58 resultados para Sémery, Renée (18..-19..) -- Correspondance
大绒鼠的核型为2n=56, 常染色体和性染色体皆为单臂染色体。X染色体的长度接近于No.1染色体, Y染色体的长度相当于14号染色体。G分带可鉴别每对染色体的特征, C-带核型中全部着丝点C带均显示不同程度的阳性。Y染色体整条呈阳性。Ag-NORs有5对, 分别分布于1、2、6、14和27号染色体的着丝粒附近。并对大绒鼠的分类地位进行了初步探讨。
<正> 迄今尚未见将藻类生产与食用菌生产结合研究的报导。1983年以来,我们在研究发展藻类生物技术,进行藻类蛋白工厂化生产试验的同时,利用生产藻类蛋白的塑料大棚冬闲时间生产食用菌,连续五年获得平菇大面积高产丰收,取得显著效益。1987年平菇培养面积1680平方米,产菇42.1吨,产值5.31万元。同时,我们还发现藻类提取物与菌块提取物在分别促进菌、藻生长中的一些生物学作用。这里,将大棚生产平菇阶段的结果报导如下。材料与方法生产基地位于湖北省黄梅县境内,地处长江中游江汉平原东部。采用菌株系由平菇(Pleur
<正> 中国科学院水生生物研究所第一研究室鱼类生态的研究人员,于1982年11月1~2日(水温18~19℃),解剖了30尾从宜昌十里红江段刚捕起的铜鱼,发现其中14尾鱼的肠管中有中华鲟的卵,胚胎已发育到囊胚期和原肠期.据推算距受精时间约为17~25小时.11月5~6日在同一地点,又解剖到肠管中含有中华鲟卵的铜鱼7尾,卵子发育至卵裂期,距受精时间约数小时,可判定与11月1~2日所发现的鲟卵不是同批产出的.
Three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) are fabricated from a high-mobility InP/In0.75Ga0.25As heterostructure by electron-beam lithography. The voltage output from the central branch is measured as a function of the voltages applied to the left and right branches of the TBJs. The measurements show that the TBJs possess an intrinsic nonlinearity. Based on this nonlinearity, a novel room-temperature functional frequency mixer and phase detector are realized. The TBJ frequency mixer and phase detector are expected to have advantages over traditional circuits in terms of simple structure, small size and high speed, and can be used as a new type of building block in nanoelectronics.
Diphasic silicon films (nc-Si/a-Si:H) have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the nc-Si/a-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. The blue shift for the stretching mode and red shift for the wagging mode in the IR spectra also show the variation of the microstructure. By using this kind of film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM 1.5, 100 mw/cm(2)) at room temperature. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
本书是在国家自然科学基金委员会信息科学部的支持下,邀请了三十余位工作在半导体研究领域第一线的知名专家撰写而成的。本书系统介绍了当前国际、国内半导体科学和技术各个领域,包括半导体材料的生长、物理问题、重要实验和理论结果、器件结构和应用等方面的基础知识、研究现状、发展趋势和有待解决的关键问题。 本书适合从事半导体研究和教学的大学教师、科技工作者、工程技术人员、研究生、本科生以及科技管理部门有关工作人员和管理专家阅读和参考。
Diphasic silicon films (nc-Si/a-Si:H) have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the nc-Si/a-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. The blue shift for the stretching mode and red shift for the wagging mode in the IR spectra also show the variation of the microstructure. By using this kind of film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM 1.5, 100 mw/cm(2)) at room temperature. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.