29 resultados para Relative phasis


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Using a transport model coupled with a phase-space coalescence afterburner, we study the triton-He-3 (t-He-3) ratio with both relative and differential transverse flows in semicentral Sn-132 + Sn-124 reactions at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon. The neutron-proton ratios with relative and differential flows are also discussed as a reference. We find that similar to the neutron-proton pairs, the t-He-3 pairs also carry interesting information regarding the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. Moreover, the nuclear symmetry energy affects more strongly the t-He-3 relative and differential flows than the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in the same reaction. The t-He-3 relative flow can be used as a particularly powerful probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions with linear energy transfer (LET) of 172 keV/mu m and 13.7 keV/mu m were determined in this study. The clonogenic survival and premature terminal differentiation were measured on normal human. broblasts AG01522C and NHDF after exposure of the cells to 250 kV X-rays and carbon ions with different qualities. RBE was determined for these two biological end points. The results showed that the measured RBE10 with a survival fraction of 10% was 3.2 for LET 172 keV/mu m, and 1.33 for LET 13.7 keV/mu m carbon ions. RBE for a doubling of post-mitotic. broblasts (PMF) in the population was 2.8 for LET 172 keV/mu m, and 1 for LET 13.7 keV/mu m carbon ions. For the carbon ion therapy, a high RBE value on the Bragg peak results in a high biological dose on the tumour. The tumour cells can be killed effectively. At the same time, the dose on healthy tissue would be reduced accordingly. This will lighten the late effect such as fibrosis on normal tissue.


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Using a transport model coupled with a phase-space coalescence after-burner we study the triton-He-3 relative and differential transverse flows in semi-central Sn-132 + Sn-124 reactions at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon. We find that the triton-He-3 pairs carry interesting information about the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. The t-He-3 relative flow can be used as a particularly powerful probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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It has been 10 years since the publication of the relative risk model (RRM) for regional scale ecological risk assessment. The approach has since been used successfully for a variety of freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments in North America, South America, and Australia. During this period the types of stressors have been expanded to include more than contaminants. Invasive species, habitat loss, stream alteration and blockage, temperature, change in land use, and climate have been incorporated into the assessments. Major developments in the RRM have included the extensive use of geographical information systems, uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo techniques, and its application to retrospective assessments to determine causation. The future uses of the RRM include assessments for forestry and conservation management, an increasing use in invasive species evaluation, and in sustainability. Developments in risk communication, the use of Bayesian approaches, and in uncertainty analyses are on the horizon.


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We propose a laser induced sensitized fluorescence spectrometry for measuring the spontaneous emission branching ratios o?the transitions from the ten levels 5f36d7s7p-7M7, 5f36d7s7p-7L6, 5f37s27p-5K6, 5f26d27s2 - 5L7, 5f46d7s - 7L6, (17,070cm-1)-5L6, 5f26d27s2-5K6, 6d7s7p-7L5, 5f36d7s7p-7K5 and 5f26d27s2-5I5 to the ground state of atomic uranium (UI) for the first time. Their relative oscillator strengths have been measured by means of hollow cathode discharge (HCD) emission spectrometry. The radiative...


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Our rock magnetic analysis of core Ph05 from the West Philippine Sea demonstrates that the core preserves a strong, stable remanent magnetization and meets the magnetic mineral criteria for relative paleointensity (RPI) analyses. The magnetic minerals in the sequence are dominated by pseudosingle-domain magnetite, and the concentration of magnetic minerals is at the same scale. Both the conventional normalizing method and the pseudo-Thellier method were used in conjunction with the examination of the rock magnetic properties and natural remanent magnetization. Susceptibility (chi), anhysteretic remnant magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remnant magnetization (SIRM) were used as the natural remanent magnetization normalizer. However, coherence analysis indicated that only ARM is more suitable for paleointensity reconstruction. The age model of core is established based on oxygen isotope data and AMS(14)C data, which is consistent with the age model estimated from RPI records. The relative paleointensity data provide a continuous record of the intensity variation during the last 200 ka, which correlates well with the global references RPI stacks. Several prominent low paleointensity values are identified and are correlated to the main RPI minima in the SINT-200 record, suggesting that the sediments have recorded the real changes of geomagnetic field.


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The embryological features of three species of Swertia (s.l.) - S. erythrosticta, S. franchetiana, and S. tetraptera were characterized, and the observations were used, together with previously gathered data on other species, to evaluate a recently proposed polyphyly, based on molecular data, of Swertia s.l. Comparisons of species within the genus showed that they have diversified embryologically, and there are significant between-species differences. Notable features that vary between species include the number of cell layers that form the anther locule wall, the construction of the wall of the mature anther, tapetum origin, the cell number in mature pollen grains, the structure of the fused margins of the two carpels, the ovule numbers in placental cross-sections, the shape of the mature embryo sac, the degree of ovule curvature, antipodal variation and the presence of a hypostase, and seed appendages. They share characters that are widely distributed in the tribe Gentianeae, such as a dicotyledonous type of anther wall formation, a glandular tapetum with uninucleate cells, simultaneous cytokinesis following the meiosis of the microsporocytes, tetrahedral microspore tetrads, superior, bicarpellary and unilocular ovaries, unitegmic and tenuinucellar ovules, Polygonum-type megagametophytes, progamous fertilization, nuclear endosperm, and Solanad-type embryogeny. The presence of variation in embryological characters amongst the species of Swertia s.l. strongly supports the view that Swertia s.l. is not a monophyletic group. Frasera is better separated from Swertia s.l. as an independent genus, and is only distantly related to Swertia s. s. judging from the numerous differences in embryology. Swertia tetraptera is very closely related to Halenia, as they show identical embryology. (C) 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 383-400.