21 resultados para Runs of homozygosity


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The mixed mode of reversed phase (RP) and strong canon-exchange (SCX) capillary electrochromatography (CEC) based on a monolithic capillary column has been developed. The capillary monolithic column was prepared by in situ copolymerization of 2-(sulfooxy)ethyl methacrylate (SEMA) and ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) in the presence of porogens. The sulfate group provided by the monomer SEMA on the monolithic bed is used for the generation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) from the anode to the cathode, but at the same time serves as a SCX stationary phase. A mixed-mode (RP/SCX) mechanism for separation of peptides was observed in the monolithic column, comprising hydrophobic and electrostatic interaction as well as electrophoretic migration at a low pH value of mobile phase. A column efficiency of more than 280000 plates/m for the unretained compound has been obtained on the prepared monoliths. The relative standard deviations observed for to and retention factors of peptides were about 0.32% and less than 0.71% for ten consecutive runs, respectively. Effects of mobile phase compositions on the EOF of the monolithic column and on the separation of peptides were investigated. The selectivity on separation of peptides in the monolithic capillary column could be easily manipulated by varying the mobile phase composition.


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A magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-supported di(2-pyridyl)methanol palladium dichloride complex was prepared via click chemistry. The MNP-supported catalyst was evaluated in Suzuki coupling reaction in term of activity and recyclability in DMF. It was found to be highly efficient for Suzuki coupling reaction using aryl bromides as substrates and could be easily separated by an external magnet and reused in five consecutive runs without obvious loss of activity.


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An expert system for solvent extraction of rare earths has been developed using LISP. The goal of this project was to mimic the chemists' inferential abilities to assist in the process of solvent extraction of rare earths. The system includes frequently used extractants, separation of specific rare earths, recommendation of procedures for the separation of mixtures of rare earths using (2-ethylhexyl)phosphonic acid 2-ethylhexyl monoester, selection of parameters for counter-current extraction and methods for evaluation of the technique, and the economics of the processing. The expert system runs on an IBM-PC/XT.


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In the present paper, correlation between the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) onset and heat content in the upper layer of the warm pool in the western Pacific Ocean is examined using the Scripps Institution of Oceanography dataset for the period of 1955-1998 and an approach to prediction the SCSSM onset is proposed. Correlation showes that there exists interdecadal variability of the SCSSM onset demarcated by 1970 with the largest correlation coefficient in the area west of the center of the warm pool rather than near its centers, implying certain effect from other factors involved besides ENSO. As the correlation is poor for the period before 1970, the heat content anomaly of the warm pool after 1970 is used to indicate early or late onset of the SCSSM beforehand. An ideal representative area (1A degrees x1A degrees) for the warm pool heat content was determined with its center at 3A degrees N/138A degrees E. The nearest TAO (TAO-Tropical Atmosphere Ocean-array) mooring to the center is at 2A degrees N/137A degrees E, and chosen to calculate the heat content for prediction. It is suggested that the TAO mooring at 2A degrees N/137A degrees E could be used to predict the SCSSM onset with the heat content in the upper layer, if the correlation between the SCSSM onset and the heat content of the warm pool runs like that of after 1970. On the other hand, if the situation does like the one before 1970, the representative station is determined at 13A degrees S/74A degrees E with relatively poor correlation, meaning that the warm pool in the western Pacific Ocean plays more important role in the SCSSM onset than the Indian Ocean.


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Separation of small peptides on ion-exchange capillary electrochromatography (IE-CEC) with strong cation-exchange packing (SCX) as stationary phase was investigated. It was observed that the number of theoretical plates for small peptides varied from 240 000 to 460 000/m, and the relative standard deviation for t(0) and the migration time of peptides were less than 0.57% and 0.27%, respectively for ten consecutive runs. Unusually high column efficiency has been explained by the capillary electrophoretic stacking and chromatofocusing phenomena during the injection and separation of positively charged peptides. The sample buffer concentration had a marked effect on the column efficiency and peak area of the retained peptides. The influences of the buffer concentration and pH value as well as the applied voltage on the separation were investigated. It has been shown that the electrostatic interaction between the positively charged peptides and the SCX stationary phase played a very important role in IE-CEC, which provided the different separation selectivity from those in the capillary electrophoresis and reversed-phase liquid chromatography. A fast separation of ten peptides in less than 3.5 min on IE-CEC by adoption of the highly applied voltage was demonstrated. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A model is developed for predicting the resolution of interested component pair and calculating the optimum temperature programming condition in the comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC). Based on at least three isothermal runs, retention times and the peak widths at half-height on both dimensions are predicted for any kind of linear temperature-programmed run on the first dimension and isothermal runs on the second dimension. The calculation of the optimum temperature programming condition is based on the prediction of the resolution of "difficult-to-separate components" in a given mixture. The resolution of all the neighboring peaks on the first dimension is obtained by the predicted retention time and peak width on the first dimension, the resolution on the second dimension is calculated only for the adjacent components with un-enough resolution on the first dimension and eluted within a same modulation period on the second dimension. The optimum temperature programming condition is acquired when the resolutions of all components of interest by GC x GC separation meet the analytical requirement and the analysis time is the shortest. The validity of the model has been proven by using it to predict and optimize GC x GC temperature programming condition of an alkylpyridine mixture. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.