27 resultados para Stochastic transport equation


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The effects of stochastic extension on the statistical evolution of the ideal microcrack system are discussed. First, a general theoretical formulation and an expression for the transition probability of extension process are presented, then the features of evolution in stochastic model are demonstrated by several numerical results and compared with that in deterministic model.


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The problem of predicting sediment transportation by water waves is treated analytically with the rate of wave energy dissipation or wave damping. With resorting to the theory of shallow water waves and the basis of Yamamoto’s Coulomb-damped poroelastic model, the Boussinesq-type equation has been derived over a variation depth bed. For convenience Cnoidal wave is just discussed, The Cnoidal wave with complex wave length and wave velocity, which are as a function of wave frequency, water depth, permeability, Poisson’s ratio and complex elastic moduli of bed soil, is applied to analyse the rate of sediment transportation. Considering the sediment transportation depended on the shear stress near-bed or the horizontal velocity, the conclusion of Yamamoto’s experiment in clay bed has been extended to general situation. It could be figured out that the model should provide a method to avoid the undistinguishable factors during sediment transport processes and relate mass transport with the sediment peculiarities.


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Newfound attention has been given to solute transport in nanochannels. Because the electric double layer (EDL) thickness is comparable to characteristic channel dimensions, nanochannels have been used to separate ionic species with a constant charge-to-size ratio (i.e., electrophoretic mobility) that otherwise cannot be separated in electroosmotic or pressure- driven flow along microchannels. In nanochannels, the electrical fields within the EDL cause transverse ion distributions and thus yield charge-dependent mean ion speeds in the flow. Surface roughness is usually inevitable during microfabrication of microchannels or nanochannels. Surface roughness is usually inevitable during the fabrication of nanochannels. In the present study, we develop a numerical model to investigate the transport of charged solutes in nanochannels with hundreds of roughness-like structures. The model is based on continuum theory that couples Navier-Stokes equations for flows, Poisson-Boltzmann equation for electrical fields, and Nernst-Planck equation for solute transports. Different operating conditions are considered and the solute transport patterns in rough channels are compared with those in smooth channels. Results indicate that solutes move slower in rough nanochannels than in smooth ones for both pressure- driven and electroosmotic flows. Moreover, solute separation can be significantly improved by surface roughness under certain circumstances.


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On the basis of the Boltzmann equation, the authors propose a model that includes scattering from both film surfaces and grain boundaries, and have studied the quasiclassical electrical transport in metallic films. The in-plane electric conductivity of metallic films is obtained, and the theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental data. We also give the relation between temperature coefficient of resistivity and thickness of metallic films and make a comparison with experiment. <(C)> 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Current fluctuations can provide additional insight into quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. The present work is carried out for the fluctuation properties of transport through a pair of coupled quantum dots which are connected with ferromagnetic electrodes. Based on an efficient particle-number-resolved master equation approach, we are concerned with not only fluctuations of the total charge and spin currents, but also of each individual spin-dependent component. As a result of competition among the spin polarization, Coulomb interaction, and dot-dot tunnel coupling, rich behaviors are found for the self- and mutual-correlation functions of the spin-dependent currents.


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By viewing the non-equilibrium transport setup as a quantum open system, we propose a reduced-density-matrix based quantum transport formalism. At the level of self-consistent Born approximation, it can precisely account for the correlation between tunneling and the system internal many-body interaction, leading to certain novel behavior such as the non-equilibrium Kondo effect. It also opens a new way to construct time-dependent density functional theory for transport through large-scale complex systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron transport through a double-quantum-dot structure with intradot and interdot Coulomb interactions is studied by a Green's function (GF) approach. The conductance is calculated by a Landauer-Buttiker formula for the interacting systems derived using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism and the GF's are solved by the equation-of-motion method. It is shown that the interdot-coupling dependence of the conductance peak splitting matches the recent experimental observations. Also, the breaking of the electron-hole symmetry is numerically demonstrated by the presence of the interdot repulsion. [S0163-1829(99)01640-9].


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Particle velocity distribution in a blowing sand cloud is a reflection of saltation movement of many particles. Numerical analysis is performed for particle velocity distribution with a discrete particle model. The probability distributions of resultant particle velocity in the impact-entrainment process, particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights and the vertical velocity of ascending particles are analyzed. The probability distributions of resultant impact and lift-off velocities of saltating particles can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact angle comply with an exponential function. The probability distribution of particle horizontal and vertical velocities at different heights shows a typical single-peak pattern. In the lower part of saltation layer, the particle horizontal velocity distribution is positively skewed. Further analysis shows that the probability density function of the vertical velocity of ascending particles is similar to the right-hand part of a normal distribution function, and a general equation is acquired for the probability density function of non-dimensional vertical velocity of ascending particles which is independent of diameter of saltating particles, wind strength and height. These distributions in the present numerical analysis are consistent with reported experimental results. The present investigation is important for understanding the saltation state in wind-blown sand movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cooling storage ring, to be built at Lanzhou, will be able to deliver heavy ion beams up to uranium up to 0.52 GeV/u. It is expected to make considerable contribution to nuclear EOS study in the high net baryon-density region. With a relativistic transport model, we performed simulations for U+U collisions with different orientations. It is shown that by combining the forward neutron multiplicity and an event-wise elliptic flow selection, it is possible to identify the tip - tip and body - body head-on collisions. The effective identification of these two extreme configurations will allow us to study the EOS at the highest baryon density in the U+U collisions.


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The thermal behaviour and ion-transport properties of a comb polymer electrolyte CP350/LiSCN based on methyl vinyl ether/maleic anhydride copolymer with oligo-oxyethylene side chains were studied by means of DSC and ac impedance method. The two glass transition temperatures which can be attributed to side chains and main chains respectively were found to increase with increasing salt concentration. Conductivities which displayed non-Arrhenius behaviour were analyzed by using Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher equation and interpreted on the basis of the configurational entropy model derived by Gibbs and coworkers. The optimum ionic conductivity at 25 degrees C achieved was 2.19x10(-5)S/cm.