29 resultados para Units of measurement.


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The thermoluminescence (TL) properties of Ce3+ doped NaSr4(BO3)(3) phosphor under the beta-ray irradiation were reported. The polycrystalline sample was synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction. The TL glow curve of NaSr4(BO3)(3):Ce3+ phosphor was composed of only one peak. TL kinetic parameters of NaSr4(BO3)(3):Ce3+ were deduced by the peak shape method, the activation energy (E) was 0.590 eV and the frequency factor was 1.008x10(6) s(-1). TL dose response was linear in the range of measurement. The 3-dimensional (3D) TL emission spectrum was also recorded, the emission spectrum consisted of two bands located at 441 and 479 nm respectively, corresponding to the characteristic 4f(0)5d(1)-> F-2((5/2,7/2)) transitions of the Ce3+ ion. The fading behavior of the NaSr4(BO3)(3):Ce3+ phosphor over a period of 15 d was also studied.


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A novel synthesis of asymmetric bis(chlorophthalimide)s (3,4-BCPIs) has been established. The polymerizations of them produced higher molecular weight (0.38-0.51 dL/g) polyimides containing biphenyl units than those of isomeric polymers derived from symmetric bis(chlorophthalimide)s (4,4'-BCPIs) and 3,3'-BCPIs. The distribution of the formed biphenyl units of head to tail, head to head, and tail to tail in the chain of the polymers was about 58.0:21.0:21.0, determined by C-13 NMR spectra of the polymers. The composition of model compounds, determined by HPLC, was well consistent with the 13C NMR spectrum result. Comparing with polymers derived from 4,4'-BCPIs and 3,3'-BCPIs, the polymers derived from 3,4-BCPIs showed better solubilities in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), N,N-dimethyl-formamide (DMF), and N-methylpyrrolinone (NMP). Flexible films could be cast from the polymer solution with the inherent viscosities of above 0.35 dL/g. The polymer derived from asymmetric bis(chlorophthimide)s gave the highest T-g among the isomeric polymers.


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A new method for prolidase (PLD, EC activity assay was developed based on the determination of proline produced from enzymatic reaction through capillary electrophoresis (CE) with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(11) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] electrochemiluminescence detection (ECL). A detection limit of 12.2 fmol (S/N = 3) for proline, corresponding to 1.22 x 10(-8) units of prolidase catalyzing for 1 min was achieved. PLD activity determined by CE-ECL method was in agreement with that obtained from the classical Chinard's one. CE-ECL showed its powerful resolving ability and selectivity as no sample pretreatmentwas needed and no interference existed. The clinical utility of this method was successfully demonstrated by its application to assay PLD activity in the serum of diabetic patients in order to evaluate collagen degradation in diabetes mellitus (DM). The results indicated that enhanced collagen degradation occurred in DM.


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Rare earth oxide, neodymium oxide (Nd2O3), CO-catalyzed melt grafting of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto co-polypropylene (co-PP) in the presence of dicumyl peroxide (DCP) was carried out by reactive extrusion. The experimental results reveal that the addition of Nd2O3 as a coagent leads to an enhancement in both MFR and the grafting degree of MAH, along with a simultaneous decrease in the gel content. When the Nd2O3 concentration is 6.0 mmol%, the increment of the grafting degree of MAH maximally is up to about 20% compared with the related system without adding Nd2O3, and the gel content decreases simultaneously to a very low level of about 3%. Attenuated total reflection FTIR (ATR-FTIR) indicates that the gel in the graft copolymers mainly arise from the cross-linking reaction between ethylene units of co-PP. A reasonable reaction mechanism has been put forward on the basis of our experimental results and other mechanisms reported in the literature. We also tentatively explain above results by means of synergistic effect between DCP and Nd2O3, which causes a higher concentration of the macroradical, in particular the tertiary macroradical.


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A new two-dimensional hybrid zinc phosphate with electro-neutral open-framework has been hydrothermally synthesized by using imidazole as a structure-directing agent, whose structure is characterized with 3-, 4-, 5, and 12-ring layers and coordination bonds between imidazole groups and zinc atoms, resulting in primary building units of ZnO2N2 and ZnO3N.


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The morphology and structure of the syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS)/atactic polystyrene (aPS) blends with various compositions have been studied by means of DSC, optical microscopy, SAXS, and WAXD. The results show that aPS is miscible with amorphous region of sPS. There is no macroscopic evidence that aPS forms separated domains in the blends. The decrease in crystallinity of sPS in the blends implies segregation of the aPS to the interfibrillar regions of the spherulites of sPS. The constancy of interlamellar distance and melting points indicates that the fibrillar structural units of sPS is unchanged on addition of aPS to sPS, and the unchanging parameters of the sPS unit cells mean that aPS does not enter the unit cells of sPS.


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The miscibility, crystallization behavior and morphological structure of PHB/PMA blends have been studied by the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and polarized optical microscopy (POM). The chemical repeat units of the two components of the blend are isomers. The results indicate that PHB and PMA are miscible in the melt. The addition of PMA into PHB results in a depression in the spherulite growth rate of PHB. With increasing PMA content in the blends, the texture of PHB spherulite becomes more open.


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Amorphous samples of polyether ketone with cardo(PEK-C) have been studied in the solution state by C-13, H-1 high-resolution NMR, The H-1 and C-13 1D NMR spectra were assigned using two dimensional chemical shift correlated spectroscopy, 2D homonuclear correlated(COSY) and heteronuclear correlated (HETCOR) spectroscopy present important information. In this work, the structural units of PEK-C was determined by NMR. For some peaks, these assignments are confirmed by two dimensional long-range heteronuclear correlation experiments, A little modification is made on the original C-13 peak assignments for the main chain, The symmetry and the isotacticity of the chain structure for PEK-C are obvious on NMR data.


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Three kinds of high-performance polyimides 1 (poly(ketone-imide) PKI), 2 (poly(ether-imide) PEI) and 3 (poly(oxy-imide) POI) were studied using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The NMR spectra of the polyimides were assigned according to the comprehensive consideration of the substitution effect of different substituting groups, viz. distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT), no nuclear Overhauser effect (NNE), analysis of relaxation time, and two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) techniques. The structural units of these three polyimides were determined. Carbon-13 and proton relaxation times for PEI and PKI were interpreted in terms of segmental motion characterized by the sharp cutoff model of Jones and Stockmayer (JS model) and anisotropic group rotation such as phenyl group rotation and methyl group rotation. Correlation times for the main-chain motion are in the tens of picosecond range which indicates the high flexibility of polyimide chains. Correlation times for phenyl group and methyl group rotations are more than 1 order of magnitude lower and approximately 1 order of magnitude higher than that of the main chain, respectively.


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Through random sequencing, we found a total of 884000 base-pairs (bp) of random genomic sequences in the genome of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). Using bio-soft Tandem Repeat Finder (TRF) software, 2159 tandem repeats were found, in which there were 1714 microsatellites and 445 minisatellites, accounting for 79.4% and 20.6% of repeat sequences, respectively. The cumulative length of repeat sequences was found to be 116685 bp, accounting for 13.2% of the total DNA sequence; the cumulative length of microsatellites occupied 9.78% of the total DNA sequence, and that of minisatellites occupied 3.42%. In decreasing order, the 20 most abundant repeat sequence classes were as follows: AT (557), AC (471), AG (274), AAT (92), A (56), AAG (28), ATC (27), ATAG (27), AGG (18), ACT (15), C (11), AAC (11), ACAT (11), CAGA (10), AGAA (9), AGGG (7), CAAA (7), CGCA (6), ATAA (6), AGAGAA (6). Dinucleotide repeats, not only in the aspect of the number, but also in cumulative length, were the preponderant repeat type. There were few classes and low copy numbers of repeat units of the pentanucleotide repeat type, which included only three classes: AGAGA, GAGGC and AAAGA. The classes and copy numbers of heptanucleotide, eleven-nucleotide and thirteen-nucleotide primer-number-composed repeats were distinctly less than that of repeat types beside them.


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A genomic fragment encoding alpha(APC) and beta(APC) (i.e., alpha and beta units of the allophycocyanin, APC) from Anacystis nidulans UTEX 625 was cloned and sequenced. This fragment, containing a non-coding sequence of 56 nucleotides in between, was then subcloned into the expression vector pMal-c2 downstream from and in frame with the malE gene of E. coli encoding MBP ( maltose binding protein). The fusion protein was purified by amylose affinity chromatography and cleaved by coagulation factor Xa. alpha(APC) and beta(APC) were then separated from MBP and MBP fusion proteins, respectively, and concentrated by membrane centrifugation. The study provides a method to produce recombinant allophycocyanin subunits for biomedical and biotechnological applications.


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Zenisu deep-sea channel originated from a volcanic arc region, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, and vanished in the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea. According to the swath bathymetry, the deep-sea channel can be divided into three,segments. They are Zenisu canyon, E-W fan channel and trough-axis channel. A lot of volcanic detritus were deposited in the Zenisu Trough via the deep-sea channel because it originated from volcanic arc settings. On the basis of the swath bathymetry, submersible and seismic reflection data, the deposits are characterized by turbidite and debrite deposits as those in the other major deep-sea channels. Erosion or few sediments were observed in the Zenisu canyon, whereas a lot of turbidites and debrites occurred in the E-W channel and trough axis channel. Cold seep communities, active fault and fluid flow were discovered along the lower slope of the Zenisu Ridge. Vertical sedimentary sequences in the Zenisu Trough consist of the four post-rift sequence units of the Shikoku Basin, among which Units A and B are two turbidite units. The development of Zenisu canyon is controlled by the N-S shear fault, the E-W fan channel is related to the E-W shear fault, and the trough-axis channel is related to the subsidence of central basin.


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琼胶是一种从石花菜等红藻中提取的,目前生产工艺和结构等方面研究比较成熟的海藻多糖,广泛应用于医药、仪器等行业。但是,海藻多糖因为具有分子量大,粘度大,溶解度较小的等特点,而使其应用范围受到限制。利用降解的手段对其进行修饰,降低分子量和粘度,改善溶解性,可以拓展其应用范围。并且根据文献报道,琼 胶寡糖具有一些特殊的生物活性,如抗氧化性,抗炎症等。因此,对琼胶降解的研究具有生要意义。本研究中,为了选择一种合适的降解方法,进行了几种水解方法的尝试,其中包括在不同湿度和酸度下盐酸水解,过氧化氢和醋酸催化水解,Fenton体系羟基自由基降解。对于酸水解和Fenton体系氧化还原降解方法,通过粘度法对反应的速度进行了比较,表明氧化还原降解反应中琼胶的粘度降低比较快,并且具有代表性和新意,确定为本实验的降解琼胶的方法并对氧化还原降解所得的产物进行了活性实验。通过模仿自然界普遍存在的氧化还原降解反应,利用Vc诱导的Fenton体系产生的羟基自由基氧化还原降解琼胶得到低分子量的琼胶。降解产物经过高速离心、60%乙醇沉淀,除去分子量比较大的降解产物和磷酸盐,得到可溶于60%乙醇的分子量估计小于3000的降争产物,其产率为85%。利用经Sephadex-G25凝胶色谱分离所香的不同分子量的级分进行分子量和α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性关系的实验。降解产物对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制率和各级分的浓度呈线性正相关,并且各级分的IC_(50)则随着分子量的降低而降低。另外,对所得的降解产物混合物进行了红外吸收光谱、质子去偶核磁共震碳谱和负离子基质辅助激光诱导-飞行时间质谱结构分析。结果表明,氧化还原降解反应的专一性差,在得到寡糖的同时,在光谱图中出现一些比较复杂的副产物的结构信息。最后,根据MTT法的原理,以有体皮肤成纤维细胞为材料,通过紫外线辐射产生自由基造成氧化损伤,研究降解产物对成纤维细胞的保护作用。当无紫外线辐射时,降解产物对成纤维细胞具有显著的促进生长增殖作用:当经UVa、UBb辐射时则可以显著地表现出对损伤的保护作用,并且这种促进生长和保护作用呈显著的量效关系,表明降解产物具有清除基自由基的作用。但是,因为氧化还原降解以应的机理尚不十分明的以及琼羟胶的特殊结构,使得反应的副产物很难预测,也就使得分离工作难以进行,所以,根据目前所得的信息,尚不能确定是降解产物的什么级分产生的以上两种生物活性。


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The classical method for preparation of covalently boned cellulose derivative chiral stationary phases (CSP) with diisocyanate as spacer was improved. Diisocyanate was firstly allowed to react with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, and the resulting product was then applied as the spacer reagent to immobilize cellulose derivatives onto silica gel. Influences of the amount and the length of the spacer on the optical resolution ability of the CSP were investigated. Comparing improved procedure to classical diisocyanate method, the cross-linking between the glucose units of the cellulose derivatives was avoided to the most extent. With the improved procedure, regio-nonselective ways could be adopted to prepare covalently bonded CSP, which showed an advantage for the rapid preparation.