140 resultados para Shallow lakes


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Submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes have experienced large-scale declines due to the increasing human activities during past decades. To seek the key factor that affects their growth, monthly investigations of submersed macrophytes were conducted in 20 regions of four Yangtze lakes during December, 2001-March, 2003. Analyses based on annual values show that the ratio of Secchi depth to mean depth is the key factor (50% of macrophyte biomass variability among these lakes is statistically explained). Further analyses also demonstrate that the months from March to June are not only the actively growing season for most macrophytes, but the key time the factor acts. Five key-time models yielding higher predictive power (r(2) reaches 0.75,0.76,0.77,0.69 and 0.81) are generated. A comparison between key-time models and traditional synchronic ones indicates that key-time models have higher predictive power. Analyses of transparency thresholds during macrophyte growing season and the limitations of the models are presented. The models and other results may benefit the work concerning submersed macrophyte recovery in Yangtze lakes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stocking experiments with Eriocheir sinensis were conducted in two small, shallow lakes to study its growth pattern in 1994-1997. For the initially immature crabs, carapace width (CW) increases from 21.2 +/- 0.4 mm (mean +/- s.e.) for females and 22.3 +/- 0.5 mm for males in January, to 65.4 +/- 0.5 mm for females and 66.9 +/- 0.6 mm for males in October. There is no significant difference in CW and carapace length (CL), although there is a large difference in body weight (BW) between sexes in every month from January to August when crabs are juvenile, however, there are significant differences in CW, CL. and BW between sexes after September when the crabs become sexually mature. The growth curve from January to October fits a logistic equation and may be expressed as CW = 75.7 (1 + exp (0.914 - 0.011t))(-1) for females, and CW = 77.5 (1 + exp (0.889 - 0.011t))-1 for males, where CW is in mm, t in days. For precocious crabs (reaching maturity by the first autumn, CW does not change much from January to July, which indicates that precocious crabs stop growing. Like juveniles, the precocious crabs show no differences in CW and CL, but do show a statistically significant difference in BW between sexes.


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Ecological studies on benthic nematodes were conducted in two small, shallow lakes in the middle Yangtze basin, China; Lake Houhu, where the main source of primary production is phytoplankton and Lake Biandantang where it is predominantly macrophytic in origin. Monthly sampling was carried out from April 1996 to March 1997. A total of 36 species of nematodes was found in Lake Houhu and 51 species in Lake Biandantang. The dominant trophic groups of nematodes were algophages in Lake Houhu and bacteriophages associated with omniphages and phytophages in Lake Biandantang. Community analyses based on K-dominance curves, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices, demonstrate that the benthic nematodes are more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu. The results suggest that the abundance of submerged vegetation is essential for maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity of nematodes in shallow lakes.


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Growth, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to eutrophication were studied for a submerged plant Potamogeton maackianus, a species common in East Asian shallow lakes. The plants were grown in six NH4+-N concentrations (0.05, 0.50, 1.00, 3.50, 5.00 and 10.00 mg/L) for six days. NH4+-N levels in excess of 0.50 mg/L inhibited the plant growth. The relationships between external NH4+-N availability and total nitrogen (TN), protein-N, free amino acid-N (FAA-N) and NH4+-N in plant tissues, respectively, conformed to a logarithmic model suggesting that a feedback inhibition mechanism may exist for ammonium uptake. The response of starch to NH4+-N was fitted with a negative, logarithmic curve. Detailed analysis revealed that the influx NH4+-N had been efficiently incorporated into organic-N and eventually stored as protein at the expense of starch accumulation. These data suggest that this species may be able to tolerate high levels of ammonium when dissolved oxygen is sufficient.


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Phosphatase may accelerate the process of lake eutrophication through improving phosphorus bioavailability. This mechanism was studied in three Chinese eutrophic shallow lakes (Lake Taihu, Lake Longyang,and Lake Lianhua). Phosphatase activity was related to the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and chlorophyll a. Stability of dissolved phosphatase in reverse micelles may be attributed to molecular size, conformation and active residues of the enzyme. At the site with Microcystis bloomed in Lake Taihu, dissolved phosphatase activity was higher and more stable in micelles, SRP concentrations were lower in interstitial water, the contents of different forms of phosphorus and the amounts of aerobic bacteria were lower while respiration efficiency was higher in sediments. Phosphobacteria, both inorganic and organic and other microorganisms were abundant in surface water but rare in sediments. Therefore, internal phosphorus may substantially flux into water column by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic release, together with mobility of bacteria, thereby initiating the bloom. In short, biological mechanism may act in concert with physical and chemical factors to drive the internal phosphorus release and accelerate lake eutrophication.


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The Indian monsoon, an integral part of the global climate system, has been extensively investigated during the past decades. Most of the proxy records are derived from marine sediments and focused on time periods of the late Miocene and Pleistocene. The Pliocene represents a period when Earth’s boundary conditions underwent dramatic changes. However, variations of the Indian monsoon during the Pliocene and its forcing mechanisms have remained unclear. The Yuanmou Basin, located in the region of the Indian monsoon, provides an ideal target for understanding the Pliocene history of Indian monsoon variations. Detailed investigations on the lithostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and limnology of a 650-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary sequence from the basin are carried out in the present study. The clay and clay-plus-fine-silt fractions of the sediments are referred to the midlake-facies components, and changes in the percentages of both fractions generally reflect changes in the water level of the lakes developed in the basin closely related to variations in the intensity of the Indian monsoon. Whereas the greenish-gray lacustrine mud beds represent the environment of deep-water lakes, and the frequency of individual lacustrine mud beds is considered to indicate the frequency of the deep-water lakes developed in the basin associated with the variability of the Indian monsoon. The proxy data suggest that the Indian monsoon experienced abrupt shifts at 3.53, 3.14, 2.78 and 2.42 Ma, respectivey. 1) Since 3.53 Ma, the midlake-facies components displayed a general trend of increase in the concentrations, accompanied by an increase in the sedimentation rate from an average ~10 to 25 cm ka–1. The data suggest that high stands of the lakes in the basin rose progressively, implying a gradual intensification of the Indian monsoon since that time. This shift occurred coeval with the accelerated uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau, denoting a close link between the Indian monsoon strengthening and the Tibetan Plateau uplifting. 2) 2.78 Ma ago, the concentrations of the midlake-facies components decreased abruptly and the dominant fraction of the sediments turned to fluvial sands. The data indicate that lakes in the basin disappeared, reflecting a dramatic decline in the intensity of the Indian monsoon at that time. This shift coincided with the formation of extensive Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, implying a quick response of the low-latitude monsoon regime to the high-latitude glaciation. 3) At 3.14 Ma, the initial appearance of blackish-grey mud beds with long durations and occasional occurrences of lacustrine mud beds indicate that the basin was overall dominated by shallow lakes, implying a shift to decreased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. At 2.42 Ma, an increase in the frequency and a decrease in the duration of the lacustrine mud beds suggest that deep-water lakes were frequently developed in the basin, denoting a shift to increased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. The former shift coincides with the onset of large-scale glaciation in the circum Atlantic region and the latter corresponds to the inception of predominance of the 41 ka periodicity in Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet cover fluctuations, presumably suggesting a physical link between the Indian monsoon system and the high-latitude ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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Carbon stable isotope analysis of surface bloom scum and subsurface seston samples was conducted in shallow eutrophic lakes in China during warm seasons from 2003 to 2004. delta C-13 values of bloom scum were always higher (averaged 5 parts per thousand) than those of seston in this study, and the possible reasons were attributed to (i) direct use of atmospheric CO2 at the air-water interface, (ii) decrease in C-13 fractionation due to higher carbon fixation, (iii) active CO2 transport, and/or (iv) HCO3 accumulation. Negative correlation between delta C-13(scum) - delta C-13(seston) and pH in the test lakes indicated that phytoplankton at the subsurface water column increased isotopic enrichment under the-carbon limitation along with the increase of pH, which might in turn decreased the differences in 313 C between the subsurface seston and the surface scums. Significant positive correlations of seston 8 13C with total concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in water column suggested that the increase in delta C-13 of seston with trophic state was depending on nutrient (N or P, or both) supply. Our study showed that delta C-13 of phytoplankton was indicative of carbon utilization, primary productivity, and nutrient supply among the eutrophic lakes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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A comparative limnological study was carried out to present a snapshot of crustacean zooplankton communities and their relations to environmental factors to test whether there is a consistent relationship between crustacean biomass and trophic indicators among lake groups with similar trophic conditions. The study lakes showed a wide range of trophic status, with total phosphorus (TP) ranging from 0.008 to 1.448mgL(-1), and chlorophyll a from 0.7 to 146.1 mu g L-1, respectively. About 38 species of Crustacea were found, of which Cladocera were represented by 25 taxa (20 genera), and Copepoda by 13 taxa (I I genera). The most common and dominant species were Bosmina coregoni, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Cyclops vicinus, Thermocyclops taihokuensis, Mesocyclops notius and Sinocalanus dorrii. Daphnia was rare in abundance. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that except for four species (D. hyalina, S. dorrii, C. vicinus and M. micrura), almost all the dominant species had the same preference for environmental factors. Temperature, predatory cyclopoids and planktivorous fishes seem to be the key factors determining species distribution. TP was a relatively better trophic indicator than chlorophyll a to predict crustacean biomass. Within the three groups of lakes, however, there was no consistent relationship between crustacean biomass and trophic indicators. The possible reason might be that top-down and bottom-up control on crustaceans vary with lake trophic state. The lack of significant negative correlation between crustacean biomass and chlorophyll a suggests that there was little control of phytoplankton biomass by macrozooplankton in these shallow subtropical lakes. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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1. We studied driving forces shaping phytoplankton assemblages in two subtropical plateau lakes with contrasting trophic status, the oligotrophic deep Lake Fuxian and the eutrophic shallow Lake Xingyun. 2. Phytoplankton samples were taken monthly for a year and phytoplankton species were sorted into the main taxonomic groups and associations proposed by Reynolds. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to test the occurrence of these classification schemes and to determine their discriminatory power. 3. The results suggest that the major driving forces in Lake Fuxian were physical variables, and particularly the underwater light climate, whereas, nutrients were the important driving force in Lake Xingyun. 4. Top-down control through zooplankton grazing in Lake Fuxian was hardly ever a significant determinant itself, because of the scarcity of zooplankton and their low grazing efficiency of predation while a dominance of inedible cyanobacteria throughout the year rendered top-down controls ineffective failing in Lake Xingyun. Hence phytoplankton communities in both lakes appear to be regulated primarily by bottom-up controls.


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This study describes the current status of the small fish community in Niushan Lake in China, and examines the spatial and seasonal variations of the community in relation to key environmental factors. Based on macrophyte cover conditions, the lake was divided into three major habitat types: (1) Potamogeton maackianus habitat, (2) Potamogeton maackianus and Myriophyllum spicatum habitat, and (3) uncovered or less-covered habitat. Fish were sampled quantitatively in the three habitat types by block nets seasonally from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 10 469 individuals from 27 fish species were caught, among which 20 species were considered as small fishes. Rhodeus ocellatus, Paracheilognathus imberbis, Pseudorasbora parva, Micropercops swinhonis and Cultrichthys erythropterus were recognized as dominant small fishes according to their abundance and occurrence. It was noted that (1) small fishes predominated the total number of fish species in the lake, which reflected to some degree the size diminution phenomenon of fish resources; (2) many small fishes had plant detritus as their food item, which was consistent with the abundance of macrophyte detritus in the lake and implied the importance of detritus in supporting small fish secondary production. Canonical correspondence analysis suggested that the spatial distributions of most small fishes were associated with complex macrophyte cover conditions. Macrophyte biomass was positively correlated with species richness, diversity index and the catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of the fish community. Water depth had no significant effects on species diversity and distribution of the small fishes. Correspondence analysis revealed a higher occurrence of the small fishes and higher abundance of individuals in summer and autumn. Seasonal length-frequency distributions of several species indicated that more larval and juvenile individuals appeared in spring and summer. This study provides some baseline information which will be essential to long-term monitoring of small fish communities in the Yangtze lakes.


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Up to now, there have been few studies in the annual fluxes of greenhouse gases in lakes of subtropical regions. The fluxes of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) across air-water interface were measured in a shallow, hypereutrophic, subtropical Lake Donghu (China) over a year cycle, using a static chamber technique. During the year, Lake Donghu emitted CH4 and CO2; the average flux of CH4 and CO2 was 23.3 +/- 18.6 and 332.3 +/- 160.1 mg m(-2) d(-1), respectively. The fluxes of CH4 and CO2 showed strong seasonal dynamics: CH4 emission rate was highest in summer, remaining low in other seasons, whereas CO2 was adsorbed from the atmosphere in spring and summer, but exhibited a large emission in winter. Annual carbon (C) budget across air-water interface in Lake Donghu was estimated to be 7.52 +/- 4.07 x 10(8) g. CH4 emission was correlated positively with net primary production (NPP) and temperature, whereas CO2 flux correlated negatively with NPP and temperature; however, there were no significant relationships between the fluxes of CH4 and CO2 and dissolved organic carbon, a significant difference from boreal lakes, indicating that phytoplankton rather than allochthonous matter regulated C dynamics across air-water interface of subtropical lake enriched nutrient content. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Total alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations were measured in municipal wastewater, and a shallow Chinese freshwater lake receiving it. Activities of Dissolved alkaline phosphatase ( ADAP) in overlying and interstitial water were also analyzed monthly at three sites for several years. The lake was enriched with SRP and alkaline phosphatase by discharge of the wastewater, indicating that the inclusion of APA for estimating water pollution was reasonable. Annual data showed that APA in coarser fraction was significantly higher at the site receiving more wastewaters, both in surface and overlying water, suggesting that resuspension of enzyme most likely occurred in the basin heavily discharged. ADAP was an order of magnitude higher in the wastewater than those in lake waters, and was generally higher in interstitial water, a feature more striking at the site receiving more discharges. Besides, it was irrespectively inhibited by Na2WO4, L-cysteine and EDTA-Na, but stimulated by Cu2+, Zn2+, CTAB and Triton X-100 in interstitial, overlying and surface waters. This similarity of responding patterns to the stressors indicated an analogy between dissolved alkaline phosphatase in water column and that in interstitial water, supporting the hypothesis that the polluted sediments act as source of dissolved alkaline phosphatase in eutrophic lakes.


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Monthly sediment and interstitial water samples were collected in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Lake Donghu) from three areas to determine if alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) plays an important role in phosphorus cycling in sediment. The seasonal variability in the kinetics of APA and other relevant parameters were investigated from 1995-1996. The phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus (PHP) fluctuated seasonally in interstitial water, peaking in the spring. A synchronous pattern was observed in chlorophyll a contents in surface water in general. The orthophosphate (o-P) concentrations in the interstitial water increased during the spring. An expected negative relationship between PHP and V-max of APA is not evident in interstitial water. The most striking feature of the two variables is their co-occurring, which can be explained in terms of an induction mechanism. It is argued that phosphatase activity mainly contributes to the driving force of o-P regeneration from PHP in interstitial water, supporting the development of phytoplankton biomass in spring. The V-max values in sediment increased during the summer, in Conjunction with lower K-m values in interstitial water that suggest a higher affinity for the substrate. The accumulation of organic matter in the sediment could be traced back to the breakdown of the algal spring bloom, which may stimulate APA with higher kinetic efficiency, by a combination of the higher V-max in sediments plus lower K-m values in interstitial water, in Summer. In summary, a focus On phosphatase and its substrate in annual scale may provide a useful framework for the development of novel P cycling, possible explanations for the absence of a clear relationship between PHP and APA were PHP released from the sediment which induced APA, and the presence of kinetically higher APA both in sediment and interstitial water which permitted summer mineralization of organic matter derived from the spring bloom to occur. The study highlighted the need for distinguishing functionally distinct extracellular enzymes between the sediment and interstitial water of lakes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave in a shallow liquid layer, where a temperature difference is applied between two parallel sidewalls, have been numerically investigated in a two-dimensional model. The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave appear if the Marangoni number is larger than a critical value. The critical phase speed and critical wave number of the hydrothermal wave agree with the ones given analytically by Smith and Davis in the microgravity environment, and it travels in the direction opposed to the surface flow. Another wave traveled downstream in addition to the hydrothermal wave traveled upstream was observed in the case of earth gravity condition.


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The hydrothermal wave was investigated numerically for large-Prandtl-number fluid (Pr = 105.6) in a shallow cavity with different heated sidewalls. The traveling wave appears and propagates in the direction opposite to the surface flow (upstream) in the case of zero gravity when the applied temperature difference grows and over the critical value. The phase relationships of the disturbed velocity, temperature and pressure demonstrate that the traveling wave is driven by the disturbed temperature, which is named hydrothermal wave. The hydrothermal wave is so weak that the oscillatory flow field and temperature distribution can hardly be observed in the liquid layer. The exciting mechanism of hydrothermal wave is analyzed and discussed in the present paper.