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传统海洋测量方法例如岸基观测站、船只和浮标等方式只能对海面进行单点观测,存在很多不足之处:观测点少,只能获得有限的点的资料,无法得到大范围的海面信息;费用较高,无法大范围的密集观测;传统方法受天气影响较大,无法长时间的连续观测;星载合成孔径雷达能全天候、全天时、高分辨率对海面成像,能实现多波段、多极化、多视角得观测海面,提供大范围、高精度的实时动态海面信息。同时,这种全天候、全天时和高分辨率观测海洋的优势是可见光和红外传感器所没有的。总之研究如何从SAR影像中有效地获取海面信息具有重要的科学和实用意义。 自从1978年Seasat卫星发射以来SAR图像就广泛的应用于海洋要素的反演如海面风场、波高、平均周期。其中对海面风场的反演研究的最多,一般的方法是首先对SAR图像进行快速傅立叶变换得到SAR图像谱,通过图像谱的峰值信息能够得到具有180°模糊的风向,利用SAR图像的条纹或者浮标等外部信息来消除180°模糊确定风向,其次把风向和图像的正交后向散射截面数值(NRCS)带入经验函数CMOD4通过迭代计算得到风速。这种方法得到的海面风场需要外部信息的辅助,不利于大范围的业务化的反演海面风场。因此本文试图直接通过SAR图像来反演海面风场而不利用其他外部信息的帮助。2002年3月1日发射的ENVISAT卫星所获得的ASAR图像具有不同于ERS系列的SAR图像的新特点:不同入射角的情况下获得ASAR图片、双极化数据以及可以获得更宽的带幅的图像。双极化数据可以同时地提供同极化和交错极化的影像,两种极化的数据能够增加分辨目标的能力和提供目标更多的信息,这方面的优势也使得利用双极化的数据来消除SAR图像反演风场中的180º模糊问题提供了可能。本文推导了利用双极化的ASAR图像反演海面风场的新函数,该函数是在同极化和交错极化函数的基础上推导出来的,有效的消除了只用一副ASAR图片反演风场所固有的180º模糊现象。风速和风向的反演结果与Quikscat数据之间的均方根误差分别为0.53 m/s和2.21º。该方法与传统方法的比较可以看出新方法与浮标数据以及Quikscat数据符合的更好。 利用SAR图像来反演海浪的波高也是一个研究的比较多的领域。比较传统的方法是由SAR图像得到的海浪谱计算出波高,目前国际上比较流行的SAR图像反演海浪谱的模式有两种:一种是Hasselmann(1991)提出的在Max-Planck Institute(MPI)发展起来的方法,Hasselmann(1996)进行了改进和完善。另一种是Mastenbroek和de Valk(2000)提出的半参数化反演方法。这两种方法的最主要的缺点就是需要引进外部信息(WAM模式结果或者散射计的风的信息)来消除图像所固有的180°方向模糊问题。而本文应用的经验函数方法(CWAVE)不需要引进任何外部信息而直接得到海浪的重要参数-有效波高(Hs),输入该经验函数的参数主要有:波模式图像的雷达截面、图像方差以及由SAR谱得到的20个参数。这些参数的选择是通过逐步回归方法进行筛选的。CWAVE经验函数的系数是通过6000幅全球分布的ERS-2波模式的图像谱拟合同时同地点的WAM模式结果得到的。利用CWAVE经验函数反演了1998年9月到2000年11月两年多的全球接近一百万的ERS-2 SAR图像的有效波高,利用NOAA浮标数据对反演结果进行了验证,他们之间的相关系数为0.83, 均方根误差为0.61m,偏差为0.02 m;反演结果也与欧洲中长期预报中心(ECMWF)的ERA-40有效波高资料和高度计资料进行了比较,结果表明该方法是通过SAR图像反演Hs的一种有效方法。 SAR的反演结果也应用于有效波高的非线性统计分布的研究。结合动力学和随机统计学原理推导了海面高度、波高和有效波高的非线性统计分布,同时利用了NOAA浮标数据、华师大的波高数据以及SAR的有效波高数据分别对推导出的非线性统计分布函数进行了检验。 SAR的结果也用来反演新的风浪成长关系: ,与已有的风浪成长关系的比较表明该成长关系与已有的结果比较一致。


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The stress release model, a stochastic version of the elastic rebound theory, is applied to the large events from four synthetic earthquake catalogs generated by models with various levels of disorder in distribution of fault zone strength (Ben-Zion, 1996) They include models with uniform properties (U), a Parkfield-type asperity (A), fractal brittle properties (F), and multi-size-scale heterogeneities (M). The results show that the degree of regularity or predictability in the assumed fault properties, based on both the Akaike information criterion and simulations, follows the order U, F, A, and M, which is in good agreement with that obtained by pattern recognition techniques applied to the full set of synthetic data. Data simulated from the best fitting stress release models reproduce, both visually and in distributional terms, the main features of the original catalogs. The differences in character and the quality of prediction between the four cases are shown to be dependent on two main aspects: the parameter controlling the sensitivity to departures from the mean stress level and the frequency-magnitude distribution, which differs substantially between the four cases. In particular, it is shown that the predictability of the data is strongly affected by the form of frequency-magnitude distribution, being greatly reduced if a pure Gutenburg-Richter form is assumed to hold out to high magnitudes.


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We propose an optical apparatus enabling the measurement of spherical power, cylindrical power, and optical center coordinates of ophthalmic lenses. The main advantage of this new focimeter is to provide a full bidimensional mapping of the characteristics of ophthalmic glasses. This is made possible thanks to the use of a large-area and high-resolution position-sensitive detector. We describe the measurement principle and present some typical mappings, particularly for progressive lenses. We then discuss the advantages in terms of speed and versatility of such a focimeter for the measurement of complex lens mappings. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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A new type of wave-front analysis method for the collimation testing of laser beams is proposed. A concept of wave-front height is defined, and, on this basis, the wave-front analysis method of circular aperture sampling is introduced. The wave-front height of the tested noncollimated wave can be estimated from the distance between two identical fiducial diffraction planes of the sampled wave, and then the divergence is determined. The design is detailed, and the experiment is demonstrated. The principle and experiment results of the method are presented. Owing to the simplicity of the method and its low cost, it is a promising method for checking the collimation of a laser beam with a large divergence. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Recurring to the characteristic of Bessel function, we give the analytic expression or the Fresnel diffraction by a circular aperture, thus the diffractions on the propagation axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow are discussed conveniently. Since it is difficult to embody intuitively the physical meaning from this series expression of the Fresnel diffraction, after weighing the diffractions on the axis and along the boundary of the geometrical shadow, we propose a simple approximate expression of the circular diffraction, which is equivalent to the rigorous solution in the further propagation distance. It is important for the measurement of the parameter or the beam, such as the quantitative analysis of the relationship of the wave error and the divergence of the beam, In this paper, the relationship of the fluctuation of the transverse diffraction profile and the position of the axial point is discussed too. (c) 2005 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.


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When noises considerations are made, nonredundant arrays (NRAs) are endowed with many advantages which other arrays e.g., uniformly redundant arrays (URAs) do not possess in applications of coded aperture imaging. However, lower aperture opening ratio limits the applications of NRA in practice. In this paper, we present a computer searching method based on a global optimization algorithm named DIRECT to design NRAs. Compared with the existing NRAs e.g., Golay's NRAs, which are well known and widely used in various applications, NRAs found by our method have higher aperture opening ratio and auto correlation compression ratio. These advantages make our aperture arrays be very useful for practical applications especially for which of aperture size are limited. Here, we also present some aperture arrays we found. These aperture arrays have an interesting property that they belong to both NRA and URA. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Accurate, analytical series expressions for the far-field diffraction of it Gaussian beam normally incident on a circular and central obscured aperture are derived with the help of the integration of parts method. With this expression, the far-field intensity distribution pattern can be obtained and the divergence angle is deduced too. Using the first five items of the series, the accuracy can satisfy most laser application fields. Compared with the conventional numerical integral method, the series representation is very convenient for understanding the physical meanings. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Based on the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral and Fourier transform, propagation expression of a chirped Gaussian pulse passing through a hard-edged aperture is derived. Intensity distributions of the pulse with different frequency chirp in the near-field and far-field are analyzed in detail by numerical calculations. In the near-field, amplitudes of the intensity peaks generated by the modulation of the hard-edged aperture decrease with increasing the frequency chirp, which results in the improving of the beam uniformity. A physical explanation for the smoothing effect brought by increasing the frequency chirp is given. The smoothing effect is achieved not only in the pulse with Gaussian transverse profile but also in the pulse with Hermite-Gaussian transverse profile when the frequency chirp increases. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By means of the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral, the field representation of a laser beam modulated by a hard-edged aperture is derived. The near-field and far-field transverse intensity distributions of the beams with different bandwidths are analyzed by using the representation. The numerical calculation results indicate that the amplitudes and numbers of the intensity spikes decrease with increasing bandwidth, and beam smoothing is achieved when the bandwidth takes a certain value in the near field. In the far field, the radius of the transverse intensity distribution decreases as the bandwidth increases, and the physical explanation of this fact is also given. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We introduce a four-pass laser pulse compressor design based on two grating apertures with two gratings per aperture that is tolerant to some alignment errors and, importantly, to grating-to-grating period variations. Each half-beam samples each grating in a diamond-shaped compressor that is symmetric about a central bisecting plane. For any given grating, the two half-beams impinge on opposite sides of its surface normal. It is shown that the two split beams have no pointing difference from paired gratings with different periods. Furthermore, no phase shift between half-beams is incurred as long as the planes containing a grating line and the surface normal for each grating of the pair are parallel. For grating pairs satisfying this condition, gratings surfaces need not be on the same plane, as changes in the gap between the two can compensate to bring the beams back in phase. © 2008 Optical Society of America.