90 resultados para Repeat breeders


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HR212, a recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli, has been previously reported to inhibit HIV-1 membrane fusion at low nanomolar level. Here we report that HR212 is effective in blocking laboratory strain HIV-1IIIB entry and replication with EC50 values of 3.92±0.62 and 6.59±1.74 nM, respectively, and inhibiting infection by clinic isolate HIV-1KM018 with EC50 values of 44.44±10.20 nM, as well as suppressing HIV-1- induced cytopathic effect with an EC50 value of 3.04±1.20 nM. It also inhibited HIV-2ROD and HIV-2CBL-20 entry and replication in the μM range. Notably, HR212 was highly effective against T20-resistant strains with EC50 values ranging from 5.09 to 7.75 nM. Unlike T20, HR212 showed stability sufficient to inhibit syncytia formation in a time-of-addition assay, and was insensitive to proteinase K digestion. These results suggest that HR212 has great potential to be further developed as novel HIV-1 fusion inhibitor for treatment of HIV/ AIDS patients, particularly for those infected by T20-resistant variants.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10 pairs of male and female Laminaria gametophytes. A total of 58 amplification loci was obtained from 10 selected ISSR primers, of which 34 revealed polymorphism among the gametophytes. Genetic distances were calculated with the Dice coefficient ranging from 0.006 to 0.223. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method arithmetic (UPGMA) average showed that most male and female gametophytes of the same species were clustered together and that 10 pairs of gametophytes were divided into four groups. This was generally consistent with the taxonomic categories. The main group consisted of six pairs of gametophytes, which were selected from Laminaria japonica Aresch. by intensive inbreeding through artificial hybridization. One specific marker was cloned, but was not converted successfully into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of applying ISSR markers to evaluate Laminaria germplasm diversities.


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ISSR analysis was used to investigate genetic variations of 184 haploid and diploid samples from nine North Atlantic Chondrus crispus Stackhouse populations and one outgroup Yellow Sea Chondrus ocellatus Holmes population. Twenty-two of 50 primers were selected and 163 loci were scored for genetic diversity analysis. Genetic diversity varied among populations, percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranged from 27.0 to 55.8%, H(Nei's genetic diversity) ranged from 0.11 to 0.20 and I(Shannon's information index) ranged from 0.16 to 0.30. Estimators PPB, H and I had similar values in intra-population genetic diversity, regardless of calculation methods. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) apportioned inter-population and intra-population variations for C crispus, showing more genetic variance (56.5%) occurred in intra-population, and 43.5% variation among nine populations. The Mantel test suggested that genetic differentiation between nine C. crispus populations was closely related with geographic distances (R = 0.78, P = 0.002). Results suggest that, on larger distance scale (ca. > 1000 km), ISSR analysis is useful for determining genetic differentiations of C crispus populations including morphologically inseparable haploid and diploid individuals. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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系统获得性抗性(Systematic acquired resistance, SAR)是植物抵御病原菌侵染的最有效手段,利用基因工程技术导入SAR信号发生过程中的关键基因后,植物的SAR基因表达量提高并且对病原菌侵染的反应速度加快,因此植物的抗病性得以增强,与传统的抗病基因工程技术相比它对病原菌没有专一性,许多学者称之为广谱抗病基因工程,该领域已成为目前抗病基因工程研究的热点和前沿。 NDR1和NPR1基因在植物的SAR发生中起着重要的作用,前者功能定位在ROS(reactive oxygen species)的激活和随后的水杨酸(SA)诱导合成之间,突变株病原菌诱导后SA合成能力降低,SAR发生减弱,目前还没有对该基因进行过量表达分析的报道;后者功能定位在SAR信号转导级联反应之中的SA积累和随后的SAR基因表达之间。该突变株在病原菌侵染时不产生病程相关蛋白(PRs),表现为感病,而对照抗病;过量表达该基因的转基因拟南芥对多种病原菌的侵染产生抗性,PR1等PRs蛋白的表达量也提高,异源表达该基因的水稻对白叶枯病的抗性也提高。本研究利用RT-PCR方法从拟南芥中克隆了这两种基因,序列分析表明拟南芥Wassilewskija生态型的NDR1基因与Columbia生态型相比,共有7处碱基不同,引起编码氨基酸变化4处,而NPR1基因与报道的Wassilewskija生态型来源的NPR1基因完全相同。 我们构建了35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型高效表达载体,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草,PCR和Southern鉴定外源基因已经整合到植物基因组中。抗病性分析显示过量表达NDR1和NPR1基因的烟草对晚疫病和赤星病的抗性都有明显提高,说明这两个基因的在其它植物中异源表达后,都能提高植物对多种病原菌的抗性。 本论文提出了利用这两个基因来培育抗黄萎病棉花的设想,一方面为解决这个“世纪性”难题积累新的资料,另一方面也为其它作物的抗病基因工程提供新的经验。利用35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型表达载体分别对陆地棉品种石远321进行花粉管通道法转化。同时,还探讨了这两个基因在棉花中的共转化实验,希望它们的“协同增效”能进一步提高棉花的抗病性。对其中2001年夏天在南京注射所获得的5,000粒种子在三亚进行100 g/ml卡那霉素筛选,初步鉴定分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因株系26和24棵,PCR进一步鉴定其中分别有12和7棵为转基因阳性,转基因频率分别为0.50%和0.27%,目前利用营养钵蘸根法对其二代进行抗枯、黄萎病鉴定,结果显示有转基因植株对枯、黄萎病的抗性都明显增强,进一步的鉴定正在进行中。2002年初海南注射分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因以及共转化种子22,000、10,500和12,500粒种子,2002年夏在中国农科院植保所黄萎菌病圃筛选抗黄萎病单株,并利用100 g/ml卡那霉素初步筛选出了一批抗性植株,每种转基因株系随机挑选5株进行PCR鉴定,结果显示为阳性。进一步的抗黄萎病鉴定和筛选以及分子分析正在进行中。 同时,本文还探讨了病原菌诱导型启动子在广谱抗病基因工程应用的可能性。根据烟草的Pr1-a启动子已知序列设计引物,PCR扩增启动子序列后,构建病原菌诱导型NPR1基因植物表达载体,并对棉花进行转化,获得种子11,500粒,利用同上的筛选方法,获得了一致的结果,目前抗黄萎病鉴定、分子检测以及生物学分析正在进行中。 最后,鉴于抗生素标记在转基因植物的应用引起了许多“安全性”争论的事实,还构建了无筛选标记的表达载体对抗虫棉进行转化,这样在生产上可以直接获得抗虫棉抗黄萎病棉花新材料,也为其它作物抗病基因工程积累经验。 本研究还提出了一种较为有效的提取高质量棉花总RNA的方法,与原来一些棉花RNA纯化方法相比,该方法所用都为常规试剂,易于重复,质量高。并且利用获得的总RNA构建了黄萎菌激发子诱导的cDNA文库,滴度测定为1╳107pfμ/μg,插入片段大小在5 00~2 000 bp范围内。 鉴于NPR1基因研究的重要性,本研究还利用简并引物PCR技术从海岛棉和陆地棉的基因组中都分离到了NPR1基因的同源片段,大小都为208 bp,与拟南芥NPR1基因的相应部分的同源性分别为66%和65%,它们之间的同源性为87%,目前该基因的全长正在分离鉴定中。 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIPs)在植物的防御反应中起着重要的作用,通过分析已知20余种pgip基因序列的保守区,设计简并引物,PCR扩增海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense)7124 cDNA文库,得到一条长561 bp的片段,序列测定后分析确认为pgip基因的一部分。根据此序列和棉花病原菌诱导的cDNA文库载体中已知部分设计RACE引物,扩增后,5’和3’RACE分别得到666bp和906 bp的片段。序列分析表明它具有完整的编码框,产物为330 aa的蛋白质。序列分析该蛋白具有10个串联的LRR(leucine-rich repeat)区,与柑桔(Citrus)和枳(Poncirus)的pgip基因的同源性分别为69.2%和68.7%。进一步PCR扩增得到该基因的全长阅读框,并且获得了相应的基因组片段,序列分析发现该基因没有内含子。这是从棉属植物中克隆的第一个pgip基因。


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实验室前期工作证明OsRAA1在玉米泛素启动子驱动下组成型表达,可以抑制水稻初生根的生长,促进不定根的形成,形成不同程度螺旋状的初生根,根的向地性反应减缓,这些表型和野生型水稻用生长素处理的表型类似,而且OsRAA1基因的转录受生长素诱导,这些结果表明OsRAA1可能参与了生长素的信号转导途径。但这些表型产生的机理还不是很清楚。在水稻中,茉莉酸在根发育过程中的作用多为生理实验的报道;拟南芥中的研究表明生长素信号转导和茉莉酸信号转导可能都受26S蛋白酶体的调控。由此我们推测茉莉酸在根的发育过程中可能也起着同样的促进作用。本论文在超表达OsRAA1水稻基础上旨在克隆新基因,并对新基因功能进行研究,以探讨茉莉酸在水稻根发育过程中的分子机理,并对生长素和茉莉酸信号转导的关系进行探讨。   首先运用双向电泳技术结合质谱分析技术,在超表达OsRAA1水稻背景下发现了受体激酶家族DUF26的一个成员明显下调,我们命名为OsRMC(Oryza sativa Root Meander and Curling,AAL87185),Western杂交进一步证明了这个结果。   OsRMC位于4号染色体,信息学分析表明只有一个拷贝,没有内含子,ORF阅读框为777bp,编码的蛋白分子量为27.9 kDa,等电点(pI)为5.01。对该蛋白进行同源性比较发现,其含有2个C-X8-C-X2-C基序(Cys-rich repeat, CRR)即半胱氨酸富集区,其中第四个半胱氨酸残基不保守,该基序会形成二硫键,编码两个未知功能的DUF26(Domain Unknown Function 26)结构域。OsRMC由一个信号肽和两个CRR区组成,但没有跨膜区和激酶区。RT-PCR显示OsRMC可能是组成型表达的基因;亚细胞实验表明OsRMC是膜定位的蛋白。Western blot显示OsRMC受茉莉酸诱导表达,受生长素的抑制。   RNAiOsRMC转基因水稻在暗处培养时,抑制了初生根的生长,使侧根数目减少,但促进了不定根的生长和数目的增加;第二叶鞘变短,这些表型和前人报道的外源茉莉酸处理野生型的表型一致。转基因对生长素信号转导和合成没有影响,但初生根和第二叶鞘对外源茉莉酸更加敏感,说明RNAiOsRMC转基因水稻可能增强了茉莉酸信号转导途径。分析转基因水稻的茉莉酸信号转导途径部分相关基因的表达变化,根中受茉莉酸信号转导特异诱导的病原相关基因RSOsPR10的表达明显增多,而JAmyb和OsNDPK1的表达没有变化,证实转基因增强了茉莉酸信号转导其中的一个路径;进一步分析茉莉酸合成途径12-OXO-PDA(12-氧代-顺,顺-10,15-植物二烯酸)还原酶基因OsOPR的表达发现与野生型没有明显差别,说明转基因可能没有影响体内的茉莉酸合成途径。RNAiOsRMC转基因水稻的初生根比野生型的更容易发生弯曲,实验表明培养过程中茉莉酸和背触反应(negative thigmotropism)共同作用使转基因的初生根更容易发生卷曲,而光信号会增强卷曲程度。但RNAiOsRMC转基因水稻并没有影响根的向地性,暗示RNAiOsRMC转基因可能增强了根的回旋运动或(和)背触反应,从而促进了根的弯曲和卷曲。这些结果证明OsRMC参与的茉莉酸信号转导过程在水稻根的发育、弯曲和卷曲过程中起着重要的促进作用。通过对超表达OsRAA1和RNAiOsRMC转基因水稻的分析,说明水稻中存在着生长素信号转导促进茉莉酸信号转导的途径。   综合以上实验结果认为,OsRAA1调控了受体激酶家族DUF26的一个成员OsRMC,使其表达量降低,该过程增强了茉莉酸信号转导途径;确认了受体激酶家族DUF26的基因具有重要的生物学功能,证实了OsRMC调控的茉莉酸信号转导在水稻根系发育、根弯曲和卷曲过程中具有重要的促进作用;证明水稻中存在着生长素信号转导促进茉莉酸信号转导的途径,为完善各种植物激素调控水稻根系发育的网络提供了新的实验证据。      


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Associations have been reported of the seven-repeat (7R) allele of the human dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene with both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the personality trait of novelty seeking. This polymorphism occurs in a 48-bp tandem repea


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Due to its specific characteristics, such as maternal inheritance and absence of recombination, each mtDNA belongs to certain monophyletic clade in the rooted mtDNA tree (haplogroup) according to the mutations it harbors. Rare mutation (excluding parallel mutation) occurring at multiple times in different haplogroups could thus be a potential reading error according to the mtDNA phylogeny. This experience has been widely used in double-checking the credibility of the rare mutations in human mtDNA sequences. However, no test has been performed so far for the feasibility of applying this strategy to the rare insertion/deletion (indel) events in mtDNA sequences. In this study, we attempted to relate the rare indels in mtDNAs to their haplogroup status in a total of 2352 individuals from 50 populations in China. Our results show that the insertion of A at position 16259 is restricted to a subclade of haplogroup C and can be verified. The other indel polymorphisms, which occur in the repeat of the deleted or inserted nucleotide(s), may not be distinguished from phantom mutations from a phylogenetic point of view. Independently and multiply sequencing the fragment with the indel is the best and the most reliable way for confirmation.


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An analysis of the nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 locus from 30 taxa representing 12 placental orders of mammals reveals the enriched occurrences of short interspersed clement (SINE) insertion events. Mammalian-wide interspersed repeats (MIRs) are present at orthologous sites of all examined species except those in the order Rodentia. The higher substitution rate in mouse and a rare MIR deletion from rat account for the absence of MIR in the rodents. A minimum of five lineage-specific SINE sequences are also found to have independently inserted into this intron in Carnivora, Artiodactyla and Lagomorpha. In the case of Carnivora, the unique amplification pattern of order-specific CAN SINE provides important evidence for the "pan-carnivore" hypothesis of this repeat element and reveals that the CAN SINE family may still be active today. Particularly interesting is the finding that all identified lineage-specific SINE elements show a strong tendency to insert within or in very close proximity to the preexisting MIRs for their efficient integrations, suggesting that the MIR clement is a hot spot for successive insertions of other SINEs. The unexpected MIR excision as a result of a random deletion in the rat intron locus and the non-random site targeting detected by this study indicate that SINEs actually have a greater insertional flexibility and regional specificity than had previously been recognized. Implications for SINE sequence evolution upon and following integration, as well as the fascinating interactions between retroposons and the host genomes are discussed.


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We investigated memory impairment in newly hatched chicks following in ovo exposure to a 50-Hz magnetic field (MF) of 2 mT (60 min/day) on embryonic days 12-18. Isolated and paired chicks were used to test the effect of stress during training, and memory retention was tested at 10, 30, and 120 min, following exposure to a bitter-tasting bead (100% methylanthranilate). Results showed that memory was intact at 10 min in both isolated and paired chicks with or without MF exposure. However, while isolated chicks had good memory retention levels at 30 and 120 min, those exposed to MF did not. The results suggest a potential disruption of memory formation following in ovo exposure to MF, with this effect only evident in the more stressed, isolated chicks. Bioelectromagnetics 31:150-155, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) participates in the innate immune response by recognizing viral pathogens. To investigate grass carp immune system responding to GCRV (grass carp reovirus) infection, the full-length cDNA sequence and genomic organization of grass carp TLR3 (CiTLR3) was identified and characterized. The full-length genome sequence of CiTLR3 is composed of 5668 nucleotides, including five exons and four introns. The full-length of CiTLR3 cDNA is 3681 bp in length and encodes a polypeptide of 904 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 102,765 Da and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.35. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence indicated that CiTLR3 has four main structural domains, including a signal peptide sequence, 14 LRR (leucine-rich repeat) motifs, a transmembrane region and a TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domain. It is most similar to the crucian carp (Carassius auratus) TLR3 amino acid sequence with an identity of 99%. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that CiTLR3 transcripts were significantly up-regulated starting at day 1 and continued through day 7 following GCRV infection (P < 0.05). These data implied that CiTLR3 is involved in antiviral defense, provide molecular and functional information for grass carp TLR3, and implicate their role in mediating immune protection against grass carp viral diseases. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is critical for LPS recognition and cellular responses. It also recognizes some viral envelope proteins. Detection mostly results in the inflammation rather than specific antiviral responses. However, it's unclear in fish. In this report, a TLR4 gene (named as GrTLR4b) was cloned and characterized from rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus. The full length of GrTLR4b cDNA consists of 2766 nucleotides and encodes a polypeptide of 818 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 94,518 Da and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.41. The predicted amino acid sequence comprises a signal peptide, six leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs, one leucine-rich repeat C-terminal (LRRCT) motif, followed by a transmembrane segment of 23 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic region of 167 amino acids containing one Toll - interleukin 1 - receptor (TIR) motif. It's closely similar to the zebrafish (Danio rerio) TLR4b amino acid sequence with an identity of 77%. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed GrTLR4b mRNA was constitutive expression in gill, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, muscle and spleen tissues in healthy animals and up-regulated by viruses and bacteria. After being infected by grass carp reovirus or Aeromonas hydrophila, GrTLR4b expressions were up-regulated from 24 h post-injection and lasted until the fish became moribund (P < 0.05). These data implied that TLR4 signaling pathway could be activated by both viral and bacterial infection in rare minnow. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel cadmium-inducible metallothionein (MT) gene (Tpig-MT1) was cloned and sequenced from the ciliate Tetrahymena pigmentosa. The number of deduced amino acids is 118. The polypeptide possesses CCC and CC clusters characteristic of typical Tetrahymena Cd-inducible MTs. The structure of Tpig-MT1 is different from the reported Cd-MT in T. pyriformis, T. thermophila and T. pigmentosa. Tpig-MT1 contains two intragenic tandem repeats with 72.9% identity described as Tpig-MT1 (repeat A1) and Tpig-MT1 (repeat A2). The transcriptional response of Tpig-MT1 gene to different heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb) and oxidative stress (H2O2) was measured using real-time quantitative PCR. The results showed that the gene was quickly induced (1 h) by the five heavy metals and the order of expression level was Hg>Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn. The induction effect of H2O2 was 5-fold after about 15 min, but soon decreased to a non-significant level (30 min). The genetic diversity of Tetrahymena MT genes is discussed in relation to the unique structure of the Tpig-MT1 gene and other reported Cd-MT isoforms. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Habitat fragmentation may have some significant effects on population genetic structure because geographic distance and physical barriers may impede gene flow between populations. In this study, we investigated whether recent habitat fragmentation affected genetic structure and diversity of populations of the nematode Procamallanus fulvidraconis in the yellowhead catfish, Pelteobagrus fin't4draco. The nematode was collected from 12 localities in 7 floodplain lakes of the Yangtze River. Using I I intersirnple sequence repeat markers, analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic diversity occurred mainly within populations (70.26%). Expected heterozygosity (He) of P. fulvidraconis was barely different between connected (0.2105) and unconnected lakes (0.2083). Population subdivision (Fst) between connected lakes (0.2177) was higher than in unconnected lakes (0. 1676). However, the connected and unconnected lakes did not Cluster into 2 clades. A Mantel test revealed significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances (R = 0.5335, P < 0.01). These results suggest that habitat fragmentation did not cause genetic differentiation among populations or a reduction of diversity in isolated populations of P. fulvidraconis. At least 2 factors may increase the dispersal range of the nematode, i.e., flash flooding in summer and other species of fish that may serve as the definitive hosts. Moreover, lake fragmentation is probably a recent process; population size of the nematode in these lakes is large enough to maintain Population structure.


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Three interferon regulatory factor (IRF) genes, CaIRF-1, CaIRF-2 and CaIRF-7, and their promoters of snakehead (Channa argus) were cloned and characterized. The CaIRF-1 gene consists of ten exons, spans 4.3 kb and encodes a putative peptide of 299 aa. The CaIRF-2 gene consists of nine exons, spans 8 kb and encodes a putative peptide of 328 aa. The gene organizations of CaIRF-1 and CaIRF-2 are very similar to that of human IRF-1 and IRF-2 except more compact. Comparison of exon-intron organization of the two genes indicated a common evolutionary structure, notably within the exons encoding the DNA binding domain (DBD) of the two factors. The CaIRF-7 gene spans 4.1 kb and encodes a putative peptide of 437 aa. However, the gene organization of CaIRF-7 consisting of ten exons is different to human IRF-7a gene which has an intron in 5' UTR. Three CaIRFs share homology in N-terminal encompassing the DBD that contains a characteristic repeat of tryptophan residues. The promoters of CaIRF-1 and CaIRF-2 genes contain the conserved sites for NF-kappa B and Sp1. The gamma-IFN activation sites (GAS) were found in the promoters of CaIRF-1 and CaIRF-7. The promoter of CaIRF-7 contains conserved interferon stimulating response element (ISRE) which is characteristic of IFN-induced gene promoter, and suggests that there also exist intracellular amplifier circuit in fish IFN signal pathway. Moreover, the element GAAANN oriented in both directions is repeated in CaIRF promoter regions, which confers to further inducibility by IFN. The constitutive expression of CaIRF genes were found to increase obviously in response to induction by the known IFN-inducer poly I:C. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are a source for microsatellite development. In the present study, EST-derived microsatelltes (EST-SSRs) were generated and characterized in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by data mining from updated public EST databases and by subsequent testing for polymorphism. About 5.5% (555) of 10,088 ESTs contain repeat motifs of various types and lengths with CA being the most abundant dinucleotide one. Out of the 60 EST-SSRs for which PCR primers were designed, 25 loci showed polymorphism in a common carp population with the alleles per locus ranging from 3 to 17 (mean 7). The observed (H-O) and expected (HE) heterozygosities of these EST-SSRs were 0.13-1.00 and 0.12-0.91, respectively. Six EST-SSR loci significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) expectation, and the remaining 19 loci were in HWE. Of the 60 primer sets, the rates of polymorphic EST-SSRs were 42% in common carp, 17% in crucian carp (Carassius auratus), and 5% in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), respectively. These new EST-SSR markers would provide sufficient polymorphism for population genetic studies and genome mapping of the common carp and its closely related fishes. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.