327 resultados para Strain gradient


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A new strain gradient theory which is based on energy nonlocal model is proposed in this paper, and the theory is applied to investigate the size effects in thin metallic wire torsion, ultra-thin beam bending and micro-indentation of polycrystalline copper. First, an energy nonlocal model is suggested. Second, based on the model, a new strain gradient theory is derived. Third, the new theory is applied to analyze three representative experiments.


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A new framework of non-local model for the strain energy density is proposed in this paper. The global strain energy density of the representative volume element is treated as a non-local variable and can be obtained through a special integral of the local strain energy density. The local strain energy density is assumed to be dependent on both the strain and the rotation-gradient. As a result of the non-local model, a new strain gradient theory is derived directly, in which the first and second strain gradients, as well as the triadic and tetradic stress, are introduced in the context of work conjugate. For power law hardening materials, size effects in thin metallic wire torsion and ultra-thin cantilever beam bend are investigated. It is found that the result predicted by the theoretical model is well consistent with the experimental data for the thin wire torsion. On the other hand, the calculation result for the micro-cantilever beam bend clearly shows the size effect.


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In this paper, a new phenomenological theory with strain gradient effects is proposed to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micro- and submicro-length scales. The theory fits within the framework of general couple stress theory and three rotational degrees of freedom omega(i) are introduced in addition to the conventional three translational degrees of freedom mu(i). omega(i) is called micro-rotation and is the sum of material rotation plus the particles' relative rotation. While the new theory is used to analyze the crack tip field or the indentation problems, the stretch gradient is considered through a new hardening law. The key features of the theory are that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the term of stretch gradient is represented as an internal variable to increase the tangent modulus. In fact the present new strain gradient theory is the combination of the strain gradient theory proposed by Chen and Wang (Int. J. Plast., in press) and the hardening law given by Chen and Wang (Acta Mater. 48 (2000a) 3997). In this paper we focus on the finite element method to investigate material fracture for an elastic-power law hardening solid. With remotely imposed classical K fields, the full field solutions are obtained numerically. It is found that the size of the strain gradient dominance zone is characterized by the intrinsic material length l(1). Outside the strain gradient dominance zone, the computed stress field tends to be a classical plasticity field and then K field. The singularity of stresses ahead of the crack tip is higher than that of the classical field and tends to the square root singularity, which has important consequences for crack growth in materials by decohesion at the atomic scale. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Micro-indentation test at scales on the order of sub-micron has shown that the measured hardness increases strongly with decreasing indent depth or indent size, which is frequently referred to as the size effect. Simultaneously, at micron or sub-micron scale, the material microstructure size also has an important influence on the measured hardness. This kind of effect, such as the crystal grain size effect, thin film thickness effect, etc., is called the geometrical effect by here. In the present research, in order to investigate the size effect and the geometrical effect, the micro-indentation experiments are carried out respectively for single crystal copper and aluminum, for polycrystal aluminum, as well as for a thin film/substrate system, Ti/Si3N4. The size effect and geometrical effect are displayed experimentally. Moreover, using strain gradient plasticity theory, the size effect and the geometrical effect are simulated. Through comparing experimental results with simulation results, length-scale parameter appearing in the strain gradient theory for different cases is predicted. Furthermore, the size effect and the geometrical effect are interpreted using the geometrically necessary dislocation concept and the discrete dislocation theory. Member Price: $0; Non-Member Price: $25.00


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In this paper, the effect of particle size on the formation of adiabatic shear band in 2024 All matrix composites reinforced with 15% volume fraction of 3.5, 10 and 20 mum SiC particles was investigated by making use of split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The results have demonstrated that the onset of adiabatic shear banding in the composites strongly depends on the particle size and adiabatic shear banding is more readily observed in the composite reinforced with small particles than that in the composite with large particles. This size dependency phenomenon can be characterized by the strain gradient effect. Instability analysis reveals that high strain gradient is a strong driving force for the formation of adiabatic shear banding in particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp).


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We recently proposed a strain gradient theory to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micron and submicron length scales. The strain gradient theory includes the effects of both rotation gradient and stretch gradient such that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the stretch gradient measures explicitly enter the constitutive relations through the instantaneous tangent modulus. Indentation tests at scales on the order of one micron have shown that measured hardness increases significantly with decreasing indent size. In the present paper, the strain gradient theory is used to model materials undergoing small-scale indentations. A strong effect of including strain gradients in the constitutive description is found with hardness increasing by a factor of two or more over the relevant range behavior. Comparisons with the experimental data for polycrystalline copper and single crystal copper indeed show an approximately linear dependence of the square of the hardness, H 2, on the inverse of the indentation depth, 1/h, I.e., H-2 proportional to 1/h, which provides an important self-consistent check of the strain gradient theory proposed by the authors earlier.


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The metal thin film delamination along metal/ceramic interface in the case of large scale yielding is studied by employing the strain gradient plasticity theory and the material microscale effects are considered. Two different fracture process models are used in this study to describe the nonlinear delamination phenomena for metal thin films. A set of experiments have been done on the mechanism of copper films delaminating from silica substrates, based on which the peak interface separation stress and the micro-length scale of material, as well as the dislocation-free zone size are predicted.


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Nanoindentation experiments on Al/glass systems show that, as the indentation depth increases, the hardness decreases during a shallow indentation, and increases when the indenter tip approaches the film–substrate interface. We associate the rise in hardness during two stages with the strong strain gradient effects, the first stage is related with the small scale effects and the second stage with the strain gradient between the indenter and the hard substrate. Using the strain gradient theory proposed by Chen and Wang and the classical plasticity theory, the observed nanoindentation behavior is modeled and analyzed by means of the finite element method, and it is found that the classical plasticity cannot explain the experiment results but the strain gradient theory can describe the experiment data at both shallow and deep indentation depths very well. The results prove that both the strain gradient effects and substrate effects exist in the nanoindentation of the film–substrate system.


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Micro-indentation tests at scales of the order of sub-micron show that the measured hardness increases strongly with decreasing indent depth or indent size, which is frequently referred to as the size effect. At the same time, at micron or sub-micron scale, another effect, which is referred to as the geometrical size effects such as crystal grain size effect, thin film thickness effect, etc., also influences the measured material hardness. However, the trends are at odds with the size-independence implied by the conventional elastic-plastic theory. In the present research, the strain gradient plasticity theory (Fleck and Hutchinson) is used to model the composition effects (size effect and geometrical effect) for polycrystal material and metal thin film/ceramic substrate systems when materials undergo micro-indenting. The phenomena of the "pile-up" and "sink-in" appeared in the indentation test for the polycrystal materials are also discussed. Meanwhile, the micro-indentation experiments for the polycrystal Al and for the Ti/Si_3N_4 thin film/substrate system are carried out. By comparing the theoretical predictions with experimental measurements, the values and the variation trends of the micro-scale parameter included in the strain gradient plasticity theory are predicted.


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The influences of I,article size on the mechanical properties of the particulate metal matrix composite;are obviously displayed in the experimental observations. However, the phenomenon can not be predicted directly using the conventional elastic-plastic theory. It is because that no length scale parameters are involved in the conventional theory. In the present research, using the strain gradient plasticity theory, a systematic research of the particle size effect in the particulate metal matrix composite is carried out. The roles of many composite factors, such as: the particle size, the Young's modulus of the particle, the particle aspect ratio and volume fraction, as well as the plastic strain hardening exponent of the matrix material, are studied in detail. In order to obtain a general understanding for the composite behavior, two kinds of particle shapes, ellipsoid and cylinder, are considered to check the strength dependence of the smooth or non-smooth particle surface. Finally, the prediction results will be applied to the several experiments about the ceramic particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites. The material length scale parameter is predicted.


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Based on the microscopic observations and measurements, the mechanical behavior of the surface-nanocrystallized Al-alloy material at microscale is investigated experimentally and theoretically. In the experimental research, the compressive stress-strain curves and the hardness depth curves are measured. In the theoretical simulation, based on the material microstructure characteristics and the experimental features of the compression and indentation, the microstructure cell models are developed and the strain gradient plasticity theory is adopted. The material compressive stress-strain curves and the hardness depth curves-are predicted and simulated. Through comparison of the experimental results with the simulation results, the material and model parameters are determined.


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Ceramic/metal interfaces were studied that fail by atomistic separation accompanied by plastic dissipation in the metal. The macroscopic toughness of the specific Ni alloy/Al2O3 interface considered is typically on the order of ten times the atomistic work of separation in mode I and even higher if combinations of mode I and mode II act on the interface. Inputs to the computational model of interface toughness are: (i) strain gradient plasticity applied to the Ni alloy with a length parameter determined by an indentation test, and (ii) a potential characterizing mixed mode separation of the interface fit to atomistic results. The roles of the several length parameters in the strain gradient plasticity are determined for indentation and crack growth. One of the parameters is shown to be of dominant importance, thus establishing that indentation can be used to measure the relevant length parameter. Recent results for separation of Ni/Al2O3 interfaces computed by atomistic methods are reviewed, including a set of results computed for mixed mode separation. An approximate potential fit to these results is characterized by the work of separation, the peak separation stress for normal separation and the traction-displacement relation in pure shearing of the interface. With these inputs, the model for steady-state crack growth is used to compute the toughness of the interface under mode I and under the full range of mode mix. The effect of interface strength and the work of separation on macroscopic toughness is computed. Fundamental implications for plasticity-enhanced toughness emerge.


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Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of polycrystalline copper with nano-twins were investigated in the present work by finite element simulations. The fracture of grain boundaries are described by a cohesive interface constitutive model based on the strain gradient plasticity theory. A systematic study of the strength and ductility for different grain sizes and twin lamellae distributions is performed. The results show that the material strength and ductility strongly depend on the grain size and the distribution of twin lamellae microstructures in the polycrystalline copper.


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Two types of peeling experiments are performed in the present research. One is for the Al film/Al2O3 substrate system with an adhesive layer between the film and the substrate. The other one is for the Cu film/Al2O3 substrate system without adhesive layer between the film and the substrate, and the Cu films are electroplated onto the Al2O3 substrates. For the case with adhesive layer, two kinds of adhesives are selected, which are all the mixtures of epoxy and polyimide with mass ratios 1:1.5 and 1:1, respectively. The relationships between energy release rate, the film thickness and the adhesive layer thickness are measured during the steady-state peeling process. The effects of the adhesive layer on the energy release rate are analyzed. Using the experimental results, several analytical criteria for the steady-state peeling based on the bending model and on the two-dimensional finite element analysis model are critically assessed. Through assessment of analytical models, we find that the cohesive zone criterion based on the beam bend model is suitable for a weak interface strength case and it describes a macroscale fracture process zone case, while the two-dimensional finite element model is effective to both the strong interface and weak interface, and it describes a small-scale fracture process zone case. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.