97 resultados para Steel corrosion


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铜管一直是电厂凝汽器的主要应用管材,但由于其抗冲刷和抵御污染物腐蚀的能力差,特别不耐氨蚀,美国和欧洲大量使用不锈钢管替代铜管作为冷凝管,然而不锈钢管在我国的运用仅处于初步阶段。 常使用锌、铝阳极对铜管进行牺牲阳极保护,然而存在着电位差过大、阳极溶解过快的问题。铁基牺牲阳极与铜电位差适当、来源广泛、价格便宜,在一些工程上有所应用,但是目前针对铁基牺牲阳极的理论研究报道很少。 本文选用紫铜管、304不锈钢管作为实验用管材,首先运用实验室全浸实验、极化曲线和电化学阻抗研究了二者在海水和淡水中的腐蚀性能以及CO2、溶解氧对其腐蚀的影响。结果表明:CO2会加速二者的腐蚀,溶解氧却对它们的腐蚀影响不同,促进铜管的腐蚀却抑制不锈钢管的腐蚀;随浸泡时间的延长,紫铜管由于表面产物膜的生成耐蚀性提高,304不锈钢管的耐蚀性却降低;淡水中,304不锈钢管和紫铜管都具有很好的耐蚀性能。随后,运用失重法和极化曲线对比研究了紫铜管、304不锈钢管的氨蚀性能,运用SEM分析和电化学阻抗研究了紫铜在不同浓度氨溶液中的腐蚀机理。发现,304不锈钢管的耐氨蚀能力远远好于铜管;溶解氧是影响氨蚀的关键因素,其对二者氨蚀的影响也不同;紫铜管在低氨浓度和高氨浓度溶液中腐蚀机理和产物不同,低氨浓度时形成保护性的产物膜(CuO 和Cu(OH)2),高氨浓度时由活化溶解控制,生成可溶的[Cu (NH3)4]2+。 选用工业纯铁、35钢为牺牲阳极材料。恒电流实验结果表明它们具有良好的牺牲阳极性能;通过极化曲线和自腐蚀电位测试分析,认为将二者用于铜管牺牲阳极保护是可行的;实验室阴极保护效果测试表明,工业纯铁和35钢对紫铜管具有良好的保护效果,保护度达90%以上。


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The relationship between microbial colonization of two kinds of passive metals and ennobling of their corrosion potentials (E-corr) were studied. Two types of passive metal coupons were exposed to natural seawater for about ten days. Under laboratory conditions, all corrosion potentials of the samples ennobled for about 200 mV. Epifluorescence microscopy showed that bacteria adsorption was the main process during about the first day immersion and bacteria reproduced in the following days. The bacteria number increased on the metal surface according to an exponential law and the kinetics of bacteria adsorption at the metal surface during this period was proposed. The ennoblement of E-corr was similar to the increasing bacteria number: E-corr increased quickly during the bacteria adsorption process and increased slowly after biofilms had formed.


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Grey interrelation analysis method was used to study the correlation of Al-anode elements and its galvanic efficiency at 20 degreesC, 40 degreesC and 60 degreesC. Twenty-eight kinds of Al-anodes were made for experiments by the method given by Chinese National Standard GB4948-85 [1] and the correlation degree of elements added in the anodes were calculated. The results showed that the order of elements affecting galvanic efficiency at different temperature is basically the same, and the correlation degree can reflect the variation of Al-anode galvanic efficiency when changing temperature. It is suggested that the elements being added in Al-anode are Zn, In, Ga, Mg.


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Stress corrosion studies of 50 Mn18Cr4 austenitic steel implanted with 120 keV N+, 100 keV Cr+, 200 keV and 400 keV Er+ ions were carried out by constant strain method in the nitrate solution. Surface composition and depth profiles of the implanted material were measured by AES sputter etching technique. The results exhibit that nitrogen implantation has no significant affection to the stress corrosion, but the chromium and erbium implantation has prolonged the incubation period of the stress corrosion cracking. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The corrosion inhibition behavior of benzotriazole, Na3PO4 and their mixture on carbon steel in 20 wt.% (0.628 mol l(-1)) tetra-n-butylammonium bromide aerated aqueous solution was investigated by weight-loss test, potentiodynamic polarization measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive X-ray techniques. The inhibition action of BTA or SP or inhibitors mixture on the corrosion of carbon steel is mainly due to the inhibition of anodic process of corrosion. The results revealed that inhibitors mixtures have shown synergistic effects at lower concentration of inhibitors. At 2 g l(-1) BTA and 2 g l(-1) SP showed optimum enhanced inhibition compared with their individual effects.


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Polyaniline emeraldine base/epoxy resin (EB/ER) coating was investigated for corrosion protection of mild steel coupled with copper in 3.5% NaCl solution. EB/ER coating with 5-10 wt% EB had long-term corrosion resistance on both uncoupled steel and copper due to the passivation effect of EB on the metal surfaces. During the 150 immersion days, the impedance at 0.1 Hz for the coating increased in the first 1-40 days and subsequently remained constant above 10(9) Omega cm(2), whereas that for pure ER coating fell below 10(6) Omega cm(2) after only 30 or 40 days. Immersion tests on coated steel-copper galvanic couple showed that EB/ER coating offered 100 times more protection than ER coating against steel dissolution and coating delamination on copper, which was mainly attributed to the passive metal oxide films formed by EB blocking both the anodic and cathodic reactions. Salt spray tests showed that 100 mu m EB/ER coating protected steel-copper couple for at least 2000 h.


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayers of hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (HTAB) were deposited onto a carbon steel surface to investigate the inhibition of corrosion by measurement of the polarization resistance and cyclic voltammetry. The corrosion proc


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A newly synthesized benzoic-triazole derivative 3,5-dimethylbenzoic acid [1,2,4]triazol-l-ylmethyl ester (DBT) was investigated as a corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in 1 M HCl solution using weight loss measurements, potentiodynamic polarization, SEM, and EIS methods. The results revealed that DBT was an excellent inhibitor, and the inhibition efficiencies obtained from weight loss and electrochemical experiments were in good agreement. Using the potentiodynamic polarization technique, the inhibitor was proved to have a mixed-type character for mild steel by suppressing both anodic and cathodic reactions on the metal surface. The number of water molecules (X) replaced by a molecule of organic adsorbate was determined from the Flory-Huggins, Dhar-Flory-Huggins, and Bockris-Swinkels substitutional adsorption isotherms applied to the data obtained from the gravimetric experiments performed on a mild steel specimen in 1 M HCl solution at 298 K.


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A numerical analysis of galvanic corrosion of hot-dip galvanized steel immersed in seawater was presented. The analysis was based on the boundary element methods (BEMs) coupled with Newton-Raphson iterative technique to treat the nonlinear boundary conditions, which were determined by the experimental polarization curves. Results showed that galvanic current density concentrates on the boundary of steel substrate and zinc coating, and the sacrificial protection of zinc coating to steel substrate results in overprotection of steel cathode. Not only oxygen reduction but also hydrogen reduction could occur as cathode reactions, which probably led up to the adsorption and absorption of hydrogen atoms. Flat galvanized steel tensile sample shows a brittle behavior similar to hydrogen embrittlement according to the SSRT (show strain rate test) in seawater.


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The oxo-triazole derivative (DTP) was synthesized and its inhibiting action on the corrosion of mild steel in sulphuric acid was investigated by means of weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, EIS and SEM. The results revealed that DTP was an excellent inhibitor and the inhibition efficiencies obtained from weight loss experiment and electrochemical experiment were in good agreement. Potentiodynamic polarization studies clearly revealed that DTP acted essentially as the mixed-type inhibitor. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters were obtained from weight loss of the different experimental temperatures, which suggested that at different temperatures (298-333 K) the adsorption of DTP on metal surface obeyed Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corrosion inhibition by some new triazole derivatives on mild steel in 1 M hydrochloric acid solutions has been investigated by weight loss test, electrochemical measurement, scanning electronic microscope analysis and quantum chemical calculations. The results indicate that these compounds act as mixed-type inhibitors retarding the anodic and cathodic corrosion reactions and do not change the mechanism of either hydrogen evolution reaction or mild steel dissolution. The studied compounds following the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and the thermodynamic parameters were determined and discussed. The effect of molecular structure on the inhibition efficiency has been investigated by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The electronic properties such as highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels, energy gap (LUMO-HOMO), dipole moment and molecular orbital densities were calculated. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of X56 steel and its relationship with hydrogen permeation behaviour in atmospheric environment containing H2S was investigated by hydrogen permeation tests at a slow strain rate. The results show that: the fracture strain decreases with the decrease of strain rate under the same experimental conditions; the fracture strain also decreases with the increase of H2S concentration under the same strain rate, and the increased concentration of H2S has no significant effect on the hydrogen permeation in the first wet, etc. dry cycle, however has lead to increased hydrogen permeation in the later cycles. The SEM images of the fractured surfaces show clear evidences of enhanced stress corrosion cracking susceptibility by H2S.


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Hydrogen entry and permeation into iron were measured by an electrochemical method during atmospheric corrosion reaction. The hydrogen permeation was enhanced on passive films because the hydrogen adsorption increased by the hydrogen evolution mechanism which is different from that on a bear iron surface. The permeation rate during a wet and dry corrosion cycle showed a maximum in the drying process depending upon the surface pH and the corrosion potential. The pollutant such as Na2SO3 which decreases the pH and the corrosion potential causes an increase in the permeation rate. The mechanism of the change in the permeation rate during the wet and dry cycles is explained by the polarization diagram of the electrode covered by thin water layer. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.