143 resultados para Relative growth rate
Tank cultivation of marine macroalgae involves air-agitation of the algal biomass and intermittent light conditions, i.e. periodic, short light exposure of the thalli in the range of 10 s at the water surface followed by plunging to low light or darkness at the tank bottom and recirculation back to the surface in the range of 1-2 min. Open questions relate to effects of surface irradiance on growth rate and yield in such tumble cultures and the possibility of chronic photoinhibition in full sunlight. A specially constructed shallow-depth tank combined with a dark tank allowed fast circulation times of approximately 5 s, at a density of 4.2 kg fresh weight (FW) m(-2) s(-1). Growth rate and yield of the red alga Palmaria palmata increased over a wide range of irradiances, with no signs of chronic photoinhibition, up to a growth-saturating irradiance of approximately 1600 mumol m(-2) s(-1) in yellowish light supplied by a sodium high pressure lamp at 16 h light per day. Maximum growth rate ranged at 12% FW d(-1), and maximum yield at 609 g FW m(-2) d(-1). This shows that high growth rates of individual thalli may be reached in a dense tumble culture, if high surface irradiances and short circulation times are supplied. Another aspect of intermittent light relates to possible changes of basic growth kinetics, as compared to continuous light. For this purpose on-line measurements of growth rate were performed with a daily light reduction by 50% in light-dark cycles of 1, 2 or 3 min duration during the daily light period. Growth rates at 10degreesC and 50 mumol photon m(-2) s- 1 dropped in all three intermittent light regimes during both the main light and dark periods and reached with all three periodicities approximately 50% of the control, with no apparent changes in basic growth kinetics, as compared to continuous light.
Dilution experiments were performed to examine the growth rate and grazing mortality rate of size-fractionated phytoplankton at three typical stations, inside and outside the bay, in the spring and summer of 2003 in the Jiaozhou Bay, China. in spring, the phytoplankton community structure was similar among the three stations, and was mainly composed of nanophytoplankton, such as, Skeletonema costatum and Cylindrotheca closterium. The structure became significantly different for the three stations in summer, when the dominant species at Stas A, B and C were Chaetoceros curvisetus, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, C. affinis, C. debilis, Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis and Paralia sulcata respectively. Tintinnopsis beroidea and T. tsingtaoensis were the dominant species in spring, whereas the microzooplankton was apparently dominated by Strombidium sp. in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton had a relatively greater growth rate than microzooplankton both in spring and summer. The growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.18 similar to 0.44 and 0.12 similar to 1.47 d(-1) for the total phytoplankton and 0.20 similar to 0.55 and 0.21 similar to 0.37 d-1 for nanophytoplankton in spring respectively. In summer, the growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.38 similar to 0.71 and 0.27 similar to 0.60 d-1 for the total phytoplankton and 0.11 similar to 1.18 and 0.41 similar to 0.72 d(-1) for nano- and microphytoplankton respectively. The carbon flux consumed by microzooplankton per day was 7.68 similar to 39.81 mg/m(3) in spring and 12.03 similar to 138.22 mg/m(3) in summer respectively. Microzooplankton ingested 17.56%similar to 92.19% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 31.77%similar to 467.88% of the potential primary productivity in spring; in contrast, they ingested 34.60%similar to 83.04% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 71.28%similar to 98.80% of the potential primary productivity in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton appeared to have relatively greater rates of growth and grazing mortality than microphytoplankton during the experimental period. The grazing rate of microzooplankton in summer was a little bit greater than that in spring because of the relatively higher incubation temperature and different dominant microzooplankton species. Microzooplankton preferred ingesting nanophytoplankton to microphytoplankton in spring, while they preferred ingesting picophytoplankton to nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton in summer. Compared with the results of dilution experiments performed in various waters worldwide, the results are in the middle range.
In order to study the effects of different nitrogen source and concentration on the growth rate and fatty acid composition, a marine microalga Ellipsoidion sp. with a high content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was cultured in media with different nitrogen sources and concentrations. During the pre-logarithmic phase, the alga grew faster with ammonium as N source than with nitrate, but the reverse applied during the post-logarithmic phase. The alga grew poorly in N-free medium or medium with urea as the sole N source. In the same growth phase, ammonium medium resulted in higher yield of total lipid, but the EPA yield did not differ significantly different from that using nitrate medium. The maximum growth rate occurred in medium containing 1.28 mmol L-1 sodium nitrate, while maximum EPA and total lipid contents were reached at 1.92 mmol L-1, when EPA accounted for 27.9% total fatty acids. The growth rate kept stable when NH4Cl ranged from 0.64 to 2.56 mmol L-1, and the maximum content of total lipid and EPA occurred in the medium with 2.56 mmol L-1 NH4Cl. The EPA content was higher in the pre- than post-logarithmic phase, though the total lipid content was lower. The highest EPA content expressed as percent total fatty acid was 27.9% in nitrate medium and and 39.0% in ammonium medium.
大气CO2浓度的增加已经成为不可争议的事实。预计本世纪末大气CO2浓度将增加到约700µmol mol-1。森林年光合产量约占陆地生态系统年光合产量的70%。森林树木是一个巨大的生物碳库,约占全球陆地生物碳库的85%。森林树木对CO2的固定潜力是缓解由大气CO2浓度升高引起的未来全球气候变化问题的决定性因子之一。红桦(Betula albosinensis Burk.)是川西亚高山采伐迹地自然或人工恢复的重要树种。本研究以1a红桦幼苗为模式植物,采用人工模拟的方法,研究CO2浓度升高对不同种内竞争强度(种群水平)下红桦幼苗的生理特征、生长、干物质积累及其分配的影响,探讨在种内竞争生长条件下红桦幼苗的“光合适应机理”与生长特征,为西南亚高山森林生产力对未来全球变化的预测提供重要参考。 本研究的主要结果如下: 1)在种内竞争生长条件下红桦幼苗经过CO2浓度升高熏蒸4个月后,叶片出现“光合适应”现象。与对照相比,低种植密度(28株m-2)和高种植密度(84株m-2)条件下的红桦幼苗净光合速率(A)、气孔导度(gs)、蒸腾速率(E)、表观量子产量(AQY)和羧化速率(CE)显著降低,而水分利用效率(WUE)则显著提高。CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗叶片Rubisco活性、单位叶面积N浓度、叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素浓度都显著降低。但CO2浓度对红桦幼苗的叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值没有显著影响。CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗单位叶面积的非结构性碳水化合物(TNC)浓度,结果是红桦幼苗的比叶面积(SLA,cm2 g-1)显著降低。 2)与对照相比,CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗高、基径、单叶面积和侧枝的相对生长速率(R GR)显著提高,尤其在试验处理的早期。CO2浓度升高既增加单株红桦幼苗总叶片数量又增加单叶面积,结果是单株红桦幼苗的总叶面积比对照显著增加。 3)CO2浓度升高处理显著增加红桦幼苗干物质积累(尤其是细根生物量),改变了红桦幼苗生物量的分配格局。与对照相比,CO2浓度升高处理的红桦幼苗叶重比(LWR)、叶面积比(LAR)、叶根重比(Wl/Wr)和源汇重比(leaf weight to non-leaf weight ratio, Wsource/Wsink)显著下降(高种植密度的LWR除外),而根冠比(R/S)则显著增加。在两种种植密度条件下,CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗根生物量的分配比率,显著降低叶片的生物量分配比率,对主茎、侧枝以及地上生物量的分配比率不变或约有下降。 总之,长期生长在CO2浓度升高条件下的红桦幼苗光合能力下降,并伴随Rubisco活性、叶N浓度、光合色素浓度的显著降低以及TNC浓度的显著增加。支持树木光合速率下降与Rubisco活性、叶N浓度下降以及TNC浓度增加紧密相关的假设。CO2浓度升高处理红桦幼苗的早期相对生长速率大大高于对照,而后期迅速下降,说明红桦幼苗生物量的显著增加主要归功于CO2浓度升高的早期促进作用和叶面积的显著增加。CO2浓度升高显著增加红桦幼苗根系生物量和根冠比,表明红桦幼苗“额外”固定的C向根系转移。 The steady increae of atmospheric CO2 concentration([CO2])has been inevitable fact. Models predict that the atmospheric [CO2] will increase to about 700µmol mol-1 at the end of the twenty-first century. As trees constitute a majoor carbon reservoir–85% of total plant carbon is found in forest, and their ability to sequester carbon is a key determinant of future global change problems caused by increases in atmospheric CO2. In addition to the role of forests in the global carbon cycle, inceased growth could be of economic benefit, for example, offsetting deleterious effects of climatic changes. Betula albosinensis (Burk.) usually emerges as the pioneer species in initial stage and as constructive species in later stages of forest community succession of mountain forest area, and also is one of important tree species for afforestation in logged area, in southwesten China. In this experinment, Betula albosinensis seedling (one-year-old) was used as the model plant. B. albosinensis seedlings were grown under two all-day [CO2], ambient (about 350 µmol·mol-1) and elevated [CO2] (about 700 µmol·mol-1), and two planting densities of 28 plants per m2 and 84 plants per m2. The objectives were to characterize birch mature leaf photosynthesis, growth, mass accumulation and allocation responses to long-tern elevated growth [CO2] under the influences of neighbouring plants, and to assess whether elevated [CO2] regulated birch mature leaf photosynthetic capacity, in terms of leaf nitrogen concentration (leaf [N]), activity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxygenase (Rubisco), Rubisco photosynthetic efficiency, and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) concentration, and also to provide a strong reference to predict the productivity of subalpine forests under the future global changes. The results are as follows: 1) B.albosinensis seedlings exposed to elevated [CO2] for 120 days, photosynthetic acclimation phenomena occurred. At two planting densities, leaves of birch seedlings grown under elevated [CO2] had lower net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), apparent quantum yield (AQY) and carboxylated efficiency (CE) and higher water use efficiency (WUE), compared to those of B.albosinensis seedlings grown under ambient [CO2]. Based on the leaf area, leaf [N], Rubisco activity and photosynthetic pigments concentrations of B. albosinensis seedlings grown under elevated [CO2] were significantly lower than those grown under ambient [CO2]. The ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b concentration was not affected by elevated [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], the TNC concentration per unit leaf area significantly increased, resulting in significant decrease in specific leaf area. Thus leaf photosynthetic capacity of B. albosinensis seedlings would perform worse under rising atmospheric [CO2] and the influences of neighbouring plants. 2) Under elevated [CO2], the relative growth rate (RGR) of B. albosinensis seedlings height, basal diameter, a leaf area and branch length significantly increased, especially at the initial stage of exposure to elevated [CO2], and a leaf area and leaf numbers per B. albosinensis seedling also significantly increased. Thus the total leaf area per B. albosinensis seedling was significantly increased under elevated [CO2]. 3) As the increase of RGR and total leaf area, biomass of B. albosinensis seedling grown elevated [CO2] was higher, compared to that of B.albosinensis seedlings grown at ambient [CO2]. Elevated [CO2] changed the biomass allocation pattern of B. albosinensis seedling. At two planting densities, B. albosinensis seedlings grown elevated [CO2] had lower leaf weight to total weight ratio (LWR), leaf area to total weight ratio (LAR) and leaf weight to non-leaf weight ratio (Wsource/Wsink), but higher root weight to shoot weight ratio (R/S), compared to those of B.albosinensis seedlings grown at ambient [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], roots biomass to total biomass ratio was signigicantly increased, leaves biomass to total biomass ratio was significantly decreased. The main stem and branch biomass to total biomass ratio were not affected by elevated [CO2]. In conclusion, our results supported the hypothesis that the decline in photosynthetic capacity of C3 plants will appear after long-term exposure to elevated [CO2], accompanying with the significant decrease in Rubisco activity, leaf N concentration, photosynthetic pigments concentration, and significant increase in total non-structural carbohydrates concentration. Our results also have shown that the increase of biomass of B. albosinensis seedlings should be attributed to initial stimulation on RGR and total leaf area resulted from elevated [CO2]. Under elevated [CO2], the extra carbon sequestered by B.albosinensis seedlings transferred into under-ground part because of increase in root biomass and R/S.
本研究通过粗枝云杉不同种群进行的温室半控制试验,采用植物生态学、生理学和生物化学的研究方法,系统地研究了粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性的生长、形态、生理和生化机理,并结合有关研究进行综合分析,得出主要研究结论如下: 1.粗枝云杉对干旱胁迫的综合反应 粗枝云杉在干旱胁迫下的适应机制为:(1)相对生长速率及植株结构的调整:干旱胁迫下虽然植株相对生长速率显著降低,且有相对较多的生物量向根部分配,但并未发现细根/总根比增加。(2)粗枝云杉对干旱胁迫的光合作用表现为:干旱胁迫显著地降低了控制的理想条件下的气体交换,但干旱胁迫对PSII最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)没有影响,表明干旱并未影响到光合机构。(3)干旱还影响了很多生理生化过程,包括渗透调解物质(游离脯氨酸)、膜脂过氧化产物、脱落酸(ABA)含量的增加,以及保护酶活性的升高。这些结果证明植物遭受干旱胁迫后发生了一系列的形态、生理和生化响应,这些变化能提高干旱时期植物的存活和生长能力。 2.粗枝云杉不同种群对干旱胁迫反应的种群差异 粗枝云杉三个种群-干旱种群(四川丹巴和甘肃迭部)和湿润种群(四川黑水)对干旱适应不同,这种不同应归因于它们采用的用水策略不同:在水分良好和干旱胁迫条件下,受试种群在相对生长速率和水分利用效率(WUE)方面都表现出显著的种群间差异。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群在两种水分条件下有更高的WUE。粗枝云杉不同种群的碳同位素组分(δ13C)只在干旱胁迫下有显著差异,并且这种差异在水分良好时比干旱胁迫条件下小,说明生理响应和干旱适应性之间的关系受植物内部抗旱机制和外部环境条件(如水分可利用性)或两者互作效应的影响。这些结果说明干旱种群和湿润种群所采用的用水策略不同。干旱种群有更强的抗旱能力,采用的是节水型的用水策略,而湿润种群抗旱能力较弱,采用的是耗水型的用水策略。 3. 遮荫对粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性影响 干旱胁迫显著降低了全光条件下叶相对含水量(RWC)、相对生长速率、气体交换参数、PSII的有效量子产量(Y),提高了非光化学猝灭效率(qN)、水分利用效率、脯氨酸(PRO)积累、脱落酸(ABA)含量及保护酶活性。然而这种变化在遮荫条件下不明显。我们得出结论适度遮荫降低了干旱对植物的胁迫作用。另一方面,在干旱条件下,与湿润种群相比,干旱种群抗旱性更强,表现在干旱种群净光合速率与单位重量上叶氮含量(Nmass)降低较少。另外,干旱种群表现出更为敏感的气孔导度,更高的热耗散能力(qN)能力、用水效率、ABA积累、保护酶活性,以及更低的总用水量、相对生长速率。这一结果表明这两种群采用不同的生理策略对干旱和遮荫做出反应。许多生长和生理反应差异与这两个种群原产地气候条件相适应。 4. 外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施对粗枝云杉不同种群抗旱性影响 外源ABA喷施在干旱和水分良好条件下均不同程度地提高了根/茎比,表明根和茎对ABA敏感程度不同。实验结果还表明,外源ABA喷施对这两个种群在干旱胁迫期间影响不同。干旱胁迫期间,伴随着ABA喷施,湿润种群净光合速率(A)显著降低,而干旱种群净光合速率变化不明显。另一方面,外源ABA喷施显著提高了干旱条件下干旱种群的单位叶面积重(LMA)、根/茎比、细根/总根(Ft)比、水分利用效率(WUE)、ABA含量, 以及保护酶活性。然而,外源ABA喷施对湿润种群的上述测定指标没有显著影响。这一结果表明干旱种群对外源ABA喷施更为敏感, 反应在更大的气孔导度降低,更高的生物量可塑性,及更高的水分利用效率、ABA含量和保护酶活性。综上所述,我们得出结论,粗枝云杉对外源ABA敏感性因种群的不同而不同。该研究结果可为两个明显不同种群在适应分化方面提供强有力的证据。 Arid or semi-arid land covers more than half of China's land territory. In arid systems, severe shortages of soil water often coincide with periods of high temperatures and high solar radiation, producing multiple stresses on plant performance. Protection from high radiation loads in shaded microenvironments during drought may compensate for a loss of productivity due to reduced irradiance when water is available. Additionally, ABA, a well-known stress-inducible plant hormone, has long been studied as a potential mediator for induction of drought tolerance in plants. Picea asperata Mast., which is one of the most important tree species used for the production of pulp wood and timber, is a prime reforestation species in western China. In this experiment, different population of P. asperata were used as experiment material to study the adaptability to drought stress and population differences in adaptabiliy, and the effects of shade and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance. Our results cold provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation of ecosystem in the arid and semi-arid area, and provide a strong evidence for adaptive differentiation of different populations, and so may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement. The results are as follows: 1. A large set of parallel response to drought stress Drought stress caused pronounced inhibition of the growth and increased relatively dry matter allocation into the root; drought stress also caused pronounced inhibition of photosynthesis, while drought showed no effects on the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) in dark-adapted leaves, indicating that drought had no effects on the primary photochemistry of PSII. However, in light-adapted leaves, drought reduced the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (Y) and increased the non-photochemical quenching (qN). Drought also affected many physiological and biochemical processes, including increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, malondialdehyde and ABA content. These results demonstrate that there are a large set of parallel changes in the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses when plants are exposed to drought stress; these changes may enhance the capability of plants to survive and grow during drought periods. 2. Difference in adaptation to drought stress between contrasting populations of Picea asperata There were significant population differences in growth, dry matter allocation and water use efficiency. Compared with the wet climate population (Heishui), the dry climate population (Dan ba and Jiebu) showed higher LMA, fine root/total root ratio and water use efficiency under drought-stressed treatments. The results suggested that there were different water-use strategies between the dry population and the wet population. The dry climate population with higher drought tolerance may employ a conservative water-use strategy, whereas the wet climate population with lower drought tolerance may employ a prodigal water-use strategy. These variations in drought responses may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement. 3. The effects of shade on the drought tolerance For both populations tested, drought resulted in lower needle relative water content (RWC), relative growth rate (RGR), gas exchange parameters and effective PSII quantum yield (Y), and higher non-photochemical quenching (qN), water use efficiency (WUE), proline (PRO) and abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation, superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and electrolyte leakage in sun plants, whereas these changes were not significant in shade plants. Our study results implied that shade, applied together with drought, ameliorated the detrimental effects of drought. On the other hand, compared with the wet climate population, the dry climate population was more tolerant to drought in the sun treatment, as indicated by less decreases in A and mass-based leaf nitrogen content (Nmass), more responsive stomata, greater capacity for non-radiative dissipation of excitation energy as heat (analysed by qN), and higher WUE,higher level of antioxidant enzyme activities,higher ABA accumulation as well as lower MDA content and electrolyte leakage. Many of the differences in growth and physiological responses reported here are consistent with the climatic differences between the locations of the populations of P. asperata. 4. The effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance For both populations tested, exogenous ABA application increased root/shoot ratio (Rs) under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions, indicating that there was differential sensitivity to ABA in the roots and shoots. However, it appeared that ABA application affected the two P. asperata populations very differently during drought. CO2 assimilation rate (A) was significantly decreased in the wet climate population, but only to a minor extent in the dry climate population following ABA application during soil drying. On the other hand, ABA application significantly decreased stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and significantly increased leaf mass per area (LMA), Rs, fine root/total root ratio (Ft), water use efficiency (WUE), ABA contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activities under drought condition in the dry climate population, whereas ABA application did not significantly affect these parameters in the wet population plants. The results clearly demonstrated that the dry climate population was more responsive to ABA application than the wet climate population, as indicated by the strong stomata closure and by greater plasticity of LMA and biomass allocation, as well as by higher WUE, ABA content and anti-oxidative capacity to defense against oxidative stress, possibly predominantly by APX. We concluded that sensitivity to exogenous ABA application is population dependent in P. asperata. Our results provide strong evidence for adaptive differentiation between populations of P. asperata.
Chondrus is a type of commercially produced red seaweed that widely used for food and carrageen extraction. Although the natural life history of the alga had been well understood, the factors influencing development of the tetraspore and carpospore remain poorly understood. In the perspective of seedling resources, the regulation of early development is crucial for the seedling nursing; therefore, it is necessary to understand the physiological influences during its early development. In this study, we studied the effects of temperature and irradiance on the early development of Chondrus ocellatus Holm under laboratory conditions. The released tetraspores and carpospores were cultivated at different temperatures (10-28 degrees C) and irradiances ( 10, 60 mu mol photons m(-2)s(-1)) with a photoperiod of 12L:12D. The results indicate that both tetraspores and carpospores are tolerant to temperatures of 10-25 degrees C, and have the highest relative growth rate at 20 degrees C. Irradiance variances influenced the growth of the discoid crusts, and the influence was more significant with increasing temperature; 60 mu mol photons m(-2)s(-1) was more suitable than 10 mu mol photons m(-2)s(-1). The optimum temperature and irradiance for the development of seedlings was 20 degrees C and 60 mu mol photons m(-2)s(-1), respectively.
Rapid growth cost in “all-fish” growth hormone gene transgenic carp: Reduced critical swimming speed
Evidence has accumulated that there is a trade-off between benefits and costs associated with rapid growth. A trade-off between growth rates and critical. swimming speed (U-crit) had been also reported to be common in teleost fish. We hypothesize that growth acceleration in the F-3 generation of "all-fish" growth hormone gene (GH) transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) would reduce the swimming abilities. Growth and swimming performance between transgenic fish and non-transgenic controls were) compared. The results showed that transgenic fish had a mean body weight 1.4-1.9-fold heavier, and a mean specific growth rate (SGR) value 6%-10% higher than the controls. Transgenic fish, however, had a mean absolute U-crit (cm/s) value 22% or mean relative Ucrit (BL/s) value 24% lower than the controls. It suggested that fast-growing "all-fish" GH-transgenic carp were inferior swimmers. It is also supported that there was a trade-off between growth rates and swimming performance, i.e. faster-growing individuals had lower critical swimming speed.
The growth and energy budget for F-2 'all-fish' growth hormone gene transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio of two body sizes were investigated at 29.2 degrees C for 21 days. Specific growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency, digestibility coefficients of dry matter and protein, gross energy intake (I-E), and the proportion of I-E utilized for heat production (H-E) were significantly higher in the transgenics than in the controls. The proportion of I-E directed to waste products [faecal energy (F-E) and excretory energy loss (Z(E) + U-E) where Z(E) is through the gills and U-E through the kidney], and the proportion of metabolizable energy (M-E) for recovered energy (R-E) were significantly lower in the transgenics than in the controls. The average energy budget equation of transgenic fish was as follows: 100 I-E = 19.3 F-E + 6.0 (Z(E) + U-E) + 45.2 H-E + 29.5 R-E or 100 M-E = 60.5 H-E + 39.5 R-E. The average energy budget equation of the controls was: 100 I-E = 25.2 F-E + 7.4 (Z(E) + U-E) + 35.5 H-E + 31.9 R-E or 100 M-E = 52.7 H-E + 47.3 R-E. These findings indicate that the high growth rate of 'all-fish' transgenic common carp relative to their non-transgenic counterparts was due to their increased feed intake, reduced lose of waste productions and improved feed efficiency. The benefit of the increased energy intake by transgenic fish, however, was diminished by their increased metabolism.
Hybrid tilapia weighing 4.34 +/- 0.03 g (mean +/- SE) were reared in seawater at 23.8 to 27.0 degrees C for 8 weeks. The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment. The other three groups were deprived of feed for 1, 2, and 4 weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the refeeding period. At the end of the experiment, fish deprived for 1 week had similar body weights to the controls, whereas fish deprived for 2 and 4 weeks had significantly lower body weights than the controls. During the refeeding period, size-adjusted feed intakes and specific growth rates were significantly higher in deprived fish than in the controls, indicating some compensatory responses in these fish. Feed intake and growth rate upon refeeding were higher the longer the duration of deprivation. No significant differences were found in digestibility, feed efficiency or protein and energy retention efficiency between the deprived and control fish during refeeding, suggesting that hyperphagia was the mechanism responsible for increased growth rates during compensatory growth. During refeeding, relative gains in protein, lipid and ash, as proportions of total body weight gain, did not differ significantly among treatment groups. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A growth trial was conducted at 30 degrees C to investigate the effect of body size on growth and energy budget of Nile tilapia. The average initial body weights of the four size groups tested were 9.3, 34.1, 80.3 and 172.4 g, respectively. Fish were fed to satiation twice a day with a diet containing 35.6% crude protein. Food consumption (C-max: kJ/day) increased with body size (W: g) according to the relationship: Ln C-max = 1.45 + 0.42 LnW. The final body contents of dry matter, crude protein and ash per unit body weight increased with increasing body size while contents of fat and energy were independent of body size. Specific growth rates of wet weight, dry weight, protein and energy decreased as the fish increased in size. Feed efficiencies in wet weigh, dry weight and crude protein decreased with increasing body size, while that of energy remained unchanged. The proportions of energy intake allocated to the various components (faecal energy, excretory energy, heat production and recovered energy) of the energy budget were not significantly affected by body size, and the average budget was: 100IE-18.5(+/- 1.33)FE + 5.9 (+/- 3.09)(ZE + UE) + 49.3(+/- 3.77)HE + 26.3(+/- 6.23)RE, where IE, FE, (ZE + UE), HE and RE represent gross energy intake, faecal energy, excretory (non-faecal) energy loss, heat production and recovered energy (growth), respectively. It is suggested that the decrease in growth rate in larger fish is mainly due to the decrease in relative food intake. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
ZnO films were grown at low pressure in a vertical metal-organic vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor with a rotating disk. The structural and morphological properties of the ZnO films grown at different disk rotation rate (DRR) were investigated. The growth rate increases with the increase of DRR. The ZnO film grown at the DRR of 450 revolutions per minute (rpm) has the lowest X-ray rocking curve full width at half maximum and shows the best crystalline quality and morphology. In addition, the crystalline quality and morphology are improved as the DRR increased but both are degraded when the DRR is higher than 450 rpm. These results can help improve in understanding the rotation effects on the ZnO films grown by MOCVD. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Quantitative data on the crystallization kinetics of polymorphic polymers can be derived from the investigation of gross spherulitic morphology formed in isothermal conditions. Depending on distance between centers, and the time lag between their formation and relative growth rates, various types of boundary lines can be generated by the impinging of two spherical bodies whose radii increase linearly with time, In polymorphic polymers, different types of spherulites often develop simultaneously at different rates from sporadic or predetermined nuclei. In same cases, the so-called growth transformation, in which a nucleus of the fast growing specie is formed at the tip of an advancing lamella of the slower crystal form, provides an alternative mode of nucleation, It is shown that if only one event of growth transformation takes place at the front of a slow growing body, the fast growing spherulite swallows the parent one and the resultant shape of interspherulitic boundary is described by two symmetrical logarithmic spirals whose parameters can be extracted from micrographs taken at the end of crystallization. These concepts are applied to determine the radial growth rate of gamma form spherulites of polypivalolactone in a wide range of temperatures through analysis of the alpha/gamma interspherulitic profiles formed in isothermal conditions and direct measurement of the growth rate of the alpha counterparts at the same temperature.
Both a real time optical interferometric experiment and a numerical simulation of two-dimension non-steady state model were employed to study the growth process of aqueous sodium chlorate crystals. The parameters such as solution concentration distribution, crystal dimensions, growth rate and velocity field were obtained by both experiment and numerical simulation. The influence of earth gravity during crystal growth process was analyzed. A reasonable theory model corresponding to the present experiment is advanced. The thickness of concentration boundary layer was investigated especially. The results from the experiment and numerical simulation match well.
An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the phase shift device and an image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the crystal growing process. The dissolution and crystallization process of NaClO3 crystal has been investigated. The concentration distributions around a growing and dissolving crystal have been obtained by using phase-shift of four-steps theory for the interpretation of the interferograms. The convection (a plume flow) has been visualized and analyzed in the process of the crystal growth. The experiment demonstrates that the buoyancy convection dominates the growth rate of the crystal growing face on the ground-based experiment.
The lysozyme crystals were made by batch crystallization method and the distribution of aggregate in solution were measured by dynamic light scattering. The results showed that the dimension of aggregate increased with the increase of the concentration of lysozyme and NaCl, lysozyme molecules aggregated gradually in solution and finally arrived at balance each other. The higher the concentrations of lysozyme and NaCl were, the faster the growth rate of (I 10) face was. The growth rates of lysozyme crystal were obtained by a Zeiss microscope, and the effective surface energy (a) of growing steps were calculated about 4.01 X 10(-8) J.cm(-2) according to the model of multiple two-dimensional nucleation mechanism.