Many testing methods are based on program paths. A well-known problem with them is that some paths are infeasible. To decide the feasibility of paths, we may solve a set of constraints. In this paper, we describe constraint-based tools that can be used for this purpose. They accept constraints expressed in a natural form, which may involve variables of different types such as integers, Booleans, reals and fixed-size arrays. The constraint solver is an extension of a Boolean satisfiability checker and it makes use of a linear programming package. The solving algorithm is described, and examples are given to illustrate the use of the tools. For many paths in the testing literature, their feasibility can be decided in a reasonable amount of time.
IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering
Interactive intention understanding is important for Pen-based User Interface (PUI). Many works on this topic are reported, and focus on handwriting or sketching recognition algorithms at the lexical layer. But these algorithms cannot totally solve the problem of intention understanding and can not provide the pen-based software with high usability. Hence, a scenario-based interactive intention understanding framework is presented in this paper, and is used to simulate human cognitive mechanisms and cognitive habits. By providing the understanding environment supporting the framework, we can apply the framework to the practical PUI system. The evaluation of the Scientific Training Management System for the Chinese National Diving Team shows that the framework is effective in improving the usability and enhancing the intention understanding capacity of this system.
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
以鞍钢冷轧厂计算机集成制造系统开发为背景 ,介绍了基于Client/Server方式 ,以OR ACLE为后台数据库的财务管理系统的设计与实现。运用软件工程和数据库理论 ,结合ORACLERDBMS的特点 ,并对实现方法做了比较全面地论述。最后 ,探讨了通向财务信息集成的途径
Debris Landslide is one of the types of landslides with the widest distribution, largest quantity, and the closest relationship with engineering construction. It is also one of the most important types of landslides that can cause disaster. This kind of landslide often occurs in the loose slopes which are made up of loose congeries formed by earth filling, residual soil, slope wash, dilapidation, landslide or full weathered material of hard rock. Rainfall is always the chief inducing factor of debris Landslide. Therefore, to research stability of debris Landslide during rainfall not only has important theoretical significance for understanding developing law and deformation and failure mechanism of debris landslide, but also has important practical significance for investigating, appraising, forecasting, preventing and controlling debris landslides. This thesis systematically summarized the relationships between rainfall and landslide, the method to survey water table in the landslides, the deformation and failure mechanism of debris landslide, and the progress in the stability analysis of landslides based on the analyses of data collected widely at home and abroad. The problems in the study of the stability of debris landslide during rainfall was reviewed and discussed. Due to the complicated geological conditions and the random rainfall conditions, the research on the landslides' stability must be based on engineering geological qualitative analysis. Through the collection of the data about the Panxi region and the Three Gorges Reservoir region, the author systematically summarized the engineering geological conditions, hydro-geological condition, distribution characteristics of stress field in the slope, physical and mechanical properties and hydro-mechanical properties of debris. In the viewpoint of dynamics of soil water and hydromechanics, physical process of rainfall to supply groundwater of debris landslides can be divided into two phases, i.e. non-saturated steady infiltrating phase and saturated unsteady supplying phase. The former can be described by mathematical model of surface water infiltration while the latter can be described by equivalent continuous medium model of groundwater seepage. With regard to specific hydrological geology system, we can obtain the dynamic variation law of water content, water table, landslide stability of rock and soil mass, along with quantity and duration of rainfall after the boundary condition on hydrological geology has been ascertained. This is a new way to study the response law of groundwater in the landslides during rainfall. After wet face of rock and soil mass connects with ground water table, the raising of water table will occur due to the supply of rainfall. Then interaction between ground water and rock and soil mass will occur, such as the action of physics, water, chemistry and mechanics, which caused the decrease of shearing strength of sliding zone. According to the action of groundwater on rock and soil mass, a concise mechanical model of debris landslide’s deformation was established during rainfall. The static equilibrium condition of landslide mass system was achieved according to the concise mechanical model, and then the typical deformation and failure process and failure mode of debris landslide during rainfall were discussed. In this thesis, the former limiting equilibrium slice method was modified and improved based on shearing strength theory of , a stability analysis program of debris landslide was established and developed taking account of the saturated-unsaturated seepage, by introducing the shearing strength theory of unsaturated soil mass made by (1978). The program has reasonable data storage and simple interface and is easy to operate, and can be perfectly used to carry out sensitivity analysis of influencing factors of landslides' stability, integrated with the program of Office Excel. The design of drainage engineering are always bases on empirical methods and is short of effective quantitative analysis and appraise, therefore, the conception of critical water table of debris landslide was put forward. For debris landslides with different kinds of slide face in the engineering practice, a program to search the critical water table of debris landslide was developed based on native groundwater table. And groundwater table in the slope should be declined below the critical water table in the drainage works, so the program can be directly used to guide drainage works in the debris landslide. Taking the slope deformation body in the back of former factory building of Muli Shawan hydroelectric power station as an example, a systematic and detailed research on debris landslides' stability during rainfall was researched systematically, the relationship among quantity of rainfall, water table and stability of slope was established, the debris landslides' stability in process of rainfall from dynamic viewpoint was analyzed and researched.
Basis path testing is a very powerful structural testing criterion. The number of test paths equals to the cyclomatic complexity of program defined by McCabe. Traditional test generation methods select the paths either without consideration of the constraints of variables or interactively. In this note, an efficient method is presented to generate a set of feasible basis paths. The experiments show that this method can generate feasible basis paths for real-world C programs automatically in acceptable time.
We propose a new formally syntax-based method for statistical machine translation. Transductions between parsing trees are transformed into a problem of sequence tagging, which is then tackled by a search- based structured prediction method. This allows us to automatically acquire transla- tion knowledge from a parallel corpus without the need of complex linguistic parsing. This method can achieve compa- rable results with phrase-based method (like Pharaoh), however, only about ten percent number of translation table is used. Experiments show that the structured pre- diction approach for SMT is promising for its strong ability at combining words.
提出了一种基于组织实体能力的软件过程建模方法(organizational entity capabilities based software process modeling method,简称OEC-SPM),针对软件过程的特殊性,将具有确定能力的组织实体定义为建模过程中的核心要素和基本单元——过程Agent(过程主体).过程Agent根据其自身的目标、知识、经验和能力,在确定的项目目标和约束环境下,通过主动和自治的行为推理,生成具体的软件开发过程和生产过程,为软件项目开发提供正确的决策和有效的支持.该方法由于在建立软件过程时充分考虑过程执行者完成目标的能力,使建立的过程具有良好的可预见性,具备过程稳定执行的前提,因此从根本上解决了软件过程不稳定、难以控制等问题.
随着全球化的不断深入和互联网的发展,人们在日常工作和生活中常常需要面对大量的非母语信息,如何利用计算机实现不同语言之间的自动转换以克服人类的语言障碍已成为当前人们的迫切需求。由于统计机器翻译方法具有语言依赖性弱、系统开发周期短、翻译质量较好等优点,目前已成为机器翻译研究界的热点研究方向。本文从形式化句法的角度,针对目前统计机器翻译方法中存在的非连续短语处理、训练和搜索相独立以及短语顺序的调整等问题开展了研究工作。论文的主要工作和创新点总结如下: 1. 改进的短语翻译模型 目前常用的基于短语的翻译模型没有考虑对非连续短语的处理。我们提出了一种基于非连续短语的统计翻译模型,利用该模型可以使翻译的基本单元从连续短语扩展到带有间隔的非连续短语,通过借助上下文词汇信息以达到改善翻译结果的目的。同时,由于该方法抽取的短语数量较少,也使得解码的效率得到了提高。实验表明,改进的非连续短语模型在取得与层次型短语模型相当的翻译性能的情况下,计算效率也得到了提高。 2. 基于SEARN的形式化句法模型 在目前的机器学习方法中,训练和搜索的过程相对独立,训练时采用的复杂结构信息在搜索过程中常常难于保持。我们提出了一种转换操作,将集成训练和搜索的结构化预测方法(Search-based Structured Prediction,SEARN)用于转换后的序列标注问题,以解决双语句法树之间的映射。实验表明,该方法在抽取短语数量只有短语模型十分之一的情形下,仍可取得与短语模型相当的翻译性能。 3. 基于压平的双语句法树结构的形式化句法模型 短语顺序是翻译时需要关注的关键问题之一,目前的方法通常只是以源语言端的信息作为调序的依据。我们提出了一种基于压平的双语句法树结构的形式化句法方法。其核心是抽取带有方向属性的短语对,利用这种方向属性辅助目标句子的生成,从而改善目标句子的内部结构(短语顺序)以提高翻译质量。在NIST MT08机器翻译评测数据上的实验表明,这种方法和基于短语的系统相比BLUE值获得7%的提高。 4. 基于序列标注的形式化句法模型 在翻译时句子中的某些区域通常倾向于作为一个整体来进行翻译,目前的方法对句子中的所有词都允许任意位置的词序调整,带来了很多不合理的顺序调整结果。我们提出了一种基于序列标注的形式化句法模型。首先利用压平的双语句法树结构表示双语句子,然后通过我们定义的标签对树节点进行标记,最后借助条件随机场模型对这些标签进行学习。通过这些标签可以区分出能够作为整体翻译的区域,以及句子中难于翻译的部分。同时,对不同的翻译区域可以采用不同的翻译方法,通过局部翻译质量的提高可以带来了整个句子翻译质量的改善。该模型和基于层次型短语的模型比较,BLUE值得到了5%的提高。