodes were fabricated by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 600 degrees C without thermal annealing and allowing the integration with standard silicon processes. Due to the 0.14% residual tensile strain generated by the thermal expansion mismatch between Ge and Si, an efficiency enhancement of nearly 3-fold at 1.55 mu m and the absorption edge shifting to longer wavelength of about 40 nm are achieved in the epitaxial Ge films. The diode with a responsivity of 0.23 A/W at 1.55 mu m wavelength and a bulk dark current density of 10 mA/cm(2) is demonstrated. These diodes with high performances and full compatibility with the CMOS processes enable monolithically integrating microphotonics and microelectronics on the same chip.


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High-quality Ge epilayer on Si(1 0 0) substrate with an inserted low-temperature Ge seed layer and a thin Si0.77Ge0.23 layer was grown by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition. The epitaxial Ge layer with surface root-mean-square roughness of 0.7 nm and threading dislocation density of 5 x 10(5) cm(-2) was obtained. The influence of low temperature Ge seed layer on the quality of Ge epilayer was investigated. We demonstrated that the relatively higher temperature (350 degrees C) for the growth of Ge seed layer significantly improved the crystal quality and the Hall hole mobility of the Ge epilayer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stability and photoemission characteristics for reflection-mode GaAs photocathodes in a demountable vacuum system have been investigated by using spectral response and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements at room temperature. We find that the shape of the spectral response curve for the cathode changes with time in the vacuum system, but after applying fresh cesium to the degraded cathode, the spectral response can almost be restored. The change and restoration of curve shape are mainly attributed to the evolution of the surface barrier. We illustrate the evolution and analyze the influence of the barrier on the spectral response of the cathode. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we propose a lattice dynamic treatment for the total potential energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) which is, apart from a parameter for the nonlinear effects, extracted from the vibrational energy of the planar graphene sheet. The energetics, elasticity and lattice dynamics are treated in terms of the same set of force constants, independently of the tube structures. Based upon this proposal, we have investigated systematically the relaxed lattice configuration for narrow SWCNTs, the strain energy, the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio, and the lattice vibrational properties with respect to the relaxed equilibrium tubule structure. Our calculated results for various physical quantities are nicely in consistency with existing experimental measurements. In particular, we verified that the relaxation effect makes the bond length longer and the frequencies of various optical vibrational modes softer. Our calculation provides evidence that the Young's modulus of an armchair tube exceeds that of the planar graphene sheet, and that the large diameter limits of the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio are in agreement with the experimental values of graphite; the calculated radial breathing modes for ultra-narrow tubes with diameters ranging between 2 and 5 angstrom coincide with the experimental results and the existing ab initio calculations with satisfaction. For narrow tubes with a diameter of 20 angstrom, the calculated frequencies of optical modes in the tubule's tangential plane, as well as those of radial breathing modes, are also in good agreement with the experimental measurements. In addition, our calculation shows that various physical quantities of relaxed SWCNTs can actually be expanded in terms of the chiral angle defined for the corresponding ideal SWCNTs.


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A tight-binding (TB) treatment with the inclusion of d orbitals is applied to the electronic structures of graphitic tubes. The results show that the high angular moment bases in TB scheme are necessary to account the severe curvature effect in ultra-thin single wall carbon nanotubes, especially for properly reproducing the band edge overlap behavior in (5, 0) tube, predicted by the existing ab initio calculations. In the large diameter limit, the participation of two synnmetry-allowed d bases provides a natural replication to the recent measured electronic dispersions of valence band of graphene when the strong anisotropy due to the two-dimensional planar hexagonal sheet structure is dealt with properly. In addition, the detailed relation between the two sets of quantum numbers of screw symmetry and that of zone folding is formulated in appendix. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Four well-resolved peaks with very narrow linewidths were found in the D-band and G'-band features of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). This fact implies the occurrence of additional van Hove singularities (vHSs) in the joint density of states (JDOS) of DWNTs, which is consistent with theoretical calculations. According to their peak frequencies and theoretical analysis, the two outer peaks can be deduced to originate from a strong coupling between the two constituent tubes of commensurate DWNTs and the two inner peaks were curvature-related and assigned to originate from the two tubes with a weak coupling. This observation and elucidation constitute the first Raman evidence for atomic correlation and the resulting electronic structure change of the two constituent tubes in DWNTs. This result opens the possibility of predicting and modifying the electronic properties of DWNTs for their electronic applications.


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A new alternative method to grow the relaxed Ge0.24Si0.76 layer with a reduced dislocation density by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition is reported in this paper. A 1000-Angstrom Ge0.24Si0.76 layer was first grown on a Si(100) substrate. Then a 500-Angstrom Si layer and a subsequent 5000-Angstrom Ge0.24Si0.76 overlayer followed. All these three layers were grown at 600 degrees C. After being removed from the growth system to air, the sample was first annealed at 850 degrees C for 30 min, and then was investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. It is shown that the 5000-Angstrom Ge0.24Si0.76 thick over layer is perfect, and most of the threading dislocations are located in the embedded thin Si layer and the lower 1000-Angstrom Ge0.24Si0.76 layer. The relaxation ratio of the over layer is deduced to be 0.8 from Raman spectroscopy.